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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. WHY MEN ARE NEVER DEPRESSED: Men Are Just Happier People-- What do you expect from such simple creatures? Your last name stays put. The garage is all yours. Wedding plans take care of themselves. Chocolate is just another snack. You can be President. You can never be pregnant. You can wear a white T-shirt to a water park. You can wear NO shirt to a water park. Car mechanics tell you the truth. The world is your urinal. You never have to drive to another gas station restroom because this one is just too icky. You don't have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt. Same work, more pay. Wrinkles add character. Wedding dress $5000. Tux rental-$100. People never stare at your chest when you're talking to them. New shoes don't cut, blister, or mangle your feet. One mood all the time. Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat. You know stuff about tanks. A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase. You can open all your own jars. You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness. If someone forgets to invite you, he or she can still be your friend. Your underwear is $8.95 for a three-pack. Three pairs of shoes are more than enough. You almost never have strap problems in public. You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes. Everything on your face stays its original color. The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades. You only have to shave your face and neck. You can play with toys all your life. One wallet and one color for all seasons. You can wear shorts no matter how your legs look. You can "do" your nails with a pocket knife. You have freedom of choice concerning growing a mustache. You can do Christmas shopping for 25 relatives on December 24 in 25 minutes. No wonder men are happier. Send this to the women who can handle it and to the men who will enjoy reading it.
  2. LOL I can just picture you with a cheezy grin on your face saying, "I smell so good". Not "thank you" or "you're the best hon", but "I smell so good".
  3. See, with a name like Ricardo, all I can think of is "HEY LUCY!! I'm hoooooo-oome!!" Great review!
  4. We were lost in CyberSpace, and you FOUND us, and came to our rescue, Rob!! You rock!!
  5. The dog and the boy is cute!! And, if I were on that rig seeing 3 tornados, I think I'd be getting on several life jackets, and cowering in the corner!! LOL
  6. Gotta love da purple playthings!!
  7. You're still healing, so I would give it time. I'm surprised your surgeon gave you the OK to have sex only 3 wks post ((s)he did, right???). Usually, with any sort of surgery, it's 6-8 weeks.
  8. I'm sorry you're going thru this. And, if you're healthy, then, IMO it sounds as if you're stressing yourself out by "taking too long to cum". Women don't have a set time frame as to when they "should" cum. There's no minute limit, or "you should be cumming in a matter of......minutes". That's a bunch of BS. Each person is different. No matter who you are, and how fast/slow you USUALLY cum, there are always differences, and different circumstances. I would not stress about it much. Just try and relax, take deep breaths, and go with the feeling. Try really hard not to let other thoughts intrude on your pleasure. Different things can make your mind go off on a tangent that you're aware of and have to try really hard to shut up. LOL Overthinking the orgasm, being tired, not fully getting over a fight, stressing over bills, being excited about being in a new place, or scared of being heard/caught, worrying that you may hurt him again, all can factor in the inability to have your O happen. I think Duran Duran sang the song RELAX, and it's definitely a song to live by!! Good luck!
  9. Thank you for the removal of the pix. I do appreciate it.
  10. Pappy, WADR, I don't find some of these pics appropriate for this forum, joke or not. I don't find dead, mutilated animals funny. Some of the bear ones are cute, but, for me (who's REALLY HARD to offend), I find some of these downright cruel and disgusting. If you find something funny, and aim it towards ONE person in particular, then please PM them to the person you wish to see them.
  11. (BTW, Val's always been an "over-thinker" LMAO)
  12. Pappy, WADR, I don't think anyone really likes PAYING for a lawyer, but, they are a necassary evil (no insult meant there Howard), especially when dealing with selfish family members when someone dies. It's unfortunate, but needed. Especially when you have crazies threatening to sue. Fortunately, the girl has no clue that she actually has to sue the ESTATE, not the individual person that may have legal claim to it. When my Dad died, we had an odd ex GF of his that tried claiming rights to something she never had any legal claim too, and there were 3 girls. Thankfully, all of my sisters and I get along great! But one was a minor at the time, so in HER interest, we got a lawyer to make sure everyone was treated fairly. We definitely needed the lawyer, because, even if something makes TOTAL sense to almost everyone, the law may be totally different in its interperatation.
