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Everything posted by synirr

  1. I wonder how many calories I just burned... what do you suppose 9 orgasms in an hour adds up to?
  2. HAHAHA, I misread that on my first pass and you had me worried there for a second!
  3. Glad you reposted... I was going to say "I hope not, but if so, you can always send me a private message instead!" Welcome
  4. I'm officially ashamed. The first thing I thought, after reading this and having a little chuckle, was "...but the gestation period for ewes is only 5 months!" D'oh, what a nerd!
  5. Oh lord, I have had that experience too. He was also a bad lover and it HURT once or twice. I find that big is something I can deal with as long as he is aware that he has the potential to rip me in half if he isn't careful, but damn... I by far prefer average, or even a little on the smaller side of things. I will say though, that while skill is a thousand times more important, insofar as size makes a difference, girth is much more important than length
  6. LMFAO! This statement had me rolling! I never saw/heard my parents doing anything even remotely sexual. Holding hands was about it. My mother has also complained about all the products they advertise now to help older women regain their sex drive. "When you get older, you just aren't as interested anymore, I don't understand why everyone is trying to fight it!" Sexless marriage much? But as mentioned, I did find KY once, so there may be hope for them yet, haha. That said, I HAVE seen my parents naked before. With mom this is a regular thing, as she'll be preparing to take a shower and then will remember something she has to take care of beforehand and will go roaming around the house stark naked. Most of my friends I've shared this information with were horrified, lol, but that's what I grew up around so it's nothing to me. My dad was in the hot tub naked once when I came home early from a friend's house. I didn't notice until I caught him trying to sneak into the house and get dressed without being seen. Genius forgot his towel as well as his swim trunks
  7. I love vamps, but then again I'm strangely drawn to pretty much any type of violent criminal. Serial killer you say? Now that's what I call fatal attraction!
  8. I don't know if this is any comfort to know, but up to 80% of miscarriages are caused by genetic abnormalities in the fetus... biological systems aren't perfect, and often times the simple truth is that miscarriages happen because the fetus simply wasn't equipped to survive, and there's absolutely nothing the mother could have done to prevent it. I hope you start to feel better about things soon, I know how it can be when you have too much alone time to think about things. Find something to keep you occupied and keep your chin up
  9. This guy I know who is the best friend anyone could ever ask for. We'll never be together and don't need to be, I'm just glad to know he exists and to have him in my life. That said, if I could have just one night with him, I'd feel so incredibly blessed. I don't know how to describe it... it's not like I need that, but I think if I could have it, being able to connect with him in that way would complete me as a person. Does that make sense? For celebrities, Nick Cave. Hands down. He may not be that physically attractive to me, but he has such intense eyes and his mind is amazing. I'd love to be intimate with him. Chloe Sevigny is my current girlcrush.
  10. I never found anything like that, and I LOOKED! Haha, I was really bad about going through everything as a kid. We're talking places nobody would think to check. Of course, I also hid my own stuff in the weirdest places, like putting money inside clocks for safekeeping. The worst I ever found was some KY warming in the medicine cabinet of my parents' camper trailer. One of my childhood friend's dad had a large porn collection though, and every time I stayed at her house we'd get into it. One of my funniest childhood memories is of desperately prying one such tape out of my VCR with forks after it got stuck. This was... 6th grade? Maybe 7th.
  11. Pimping UB everywhere, tsk tsk! I was doing it too.
  12. LOL, I love these stories. There's cabinetry above my toilet in this apartment, but should I ever get a place where there is space to hang something on the wall behind it, I'm going to have to make a mental note to hang something uncomfortable to look at, haha.
