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Everything posted by nosleepnmesa

  1. Hrnychick, I have to yes I have been cheated on and didnt know until we split up and he was married to her 2days later. I was with this guy for 3yrs and I thought we had a great relationship and sex life. Well we talked about having a child and we decided to do so . I became pregnant and stopped going out to the clubs ect, I would still go out every now and then since his brother was the band leader at the club we use to go to. So when I was up to it I would go with him, when I wasnt the nights that they played he would still go. We had a wonderful sex life talked about everything and tried things that I have never tried with anyone. As the pregnancy progressed, I started having alot of problems, early water breakage ect although none of this affected or sex life, since I was into anal and loved giving blowjobs. Then i ended up in the hospital at 3 months pregnant he would cum everyday still(pun intended), because although I was bed ridden in the hospital ICU ward, it did have doors that closed and needless to say we still got ours LOL blowjobs in the hospital Things really started taking a turn for the worse in my pregnancy and he started not showing up to visit or calling me to check on me ect.. We did live togeather I think I forgot to mention that and I was engaged to him. Well things took a horrible turn to the worse and I delivered our son at 26weeks pregnant he weighed a whole 1lb 4ozs and only lived a day. Well I finally went home after the traumatic stay and loss of my son. Well things got sore at home to and in time we split. Two days after we broke up he was married to a friend of ours that would go to the club. Needless to say I should have known due to all the times he went to the club alone.Well me being the person I am showed up at the club to confort the situtation, since his mother is the one who told me that he was married. I couldnt believe it and had to know for myself. I mean I felt so stupid at the time,him cheating and me not seeing the signs when are sex life was great and we talked about everything so I thought. Sure enough, they were both their,I said I am not here to fight or anything I am just wondering how long this was going on, well it had been going on for years even before I met him and he ask me to marry him. Well I have to say sometimes it really isnt the best to find out why or how long ect something has been going on. I was completely heart broken and never really got the reason. It took quit along time to to trust again and still to this day at times I find myself doubting my husband and I have to kick the thought away, my hb is a wonderful man and we talk alot but still 12yrs later the nontrusting thought comes to the surface . I believe that even though we forgive and go on with our lives and get over things that if we arent careful feelings or distrust from our past have a tendancie to creep up and try to surface again.
  2. Chels1987, Welcome! Also if you have never had a O yes you are missing something awesome. Have you ever masturbated, explored your own body alone. I use to have that problem when I was younger in fact I remember the first few times I had sex and thought to myself this is it?What is so fun about this. Then I started exploring my own body on the advice of a good friend of mine, and let me tell you it was awesome the first O I have had was the one I gave myself. If you have never explored or play with your own body I think you should. Turn the lights down, put some soft music on light some candles and lay down in your bed or heck even put in a good porn show to watch anything to help you relax. Explore your body with your hands, all over nipples, breast, stomach and clitorous. See what feels good and what seems to get you wet and hot. IF when rubbing or even slightly pullin on your clit feels good keep doing it. I would also try investing in a toy something simple that you like a vibrator would be wonderful. With it you can also play with all parts of your body ect. Make sure you are relaxed though and nothing else is on your mind, breath relax and when you find that spot that makes you tingle or feels good rub or play a little harder but dont stop and before you know it you will experiance an O. You will know trust me I know sometimes when I have a big O my legs will shake or temor and OMG I cant wait to do it again and again. Try the simple things and get to know your body well, then when you are with your mate you can instruct him on what makes you feel good and what spot to hit and hot to make you cum... As far as the burn I have only experianced once in my life by my x, and he changed his diet and it stopped burning I am not sure if that is the situtation here or maybe you are just really sensation to his. My x use to eat alot of things with citric acid I mean ALOT, and when he changed his diet around I noticed that when he came in me it quite burning not sure if that is what it is or not but it is just a suggestion, something to try anyway. Well I hope this helps some and let us know!
  3. Well first off a few questions for you! Are you interested in it, or have you been doing it and wonder what else to do? Do you just want opions about it or? Sorry so many questions but I am not sure what type of advice or type of question you want answered. Please post again and I will be more then happy to help all that I can.
