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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. I will agree with Howard. Someone's confidence is built over time. There's no quick fix. Now, if he's, what I would call, high maintanance, meaning he CONSTANTLY needs compliments and reassurances, that can get tiring, and it may not be that he's insure at all, but just loves the ego boost. I'm not saying that's how he really IS, but my ex was like that, and it got very very tiresome having to always reassure and compliment him. Your man's been cheated on, ok, sadly, most of us have been at one time or another. How we choose to handle it, IMO, is key on how to get over it, learn from it, and move on. Nobody can control a person's actions (not without A LOT of duct tape, and many violations of the law) . If someone is hellbent on cheating, they're gonna cheat. No matter how possessive or controlling one gets. Controlling has many forms, and it's not always the bossy, "where have you been"s or "your not gonna do that!"s either. Guilt trips, clingy-ness, and subtle jealousy are also forms of control. Not that I'm saying he does that either. Letting him know that the ones that cheated on him wasn't his fault may help. Back to my original point. How we handle being cheated on is key. OK, so we got rid of the cheater. GREAT! Buh-bye, kicked your ass to the curb! That's a start. Constantly wondering what WE could've done differently to make it so that person wouldn't cheat is mute, and it'll drive you crazy. Hence my last paragraph. What your boyfriend may need to hear, is that, well, those women cheated on him because they didn't really know what they had. And, if they hadn't, then you never would've found each other. Try to put a positive spin on it. As much as cheating hurts, it's a life lesson, that one can learn from, if they choose to do so. How do we find a cheater? Well, it's not like they wear it on their shirts, although some of the sayings shirts may point that way LMAO. Sorry. There have been a couple of guys, that are friends of mine, that will openly admit that they are "Dogs", even beginning a relationship. Then, when they cheat, if their partner finds out they're totally shocked, hurt, and upset that they had the nerve to do it to THEM of all people. Well, in the rare cases that you do meet a self-proclaimed "Dog", male or female, then don't expect them to stay true to YOU either. People don't normally go around saying that they're a cheater. I would listen to friends and sometimes family. Teasing, hints, and jokes can have some true rings to it as well. Some people will say that there are ALWAYS signs, well, I have found that that is true, to a point. But, your best bet is to trust your instincts on that. If you TRULY feel as though you are being cheated on, look back at past behavior, then, chances are, you are being cheated on. If you have a pattern of choosing people that cheat on you, it may be time to re-evaluate the types of people you seem to go out with. As far as lovemaking, just keep up with the verbal "OH YEAHs" (sincere ones). Let him please you by gently guiding him how to love you and give you pleasure. Compliment something that he REALLY does GREAT! Ask him what he like you doing too. It goes both ways. Teaching and being taught how to pleasure someone is a gift, not a right. Maybe, once in a while, leave him little notes in his pocket (where he's sure to get it), wallet, car dashboard, ect....letting him know something good about himself. I say once in a while because too much over a short period of time may sound insincere, and overboard. Appreciate him, love him, positive thinking (and getting HIM to try that too helps a lot), give him time. Hopefully, that will help.
  2. You know, Whittiboo, you really hit the nail on the head. I've been thinking about this post for the last couple of days, and I came to the same conclusion. No, kids really shouldn't KNOW about their parent's sex lives, but they SHOULD see love and affection, and that THAT is a normal, healthy thing. Of course, I always promote age-appropriate honesty too. So, if the child asks a question, then it should be answered as honestly as possible.
  3. LOL Maybe a sex toy section? "Congratulations on your very first vibrator! It's a memorable day when a gal finally gets her first vibrator. Wishing you much success!" Whaddaya think?? You think TT would buy some of my cards?
  4. The Corn On The Cob method works well. This is where you GENTLY nibble up and down his shaft, like you would an ear of corn. No corn prongs needed either! Adding a lick or 2 on his tip, carressing his balls is a nice touch too. Alternate with using your hands, and your mouth. That way, your jaw doesn't get tired. Humming really does help too. YOUR MOUTH becomes his personal vibrator! Although, choose a "normal" song to hum. Since I have a child, and she LOVES Dora The Explorer, one night, I caught myself humming that theme song, and, luckily, hubby didn't get it, since he doesn't watch it much. But, I laughed at myself, and he asked why, and when I told him, he told me I needed to get out more......
  5. With my glass toy, I use a water-based lube, such as Astroglide, so it doesn't coat it, and get sticky later on. I just LOVE glass!!! It's not just for windows anymore!