  13. I'll play! - I'm bisexual but have never been with another woman. Not for lack of trying. I'm apparently really bad with the ladies. - I have mild OCD. Sometimes I check the dryer or oven twice for cats before I turn them on, even though I know they're not in there. - The OCD makes me sad that I don't know how many orgasms I've had in my lifetime. I like to count things. - I'm pretty shy and bad at meeting new people. As soon as someone else starts a conversation though, we're good. - I have some kind of strange obsession with penises and wish I had one. I often confuse people by describing them in completely non-sexual terms, such as "neat". - I have two cats that are sisters, and were both trapped as ferals when they were kittens. They were a year old when I met them, and were so wild and fearful at the shelter that everyone thought they would go unadopted for years, especially now being adult cats. This is exactly what I was looking for. - I stay up all night (like, until 5AM) pretty much every opportunity I have, then wake up the following afternoon. Sometimes during the winter months I won't wake up until the sun is already setting, and when that happens I'm kinda upset because it's just like one neverending night. - I own 2 mantis shrimp, which are marine invertebrates. The biggest of which is capable of breaking my finger if he chose to. - I'm of the opinion that the sexiest person alive is Nick Cave. He has a frighteningly beautiful mind. - In the summer I like to go field herping. I collected a couple of the scorpions and tarantulas I own myself. - I collect nude photos of people I know. It doesn't matter if I find them attractive or not, I still want a nude photo. I have no idea why. This is not a sexual thing for me. I'm pretty proud of my collection, and trying to convince people to send me new pics is one of my favorite things. - I work in an aquarium fish shop. - I watch gay porn almost exclusively, particularly twink flicks. - I have migraines a lot, and medication for those migraines. - I'm really bad at determining where social boundaries are. I often choose topics of conversation that make others really uncomfortable, especially if they don't know me well. This would be a problem if I cared what other people think of me, but luckily, for the most part, I don't. They were going to find out I'm crazy sooner or later anyway, right? - I like to collect dead things. Animal skins, skulls, preserved specimens... I display these around my apartment. - There's a mannequin in my living room. - Sexuality fascinates me the same way biology and psychology do, I just think it's cool. I research all aspects of it obsessively, and want to know everything about it. This approach is pretty cerebral, and a lot of people are apparently surprised to learn that despite how open I am about it and how much knowledge I have, my sex life up to this point hasn't been really exceptional in any way.
  14. I like buzzed sex sometimes, just to shake things up a little. The last guy I was with drank too much sometimes, and that was definitely a huge turnoff, but when we were both just pleasantly buzzed... mmm. He could last FOREVER while drunk, he said it dulled the sensation for him so it took him longer to reach orgasm. When I'm drunk the whole experience feels very dreamlike to me, and when I orgasm it's almost like it comes from within rather than being the product of any outside stimulation, much like a wet dream. Not something I'd want to do all the time, but definitely fun every once in a while.
  15. synirr

    First Post!

    QUOTE You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this Blog system to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law. Haha, are we all in trouble? Silly IPB. It seems like I have a blog on every forum I post on these days... and the sad thing is that none of them have any entries that are exactly the same. It's like hanging out with different groups of friends and altering your conversation to suit the group at hand. Not all of them are interested in the same things, some are offended by certain things, you get to talk about one group behind their back to another group... and still, I'm making a blog here too, because you know what? None of the other forums I'm on are interested in hearing all the lurid details of my sex life. This seems like the most appropriate place for that. And I like to talk about sex. A lot. Sexuality is a pretty pervasive part of my life. So, on to the first entry! It's gonna be a long one, because I need to rant about this. I met a guy recently that I am actually excited about. This is very, very rare. Basically, excluding one relationship I have had in my life, I begin them all knowing they're going to end sooner rather than later. I'm too much of a realist to think that every relationship is going to last forever, and I'm very good at spotting problems early-on. I still enjoy being with people while it lasts though, so I ride it out until it reaches a breaking point, and typically end things on good terms and remain friends. My last relationship was a trainwreck because he turned out not to even be friend material... I am on good terms with ALL my exes but him! It was truly a first in terms of complete and utter failure, and I blame bad judgement on my part for that. I magically lost all worth to him as soon as it set in that we weren't going to be spending our lives together, and that hurts; obviously I was only worth keeping in his life as a partner, not as a friend. People that handle relationships like that never actually care about their