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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. To My Dear Wife, During the past year I have tried to make love to you 365 times. I have succeeded 36 times, which is an average of once every ten days. The following is a list of why I did not succeed more often: 54 times the sheets were clean 17 times it was too late 49 times you were too tired 20 times it was too hot 15 times you pretended to be sleep 22 times you had a headache 17 times you were afraid of waking the baby 16 times you said you were too sore 12 times it was the wrong time of the month 19 times you had to get up early 9 times you said weren't in the mood 7 times you were sunburned 6 times you were watching the late show 5 times you didn't want to mess up your new hairdo 3 times you said the neighbors would hear us 9 times you said your father would hear us Of the 36 times I did succeed, the activity was not satisfactory because: 6 times you just laid there 8 times you reminded me there's a crack in the ceiling 4 times you told me to hurry up and get it over with 7 times I had to wake you and tell you I finished 1 time I was afraid I had hurt you because I felt you move KEEP READING....... ===================================================== TO MY DEAR HUSBAND: I think you have things a little confused. Here are the reasons you didn't get more than you did: 5 times you came home drunk and tried to screw the dog 36 times you did not come home until two 21 times you didn't come with energy 33 times you came too soon 19 times you went soft before you got in 38 times you worked too late 10 times you got cramps in your legs 29 times you had to get up early and go fishing 2 times you were in a fight and someone kicked you in the balls 4 times you got it stuck in your zipper 3 times you had a cold and your nose was running 2 times you had a splinter in your finger 20 times you lost the motion after thinking about it all day 6 times you came in your pajamas while watching a dirty movie 98 times you were too busy watching TV Of the times we did get together: The reason I laid still was because you missed and were screwing the sheets. I wasn't talking about the crack in the ceiling, what I said was, "Would you prefer me on my back or kneeling?" The time you felt me move was because you farted and I was trying to breathe.
  2. My husband has shaved for me, and has also asked me to shave him. He laughed at me (in a nice way) while I was tenderly, gingerly, oh, so carefully moving around his testicles and shaving him with almost no pressure whatsoever. I told him that I didnt' want to hurt him, and wasn't sure how much pressure to apply. He took the razor out of my hands, and scared the hell outta me when he was shaving himself. He looked like he would've cut off his nuts, with all the pressure and how he was slinging the razor around! But, better he do it than I, IMHO!
  3. Not owning a penis, obviously, I can't say I know how you feel about that. But, I am thinking that part of your problem may be that you are over thinking it. If you're trying too hard to cum, it usually doesn't happen. This happens mostly with women, but, it does happen. Also, you never said whether or not you've EVER been able to cum when it came to sex with another person. If not, then you've probably got your mind and body use to the release coming from hand stimulation. Men usually grip thier penises a bit firmer than a woman's vaginal area. Make sense? It may take some time, but I would recommend that you limit or even phase out masturbating, winding your body up for sex. That way, when the time comes, you will be a bit more sensitive, and not need the extra firm grip your lil soldier is use to. Best wishes!
  4. Very interesting, cool, and PINK! My only question, did it work for you?
  5. I've been shaving for 15+ yrs too. Come to think of it, most of my friends were shaving about that time (early 90's). I think it's only come "more acceptably mainstream", if that makes sense. I sometimes think of it as a chore, if I haven't shaved in a couple of days, and am going to go to the pool or something. I am, one of those unfortunate women that has hair that grows really fast! But Ilove how it feels, and looks, so, I pamper myself, take a nice hot bath, soak, and shave. I too, worried about the whole looking like a child aspect of shaving, but the men that have seen it say PHSHAW to that. One man explained that, even though it's kinda normal now, it's still sexy and almost "taboo" to see. That, and more and more porn stars really enjoy having a shaved pussy, and that adds to the "naughtiness" of it. I also enjoy my hubby's efforts to shave. He doesn't go totally bare, since, on his weeks away at the rig, he'd be itching like mad. And, let's face it, that's NOT a good look for anyone. Plus, no offense, but men don't need anymore excuses to scratch down there!! But I do enjoy it. I know he's doing it for my pleasure, and I get excited about that.