  6. I remember seeing "wesnme" here and there, but it has been a long time now. I am so sorry that the father of your children couldn't honor you in such a simple way. I belong to a mommy board, where we talk about our kids, husbands, pets, housework stuff, and other stuff. There is always SOMETHING going on there too. If you would like more info, please feel free to PM me, and I will give you some more info on it. Anyway, welcome back, and I wish you all of the best!
  7. I'm glad you got that little sneaky "pun" I added in there! LOL
  8. OMG!! I was thinking the same thing when I was reading that (about the invisible woman), then I read it!! I guess I have The Sickness too!
  9. I've tried it a couple of times, and it's actually a great inner core workout! Very similar to belly dancing, which I've also done. You use your abs a lot in that kind of thing. As well as your buns and thighs. Both types of dance are a lot of fun, build confidence, cuz you learn how to move, and really FEEL your body. Becoming more confident in your own movements, how your own body moves, enables you to learn how to walk, bend, and yes, even strip. They're great self-esteem boosters, as well as a great workout!
  10. I don't think you're foolish at all, BTW. I forgot to say that in my original post. Just try and keep in mind that going to college is a big thing for anyone to go thru. Hopefully, he will feel more settled in soon, and conversations can go back to normal!
  11. I agree with Thur here. I don't feel that you should feel like you were cheating on him, since it was the same man you were making love too. Yes, a hair cut can be a drastic change, but it's hair, and it will grow back. His face is still the same, personality is still the same, and, you've even said that you've seen him like that before, so it shouldn't be a total OMG thing. Maybe that's just me. Was he a bit more subdued in the sexual side of your conversation because there were people around? Is he shy talking about sex with you or with others around? Where being appreciative of making love to your SO is sweet, if he just said "Thank you for the other night" in a more uptight formal way, if that's not the norm, It's rather odd to do, especially since y'all have been together for a bit. It's not like you took him out to eat, or loaned him some money. There's a deeper level there. Unless he felt your reservation, and is feeling weird about the whole thing. I don't mean to jump around, but, the only way to clear that part of it up, is to talk to him about it. Just remember, he is going to college, which in itself, can be a life altering experience. People usually grow up there. Tastes mature, people usually get smarter, and become more adult-like. There are pressures all over the place, but in a different way than high school. Again, just talk with him, and ask him. Really listen to him. And allow him to listen to you too. Give each other time to speak, don't be accusing, and take your time. Best to do this in person, since he seems a bit reserved on what is probably a public pay phone.
  12. Welcome fellow southerner!! Believe me, I know how you feel! My hubby and I have been married almost 5 yrs (will be as of July 4th), and he was very close minded when it came to sex toys, though he doesn't mind porn. I had always been open about liking sex toys, and owning them. At first, he thought sex toys were replacements for the real thing. Then, he slowly started to see how much fun they can add to the bedroom! Now, he digs thru our sex toy box like a kid at Christmas, seeing if there's been any newbies added to it! It sounds like your hubby is on the way there too. He saw how much fun they were, and is realizing he was wrong in his thinking (though a lot of men won't ever admit too LOL). As far as his low sex drive. He's 33, and that's still young. Young enough were he really shouldn't have issues with ED, but everyone is different, and there are always exceptions to the norm. If he was on some medication for testosterone, and it doesn't seem to be working, he should probably go to the doctor and get re-examined. There may be a need for something stronger. No, you're not a "freak" when it comes to being horny, you're young, healthy, and there's nothing wrong with that. I hate it when people say that someone is a "freak" cuz they're not like them! It's degrading, IMO. Anyway, I hope you cruise the site, read some articles, and look at the toys. There's an ever-growing great selection of toys, many of which have reviews from real-live, everyday people, explaining the ins & outs (sometimes literally) of a toy, how it worked, or didn't work, and all sorts of good info. Enjoy and have fun!