  4. Sexynshyrissa, That is true! I never said you cant have clitoral stimulation that is all good exspecial with anal.
  5. I am gonna have to try this one since I am also a big fan of lights. I have the Jessicas Strobing probe g-spot one but when it came the lights didnt work so I am still waiting on a replacement one. Great Review cant wait since I just ordered that one to Call me a Jessica addict LOL
  6. Well as far as, as anyone else done it in a drive thru well yes I am guilty! But I wasnt riding him I was giving him the blowjob of his life while he was fingering me. We were at the Mcdonalds drive threw and I was about 19 at the time and well it was a bet, my girlfriend and her boyfriend were in the backseat of the car at the time and my girlfriend said I bet you wouldnt suck him off as we go threw drive thru and get something to eat. OKAy well since I am not the (shy type ) and if you bet me I cant do something exspecially at that age well then I have to do it just to prove her wrong So he ordered our food and as he was ordering I pulled out his cock and slowly starting licking and nibbling on it, by the time we got to the window, I had a whole mouth full of him and down my throat to Have to say they got a hell of a eye full and needless to say by the time we were out of the drive thru we found a remote area, in the parking lot to have alittle more fun
  7. Well so I was just wondering how many women out their enjoy anal sex better then vaginal. If you had to choose one and were stuck having sex that way for awhile which would you choose. I myself enjoy the Double Penetration way, but if I had to choose I would have to say anal, I just seem to have more O's that way and find it so much more enjoyable. Here is a question for the men out there which do you find more enjoyable?and why!
  8. Great Review Whiskey! I love quiet toys since I have 5 kids. I was to say you sure kept me wondering about the button to I think I may have to try this one. Thank you for the great review and it is also very nicely priced I noticed.
  9. Thank you howard and Mikayla I will let you know and the links were great now the decision,I think I will go with the Vac-lock just need to decide which one I will keep you posted Thank you and the hubby said thanks to
  10. WOW. Now this is a hard question to answer. I have to say the one that sticks out most in my mind is the 3some I had with my x and my girlfriend.It was a spare of the moment wild night out of control experiance. We all went out to dinner since she was having problems in her relationship and no drinks were involved. On the way home she put her arms around me from the back seat and started whispering things in my ear. I have never been with a women at this point in my life or even thought of it actually but I have to say it sure sounded good. Well she was rubbing my neck and then began not slowly suck on it while the whole time my x was driving. He knew something was up cause I was grinning but he wasnt quit sure what it was. Well needless to say when we got back to our place and I got out of the care it was ON we were all over each other and my x at the time was in WOW, we never made it to the door my x watched and it was hot hot hot in my car in the gargage. Then he finally got undressed and it was even more ON! Wild hot sex in the care on the car and all over the gargage the things you can find in the gargage to use to tie some Why it was the best totally unexpected,hot spare of the moment type thing, surprised and OH MY just the lust after each other was the best.
  11. Wow Well of course I dont know him etc.. But my only thought on this whole situtation is that this is a good exsample why not to get involved with a married man. I also dont understand if he says he is getting a divorce why he hasnt filed already why wait if he loves you and wants to be with you then why wait for this other court hearing, if it involves any type of money situtaion that to me is still no excuse. Just a quick thought on my end also I think that if he doesnt do it soon I would move on, myself I have never been involved in anything like this. I also agree that with the other post on this issue he seems more involved with what is going on to stop and think about your feelings and what you want or need. Good luck !
  12. Well I agree with the other post and they have about said it all! As far as anal sex and lube BIG BIG BIG MUST and dont let it wear out very painful. The first anal sex I have had, was the most painful experiance of my life and needless to say we didnt use lube and I walked horrible for over a week and ended up going to the doctor and trying to explain to him what had happened thank goodness she was female and in her mind she already knew what was going on, I am sure so I sort of in my own way told her and she took a look and low and behold I had to get two stitches there and OUCH!!! It was not good, of course I have learned since then and I love anal sex my hubby and I have been married now for almost 8yrs will be 8 come the 23rd of this month. To this day I guide him in and talk alot about how hard or deep or anything that goes there, I trust him but in the back of my mind the thought of the first time is still there. I Love anal sex but lube, lube is the key and I can tell you I took Mikaylas advice on the Astroglide and it ROCKS and you arent reappling all the time., and yes make sure you wash any toys when done and for less mess codums are great for that. Good Luck and Have fun!