  13. I hope y'all have fun on your anniversary!! Have a great time on the site!
  14. OK, so I was talking with my mother tonight, and she was talking about a friend of her's daughter, who thinks overly highly of her father, and doesn't want to hear a negative thing about her father, but treats my mother's friend (her mother) like shit. OK, I get it. My mother's friend WAS abused by her ex husband. She was able to leave. They divorced. It's done. I understand and can appreciate my mother's loyalty to her friend. However, she talks about it like this abuse just happened YESTERDAY. I think this woman's been divorced about as long, if not longer, than my mother's been to my Dad too (about 25 yrs). She expects me to jump on her "dump on the guy" bandwagon. Well, yes, I think he's an asshole for doing this. But, like I told her, when you're married and have kids, the relationship between the HUSBAND & WIFE are NONE of the children's business. So, if this girl (who's the same age I am), doesn't want to hear negative comments about her father, that's her right. Learn from it, don't let it happen again, and MOVE ON. She's a little irritated with me for not bashing the guy, but hey, it's been a long time. THEN she brings up my ex-husband, Dean. Like "well, it's a good thing that something like that will never happen to you cuz you divorced him". I said that Dean never would've hit me, he wouldn't have dared too. He wasn't a wuss, but I could've kicked his ass, and besides, he wasn't like that. And I told her that I really don't give a shit. Yes, Dean cheated on me, but, I divorced him, and I am over it. I have no clue why she keeps bringing this up. She's very bitter with any man that cheats and/or is abusive. I get that. I don't like it either. I've been hit, cheated on, and with one guy (the only one that hit me) I was both. However, I have matured, learned from it, moved on. And it wasn't as long ago as her issues. I just don't see why keeping such negativity alive is such a good thing. It's sad, but she just won't let it go. I've literally had to yell at her to shut the F up about my father the last time she was down. I had forwarned her 2 times before that to please stop talking about it. She said that she didn't realize my requests were demands. I told her that, in my house, about my father (who's been dead since 1998), it is, and to shut the F up. She did. But I still don't think she gets it. Ok, sorry, had to rant.
  15. *stomps her feet* I WANT ONE!!!
  16. Death brings out the best, and the worst in people. I don't think she has any grounds if someone else's name is also on something. When my father died, his GF had her name on his checking account, and we couldn't touch it. She had survivor benefits. I believe, that, unless stated in a will, then she can't touch it. Unfortunately, the stuff she already took is probably gone for good. But, unfortunately, grieving and selfishness can sometimes go hand in hand. She's grabbing this stuff to either remember him, or cuz she felt slighted in some way. If there are outstanding bills, she has no right to that stuff until all the bills and his estate (funeral too) is settled. Stuff gets sold off first, before people can just grab what they want. I hope he had a will. Because, even if she threatens to sue, she doesn't have a pot to piss in if he did. If he didn't have a will, then the Estate should get an estate lawyer. *hugs*
  17. Ready, set, SUCK!! I’m always in the mood to have my clit stimulated (what girl isn't?), and was thrilled when my newest purchase came in. Pretty in Purple, this waterproof sucking toy resembles a mouth, complete with lips and a tongue. There are 2 controllers. One is the bulb that you squeeze to increase suction. I was surprised to see that there was no release button on it anywhere. Ah well, on to the one that controls the vibes. This one is NOT waterproof (but the toy itself is), and it takes 2 AA batteries (not incl.). An easy-to-use dial increases the “tongue’s” vibes quite nicely. Yes, I think that this will be strong enough for this hard-to-please vibe seeker! I lubed up the tongue and lips of the toy to get a slicker and better suction, and away I went. With the lube on it, the suction is great, however, it doesn’t stay in place like other clit suckers I’ve tried. This one has some suction, then it lets go, unless you hold onto it in place. It also could be the way I’m shaped down there, but, with no release button, I was happy that it didn’t stay in place. Of course it didn’t feel like real lips 100%, but with the lube, and the jelly material this is made of, the added bonus of the audible sound of lip smacking really turned me on to no end. The vibes are strong and kinda loud on this one. It was a bit complicated having 2 controllers, but, once you have the vibes set to where you want them, you can set the vibe controller down beside you, and then all you really need to play with is the toy and the pumping bulb. Less I forget, the “base” of the mouth has a super-strong suction cup on it, for added tub/shower play. I didn’t use it in the tub this time, but I did try out the suction cup, and this sucker sucks!! These kinds of things take time & practice to get use too, and each clit sucker is different. Where this one didn’t get me off right away, I will be trying it out again, and again. Maybe next time, I’ll even let my hubby try sucking on me with this toy too. I believe that, in the end, this toy won’t suck (in a bad way that is). Suck & Vibe
  18. Welcome to the site, and I hope you find it helpful!
  19. It's ok, no worries. Thanks for the compliment. There is one pic of me, under the photo section, where I'm dressed as Catwoman, but other than that, I don't think I have any pics of me on here. I like taking the pictures, not getting mine taken! LOL
  20. Ditto to what Thurisas said!! LOL Welcome and I hope you have much success!! Dating can be scary at first, but, feeling comfortable with yourself is just sooooo sexy!! I was in an abusive relationship right out of high school, both mentally AND physically, and he'd put me down all the time due to HIS insecurities, and I'm betting your ex did the same. He knew he sucked, so he wanted you to feel bad about yourself too, to boost himself up. Best wishes!
  21. Have a fun & safe trip!
  22. Most young men don't find sex "boring" LOL. Just remember to have fun, relax, let him know what he's doing that you like, and don't like, and, above all ALWAYS USE PROTECTION (CONDOMS). Condoms have gotten a "bad wrap" (couldn't resist that) as being a "mood killer", but hon, if there's no glove, there's no love!
  23. Pappy, darling, that's not ME. LOL That's a girl on the site, KraziKris. I have nude pics of me, but, they're from almost 7 yrs ago. There goes MY ego................ I was but the photographer.
  24. Thanks for the compliment. I like it. I hope to see more posts! Welcome!
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