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Everything posted by nosleepnmesa

  1. I love giving blowjobs and I am also a swallower. Although I have never really had any problems with it Mikayla wrote a great article on it and deep throating. It is under the education section. There are also lots of products here if you don't like or can't handle the taste that will help with that. http://www.tootimid.com/sex_education/oral...deep_throat.htm Here is a link to one of her articles. Hope this helps!!! Good Luck!
  2. Welcome to the Forum!!!!!
  3. Hello and welcome to the forum!!!!
  4. To answer this I believe that communication is the key in bed. So with that in thought , techinally you are only as good in bed as the communication is. Everyone is different on their likes and dislikes in bed. For exsample, my current husband that I have been with for many years likes when I give him a blowjob to do the "corn cob" trick and loves for me to swallow. My x hated for me to swallow. Sometimes my husband loves for me to just be submissive and lay there and take it type it all honestly depends on the person. I don't think anyone can be bad in bed if there is communication, without learning and communicating with your partner then to per say "BAD in BED" is nobody's fault but the person not communicating to their partner what they like. If there is communication in the bed room and the other person doesn't listen or try to please that wouldnt make them bad in bed just selfish.
  5. OMG Whiskey I am sooo sorrry to hear. As you know I am a huge animal lover of all kinds. I pray none of the kidos say that. I don't know what people think sometimes. HUGS HUN!!! Sorry to hear, yep there are alot of sick people in this world and how the live with themselves I will never know. Sooo Sorry to hear hun. ((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))
  6. Honestly no it didnt hurt getting it there but then again I have other tattoos. The next day it was a little sore but it really didn't hurt.
  7. Love it!!!!Very informative I think I am gonna have to have my hubby read this and buy one. Excellent review.
  8. Welcome to the Forum!!!! Enjoy.
  9. This actually wraps all the way around to my butt.
  10. I had to LOL at that. Great pic!!!
  11. Sounds like a great DVD, nice review!!!
  12. First let me start off by saying have you read the article Mikayla wrote on Anal sex ? Also have you talked to your husband about toys for him? Alot of people think that the standard bullet is just for women, well it isnt. My husband loved mine so much it wasnt intimidating at all and he loved me turning it on and vibrating his shaft and all. There are also numerous cock rings that men enjoy just as much as women. First I think that you and your SO should talk about it then browse the site togeather, see what interest him. There are lots of couple kits, male masterbaters. Alot of times people think that vibrators are just for women they aren't my husband loved my bullet so much he broke one by over using it. I hope this helps some. Good luck!!!
  13. Wonderful article and thanks for the extra added information Tyger! I printed this and gave it to my teens to read. Although we have an open door policy here and we talk about everything the article had more detailed information on certain things. Wonderful Job to the both of you.
  14. Bullets are the best I think for beginners. They are easily hidable along with being very quiet. http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...amp;ProdID=4998 This one is also very inexpensive I love it. It is so quiet that I have cleaned house while using it, until my husband stole it one day and took it to work, and it never worked again.
  15. I agree with Tyger on this. We own lots of toys but they don't replace but they do enhance our sex life.
  16. Ours has been pixysticks forever.
  17. Voted!!!! congratulations on the nomination. You know we all have your back !!
  18. :lol:My husband knows that is he ever bought me any type of household appliance he better run away. I told him that many years ago not long after we were married. My birthday is MY DAY, and his birthday is his. I didn't threaten to divorce him but .... I did tell him that I would punish him in a way he wouldn't like. He has never tested that. Christmas I agree with Tyger on that is for the kids. Happy Birthday in advance!!!!
  19. Well I know I have talked to Tyger, along with Whiskeywomen in depth about this. I am leaving Thursday night to MO, for my daughter to meet her real father's side of the family. Her father commited suicide when she was 2 months old, recently she started asking alot of questions about him and certain things came up. I made contact with them after 11yrs and needless to say her grandmother on that side is still a heartless,mean person. She kidnapped my daughter when she was 2months my daughter is aware of this etc. I have also been in touch with her uncles and aunt on her fathers side. This whole situation makes me sick, the things we do for our children. A little back round her father was a very abusive man, his family was into drugs etc. His mother was a horrible person not only to him but others as well. Since my daughter keeps being persistant I have decided to drive to MO and meet her aunt there along with her older sister who she has never met. I am returning Monday sometime. My husband is concearned for safety issues but also relizes that this may be not only what my daughter needs, but a way for me to close that chapter in my life and deal with it instead of stuffing it for all these years. We will be going tot he cemetary to, which of course I have not been to since the day of the funeral. I am scared and extremely nervous, without knowing what they will actually do. I am praying for the best and for a safe drive I am going to drive straight threw since this needs to be a quick trip. Keep us in your prayers and thoughts I think I am gonna need all the positive energy I can get. I am sure my husband will post alot while I am gone and I know that you all will keep him smiling. The things sometimes we do for our children. Even after her biological grandmother on that side left a horrible message to her she still doesnt seem to believe the way that family is so off we go .
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