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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Well, I have a really big clearish box with a white lid. I have a 4 yr old, but she really doesn't get into anything. She's really good about that. Plus, the box is under my antique vanity, and I also have a basket, and some pouches containing some toys in it, so you can't see what's inside. I also put the vanity's bench infront of the box too, for added "cover".
  2. I got a kick outta Mikayla's "I'm anal about cleanliness" comment. Pun intended? I clean a lot too, and can be "anal" about a lot of things, which also drives MY hubby crazy! Too bad we don't live closer!
  3. I am sthe same way, as far as my porn tastes go. Shut up and get to the foreplay, toys and sex already!! Plus, I like a curvy woman that takes great pride in her body, modified or not.
  4. Thanks for the great review Val! And, yes, I would have issues with those 2 scenes too, for the same reasons. Luckily with DVDs, you can skip to your favorite "chapters" and not have to waste time with others you don't like!
  5. Thanks for the good review and the updates. When I saw this product, my first reaction was . But I'm glad it worked so well for you.
  6. Now, this is one that I would definitely go see the doctor about. Ejaculation should be pleasurable, not painful. There could be many things wrong down there, and it's hard knowing which one it is. He could have a bacterial infection, prostate issues, bladder infection....I'm sure many more things. Definitely go to the doctor very soon. I know my hubby is a big baby when it comes to going to the doctor, but the earlier something is caught, the better off, and more comfortable, your hubby will be.
  7. I would recommend seeing a doctor about your anemia, which is a lack of iron in the blood, causing you to feel sluggish, and tired. There are iron pills out there that you can take as well as multivitamins that should be a part of everyone's morning ritual anyway. Increasing one's intake of green veggies will help, a However, I wouldn't go freaking out over possible huge health hazards. You should get your blood tested, that's that. The taste y'all probably taste may be just the oils in your skin. At different times, seasons, and even fluxuations in hormones, can cause different things to be released into the body's skin oils, and other fluids. It could be that simple, or just your sweat. Either way, don't panic, I'm sure it's nothing overly serious, however, we are not medical professionals here, so if it truly bothers you, a physical with blood work should be done soon.
  8. See, saying "coochy" can be addictive!
  9. I usually either put them on the hand towel we bring in for wiping lubed up hands on, or on the top of my toy box to set them aside for washing. Anal toys always go on a towel after being used. Sometimes the toys get set on my vanity (I have some placemats on the top that I can take off and clean), or on hubby's nightstand too. Sometimes, when we don't think about it much, they just get laid on the bed, out of the way til we're done. I figure any pet, people, or other dirty stuff that may be on the sheets, will come off and very clean with warm water and antibacterial soap. When we're d one with them, I wash them ASAP, and put them in the toybox, which is a big sealed plastic box.
  10. So, laughter at ourselves is some of the best kind of fun! Well, except if it involves pointing, then laughing. What was the most embarrassing thing that YOU ever did while having sex/giving oral?
  11. Let me also add, that with herpes, your first outbreak would be more than one little bump, and they'd be extremely tender and painful. So, I'm doubting it's herpes. Your situation is a PRIME example of WHY condoms should be used, even when you may be just rubbing up against each other. Even seminal fluid can carry STDs. Condoms are not a guarantee that you won't get an STD, but they do help cut down the chances. I would suggest that you go see your doctor ASAP, and get it checked out. Trust me, doctors have pretty much seen everything, so a little bump on your anus won't shock him. Good luck, and I hope it's just an ingrown hair or something simple.
  12. I too, like Nasstoys and Doc Johnson. I also like many of the Penthouse products. I haven't gotten many Fun Factory products yet. *crosses her fingers*
  13. See, this is a prime example why some people are so uncomfortable about anal sex. The misconception that only "gay men" like to engage in anal sex. Or that only porn stars like anal sex. Which is totally untrue. Straight men and women are learning the pleasures of anal sex, me & mu hubby included! My husband was a "HELL NO" kinda guy when it came to anal, but wanted to try it. After several times of me assuring him that in no way did this make him gay, he initiated the anal play first, and on him. He really likes it, and is attracted to me, and wants to try new things with me. I'm very proud of him. He was kind of like you, pretty sheltered as far as different things to do during sex. I'm not talking positions, but toys, role playing, and so on. He's slowly asking me questions, and wants to try a few things, to be a better lover to me. And I ask him questions, to be a better lover to him too. It's a win-win situation. I would suggest trying maybe one new thing a week. That way, you can get use to the idea, and have some fun. And, don't be afraid to speak up and tell your BF that you don't like something when you don't. Stress when you're doing something you like A LOT, so whatever it is that's being done, or you're doing, so it's sure to happen again. Best Wishes!
