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Everything posted by hollybw

  1. I have to agree with Tyger on this one. I am ashamed to say, I have been in that situation, also. You WILL end up feeling horrible and so will both girls, even if you think it may be okay at the time... There are plenty of other women who like this. Also, your GF may eventually like it. Tell her how you feel. Most women who are in love will do things they never thought they would to please their partner. Start out with your finger while going down on her. And read other posts and articles here on this subject! You will learn a lot. And get your GF to read them also. And one more thing, if she is adamant about NOT having anal sex, that is her choice and do not push her!
  2. hollybw


    I feel for you! I would have been pissed, too! I hate to hear anything like that when I actually have the chance to sleep (which is almost NEVER!). Last year, our neighbors added on to their house, and we heard it ALL day long - even weekends - starting VERY early! Also, the neighbor on the other side of us insists on cutting his yard, outside our bedroom window, at about 9PM, right when I am trying to get my three year old to sleep! Drives us CRAZY all summer! Everytime he does it, my husband will go out on the porch and just stand there and watch him! I'm always afraid they will end up cussing each other out!
  3. There are soooo many things.... 1. I, too, want my son to continue to be happy and healthy 2. I want to continue to have a great marriage and great sex, and even make it better (there's always room for improvement!) 3. I want to try to make more time for myself (I'm tired of being tired and trying to do EVERYTHING) 4. I want to make more time and effort to write more! (I miss it, and becoming a reviewer for TT and posting on this forum has made me realize how much!) Happy New Year everyone!!!
  4. Maybe you should try to get a new toy, made of a different material... I realize that maybe easier said than done for you, living at home, but there are ways!
  5. That's a great story, Howard!! My husband and I always did it in his mothers house before and after we were married. It always seemed more exciting with the thought of being caught! I think some people just consider it disrespectful in these situations. Or maybe it really is that they're jealous. Anytime we have to go to extended family functions, like on the holidays, we always seem to make it a point to touch, kiss, and fondle each other when we think no one is looking (and yes, we have been caught doing ALL these things several times). Mostly, these situations are stressful for one or both of us, and this makes us feel better. It's as if we are saying to each other, "I love you, and we will be home and alone together very soon!"
  6. Antibacterial Toy Wipes by Top Cat I too am one of those people who are neurotic about germs and cleanliness, especially when it comes to "personal" hygiene. I keep myself and my toys as clean as possible, and I am always looking for new and faster ways to do so! Therefore, I was surely intrigued by the Moist Antibacterial Wipes from Top Cat. When I received these wipes, the first thing I noticed was the colorful packaging - no mistaking these for baby wipes! And as is usually the case with baby wipes, I anticipated having to struggle with the packaging. However, the single wipes are quite easily opened, having a small slit on top to pull. Now for the sniff test (another obsession of mine - I have to smell everything!) Most antibacterial products tend to smell just like rubbing alcohol to me, but this one is different, being that it has a pleasant, light scent that is in no way overpowering. Though I immediately likes these wipes, I wasn't sure as to their real necessity. Isn't good old-fashioned soap and water just cheaper? True, but then I realized that not all of my toys are waterproof, and it can be difficult to thoroughly clean them. These wipes are definitely valuable for saving non-waterproof toys from becoming unusable after water damage from an attepted cleaning. Another point to be made is that they are just plain convenient. They can be kept in the nightstand, your purse, or even your pocket for quick, handy clean up. http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...amp;ProdID=4997
  7. The Dual Bullet I love bullets! Like so many others, I too, swear by them. So what is better than a bullet? Two bullets! And better than two bullets? Two different bullets in one set! The Dual Bullet is a beautiful, opalescent purple with one standard egg-shaped bullet and one elongated, nubby bullet (reminds me of a pickle!) for two sensations in one toy. Imagine the possibilities!! The two bullets are wired to one controller which requires 2AA batteries and has a dial which can be turned to increase the vibration. The best part: as the vibration increases, the bullets light up! Lighted, they are pretty enough to hang on a Christmas tree! This being double bullets and my first light-up toy, I couldn't wait to try it out! Unfortunately, the vibrations just weren't strong enough for my taste. I prefer really strong vibrations, which one generally always gets from a bullet. However, these bullets didn't do it for me. They felt very nice on my thighs, neck, and breasts, but it seemed like it took me a very long time to climax when placed on my clit. My husband and I both started to get a bit impatient. Don't get me wrong - we still like this toy. It has several features that we enjoyed. It seems like it would make a great toy for a beginner or someone who does not prefer stronger vibes. The vibrations of this toy may not be as I would wish them to be, but this toy will still get play - just not as much as some others in my collection. http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...amp;ProdID=5199
  8. The G-sopt Orbit Vibe Like so many other women out there, I have been waiting for that elusive G-spot orgasm for, what seems like, forever! Therefore, I have been wanting a G-spot vibrator to hopefully help to give me that orgasm. So, one may understand my excitement when I received the G-Spot Orbit Vibe! The first thought I had when pulling this jelly, lavender vibe out of its packaging was, "It's much bigger than I imagined!" This startled me at first because the only G-spot vibrator I have ever owned was soooo much smaller. Then it occurred to me: I am still waiting for that "O," right? So maybe it is time to try something different... Maybe something bigger? The next thing I noticed (after getting over its size) was the soft, pliable, jelly material, molded into a wonderful nubby texture. My husband, as with any new toy, immediately went for our battery stash to see what kind of vibrations the Orbit has to offer. He had a little trouble correctly installing the 2AAA batteries required, as there are no instructions, but after a couple of adjustments, we found that this vibe does have a nice, strong vibration. Very quickly after insertion, I was sold on this one! The texture and the size (yes, the size!) were great! I honestly never thought I would like a toy so much without clitoral stimulation. However, this one is quickly becoming a favorite! I believe Hubby even likes it as much as I do - he loved watching me squirm as he tried to give me my first G-spot orgasm with the Orbit! So, did I ever get there? Sorry to tell you, but not quite - not yet. It was no fault of the toy's; it's just going to take more practice. But trust me; we are definitely looking forward to many more practice sessions together with the G-Spot Orbit! G-Spot Obit Vibe
  9. It also may even be that he is self-conscious about it. Maybe he has been told that he isn't good at it. And maybe it is because you have only been "together" one time. I have found that some men are not so quick to do it to a woman that they don't know well. And on the other hand, there are others who are down there before you can even get all your clothes off! I would probably give it a little time to see where it goes before you blow him off (bad choice of words! - I mean, before you dump him). If he still isn't making any effort to reciprocate, I would just ask him what's up.
