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Everything posted by Valntyn

  1. Oh heck yah! :) He wears pressed pants, a button-down shirt and a tie to work everyday and I LOVE greeting him at the front door and stripping him from the get-go, leading him into the bedroom, tossing his clothes as they come off, teasing the spots I've just bared. By the time we get to the bed, he's so rock hard from the surprise, it's great sex!
  2. OOoo you girls miss out on a lot, not going to the home page! Tsk! Tsk! *playful tease* I bookmarked the home page (instead of, for example, the forums or the shopping section), that way I have access to pretty much everything right then and there and I get to see all the new stuff.
  3. Valntyn


    Another suggestion would be to create a blog here on TooTimid and keep your stories there.
  4. I think you may have just gotten me to agree to my husband's wish for a boat! Fantastic story; loved it!
  5. Valntyn

    Can't Do It

    Allit, if you re-read Mikayla's entry, she's saying she WAS going to become a lawyer, but has since changed her mind. She is no longer continuing with her education to become a lawyer. Mikayla, I have no doubt, from the bit that I've learned of you through this forum, that you'll do splendidly no matter what you do 'when you grow up.' It's a hard decision to change paths, and I hope you the best of success and happiness in your new choice.
  6. Well, reading through this thread, I thought for sure I'd be the only one stoned for my opposing opinion. Glad to know I have an 'odd man out' partner, as it were. *chuckle* I, too, totally agree that cheating implies betrayal. If both parties were consenting and EVERYthing was talked about beforehand, it's not a betrayal -- there's... 'permission' (for lack of a better word) given. Just like hopefully most of us here, my husband and I have very good, open communication. We've talked about going out of the marriage before. We've even mutually (and safely!!) tried it once. Everything was talked about beforehand; everything was talked about after. We still talk about it. We're still very in love, still very respectful of and respected by one another. There was no betrayal, because it was with consent. Gender isn't an issue. We're not interested in threesomes, so if we ever did it again, it'd never be a case of 'me with another woman so he could watch.' And if he were ever interested in seeing what it'd be like to be with a man, after talking about it for a while and trying things between us in the bedroom first, if he were still interested, I'd be fine with it. So anyway, there's my opinion. I'm not arguing with anyone or demeaning anyone else's opinions; hopefully that's reciprocated. And if that's not the case, hopefully no one will hit too hard when they start pelting us with rocks, Euphoria.
  7. Actually, I laughed my tush off with Howard's idea. I thought, "Why not?! Get one that has pull-out drawers and drop a lacy table cloth over it to conceal it and make it all pretty like a bedside table. What better holder for 'tools of the bedroom' than a 'tool chest' or a tackle box?!" Brilliant! In a world where there isn't a chest of drawers made specifically for bedroom toys (for shame!), one needs to get creative, right?
  8. Yay everyone else! I wondered why the (*&$ no one had replied to Maple's post yet -- she posted in two different places and I'm the only one who replied to the other one. *chuckle* Here's what I wrote there, just so it's reitterated... 1. You say that he knew that if it happened again you were leaving him -- then you say he did it again AND YOU DIDN'T LEAVE. By doing this, he knows it's okay to continue treating you as he does. You didn't stick with what you said. 2. You have a daughter you need to think of. Who's to say that his 'extremely violent' temper isn't going to turn to her one of these days? Do you want that? 3. His being drunk is NO excuse for what he did to you. Your subject reads 'he almost raped' -- but you said he penetrated your anus. He penetrated; that's rape. It doesn't matter if you two are in a relationship. If you didn't want sex (and obviously by the fighting back I'd assume you didn't), then it's against your will, hense rape. 4. I'd tend to wonder if your other post relates to your situation at all. I'd FULLY understand not being interested in sex if I wasn't being treated to the best of my partner's ability. He should be loving you and pleasuring you and treating you like his Queen, both in regards to his partner AND as the mother of his child. 5. Get out, get out, get out is all I have to say. Others may disagree with me; others may agree with me. Others may say 'help him through this;' I say you already gave him the chance to change (see #1). Others may say it more eloquently so as not to hurt your feelings; I just wanted to get out my thoughts and be blunt with them to get the point across. These situations make me SO angry and I just want to see it resolved happily for you. I'm SO sorry you're going through this horrible situation, especially at so young an age. You should be having fun, enjoying that baby girl, and enjoying a happy life. There's no need of what he's doing to you -- and there's NO need for you to stay in that situation. I hope you make your life better for you and your daughter. Please let us know.
  9. VERY good information, Katprr! Thank you for passing this along! We have lots of critters in our house. The cats ALWAYS sleep on top of the bed covers and I catch one of our dogs trying to sneak up every once in a while. We're guilty of setting a toy down while we use another or just enjoy each other for a while. They're our sheets... we're on them... never even thought they'd not be clean enough to set a toy down for a few minutes and then use it again. Guess we've gotta start bringing a hand towel during playtime to set things on, eh? Oi!
  10. I come here for information and knowing it's a comfortable setting makes it easier for me, personally, to be able to write more bluntly than I can talk about things (something I'm working on, though!). If someone were to hit-on me, then sure, there would be a small part of me that would be flattered -- though they'd still get a big fat ol' NO response. If they continued after that, or if they were just gross from the get-go, that's when it bothers me. I think it's intent and approach that differentiates each proposal.. make sense? It's kinda the same thing as in the real world -- if someone were to yell out a window as I'm walking by, "Hey baby, wanna fuck?" ... Heck no, but I'd get a giggle (from the "AS IF!!" perspective of it) and a little self-confidence boost out of it. However, if someone were to come up to me with a flower, a nice compliment and offer his/her number IF I were interested... The self-confidence boost would be a bigger one than the previous situation. They'd still get that no, but it'd be given politely. You know? When I first started coming here, I was making my husband laugh his ass off with how many times I'd tell him it wasn't "that kind" of place. He knew, and I knew he knew, but I wanted to make REAL sure he understood I was only here for info and not for hooking up with anyone.
  11. Ahh yes, this question. Well, if I were allowed a wish for physical change, it would be smaller breasts, without a doubt. Anything else (smaller ass, tighter tummy) would all get worked off if I just had smaller boobs. If I were allowed a wish for a non-physical change, it would be for a higher self-esteem. I can preach it like there's no tomorrow, but I just can't follow it. It's a tough ditch to get yourself out of when you've been in it for most of your life. I always say I never waste wishes, especially when you can work most things out for yourself, but those are the two I'd wish for, if they were offered.
  12. My ex right before my husband was very nicely endowed. He was tall and skinny and had at least 8 inches of not VERY thick, but yummy-enough thick! Although they haven't been considered 'perky' umm... EVER (I grew early and grew QUICK), my boobs are the biggest I've ever played with. *chuckle* 42DD, all me.
  13. Valntyn


