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Everything posted by ToyQueen

  1. I have the Smartballs, and I love them! I don't often orgasm when I use them, but they do remind me to do my Kegals. They also keep me very wet for whatever playtime I might have.
  2. Welcome! I look forward to hearing more from you.
  3. I always used a pantyliner on after sex for that very reason.
  4. Welcome, Samma Bear!!! I hope you enjoy it here.
  5. I'm sure that others will have answers for you, but here is a woman's point of view. I wouldn't worry about how far you can insert the vibrator. Most of the nerve endings are in the bottom third of the vagina. I would just use it as you can. My thought is that as you relax more you will be able to insert it farther, but as long as you are comfortable and enjoying it, I wouldn't worry. Good luck!
  6. I agree with both Thurisas and Katprr. I thought of a couple of other questions, though. Is your girlfriend taking birth control pills? Could she have a fear of getting pregnant, and therefore is shutting you down? Did she get a urinary tract infection after having sex, and the antibiotics led to a yeast infection? Is she concerned about that happening again? Just some things to think about...
  7. Happy birthday!!! I hope it's a very happy day.
  8. Howard, Did you this man's blog? He was not asking for anyone's permission to do this. He and his wife (and his brother) have already started this. He was asking for an opinion. Perhaps he wants someone to say that this is perfectly normal. I don't know. But, for him, this is MUCH more than a fantasy.
  9. Nice review, Tyger. I have a question, though. Would a man be able to make this on his own, or does it really need two people? Thanks.
  10. Welcome! This caught my eye, so I'm going to ask. Your little girl is 7 years or 7 months??
  11. TOO true!!! Thanks, Tyger, for the laughs.
  12. I like this one!!! Very well written.
  13. I seldom have an orgasm when I have the Smart Balls in. But since they are designed to help train your PC muscles, I think they are still great. I can orgasm fairly easily when I am driving with the balls in. Hope that helps.
  14. Very nice story. I could almost see myself in that situation. Good job!
  15. First of all, welcome to the forum. There is so much information here, and I hope you share your experiences and questions. There are some really informative articles about shaving. If you go to the sex ed tab at the top of the page, you can find them. There are also several posts about this very subject. Using hair shampoo on the area when you shower seems to help. Conditioner helps some people. I really like Coochie Spray. It feels good, and seems to cut down on the irritation. I'm sure others will give you ideas, but this is a start. Good luck!
  16. I understand that you are embarrassed. However, I truly believe that this is an issue that needs to be discussed with your doctor. Even if (s)he doesn't have the answer, the resources to find you an answer are there. This person has seen you in the most unflattering of times and positions. These doctors really have seen and heard almost everything.
  17. Thanks for sharing. I just keep storing away ideas for when I am in a relationship.
  18. Very nice, Cole. It's good to see that a man isn't afraid to post a picture. Nice pics, too.
  19. I want desperately to bed my best friend. I had a huge crush on him in high school, but didn't ever pursue anything. We started talking here and there several years ago. We became better friends a few years ago when he started having marital problems. He was my biggest support when my marriage ended two years ago. We have had some very open conversations about what we were like in school, how things have changed, and how we are attracted to one another now. We have had incredible phone sex, along with IM sex conversations. I am incredibly attracted to his body--he works out, has an incredible ass, and the most unbelievable eyes and smile. But I also enjoy just talking to him.
  20. In my boyfriend's parent's bed while they were at church. On my parent's front room floor. In my parent's bed in their camp trailer. In his parent's car. Hmm, pretty much anywhere we could find to be alone...
  21. I have masturbated since I was very young, even though I didn't know what it was called, or even why I did it. Not only did my mother make me feel guilty about it for as long as I can remember, she told one of my teachers about it so the teacher could watch me. The other kids who sat around me also somehow knew that this was an issue and would tell the teacher. One of the biggest problems with this? I was in college when I finally realized that that was what I had been doing all those years. Yes, I was very naive. Of course, my mother would be very upset if she knew I continue to masturbate, have toys, and even that I am on this site regularly.
  22. I know several gay men who have married women and had children. So they obviously date women, too. I agree with Tyger that you can't always tell a person's sexual orientation simply by the way he or she dresses or gestures. But I would think that if he's on a singles dating site and looking at women, he is probably straight. Just my two cents.
  23. We ALL need a pumpkin like that!!!!!!!!!
  24. The last yeast infection I had showed up as a rash between my rectum and vagina. I didn't have much vaginal itching. I would suggest you have a healthcare professional check it.
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