  6. Valntyn stated everything very well. She's right. More & more people of both genders and straight, are finding the joys of anal. There are several toys that can be used for either men or women anally. Again, check the shopping tab, or type in plain ole ANAL up in that little pink box up there that says ENTER PRODUCT SEARCH HERE, and hit GO. As a beginner myself, both me and hubby have started off small, and so far, the most comfortable thing for me, at least, was the glass anal plug: Glass Petite Plug The picture doesn't do it justice! It's pretty, stimulating, small, easy to use and care for, and comes with a neat little velvety pouch for protection and discreetion. As far as introducing your new found pleasure to your fiance', I would suggest you talking with her one night, just a normal sex talk, a fact-finding mission. Who knows? She may like anal stimulation, and has been nervous asking you about it!! If you're engaged to this woman, then your communication should be really open and honest. Why keep something so fun and pleasurable a secret? Where's the fun in that??? Good luck & enjoy the site.
  7. Aw, sorry this didn't work out for you. Color me yellow with disappointment.
  8. A "quick" list? How about a short list, with links, for your viewing pleasure (and at no extra charge!!). Dual Bullet Vive High Tech Bullet Collection Hustler ROCK IT!! Silicone Dolphin Vibe Super Mini Bunny Vibe And, the clit tickler (which is kinda hard to see, but WELL worth it!) with this kit is my ULTIMATE ALL TIME FAVORITE!!!! Infinite Pleasures Kit for Men & Women
  9. Since this is an open friend, who, I'm assuming since she's offering to loan you her sex toys, is a good friend, then I would say yes. I would recommend that you clean them before using them, even though I'm sure she is a clean person, you can have the peace of mind that it's "your kind of clean", KWIM? And, of course, clean them after usage. You can't catch anything STD wise, from a freshly clean sex toy, so not to worry.
  10. I will agree with Howard on the bleach being used as a household disinfectant, but NOT on sex toys!!! They are usually made of rubber or plastic, and even "cyberskin", all of which can be damaged by using bleach on them. DO NOT USE BLEACH on any sex toys! Bleach can destroy some of the softer made toys. Drying and cracking isn't a good look on sex toys. Antibacterial soap, with warm water, that will be fine. I don't recommend doing so a lot, but for those toys that are waterproof or don't have any vibes in it, like plain ole' dildos, or glass toys, putting them thru the dishwasher will do fine too.
  11. I loved your sense of humor with this review. You almost sounded like Dorothy wanting to go home! LOL Howard had some great tips. Here's another: don't try so hard. I had my first g-spot orgasm totally by accident! I was using a g-spot toy too, but since I had never experienced a g-spot orgasm, I wasn't trying for one either. So, it was a gushing shock (literally) for me to have one. Luckily, I knew what it was. I was curious, and sniffed the fluids that came outta me. It just barely smelled like ME. I have a very sensitive sense of smell, and when I say barely, I mean it. So, I would suggest not to worry about it. Some g-spot toys work really really well, others, well, don't. Keep trying, relax, try not to think about it. And, most importantly, have fun.
  12. I'm loving the color variety that is being offered with more and more adult toy companies! This one definitely looks very interesting! Thanks for the info!
  13. Yellow is not my normal choice of colors, but this vibe looks very interesting, even with a noise factor! No "loosing" this one in amoungst the profusion of toys! It looks like it'd stand out for sure! And, you're absolutely right! Variety is nice, but sometimes basics are best for getting the job done!
  14. Well, your wife may love very direct clit stimulation, and there are a lot of clit stimulators out there, designed specifially just for clit action. Many of them are quite strong, even though they have small watch sized batteries. Don't be fooled!! I love love love love love (did I mention LOVE?) a strong vibe on my clit, and have found several that have done thier duty by me!! Check out the Toy Reviews section, or even type in Clit Stimulators (or even just clit) and see what you can find. Many items have reviews on the product page (those that don't have any, haven't been reviewed as of yet), and you will see who likes what, and if that toy worked for that particular reviewer. Good luck, and happy hunting!
  15. Not to worry Meg, it's called QUALITY CONTROL, and that's what y'all were doing, for the good of the company! *sounds good, right?*
  16. I think that a lot of our earlier willingness to please even on the first date, may have stemmed from being so young as well. Being young, and kinda inexperienced, the desire to be liked and fit in. All that. And, I do agree, nobody should feel pressured to do something they don't want to do. I see nothing wrong with a fling, or a one night stand. But something and someone of quality is worth waiting a bit for!
