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Everything posted by nosleepnmesa

  1. I enjoy a variety of books from the "How to", to romance. I love Penthouse articles also and you really have to hand it to Anne Rice and her Sleeping beauty Trigoly the are wonderful. Believe it or not though I do enjoy some of the Hierloom romance books also.
  2. Whiskeywomen, Well as most of use here know I have a very open door policy with my children. My daughter started her cycle at 9. We have also had the cycle talk but the sex talk. I sat her down one day when I noticed the signs here breast were developing and once a month oh my god her temperment was overwhelming. I knew anyday it was going to happen. Thank goodness that before she was of this age she already knew about periods, before I had my hysterectomy she had caught me numerous times changing my tampon and such. So I had to explain to her then what was going on in terms she would understand. Now back to the talk. I sat her down and explain to her that I noticed a few changes in her. Of course it had to be the week that she was moody that wasnt intentional though. She stated very clearly what changes mom have you seen. I told her I noticed that her breast were developing and that when she asked for me to bring her a towel, that I noticed a little hair there etc. So being that she already had the women to women about the cycling and such. We had a little more to talk about. I can say that the cycling talk wasn't hard for me. I let her know that she was coming to a point in her life that she was changing into a young lady, and will no longer be the LITTLE GIRL, although you will always be my baby. Yes I know I will prolly never hear the end of my next statement but I believe in honesty with my children. I did tell her that at times when I was still able to have my cycles their were times when I would have this feeling that was hard for me to control. I explained to her that it was a horney type feeling, that it made me want to touch myself or other things. I explained to her the feeling the tingling, the wetness before her period that I noticed etc.... I did tell her to which she already knew, that if she ever decided to play around with boys that she needs to come and talk with me. She said mom I know we already had this talk, I know that when I get older and I have sex, I can become pregnant now since I have my cycle. Whiskeywomen, I wish you the best in the talks with your daughters. Maybe sometimes I am a little to open with mine. I hope this helps you some in your way to talk with your daughters. You know I am here for you and if you need any more help with the talk please feel free to pm me or post here. Hopefully it will help other parents. Good Luck!
  3. Hi iso8, which product are you talking about? There are alot of butterflies. I am sure we will all be able to help if we know the exact product. Some of the butterflies the straps you go around your thighs, and the other around your waist. Then you are able to adjust them easily to fit. IF you can post the link to the butterfly you are talking about by going to that product and holding cntrl c on the website addy and then coming here and hitting in the text box cntrl v. Once we know which one you are talking about for sure I am sure we will be able to help you.
  4. Okay here I go in order to answer the questions. Yes I would want to know how many lovers my partners has had. I do know to how many myhusband has had. I think in todays world that this question is a given due to all the things out there that you could get. Not only do I know how many he slept with but I also know if they were all "Save Sex". Yes I would provide this information if I was asked. I am not just going to share information unless asked then of course it would be honest information. As far as a number, I dont think there is one that is just way to high. I mean people have to learn and alot of people go threw numerous boyfriends, lovers etc.. to find the perfect person. I think todays society labels people on the number along with some people. Since I dont have a number that I think is to high, this last questions I honestly can't answer. I would never change the way I felt or feel about someone due to a number. That number doesn't say who they are, whether it is high or low it is all a matter of how long it took them to find that special person. I dont thinkt hat it is ever right to judge someone in life unless of course you are going to judge yourself to. I mean really who are we to judge another by how many people they have slept with????? Just my thoughts!
  5. Although I completed the role playing task, I am going to have to back out of the game, due to some family issues going on. I will come and check it out and see how it is going and use it to continue to spoce up my life. I played the stripper. Took the pole out of the yard, put it in my bedroom. My Husband came home from work and I was upstairs with the music going and a chair by our nightstand. When he entered the room he found me in a teddy, high heels, my pole and music the lights were dimmed down to. He walked in and sat down, I started dancing and slowly taking off my teddy, of course one piece at a time. Then he asked my how much for a lap dance I said 20.00 dollars, he paid me the 20.00. He got the laptop dance but by strip club rules no touching.
  6. Well my little one has found my favorite friends and I have to admit it was my fault in a sense. I have most of them under my bed in a lock box and the doors that open to go under my bed is locked to. Well I forgot about the small box in my closet and left the closet door open. I just had gotten out of the shower with my little friend the head twister and low and behold their is my little one in my closet opening the boxes and checking out my toys. Since he is only 3yrs old I was embarassed about it at all. He said what this I said mommies toys put them back. He did. Now when it came to my daughter it was a little different she ran upstairs to grab my hairbrush sense she couldnt find hers. Well I forgot that I had left John holmes in the tub to dry one night. She yelled dad, and of course he went up the stairs with me right behind him, I knew she had found it before I even got to the top. My daughter is 10 so needless to say I knew the questions were coming. I have to say my husband handled it well, he said that is your mothers, sorry she left that out and if you have any questions regarding it then ask away while we are right here. My daughter said no I think I know what it is for, I asked her if she was okay she said yes. I then told her I was sorry for leaving it out she said,"mom it isn't your fault but we might need to talk later." After she left the room to finish getting ready for school my husband and I stood there in shock of all the ones for me to leave out.
  7. I prefer the ASTROGLIDE, along with the TooTimid brand. THose are my two favorite lubes. They dont't have the sticky feeling and to me the outlast the others. Astroglide I have never had to reply with anal yet and the tootimid works workful for a waterbased lube. I don't really do the warming gels.
  8. Color doesn't matter to me at all. What really matters to me is the power of the toy and what it can do for me. Here I will have to agree with Mikayla though I sure wouldn't want to do myself with a vomit green color one.