  13. I can definitely see/hear why you may be confused! But, you are not alone for sure. There are thousands, if not millions of people that enjoy dressing like the opposite gender for one reason or another. Are you just more comfortable in men's clothing? Since mens clothes are (obviously) not designed for the female body, the clothing tends to hang much different on our bodies, less constricting, and more comfy overall, in a lot of cases. Do you feel like you're a man trapped in a woman's body? Or just more comfortable in male clothes? Do you like the male role better? Which gender do you feel attracted too? These are some of the questions the well recommended counselor will probably ask. You said that you love being with your husband, but am growing a curiousity about being with a woman. You may possibly be Bi-sexual. This doesn't make you a bad wife, or even a bad person. People are attracted to who they're attracted too. You can't help that. It's great that you're so committed to your spouse, and I do applaud that. But, at the same time, how fair is it to yourself, if you stay in a relationship that you're not completely happy in? That's a hard reality to face, and it's your choice, ultimately, to decided how you want to handle your life. Councelling will help you figure out what YOU want to do with your life, and how to handle it. Yes, your husband may be hurt if you have to leave, due to your sexual orientation. Or, he may welcome your curiousity. It won't be easy. But, if he loves you, then he'll want you to be happy, no matter what the choices made. I wish you many positive steps in making your life a bit less confusing! Best wishes.
  14. Condoms, condoms, condoms! Enough can’t be said for the benefits that condoms allow us in our sex lives! Not only used as a form of birth control, condoms can also help protect us from those nasty STD’s out there. Nothing is 100% guaranteed, except abstinance though. My husband & I use condoms as a part of our birth control method. Having a variety in this area is an ever growing plus! But what to choose? I mean, there are just SOOO many choices for condoms out there! How does one choose which one to use, or even try? What will he like? What will she like? Will it work? Why not grab a box of the Trojan Pleasure 3 Pack! The Trojan brand is known for quality and variety in the condom industry, so we were excited to try these condoms out. You have the top 3 types of Trojans in this one, convenient box: Shared Pleasure, Her Pleasure, & Ultra Thin. Each condom is lubricated, electronically tested for strength, and made from premium quality latex. But, which one to choose first? Well, we chose the Her Pleasure one to try first. That one was ok, and we didn’t feel much difference than with any other condom. Even though the texturing design was suppose to enhance MY pleasure, I really didn’t tell any difference. I will say that my husband usually has to use Magnum condoms, so the Her Pleasure condom may have been a bit too stretched out! My husband felt a noticeable difference in the Ultra Thin one. He said it was definitely a bit more sensitive for him. And I did feel him a bit more too. Very good! No more excuses "well, I just can't FEEL anything with a condom on!" We both found a winner in the Shared Pleasure condom! This basic looking condom had the Warm Sensations lubrication on it, and I could definitely feel the heat (and so could he) from it, making us extra sensitive, and me extra wet! We really LIKED this one!! Each condom held on like a trooper, and never slipped, or ripped. We were both very impressed. So, if you’re not sure what to get, choose this 3 pack, and find your own favorite! Get Covered
  15. I know flowers usually say it best.....but maybe in this case, a pack of batteries may be a good condolance gift? Sure, Val, sign the card! LOL
  16. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm, that's pretty good too, and so is pistachio.....
  17. Congratulations on the upcoming birth of your baby! Well, as far as using a g-spot vibrator, a lot of those are trial and error. It sounds as if, like me and Mikayla, you may need a bit firmer pressure on your g-spot to be able to have the G-Spot O. Your SO may have difficulty reaching it all the way, either due to your g-spot placement (which is basically in the same spot, but can vary woman to woman), or he may not have long enough fingers. Either way, a g-spot toy would be perfect. Trying to find JUST the RIGHT toy can be tricky, but this is why TooTimid has our Product Reviewers, so we can help explain how a toy may work out for any of us. Some toys worked for some reviewers, other's didn't do so well. You can either go to the Shopping Tab, and look at the various G-Spot Toys, click on a few, the ones that have been reviewed, have the review at the bottom of the description page. Personally, I would recommend something very firm, maybe even a hard plastic, and long-ish. As far as couples toys, cockrings can definitely be a fun addition to any toybox. However, you stated that that's not his thing. You didn't say if anal play was part of your sexual fun. If it is, then something with a dual action/DP toy may be a fun additon. Something like the Feeldoe? Or, you could use a couple of toys, one you, like a clit stimulator, and one on him, like a masturbation sleeve. I hope these suggestions help.
  18. @----^-- @-^----- @---^---- @----^- @-^-- @-----^--- *open the card* "Dear WifeMomSlave, Please accept these roses in deepest sypmathy with the untimely death of dear, sweet Little Bunny. My deepest and sincerist condolences. Love, Tyger"
  19. SexyGranny, please done feel the need to apologize. Just think of it as a GREAT topic that got the thoughts a'stirrin'! That's the best kinda thread!! BTW, MEG!! Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream (Bryer's) is the best!!