  17. A g-spot orgasm usually produces a gushing of fluid, but it's not urine, though many women think it is. It's just cum actually! Some women gush enough (or squirt) that they think they've peed the bed. But, if you smell it, you will notice no urine smell to it, and it's actually clear. Your muscles were preparing for one biggie O, and the muscles clenching is a great sign! If you plan on trying to get a g-spot orgasm, and are afraid of just letting go, maybe you don't want to "make a mess", then grab a big towel, place it under you, and have a blast!! Nothing to worry about, clean up is a breeze, and you have the freedom to just let go!!
  18. BTW Howard, this lady did post that she is 55 yrs old on her profile. But, age shouldn't matter. I still stand by what I said earlier.
  19. It sounds like you were on your way to having a g-spot orgasm! The feeling of having to pee, and the clenching, all signs of impending OOOOO! Good luck with your g-spot, relax & have fun!
  20. I agree with Mikayla, to a point. I think being open and honest is key in a relationship, but when the timing is right. He probably noticed that you had shut down after talking about a baby, and wondered why. You shouldn't have to go into intimate details, like not remembering a condom (so long as you have been tested for STDs and are negative), but just simply telling him that you have had one miscarriage, and didn't even realize you were pregnant since it was so early on in the pregnancy. That's really all he needs to know. Yes, being honest about sexual history has it's limits. But something that has impacted you to seek some sort of medical attention, whether it's emotional, physical, or both, should be discussed as you see fit. Gory details that may be a bit too personal, well, those can be left out. I think that being honest when it comes to sexual history as extremely important. But, I also have genital herpes, and I got it from another guy. Where my husband doesn't know the intimate details, and I don't believe I even told him WHO I got it from, I was completely honest with him about that. It's affected my health, as well as my self-esteem. A different situation I know, but still, my point is, there is a level of sexual history that you have to be honest about. And, if you want him to be sensitive and understanding, letting him know what happened to you is important. This way, if he says something about babies again, well, he can be a bit more informed and careful how he choses his words.
  21. If so, how'd it go? Was it all just fingers and hands, or were toys used? Give some tips as to how you go about having a Masturbation Night, for those who may be "Too Timid" to broach the subject.
  22. Well, it's great that you're out and about dating! Good for you! But, as far as on the first date, though I am not one to judge, I think that's a bit too soon. However, having sex, including any oral play, should be done whenever you're comfortable. A willingness to please is a good thing in a lover. However, if you've been single for a while, or "out of the loop", jumping right in, and pouncing on a guy may show that you're desperate, and, where that can be flattering and pleasurable at the time, it may not be such a respectable thing in the long-run. If you're crazy about him, and think that he is worth some extra time and attention, I would wait. But that's me. Whatever you do, please be sure to be safe. No matter what your age, STDs can affect anyone, at any age.
  23. They looked sooooooooo cool! Thanks for the intense review-a!!
  24. I just wanted to wish all of our male members (and even some of the single mother's out there, that have to act as BOTH father AND mother) a wonderfully special FATHER'S DAY!!
  25. Well, if you've cleaned up the best you can, with showers, wipes, and so on, and you still smell it, then there's some cum still up inside of you, and it's slowly leaking down. It will come out soon, so not to worry. If you think other's can smell it, not to worry, that's just in your head. You've bathed, and wipe well with wipes, so you're definitely clean. You could also give yourself a douche to get rid of the odor, if it is just the cum inside you. If the odor is particularly strong & sour, and you are itchy, then it may be something else, like a yeast infection. If you've never had a yeast infection then your best bet would be to go to your doctor and let them test you for one. Once you have one yeast infection, you can learn the symptoms of one, and treat yourself with OTC medicine. Anyway, if a man cums inside of a woman, there can be a slight odor of his cum & your natural moisture mixing up inside you. I've smelled that a few times after having sex, and I am extremely clean. It's normal and natural. I would suggest that you use a pantyliner to help catch any excess moisture. Most of them have a fragrance to help deoderize *down there*. Best wishes!
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