  9. First off never be afraid to ask a question here and there is no such thing as a stupid question. Sounds to me like a G-spot O. I have soaked my bed before it is a overwhelming wonderful feeling. I have to admit I love the G-spot toys.
  10. My hubby loves to clean me up. Afterwards though we go to the shower and clean each other up. Then we like to snuggle, cuddle and lately do it again.
  11. Yes I have to admit there is one that just let me down. I didn't get it here it was our wedding anniversary and we stop by castle boutigue to get a new toy that I Have had my eye on. Look great and at a semi-high price thought that I couldn't go wrong. I don't remember the name of it but it was a dual action vibe and promised some POWERFUL clitoral stimulation. We put in the batteries and I got no stimulation, I got more stimulation from my own finger, it was there but heck a snail could have done better. Yep been there.
  12. Of course it does. My hubby knows when I have eaten alot of garlic, he says hun I love you but can you lay off the garlic. Everything you eat has to do with the way you taste. I have to say when my Hb eats garlic or something spicy he is going to go down my throat to cum because the taste of it is OMG. So yes I totally agree with Howard on this one.
  13. I like it sometimes depending on my mood I think. Myself though I like to swallow it better.
  14. HI Christinaf085, I wrote the review on this product and it is amazing, it is a little tricky I have very thin thighs, You need to pull it up all the way to were your hip and thigh meet. Then tighten it, Once adjusted right it is great. I found also the strap needs to be in the little crease between your leg and the outer part of your vagina. If you need further help please feel free to pm me. I love this product and once adjusted right so it doesn't fall I am sure you will to. Hope this helps! Oh ya I went to the store with it to! LOL But what ever you do, don't try to do the dishes while wearing it.LOL I ended up breaking a few.
  15. Sex in a home other then ours, mission completed!! Perfect timing for this one, my in-laws went out of town so we are house sitting. Hubby had no work yesterday, so woohoo the in-laws house got broke in. Mission completed at 10pm last night.
  16. HI, As most of us know I am a mother of 5 children, 3 of them are teens. My daughter is 10. I have a VERY open relationship with them, we talk about everything. I WOULDN'T by my daughter any time of sex toy unless of course she asked me for it. I am a FIRM believer in a open door policy with children. We all know that we can't stop our children from having sex, I mean we can talk to them tell we are blue in the face, but if they are mind set to do it all we can do is take the nessacery precautions. Just had to add my two cents worth here. Now if my daughter came to me when she was a teenager and said to me, mom I want to experiment with toys instead of boys. Then we would be in for a long conversation. Although I dont foresee her doing this but then again at this day in age there is not telling.
  17. Task completed 536am this morning , hubby went to the shower and I got out his favorite bullet that he stole from me, and it is now his. Gave him a great blowjob in the shower while the bullet stimulated his ass, then already laying on our bed was my old vibe which has turned into his vibe. He got the anal of his life and then I got mine.
  18. No question is stupid. Just to I guess let you know from another one NO NO NO you cant get pregnant from anal sex. There is nothing going from your intestinal track to your vagina. With lube though be careful cause Mikayla , as usual is correct. No need to worry though you can't get pregnant from anal sex .
  19. of course I agree with the other post. As far as anal beads I love them. They are actually easy to use depending on what ones you choose. Make sure you lube them to though, there are alot of different types of beads I would if I were you look at the beginning 101 beads or even this other one. Here is a link to them both depending on what you would like there are also the review there to help you to decide. No question here is dumb and we don't judge anyone, this is a friendly helpful site. Here are the links http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...ROD&ProdID=4587 http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...ROD&ProdID=4719 Hope this helps some, also just tell your SO that you like it but you would like to work up to him, if you gradually work up you will find that you relax so much easier. Good luck and we love updates!!
  20. Hi, I am not sure of the type of toy that was given to you. I can say though that you need to use lube, trying not to get it on your hands if there isn't much to hold on to. Depending on the material of the toy depends on the type of lube. It is untrue that silicone lube will all toys. Silicone lube will destroy a silicone toy along with a cyberskin toy. I just wanted to make sure that you knew that and that silicone lube doesn't destroy all toys or products. I myself have both water based and silicone lube depending on what toy I am using and the material of the toy. Exsample for water play I use a silicone lube, if you use a water based lube then it is pretty much like using nothing it doesn't last. Don't give up but with the name of the product we all might be able to help a little more.
  21. Yes we all make mistakes, we are only human. I agree though you have to get back on the horse and try again, self confidance and attitude. Sex is another learning experiance in life. We all love and want it, but we learn threw pratice and trial an error. Communication with your partner is a great way to know what feels good, without communication in the bedroom how are you going to know what hurts him and what doesn't.
  22. Task completed. The slide outside in the yard, then since I was getting eaten by mosquitos again we came in the house for a little rocking chair fun. Woohoo you know you have to love the rocking chairs, the things you can do. I was waiting for one of us to break it. Loads of fun we had.
  23. Hi timidtwo!!!! Well I am a shaver and my husband is also, does it make him fill bigger, no. Does it make it easier access?YES!! Also there is no hair to get in the way of anything. I shave everyday to keep the stuble away. You have to make sure you use a NEW razor though, and shave gel or cream. Try only to go over the area only once. When I very first started shaving, I trimmed as close as I could get with a pair of scissors first, then I grabbed my razor. My hubby also shaves everyday or at least every other day so as far as the bristles we haven't had that problem. Is it all worth it. I believe it is. I love the smooth feeling not only on myself but on him as well. Keep us posted Kathy
  24. Much better with the rules and the timing. With 5 kids I have to say we were exhausting ourselves and hehe my hubby still hasn't firgued out what is going on. So of course I am still in and waiting for the next task or dare.
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