  13. Well I agree with the other post and they have about said it all! As far as anal sex and lube BIG BIG BIG MUST and dont let it wear out very painful. The first anal sex I have had, was the most painful experiance of my life and needless to say we didnt use lube and I walked horrible for over a week and ended up going to the doctor and trying to explain to him what had happened thank goodness she was female and in her mind she already knew what was going on, I am sure so I sort of in my own way told her and she took a look and low and behold I had to get two stitches there and OUCH!!! It was not good, of course I have learned since then and I love anal sex my hubby and I have been married now for almost 8yrs will be 8 come the 23rd of this month. To this day I guide him in and talk alot about how hard or deep or anything that goes there, I trust him but in the back of my mind the thought of the first time is still there. I Love anal sex but lube, lube is the key and I can tell you I took Mikaylas advice on the Astroglide and it ROCKS and you arent reappling all the time., and yes make sure you wash any toys when done and for less mess codums are great for that. Good Luck and Have fun!
  14. Well I agree with the other post and they have about said it all! As far as anal sex and lube BIG BIG BIG MUST and dont let it wear out very painful. The first anal sex I have had, was the most painful experiance of my life and needless to say we didnt use lube and I walked horrible for over a week and ended up going to the doctor and trying to explain to him what had happened thank goodness she was female and in her mind she already knew what was going on, I am sure so I sort of in my own way told her and she took a look and low and behold I had to get two stitches there and OUCH!!! It was not good, of course I have learned since then and I love anal sex my hubby and I have been married now for almost 8yrs will be 8 come the 23rd of this month. To this day I guide him in and talk alot about how hard or deep or anything that goes there, I trust him but in the back of my mind the thought of the first time is still there. I Love anal sex but lube, lube is the key and I can tell you I took Mikaylas advice on the Astroglide and it ROCKS and you arent reappling all the time., and yes make sure you wash any toys when done and for less mess codums are great for that. Good Luck and Have fun!
  15. Well I agree with the other post and they have about said it all! As far as anal sex and lube BIG BIG BIG MUST and dont let it wear out very painful. The first anal sex I have had, was the most painful experiance of my life and needless to say we didnt use lube and I walked horrible for over a week and ended up going to the doctor and trying to explain to him what had happened thank goodness she was female and in her mind she already knew what was going on, I am sure so I sort of in my own way told her and she took a look and low and behold I had to get two stitches there and OUCH!!! It was not good, of course I have learned since then and I love anal sex my hubby and I have been married now for almost 8yrs will be 8 come the 23rd of this month. To this day I guide him in and talk alot about how hard or deep or anything that goes there, I trust him but in the back of my mind the thought of the first time is still there. I Love anal sex but lube, lube is the key and I can tell you I took Mikaylas advice on the Astroglide and it ROCKS and you arent reappling all the time., and yes make sure you wash any toys when done and for less mess codums are great for that. Good Luck and Have fun!
  16. Okay I am only going to list a few but I have many many.Mall Elevator, park, kitchen,bathroom,swimming pool, hot tub,in the lake,in the forest,hotels, etc..... There are numerous places to have sex and outside and public puts a whole new twist on things. In the Titian in the Malibu, on the beach, in a tent, in a boat, and on and on. LOL Mikayla I aree just say anywhere and everywhere But I have to say you gave me some new ideas. hehehe gotta love that!
  17. Hopingtotry, No CC information is on the packing slip only the last four numbers since I order from here alot. Also I have had a little similair problem with the box being sealed but not. IF you call the office they are great. Thank god only my hubby and the neighbor was there when my stuff came out of the box they neighbor who is also our good friend just asked where i ordered and I told him to check it out LOL his wife might like it.