partners in the first place (they just think they do because they value the companionship so much,) and I hate him for convincing me that he did. Anyway, this recent experience, combined with my typical approach to relationships, makes me pretty gunshy when it comes to emotionally investing in a relationship. In short, I don't like to get too involved incase something goes horribly wrong. I don't like to throw around terms like "love". This new guy? Something about him makes me want to leap in head first! He's so incredibly genuine! I don't feel like I have to wonder how he feels, or if he has alterior motives, or if what he says has some hidden meaning... I have the luxury of taking everything he says at face value. He takes me at face value too, with no argument whatsoever, which is so important to me because I too am a very genuine person. He's not afraid to appear vulnerable, which takes SO much more courage than trying to be macho like most guys do; I have unending respect for that. I'm so excited to be getting to spend time with him, learning him. I almost feel privileged that I get to do so. I feel like I want to know everything about him. I want to love him, even though I don't know him very well yet, and it scares the shit out of me. I am waaaay out of my comfort zone here. While my rational side says it's way too early to make the call, since we've only had maybe 4 dates, I'm not predicting doom yet. That's usually a call I can reliably make by the end of date 1, 2 at most. To top it off, he's an incredible lover. (Here's where I kiss and tell, haha.) The first time, I had had my wallet stolen at work and was having an incredibly shitty day. I called him to cheer myself up, and had the single best day of my life. I'd like to say that's an exaggeration, but it was honestly the most memorable 24 hour period of my young life. We went to a movie, then to my place for drinks. We ended up watching another movie while lying on my bed, then talked and giggled and flirted until 7AM! We never ran out of things to discuss, but we finally were too exhausted to talk anymore, and fell asleep together. It wasn't until the next morning (afternoon?) that we slept together in more than the literal sense. He's pretty shy, so I got to be the one to initiate the transition from making out to having sex, which I love. He touched me in ways nobody ever has... to be perfectly honest (and I'm a little embarrassed to admit this, haha,) he was better at masturbating me than I am, and I practice A LOT!!! He is 3 years younger, but he has obviously been well trained. More than that though, he listened to my body and knew intuitively what I wanted based on how I responded -- this is the first time I haven't had to spell it out! Just incase though, he made sure to ask me if I was enjoying what he was doing, and was very concerned that I got my orgasm. I get a lot of pleasure out of touching and teasing him too, because (and this goes along with the "not trying to be macho" thing) he's very reactive and vocal. Why do guys try to hold back all those sexy noises anyway??? NOTHING gets me hotter than hearing him gasp or moan <3. I get as much pleasure out of his orgasms as my own. At this point you're probably wondering if it could get any better. Oh yes, did I mention he's my physical ideal? Absolutely beautiful personality, great lover, AND couldn't possibly be sexier if he tried? It's almost enough to make me rethink my atheism -- maybe there is a God up there, and he loves me very, VERY much!!! He's 19 (I love young guys, what can I say?), half Mexican (mmm, perma-tan), beautiful long-ish hair, toned but not too muscular. Yep. I am compelled to put my mouth on him. Anyway, after that romp, we took a loooong bath together and spent more time talking and playing stupid little games. It was a very refreshingly different way to spend a day. Now we're basically up-to-date. Hopefully my future entries won't be entire novels, haha.
  16. This is a question that was asked on another forum (TooTimid.com is pretty popular over at UltimateBettas.com lately, haha), but roughly how often are new freebies posted? It seems to me like it varies, but I haven't really been keeping track...
  17. I'm so sorry If having his own biological child is more important to him than being with you, he wasn't worth your time anyway, honestly. Who'd want to be with someone whose love is so fragile? Consider it a blessing that he left now rather than later, and take the opportunity to find someone who is worth having in your life.
  18. Damn, I need to get me one of those!
  19. I dunno Howard, I'm pretty skeptical about size difference being an issue 99% of the time. I'm extremely small myself, I'm 5'3" and have never hit 100lbs in my life (I come from a petite line of women.) I've actually hurt guys before as well, like the girl you described. But that said, once I relax, I find that I can handle just about anything. It would take someone really anatomically unusual for it to be a problem. I HAVE had deep penetration hurt before when I was with a guy who had an exceptionally long penis, and it took me some time to get used to him and be able to manage it, but I think a lot of that had to do with the mental block I had just encountering that thing, haha. Oh, and him being a pretty crappy lover and not taking it as slow as I would have liked half the time. Expecting it to hurt is what made it hurt. That said, I was never able to comfortably do doggy with that guy, but I have a retroverted uterus so that's not unusual.
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