  20. I haven't thrown one, but I have been to a couple. I had a blast!! When it's an all girl party, yes, the women almost always get rowdy. It's not a Tupperware party. Jokes, vulgarity, curiousity, and OMGs!! abound at an adult party. It just depends on the level that the rowdy-ness gets too. But, there should be a bit of respect for the person that is throwing the party, and manners should still be practiced. Ask your friends to bring only ONE friend with them, someone that is able to handle that sort of thing with a bit of decorum. It's like any other get-together. Well....with a fun bonus! Keeping the party going at an interesting, yet fast pace. Keep things moving, have games, refreshments, if you have to have alcohol, limit it~women usually get rowdy and louder with alcohol rushing in their veins! LOL If there's too much of a lull, the women will probably get bored, followed by making their own rowdy fun, and that's when things can get, um.....obnoxious. As for the refreshments, limit the amount of sweets & coffee. The less sugar & caffiene that may hype them up, the better. Forwarning your guests, and having them forwarn their friend as to what type of party this will be beforehand, may help more too. Now, if you're planning on having an adult party that is couples, maybe a few single friends, all the better. Couples tend not to be as rowdy (usually, but not always). I hope this helps.
  21. Some of the best sex I've ever had was outdoors!! There's nothing like "getting back to nature"!!
  22. A lonely widow, aged 70, decided that is was time to get married again. She put an ad in the local newspaper that read: HUSBAND WANTED: MUST BE IN MY AGE GROUP (70's), MUST NOT BEAT ME, MUST NOT RUN AROUND ON ME, AND MUST STILL BE GOOD IN BED! ALL APPLICANTS PLEASE APPLY IN PERSON. On the second day she heard the doorbell. Much to her dismay, she opened the door to see a gray-haired gentleman sitting in a wheelchair. He had no arms or legs. "You're not really asking me to consider you, are you?" the widow said. "Just look at you . You have no legs!" The old gentleman smiled, "Therefore, I cannot run around on you!" "You don't have any arms either!" she snorted. Again, the old man smiled, "Therefore, I can never beat you!" She raised an eyebrow and asked intently, "Are you still good in bed?" The old man leaned back, beamed a big smile and said, "I rang the doorbell, didn't I?" The wedding is scheduled for Saturday.
  23. Doesn't look (or sound) like my kinda porn either.
  24. I just LOVE Jenna! Especially when she's muff-diving!!
  25. Well, I agree with everyone, including Mike_D. I was also in that small minority of EWWW-ness. I mean, I don't really wanna think about my Mother or any other family member having sex. Maybe it's because I am just WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to visual for my own good. I can picture these things. Sometimes good, other times, not so much! I know my mother has had sex (duh, how did I get here?). But she and my father's marriage fell apart when I was really young, so I don't even remember them both going to "lay down for a nap" at the same time. Even if they did do that, I was too young to understand what was going on. She's remarried now, and I know they have sex, but, they always have a fan and an AC going, so, when I was home, and so were they, I never heard anything. Thank goodness!!!! My grandparents on my father's side were "up there" in age when I was a child, even sleeping in seperate beds, so I can't say for sure that they did that when I was there. Again, I was young, and never remember being shut out, or sorta left alone in the house. My mother's mother was divorced, and I never even saw her with a man-friend at all. That's just me though. Personally, I don't think knowing or not knowing parents and grandparents still have sex is overly relevant in a person's upbringing. If they ask, ok. But, my parent's/grandparent's sex life, or lack of, was/is truly none of my business. I do agree that there are ways of being a bit more quiet while having company when you want to have sex. Maybe turn on a radio in your room? Some nice song to help drown out any creeking, squeaking, peeping, or whatever noises you may make. Or even the TV. even down kinda low, the background noise will help drown out any other noises that you may make. When you're trying to be quiet, sounds tend to seem louder to you, when, in fact, nobody really pays them much mind. If they ask what all the noise is, and you still don't feel comfortable telling them that you were having sex, make up an excuse. I mean, it's none of their business. Now, you could tell them honestly, in a joking manner, and they may or may not believe you. So what? Again, it's none of their business if you're getting your freak on or not. LOL Masturbation sleeves are great. My hubby has one, and he likes it. The Pleasure Pal, I believe it's called. But, just think, if you're going to use it on him, in the bedroom, the chances of the noises being pretty close to the same as when you're having sex. There's bouncing, moaning, slipping, and sliding still goin' on there! So, relax, have fun, and get creative! You've done a great job so far!
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