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About swoodzy

  • Birthday 07/08/1972

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  • Briefly Describe your last sexual encounter:
    Passionate, hot, wet
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  • # of sex toys you own?
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  • What is your age & gender?

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  1. I guess I have been wearing my costume for a week now. I will be a guy that has a huge post-surgical splint/cast on his leg/foot. I will be religated to handing out the candy this year. Just had a major reconstruction of my foot/anlke. Hurts like hell, but it will be a cool scar though.
  2. Got my vas a few weeks ago. Can't say there is an increase in libido, yet. Still waiting for the 6 weeks post to make happy in a cup. Hopefully there will be no swimmers. As far as pain, my testicles were tender for about a week and a half. Felt like the time after my son hit me in the nuts with a soccer ball. Not too bad, but I would not want to do it every day. They gave me vicodin, but regular tylonol was good enough. Also, when the Dr says wear a jock strap for 2 weeks, do it. The snug fit and compression help with the swelling. Frozen peas are your best friend.
  3. Stop dating BOYS. They have a "Hit it and Quit it" mentality. You are young and should be having fun, not stressing over the immaturity of guys that think with their penis. Go out, have fun, set some ground rules. If the guy is worth it, he will hang around, if not ... His loss.
  4. EXIT TO EDEN!!! Those scenes with Dana Delany and Paul Mercurio were steamin' hot.
  5. A friend of mine came while on a long bike ride. He said he never enjoyed biking that much. It was caused by the seat pressing into his "sweet spot" ( the area between the testicles and anus). Never happened to me, I guess I need to whisper sweet nothings to my bike more.
  6. Ice cubes/Hot tea are great. I remember my first hot/cold blowjob. it was great. be careful not to use redhots. can make for some very uncomfortable sensations.
  7. 22. Not too bad. Guess I need one of those Nintendo DS with the brain workouts. Hmmmmm. Christmas is coming up...
  8. Wow, that is a good one. It is probably the fact that he cannot SEE you suck him. Guys are visual. I know when I am recieving, I like to watch. Of course, I'll take it any way I can get it.
  9. now, that's hot. It's always nice to see someone that is comfortable in thier own skin.
  10. A good ol' boy came back from his honeymoon and his buddy said, "How was it? Did you get any pussy?" The man said, "No, she has gonorrhea, but you know how I like to fish." "Did you bend her over and do her in the ass?" his friend asked. "No, she has diarrhea, but you know how I like to fish." "Wow" his friend said, " did she give you head?" "No, she has pyorrhea, but you know how I like to fish." "Man, she has all of this stuff wrong with her, why did you marry her?" . .. ... .... ..... "SHE'S GOT WORMS...You know how I like to fish!"
  11. OMG...Someone up there mentioned the rule about being 18 to even go into a "Toy Store". Call me old fashioned, but i totally agree. Wow.. a 14 yr old...I just think that is too young. I was 20 before I traded in my virginity. I know that is odd for this day and age, but I think kids are already growing up too fast. JMO.
  12. Puddles Valentine--Must be a "golden showers" flick.
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