    When my husband and I first started dating, we went at it like bunnies (you know that first loooooove stage, right?! ). After a few years, I had sort of a mental-funk and did... not.. want.. sex. Git away, shoo, don't bothah me boy! My poor guy. So, of, course, he with his high sex drive would always be asking for it, and me with my total lack of sex drive would always be turning him down. He was lucky if he was getting it once in a six month period. It didn't really cause 'fights,' but I was always angry with him, cuz he'd always be asking for sex, neither of us able to understand what was wrong with me. Well, THANKFULLY I worked myself out of that weird, no-reason-for funk (too bad it took a couple years) and now we wear each other out!!
  14. Oo that's cute! Thanks for the review!
  15. When I first came here, I started getting PMs from one person. I'd answer the 'innocent' questions and ignore the sexual ones, and told them that I wasn't here for that kind of thing. It continued, so I just hit the 'block' button and haven't had a problem since. Like someone else mentioned, most people are here for the same thing you are -- information in a comfortable setting. Glad you asked for help/input instead of just not logging in!
  16. Wow! can't believe I've never seen this thread! My first toy was the Powerful Sparkling Vibrating Egg and from there started the fun! My favorite toy? Egads! Silver Bullet... Glow-In-The-Dark Jelly Penis Vibe... Hustler Rock-It ... and our newest addition: the Masagi Glass (with a fanTASTIC bullet!!! *swoon*).
  17. We can't use antibacterial soap, so we wash our toys in warm water with regular soap then wipe them really well with antibacterial wipes. Then, because my husband doesn't care for the taste of antibacterial stuffs (ex: if he goes down on me after using a toy on me), we do a quick rinse with warm water. Where we have dogs, we can't let toys sit out to dry overnight, so we gently pat them down with a soft towel and put them back in their boxes once dry (air can still get to them to finish their drying if they're not fully dried when we're done with them). Sounds complicated, but it takes a whole two minutes and keeps them happy so they keep US happy!
  18. I've definitely had dreams that had me reaching for my husband before I was even fully awake. He totally enjoys being woken up with me sopping wet and straddling him and the sex is some of the best we have!
  19. Drama, drama, drama! WELL, after talking with the wonderful Meaghan and getting ready to toss-out the defective Heart-On, my husband asks if he can see it before I throw it out, to see (other than a picture online) what my frustration was all about. And the turkey made the darn thing work!! Apparently, the little metal conductors in the screw-cap weren't bent down enough to touch the batteries -- thus, no charge, no go-go, no vibe! I quickly let Meaghan know I didn't need a replacement after all, thanked her profusely for all her help, and rewarded my husband with a big fat kiss and a slap on his tush for getting it to work in two seconds where I couldn't in days... Hehe! Later that night, while he was having some 'him time' playing a game, I decided to pop into the bedroom and play a little on my own. "Have fun," I said as I kissed him atop the head. "You, too," he replied with a grin. I used lots of lube -- this toy could very well be intimidating if you let it!! I didn't want ANY painful issues, so I kept the Astroglide right handy. I played with it around my clit and got myself naturally wet as well, then worked on inserting it. Ow, is all I have to say. *chuckle* I was able to get about 3-4 inches in and I had to stop. Now, I'm very tight, understand that. I always have been, even before I started doing Kegels. But, taking it slow, I know you can stretch yourself out. So, the girth, although a little bit of a problem, wasn't THE problem. Those hearts were painful! I was so excited at first, to hear that they were smooth and nice along the wall of another's pussy, but it didn't work the same for mine! I'll definitely try again -- I won't be intimidated (hehe) -- because I want to give it another chance, to make sure that it's the hearts that are hurting me and not JUST the girth... and because it really IS so pretty!! It's definitely NOT for virgins and I, personally, wouldn't suggest it for beginner toy-users, either. I would suggest to beginners to try something with less girth and see how that feels before trying this one -- I'd hate to have a newbie try this as their first and then get discouraged if they can't handle it! Anyway.. there's my four cents.
