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Everything posted by swoodzy

  1. I guess I have been wearing my costume for a week now. I will be a guy that has a huge post-surgical splint/cast on his leg/foot. I will be religated to handing out the candy this year. Just had a major reconstruction of my foot/anlke. Hurts like hell, but it will be a cool scar though.
  2. Got my vas a few weeks ago. Can't say there is an increase in libido, yet. Still waiting for the 6 weeks post to make happy in a cup. Hopefully there will be no swimmers. As far as pain, my testicles were tender for about a week and a half. Felt like the time after my son hit me in the nuts with a soccer ball. Not too bad, but I would not want to do it every day. They gave me vicodin, but regular tylonol was good enough. Also, when the Dr says wear a jock strap for 2 weeks, do it. The snug fit and compression help with the swelling. Frozen peas are your best friend.
  3. Stop dating BOYS. They have a "Hit it and Quit it" mentality. You are young and should be having fun, not stressing over the immaturity of guys that think with their penis. Go out, have fun, set some ground rules. If the guy is worth it, he will hang around, if not ... His loss.
  4. EXIT TO EDEN!!! Those scenes with Dana Delany and Paul Mercurio were steamin' hot.
  5. A friend of mine came while on a long bike ride. He said he never enjoyed biking that much. It was caused by the seat pressing into his "sweet spot" ( the area between the testicles and anus). Never happened to me, I guess I need to whisper sweet nothings to my bike more.
  6. Ice cubes/Hot tea are great. I remember my first hot/cold blowjob. it was great. be careful not to use redhots. can make for some very uncomfortable sensations.
  7. 22. Not too bad. Guess I need one of those Nintendo DS with the brain workouts. Hmmmmm. Christmas is coming up...
  8. Wow, that is a good one. It is probably the fact that he cannot SEE you suck him. Guys are visual. I know when I am recieving, I like to watch. Of course, I'll take it any way I can get it.
  9. now, that's hot. It's always nice to see someone that is comfortable in thier own skin.
  10. A good ol' boy came back from his honeymoon and his buddy said, "How was it? Did you get any pussy?" The man said, "No, she has gonorrhea, but you know how I like to fish." "Did you bend her over and do her in the ass?" his friend asked. "No, she has diarrhea, but you know how I like to fish." "Wow" his friend said, " did she give you head?" "No, she has pyorrhea, but you know how I like to fish." "Man, she has all of this stuff wrong with her, why did you marry her?" . .. ... .... ..... "SHE'S GOT WORMS...You know how I like to fish!"
  11. OMG...Someone up there mentioned the rule about being 18 to even go into a "Toy Store". Call me old fashioned, but i totally agree. Wow.. a 14 yr old...I just think that is too young. I was 20 before I traded in my virginity. I know that is odd for this day and age, but I think kids are already growing up too fast. JMO.
  12. Puddles Valentine--Must be a "golden showers" flick.
  13. Krazikris, Not trying to insult. Did you see the movie? It was a romantic-comedy in the 80's with Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan. There was a scene where he said men and women can't be friends because the guy will inevitably think about having sex with the girl. No action may be taken, but the thought is there. Anyway, they banter back and forth, and IT WAS FUNNY. The 2 characters ended up being friends then got together in the end. I am just saying that whether a guy will admit it or not, the thought does cross his mind at one time or another (no matter who the girl is).
  14. I mentioned in another thread that my wife and I shared a journal while I was deployed. One of the things I mentioned in the journal was how I was a very physical person while she was not(she could go for months without acting on urges). When I got home after 4 months, she said she had not realized I felt that way. she used to complain that all I thought about was sex, now she realizes that we can just be phyically close and I will be happier. Long way to say, write your feelings down. Give them to her. Let her READ how you feel. It is easy to tell some one how you feel, but if you write (not type) it down, she will see that you have actually put some thought into it. After 7 years of marriage, my wife/love, now understands my perspective and actually gives me unexpected kisses on the neck. Since she understands me, she also realizes that when I kiss/caress her that I am not neccessarily trying to initiate sex. Good luck
  15. Mikayla brought up something interesting..."He wanted to fuck any girl who gave him any attention whatsoever". I think what happens so often is that people cannot distinguish attention from attraction/affection. I just had a discussion a few months ago about it with a girl I was in Iraq with. She was really nice to everyone which was many times mis-understood by most guys that she was attracted to them. One guy ended up being a semi-stalker (he was married). He thought he was in love with her and that since she talked to him, she was reciprocating. WOW, what a time that was. Everyone in our little group had to confront him to convince him that she WAS NOT interested. It is amazing how the human brain can so easily confuse attention and attraction. Happend to me a few times, but I was able to nip it in the bud before anyone got hurt. I guess "When Harry Met Sally" (obscure reference,good movie) was right...Men and women can't be friends.
  16. Once a cheater... I think it is possible for people to change, but they must want to change. My 1st marriage ended because my wife was a cheater. had I known this fact before I got married, I probably would not have married her. (Of course I had some other misgivings, but the sex was great and I was young, dumb, and full of...you know the rest). I found out later that she had cheated on her ex-husbands and a few of her ex-boyfriends. When I got stationed in Korea(1 year remote assignment-no family allowed), she called to let me know that she was cheating on me with one of the guys I drank/played bar trivia with. The divorce papers were signed within 1 day of my return to the States. 6 years of marriage lost to a lack of self control. Anyway...being in the military, I have seen lots of cheating in my 12 years in. The guys I know that cheat are cheaters and will always be. The girls that are cheaters and will always be. They love the thrill of doing something and not getting caught (or of getting caught and still getting away with it). For the most part I don't think it's about the sex as much as it is the experience. That's my 2-cents.
  17. Sweetone, i am in the military and just returned from a 4 month tour. my wife an I sent a journal back and forth. I am normally not a writer, but hey what else did I have to do in the desert? We both shared our fanasies....made the home cumming so much more enjoyable. We were both able to tell each other things that we were "afraid" to say aloud. Wedid not have to worry about being cut off or rolling eyes. we could be as intimate as we wanted. worked for us...just need a sitter for the kid, adn we could really fulfill some fantasies.
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