  14. Yes, I was thinking the same thing! It's looking really good. Nice layouts.
  15. I liked the article & her humor. Very cute. And the author has some great points as well. I don't consider myself drop-dead gorgeous by any means, (yeah yeah, I know you're going to check out my profile pic now ) but I have never had a problem getting a date when and if I wanted one (when I was single of course). You just have to put yourself out there a bit. Even at work (to a professional degree).
  16. If you're looking for a G-spot toy, I'd suggest the Freebie of the month. You only pay shipping and handling with that one. I would also recommend an upgrade. Something a bit more fun, and can be used by 2 people, or double the fun for one! Dual Bullet, many reviews! I would also suggest that you relax, and not try so hard. Orgasms are more technical with women cuz we have a hard time shutting our minds up, and concentrating on OUR pleasure. But, if you try too hard, it can also hinder the process. Keep trying and relax.
  17. Practice makes perfect. I will repeat one of my best tips for a beginner when giving a blow job. Pretend that his penis is a popsicle (so long as your not one of those that BITE the popsicle). Lick it, suck it, and act like you're sucking a popsicle on a hot day, and you want to get every last drop. It really does work. If you don't like the taste of his pre-cum, let me suggest you get some flavored lube like Hot Stuff, or WET. It will help make things tastier!
  18. Not only check out the Shopping section, but also the Toy Review Section. You may be able to find one there that has been reviewed honestly. I've had several PMs telling me that our reviews have helped them in one way or another by our instructions and directions on how well or not a toy worked.
  19. Now that our daughter is getting bigger, I've been toying with the idea of Online Courses as well. Congrats on your big step!
  20. Right! I can see that too!! OMG, too funny. I'm glad this plug worked for you. I wanted to get one, but hubby wanted something different.
  21. Yes they did, but, like I said in my previous post, I think that they were a bit too "advanced" for me as a beginner Ben Wa Ball user. I think it's like comparing a 20 lb weight to a 5 lb one. You always want to start lighter and work your way up.
  22. I’ve always wanted to try Ben Wa Balls, and now was my chance with my latest delivery of Cats Eyes Ben Wa Balls. They came in a convenient clear carrying case, semi resembling a cat’s face. And the balls are nestled in some black foam, so they won’t clang around. The balls are heavy, stainless steel, and coated with a gold tone. So, anyone with an allergy to metals, these are NOT the balls for you. These balls are also smaller than I had expected. Maybe like a medium sized marble, a half an inch in diameter. So, yeah, they're small. I decided to try them out while hubby was out doing some yard work. I was excited at the prospect of using them, so my own natural juices & the smoothness of the balls made insertion easy. Although, since they are so heavy, I will recommend that they be put inside while you’re lying down. I slide them in one at a time, and loved the coolness of them, then feeling them slowly warm up inside of me. I stood up, squeezing my muscles around the balls, and start walking around with them. Now, I do do my Kegels every chance I get, and have been complimented on my strength of them, so that’s not an issue. What I wasn’t use to, was the heaviness of the balls, and I guess just the balls in general. I gave them about an hour of my time, trying to give myself the benefit of their pleasure, but, I think, being a Ben Wa beginner, these balls were a bit too much, weight wise (or maybe too small) for me to handle and appreciate at this time. They kept sliding down, where they felt like they were going to come out. That felt uncomfortable. So, I ended up taking them out, with no O’s for me with this item this time. But, as they say, practice makes perfect!! I'm no quitter so I think I may start off with some lighter, bigger balls, and work my way down. Get the Cats Eyes
  23. WET lubes are usually flavored to be slightly ingested "Flavored" being the key word here. Now, if it just said "Scented", then I would say not. I wouldn't recommend drinking a whole sample packet directly, but licking and sucking some off shouldn't be a problem. And, yes, WET products are made to warm to the touch. Most massage oils are anyway. Hope that helps.
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