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Entries in this blog

Just Had To Brag

I was going through the forum and reading about all the sexual dysfunctions various members seem to be encountering, and thought back on some of my past partners, and I realized... I am so lucky! The guy I'm with now... not only is he basically my physical ideal (in addition to being smart, sweet, fun, etc etc... I could go on and on,) he's FANTASTIC in bed. He's shockingly good at manual stimulation, loves extended foreplay, has amazing control (NEVER had a problem with premature ejaculation,



I'm Happy

Things are going really well for the time being. I'm the happiest I've been in several years. I feel like a kid on summer vacation; life is simple and full of possibility. The boy moved back home to San Antonio for the summer, but that's less than two hours away, so it's not so bad. He knows how I feel about him now, and he's visiting on Monday. It will only have been 9 days since last I saw him, but I'm still excited as hell... I guess just knowing I can't see him any time I like makes me



Making Memories

Sometimes things happen to me that I think are pivotal, or just beautiful, once-in-a-lifetime kind of things, and I consciously try to remember every little detail about them so that when I'm much older and looking back over my life, those memories will be especially vivid. Sometimes I even plan these situations in advance, or do silly little things that I think will enhance my memories and make them more interesting. A lot of the decisions I make are based on what kind of memories they will p



Need To Get Some Stuff Off My Chest Yet Again

Post is about the same guy from the previous ones... sorry that's all I ever write about on here, but it turns out this is really the only place I feel comfortable talking about it, and I need to vent. First of all, he's doing a lot better. His family found out about his depression and they have all been incredibly supportive... I'm kinda jealous, hehe. He has a great relationship with his family. If a guy wants to hang out with you every day of the week, that probably means he's interested,




I hung out with the boy this weekend for the first time in a couple of weeks. I am feeling so much better about things; mostly, I think, because he is obviously feeling better. What originally drew me to him is his honesty and openness, and the past few times I've seen him I've felt like he was holding back, sort of shielding himself... which doesn't bode well even for a friendship. I was kinda worried he was going to let the friendship slip and the relationship was going to turn into benefit




So it looks like I have a friend with benefits. Normally I'd be ecstatic, but I'm actually pretty disappointed. First time I've ever been disappointed about no-strings-attached sex. Same guy as from the last post. Incase you couldn't tell, I actually like this guy. We hung out yesterday and I was getting such mixed signals that I don't know which way is up. He asked me out to dinner, then came back to my place and we hung out until around 2AM. He suggested future plans for the weekend afte



First Post!

QUOTE You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this Blog system to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law. Haha, are we all in trouble? Silly IPB. It seems like I have a blog on every forum I post on these days... and the sad thing is that none of them have any entries that are exact



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