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Everything posted by nosleepnmesa

  1. THose are very neat. You have alot of patients to make them. Very beautiful colors to, I admit that I could never use them though they would be decoration in my bathrooms, to beautiful to use and I bet the smell wonderful.
  2. Great Reviews!! Looks like lots of fun, I havent tried any of these products but sounds like they are wonderful.
  3. A few more questions for you, so the tip of the vibe rotations and thrust? Is there different speeds, or just one speed? How many batteries? Were they easy to install? How did the "ears" on the clitoral stimulator part hold up? Were they stiff and stayed in place or kinda floppy? THanks
  4. I love the color of this one. Just a ? for you to. Did you try washing it several times with antibacterial soap to see if that lessoned the smell some?I noticed that with some of them that have a slight smell to them if you wash them a few times the smell will get alot lighter with some, and with others go away completely. Good Review!!
  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope it is filled with lots of fun.
  6. OMG!! The society we live in today is scarey!!! People stepping over someone who fell down WTF??? Pappy yeah I heard about an incident kinda like that, which happend at a Target here. I am glad that I have ALWAYS kept my children either in the cart, or there hand on the cart. Hell my oldest when he goes to the store with me and he is now 19 still puts his hand on the cart. LOL I tell him what are you doing he says I cant help it you drilled it into my head when I was little I even hold the cart when my gf and I goto the store. Also please no one take offense to this but I can't remember who posted it saying that thier children are either in the cart or on a harness. I don't believe in harnessing children they aren't dogs. When my oldest was young there was no such thing as harness for children or leashes. Just my opinion here of course on that subject to I have had 5 children, firm disipline and consistance works well. In this day in age ever parent should be extra cautious with there children and just because you may have a male child it can happen to him to. I don't know what ismaking parents so lazy in today society when it is only getting worse. People that do this type of thing to children make me sick and I honestly cant understand what the hell they are thinking!! To many damn sick people in this world. Now I am just rambling but child molestors and anyone that finds a child attractive in a sexual way makes me want to puke. I think they all need to be on there on island somewhere. Okay think I am done rambling and ranting.
  7. WOW!!! Great review!! Looks like loads of fun.
  8. Woohoo Ww!! I need a serious attitude adjustment and I will be right over!!!! Threaten me with a good time!
  9. WOW!!! Glad to know you found something you love, and on sale that is awesome. Congratulations!!!
  10. Well I am with the most of you here. My wedding night by the time we left the party. We both were so exhausted we took a shower and snuggled in the bed. Of course though we had awesome sex the night before to try to relieve some of our nerves and stress. The next morning was amazing to. So your not the only one who was to tired. Hell I think we got in from the party at midnight.
  11. Hhee I am waiting inpatiently for another installment.
  12. Very Nice!!! I loved it but now I am in suspense.
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