  20. I'm not sure if there are any specific rules about pictures being posted here. I do know that in my short-ish time here, there have been some posted, but not many. I'm guessing (not meaning to put words in anyone's mouth) that most people wouldn't post pictures. The nature of this forum is for people to be able to comfortably ask questions they may be very shy/timid to ask normally. The ability to be anonymous and still be educated was a big plus for me when I first came here. I'm sure there will be others who answer a variety of answers for you. That's just my two cents.
  21. First let me say, "I'm glad that guy's your EX!" My husband would never ever say any comments like those (that's not me trying to sound haughty!). He's such a shy, awkward, cute little geek (hehe), not to mention he was raised with vast amounts of respect for women. His momma did done good, uh-huh. (Can't tell I'm proud of having him in my life, can you?! ) Of course, now, I'm not saying the boy's dead. *chuckle* Of course if he sees a woman that appeals to his senses, he casts her a second look. If we're watching a movie and some gorgeous woman appears on the screen, we similtaneously say, "Hel-lo!" and then laugh with each other. I love watching people when we're out in public and sometimes there's something extra special to take-in visually -- I'll point her out (maybe also issue a little 'mrrow') if he hasn't already seen her. We may talk (discreetly, of course) about why she turned our head; we may just move on with whatever we were doing. I think it's just common nature to look and we have fun doing it together.
  22. Hehe! Fortunately, I had just read one of your posts to someone else about this, so after trying multiple sets of batteries, I sheepishly checked out the battery holding place in hopes that that's all it was. I was going to very happily feel stupid if it meant I could get this toy to work! Howard even asked me about this in a PM and I quaduple checked to make sure I wasn't missing anything, but nope, no paper/plastic! I stuck my finger in and felt around; I held it up to the light to see better; nada. Thanks for asking, though!
  23. Thanks, Couple. Have no worries! I adore this site (shop and forums), so I won't be straying from TooTimid. Things happen and it's certainly not TooTimid's fault! I'll write again when my replacement arrives, hopefully with a raving review! Thanks for writing!
  24. When I ordered the Heart-On, I had shown my honey the picture online and he knew I was going to try it solo before I introduced them to each other. Well today, my husband had just left for work... and the postwoman knocks on the door and hands me a package from TooTimid! Perfect timing!! I rip the box open... and my eyes bulge as I giggle. "Holy sh**," I softly breathe as I pick up the package that clearly displayed my new blue LARGE friend. "What'd I get myself into... or, more to the point, to put in me?!" A bigger grin lifts my lips as I think, "Who cares?! It's so PRETTY!" Hahahaha! A quick wash.. grab the batteries and lube.. and off to the bedroom I go! .... Only to be saddened when the darn thing didn't work. *chuckle* Yup, I got a faulty one. So, after trying three sets of batteries and flipping them this way and that, just to make sure all really wasn't good, back in the box it went. It happens sometimes, sometimes more than others (this is my third toy exchange this month). At least now I'll be more understanding of how big it is when my replacement comes in the mail!
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