  10. I usually wear thongs throughout the day, like to work. However, I normally do not wear them at night or anytime I'm trying to get my husband going! He loves to reach down and find that I have none on! He calls it "easy access!" So mostly I go without for him.
  11. I think I will have to go with Ginger and Mike D, also. My first toy was very realistic (except that it was purple!), so I would then have said I liked a realistic one. However, now that my collection has grown (a lot!), it just matters how well it gets the job done!
  12. With hundreds of lubricants on the market, it can be difficult to decide which to purchase. About a year ago, I thought I had finally found my favorite. It was a much more expensive version from another company before I discovered Too Timid. Now I find that the Too Timid Pleasure Gel is my new favorite, for its price and its qualities. The Pleasure Gel has a silky, natural feel that keeps me, my husband, and my our toys lubricated all throughout playtime. The consistency of this water-based lube is thin, but not too thin. It is odorless, tasteless, and can be used with any toy. It is clear, non-staining, and never becomes sticky or gummy like so many other lubes I've tried. I believe it is the only lube I have ever had that I do not immediately feel the need to wash off as soon playtime is over. For me, that is a big plus because there is little worse than having to rush off to the bathroom instead of basking in the afterglow! With any Too Timid purchase, the Pleasure Gel is a great addition. It has the size and cost of a sample, so a new user does not have to feel so committed tossing this in his or her shopping cart when making a toy purchase. And yet, sample sized it may be, but believe me, it will last much longer! Too Timid Pleasure Gel
  13. Great replies from everyone! I just have to say, I am an adult child of divorce, and I firmly believe that staying for the chldren is no way to go. My mother did the same thing. Then one day after I went off to college, I get a phone call from her telling me the news that they had decided to separate. For a long time, I felt it was my fault that she was so unhappy because she stayed with my father for me. Especially after finding out everything she had put up with over 25 years. I know better now because we have talked about it extensively. She is now in a great, loving relationship, and I have never seen her happier. Mine and her realtionship is also better than ever. We are best friends. I, too, have very little realtionship with my father now. However, I can also see that I never really did. The realtionship I had with him was only because my mother made it so. You know what you have to do. Life is too short to stay miserable for all of it!
  14. Mike, that was exactly what I was getting at. Bri, IMO, you shouldn't be talking to anyone about this until you have talked to her and she is interested. This site is ok, but if you later confess that you approached a real person, she may feel violated or betrayed...
  15. The key to getting ANYONE to open up and try something new, is to make them feel COMFORTABLE! Let her know that you love her, respect her decisions, and that she always has the option to back out. If she trusts you and feels comfortable, she will open up more. Keep encouraging her and be patient. Good Luck!
  16. What about shopping with her on this site, or order her a catalog??
  17. Don't have an answer for that one... But , I have to ask: Is this something she wants as well? Or, is this your fantasy? And, I definately would not suggest bar hopping! (Hint: STD's!)
  18. Glenn, you would have to make this comical!! You crack me up!! Please write more!! This is a very interesting idea!
  19. I got a Victoria's gift card in my stocking, and hubby got a new cock ring and a Good Head sampler pack! We had a great Christmas night!!
  20. It really isn't a big deal for us. I have an IUD implanted for birth control, and my periods are very light because of it - I never have a "heavy" day, and periods only last about 3 days. My husband has no problem with it - when he wants it, he wants it. Once he said, "You are my wife, I have seen you give birth, and I go down on you all the time. A little blood on my dick isn't going to kill me!" However, I never expect or even want oral sex at this time. Neither of us really makes a big deal about sex during periods. I think it all depends on how close and connected you are with your partner.
  21. For us, usually my husband pulls them out! He just really likes to use them on me. And sometimes it just doesn't even come up until I am having trouble "getting there." Then, sometimes one of us feels frisky and dumps them all out on the bed and we try a few! It just depends on the mood we're in. I guess we are very comfortable with them! Good question, Aiden!
  22. I would definitely have to say vibrating! That is almost the whole point to me. If it doesn't vibrate, I would rather it be my husband!
  23. Thank you, Tyger! I believe that is exactly what it is. I really do not believe the person I was speaking of is gay, she just loves THIS woman. I have always thought that is exactly what happened: emotional support turned into unexpected feelings and then, a love relationship. And I don't see anyone leaving anytime soon! They are in their 50's, hermits, and just seem to enjoy each other and taking care of their animals! I think it's great! They're happy!
  24. This is a very interesting topic for me because I know a woman very close to me who was married for 25 years and was always heterosexual. Soon after divorcing, a lesbian friend of hers became more than a friend, and they have now been living together for about 5 years. This woman has NEVER been happier, and still claims to not be gay. What do you all make of that?? I think its wonderful for ANYONE to find an honest, fulfilling, loving relationship no matter who it is with, even if it's an unlikely pairing...
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