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Everything posted by brandyfan411

  1. I did open my mouth Mikayla. Do you really think that I, I repeat I, didnt?! lol, Come on, you should know me better than that. Unfortunetly, I'm under my mother's insurance so she was going to be there. Yes, I did speak over my mother....did doc listen? Probably not because she's also my mother's OB/GYN.
  2. I went to the OB/GYN to see about myself. My period is coming WAAAY too frequently. As a matter of fact, think I'm getting ready to start again and it's been less than 2 weeks. I was sick of the horrid cramps and heaviness so I made a appt. Ok, we'll skip the dreadful paper work and into the room (which was horrible BTW! Some woman brought her little infants in and they smelled like crap the whole time! YUCK!). Well, I sat on the table for about 10 minutes listening to another patient who found out she had herpes. Then Dr. Parker came waltzing in, with her bad makeup job, to talk to me. Why my mother came, I dunno but whatever. She asked me what was going on. I told her that my period was way too frequent and when I was on, it was a bloody nightmare (lol, get it!?! bloody?!?). I told her that I wanted something done about this. I can't masturbate if I'm constantly bleeding and almost vomitting....I can't do alot of things like that (I didn't say this to her, I'm just saying). After explaining the whole "your body is growing" thing, she told me this was normal for "kids" my age. Ok, hold the bleep up. This is NOT normal because being in complete MISERY for 7 days is out of the norm. My mother jumps in and says "her periods aren't that bad". I had had enough of this by now so I had to correct mom. "Wrong mom, I've told you this before but my periods are very heavy and it's painful". Sorry mom but I had to shut ya down there. Dr. Parker then proceeds to tell me about my options. I knew what I wanted....the shot to stop my period all to-freakin'-gether. I was about to mention this but my mother jumps in AGAIN and says "she's not looking for birth control or anything like that"....EXCUSE ME!?! As I remembered, this was MY appointment! Dr. Parker said that there isn't ANY waste or anything in your menstrual cycle so you don't have to make a period!! This was great! Get rid of mi.....oh wait, mom has already stated that I don't want anything like birth control, Thanks Mom . So Dr. Parker puts me on this pill (I can't remember the stupid name) that supposed to lenghten the time between my periods. Great, now I can sit around and ANTICIPATE my next period. It all thanks to mom!
  3. I think lawyers are sexy because 1) they can tell you what to do in a NASTY way and mean it lol and 2) because I plan on being a lawyer and anything I'm in is sexy ROFL! I love computer programmers....I'm a comp geek. I think "dorks" are hot. They can search my hard-drive anytime.
  4. Sweetie, let me tell you. I' 5'4" and I'm supposed to be overweight for my age (I believe I'm at 150. Being short, that's not so good but whatever). I'm 18 and have serious strech marks running all over my thighs, dark ones at that. I have asthma so bad sometimes that I walk around with my nebulizer strapped to my back. I don't excersize one bit and I LOVE to eat. ....I AM SO SEXY I'D MARRY MYSELF IF I HAD THE CHANCE!! WHY DO YOU THINK I ENJOY GIVING MYSELF PLEASURE!?! ROFL, I never avoid myself. I am VERY comfortable being who I am because it's me! Whenever there's a mirror, I'm in it and look pretty daggon good. I wear my PINK "Victoria Secret" Sweats that accent my curves and I work it! Appreciate every curve and/or lump you have. Everyone doesn't have to be skinny. Be very happy that you have a loving husband who likes what you have. Just own it and make it work! You are sexy honey!
  5. You must have been lurking for a while lol. I'm Vicky! Nice to meet you Fun_Av8tor!
  6. Here in SC, it's sorta warm...I hate it!! I'm ready to get back to the ATL. Where I live, it's warm enough for me to wear my PINK sweats (I have almost ALL pairs of PINK "Victoria Secret" sweat pants).
  7. I have been thinking about using Viva Creme (or any clitorial "enhancement" creme). I love orgasms....and my clit so this sounds fun. I don't need a cock ring lol but the bullet and Viva Creme sound very nice! Thanks Mikayla!
  8. ROFL! Mike, I think you're going to get the same reaction from just about everyone on your new peircing.
  9. *hollers out of the window* SHUT UP BACK THERE! Um sorry, I almost forgot to mention that I have Bobby Valentino tied up out back for my own "curious" pleasures *laughs evilishly*. He may be alittle short but I'll be his "Anonymous" girl for as long as he wants me to...or until I let him go. Does anybody think Bret Michaels is hot? I think his lips are too sexy!!
  10. Hmm, it's all mental. Well, I did fall asleep right afterwards. Maybe my mind hadn't calmed down yet. I guess those Endorphines were still moving in my head lol.
  11. ROFL, I didn't even notice the tag before you said something!! It's ok, you're still beautiful. But don't get too much smaller! I mean, most women today wanna be stick thin (NOT ME). There's nothing wrong with having alittle junk in the trunk!! It's nice to see a woman who's comfortable being normal; that's what makes you 10x as beautiful.