  18. Lost, I have to agree with Hrnychick, I am also waiting to hear what went on. Embarrassing well dont be here but still you have my imagination running all over the place. Please post back and let us know how it went ect... Also my imagination can run very wild. But I am glad to hear that there is noone else on the side. *Waiting as patient as I can*
  19. Welcome ! Just a quick suggestion have you ever tried a g-spot vibe or even a dual action one THEY are AWESOME. Also make sure you are relaxed maybe put in a porn movie would help also, this is just a quick suggestion. I hope this helps in some ways, I can tell you that Jessicas strobing probe is great for that big O from the g-spot, and also that the rabbit dual is a awesome product to. Question for you when you are masturbating are you tensed when you are doing it because if so it is going to be really hard to come to a O or maybe something else is on your mind at the time. I would say try a video to those are great I know that I cant watch them very long with out making myself cum. Relaxing bath with a waterproof toy also should help. Let me know this is just a few things I thought of. Hope it helps
  20. Welcome Tnu555!! Well I have to say being a women it is hard to say which one to get there are alot of choices on this site and it depends on what you are looking for, for her. A clit stimulator, vibrator or both or even a g-spot one. I myself have a few toys and a little of everything in a sense for me. Howard gave you that right advice though look around on this site there is alot of great products here and I have purchased quit a few.=)
  21. Learning, Yes some people due have reactions to the lube exspecially the warming KY, I had a burning from it and I have to say I am not that found of KY anyway, I love the astroglide and also the tootimid lube works well. Mikayla gave you my number one favorite g - spot toy, Jessicas strobing Probe I have to say that after I read Mikaylas review on it I HAD to have it. When it arrived it looked a little weird and I have to say I was thinking how the hell I was going to get that in me. Lubed it and it was no problem not to thick nice and smooth and WOOHOO. Although the lights didnt work at the time so I am still waiting for a replacement but because it looked so strange when I got it I just had to try it, Now that I know I can have multi O's I am waiting impatiently, like a little child waiting on his ice cream for it to come in the mail again with the lights. Anyway just felt that I needed to reply to your post and let you know that yes there are people out there highly sensitive to lubes, and also let you know what I thought of Jessicas Strobing probe it was just perfect. Let us know how it goes.
  22. Well Sexykitty have to say that I am shocked that there really isnt that many replys to this. Curiosity is killing me since I thought that it was because of my hubbys age but i was wrong but curiousit sure is killing me on this topic. I think that age and life in general have alot to do with it in a since but then again I am female so I prolly would assume that
  23. Okay so I was talking to my hubby today and he has always had the problem of either being boring(which he isnt anymore thanks to all the great tips on got here), or ejactulating to quick, so he is having to help me play with my toys so I can get off or having to eat me tell I cum. So today WOW he asked me to get online and ask someone what they would recommend for him. He doesnt want a cock ring because all they do is make him cum quicker and I have to agree with him there, this may sound bad but serious I can call him the two second man if I dont get mine first. Anyway we had a discussion while he was at work. Got me hot , anyway he says he wants to make me have an O while he is doing me instead of me having one while he is eating me or we are playing with my numerous toys. So he was thinking maybe a strap on ? So if anyone can give me any advice on this issue or help with a selection of a toy would be great. Just to let you know I like bumps and ridges and stuff along with thickness, he even mentioned a strap-on maybe that vibrates I told him good luck there, but hey maybe I there is one out there! Nothing to vibrate him of course since he will just cum to soon. He has tried numerous things but he really wants to be able to thrust me and not come but do the work, if that makes since. I am sure you all will come up with something since I have had wonderful advice here and great input on things thanks.
  24. Hopingtotry. I had a few moonroof babies as you say LOL, and I am sure glad no more kids for me. Love them dearly and would be happy to adopt but other then that 5 enough for me. So since it is a hemi thing then as long as there is no flare you should be fine. Make sure lots of lube of course helps. Good luck and keep posting
  25. Okay I was 14 when I when I lost my virginity. Gave my first blowjob at 15. Okay now I am going to get laughed off the forum maybe. I stayed with the guy that took or shall I say gave my virginity to tell for 7 Yrs and also married him at 18. I have only been with 5men and 1 female my best friend and out of those men I was married 1 of them and was engaged two 2 of them and the other two where in a 3some and the female is my best friend in a threesome. total: 5Men 1female _________ 6 total Wow I must be a weirdo LOL
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