  12. Ok, so last night after packing I decided to get off one last time. It was pretty quite so I put the vibe on low speed. Anyways, once I reached my first orgasm (which was mind-blowingly great), I found my body CRAVING more. I started at 12 people. I had four big orgasms....which took me to 4:00 am. Every time I'd take the vibe off, my nether regions would like send off like....how can I explain this.....like little ripples. When I had my fourth orgasm, I was exhausted so I kind of passed out lol. When I woke up 30 minutes later, I was so high that I was seeing shapes ROFL!! But what makes your body resist the urge to quit? I mean, I know about drugs and stuff but technically, this isn't drugs....it's masturbation. Oh, and when I got into the car today, I felt more sensative, like I had used my vibe right before I left but didn't fully reach that climax. I thought I was gonna have a breakdown in the car lol. AND CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT I LEFT MY VIBE!?! I WAS SO PISSED!! I'm going to go and get me one because at this point, I'm still wanting more. That's why I'm posting this because I wanted to know what's up. I've never craved it like this before.
  13. Who do I fantasize about? ....Ok, there is this guy named Clayton Matthew that makes my pussy pound! WOOT! We're just friends but you can tell there's something there. I'm not making the first move thought, that's his job . If I think "celeb" wise, I would say Tyson Beckford would be my first choice. I've fantasized about Flavor Flav one time but I had fallen off of my skateboard and ended up in the hospital at the time so we won't go there. I have fantasized about Deelishis (please view signature) but I was a guy. I've always said there was some "guy" to us girls. If I was a man, she would be mine lol.
  14. What are you talking about ITGUofD? What the bleep is your problem?! All I was saying was that she probably had a g-spot orgasm and what was happening was normal!! According to Howard's post, I was right. I don't know what your beef is geeze.
  15. I'm setting my limit low so when I reach more than 3, I'll have accomplished my New Years Resolution. I don't wanna aim to high lol.
  16. That did sound sexy Glenn, especially the part where you stuck it in your mouth and went mmmmmmm. I bet you wanted to lick you lips seductively too lol. And to pappyld04: ROFL, HOLLA!
  17. To MK: Does your local sex shop sell them? I know my local one does. You are right about the pornotube thing (isn't it annoying?!). I haven't been able to find any sites that offer it free.
  18. Does the smell mix in with that rubbery smell? DOES IT GET RID OF IT?! That would be so nice lol. This actually sounds like an interesting product. I never thought of using a cleaner, I just washed my toy by hand. Is this item from the site or did you get it from the store?
  19. To pappydl04: I think I'm good with my clitorial orgasms. I think my NEW New Years Resolution will be to have a g-spot orgasm. "Breaking me in" will be the hard part lol. But I'm still going to do the clitorial orgasms though....I just pray they go smoothly. You know what? This is my New Years Resolution: I will CONTINUE to have orgasms without problems and have at least THREE g-spot orgasms. There, I think I can keep that, don't you?
  20. I had a SWEET night last night. I went and got some chocolate and whip cream and fired up my new fondue pot HEE HEE! WOOO, was it great! I had strawberries that I cut up and dipped in to that sweet chocolate...Ah man I get chills every time I think about it. I was a chocolatey-whip creamed mess but it was worth it. Then I watched the ball drop with my family. Everything was good until my sister came storming out of the kitchen. My father ate off of her plate without asking and it turned into a big fight. I was still coming down from my sugar high so I didn't care. ......BOY WAS THAT CHOCOLATE FONDUE GREAT!
  21. Yes, I want to go into law. I know I have ALOT of work ahead of me but I'm ready for the challenge. And thank you for the good luck lol, I'm gonna need as much as I can get! And to newvixen, the best way you can be a good mom is to talk to your kids about everything!! Trust me, if you want good kids 1) disipline and 2) good communication will get the job done
  22. I know that Mikayla but that's what I wanted it to do. I wanted it to challenge what I thought, that's just how I am lol. But anyways, read my GREAT post in the member updates section! Vicky
  23. I have too read this article. I have known about every myth stated because my parents actually talk to me. My opinion still hasn't changed. I feel that if I'm not having sex with a man (penis in vagina as it was put) then it's ok. I mean, I want it broken for masterbation purposes. I really never thought about using dildos, only vibes (both non and dual action). Honestly, this article did nothing to change my mind (really no offense Mikayla because it was a good article). So....my same thought still stands. I may discuss this issue with my mother. Am I going to tell her I use a vibe? BLEEP NO!! I'm not freakin' nuts!! But, I can get my answer and not mention my beloved toy. So until I talk to mom, my opinions and thoughts are the same. Thank you Mikayla for your help. As my "gangsta" brother (I put emphisize on the quotations) would say: Yo, you get mad props on this one. If you need translation (I did), it means that you have my respect and you did a beautiful job.
  24. It's sweet that it worked out. But could you imagine getting stuck in someone's mouth?! ROFL, that would be a very strange trip to the hospital!!
  25. I am wanting to make my college's dance team this year (try-outs are in April) and I hope to stay focused enough to make it to law school. Schooling is never easy, espcially in college so that's what I'm truly hoping for this year.
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