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Everything posted by Neuroticax

  1. Stars: 1/5 Climax Jewels Glimmering Amethyst To be blunt, I was pretty disappointed with this toy. I was so-so in ordering this product, but figured I would give it a try because it looked like it had potential and I wanted to try a toy with a bigger diameter than I usually do. The bottom unscrews for you to place the C battery (Which we went and bought since we don't normally use C's, let alone for toys.) and the multi-speed control. The vibration was pretty decent but the overall shape didn't do much for me along with the angled tip. When it was in use, the bottom kept becoming unscrewed during either hand shifting or a turn up or down from the speed control. Sort of loud and almost seemed like the material it was made out of wasn't of the best quality. On the plus side it was easy to clean with water or a toy cleaner, doesn't leave any residue if cleaned with a towel and was easy to store. This might work ok with a true beginner but I really didn't seen anything spectacular about this one.
  2. I've been so close to that.. but eventually my body starts to give up and I have to stimulate my clit to finish before I lose it. Lucky.
  3. I've done that plenty of times.
  4. I would just ask him what he thinks about them, or bring them up in a conversation then go from there.
  5. I enjoy having my face slapped with a cock, I guess it's a form of submission for me.
  6. I agree. I'm enjoying this new look.
  7. I started off real slow.. you're pretty much training yourself to breathe in a totally different way. I started opening my throat up as much as possibly. Try flexing your throat muscles on your own and with other items of your own choosing. Then once you've got that, breathe through your nose. As I said, slow is key. You're learning something totally new. Not breathing isn't that great and only leads to short visits into the throat. Depending on the girth and size, you obviously won't be able to fully breathe when he is "balls deep" per se. However doing those exercises will help you be able to regulate your breathing without fulling having to take the cock out of your mouth. Also as Chell said, flattening the throat will help too. Sticking out my tongue and flattening it helps me too. It seems to cease my gag reflex a bit more too. Some women find it easier when they are laying on a bed on their back, with their head hanging off. The breathing really goes into effect with this position, though. But it's mostly for deeper penetration. I had a hard time with this at first because the balls kept suffocating me. lol But I just learned to breath when he took his cock away or I held onto the sac myself so keep it out of my way. I love when my boyfriends cock never leaves my mouth. It's a big turn on for me knowing that I have the talent upon my own accord and personalized lifestyle to be able to do this. Remember, slow is key. Practice makes perfect. And try try again. Maybe tweaking my methods to your preference works. Hope you have fun practicing!
  8. I usually decide the second before he cums. I'm still in "training" mode, if you will. He has a very pungent smell and taste that takes getting used to. lol So sometimes when I'm feelin' ballsy, I just say "fuck it" and do it. Other times within that nano second, I decide not to, and just let it go onto my tongue or face. Depends on the mood.
  9. Suck-tion Baby! When I first got this multinational toy, I was kind of intimidated by how awkward it looked, but loved the fact it was purple! It was kind of odd to work alone, so this one might take two people to get everything into place. All 3 extensions need to be held onto the designed areas for suction to occur. All 3 of the suction extensions have a place for a small vibrator that is attached. Each of the suction cups takes 2 button cell batteries that are included . The fourth extension is a pump to create the suction and a button which is the quick release valve. Which is excellent in teasing. Pump, let it go and pump it back up. Very nice sensations. I loved how sensitive they were when the suction was fully released and my nipples were played with. Clean up is easy with a warm towel or with the free sample of toy cleaner that comes with this. Storage is decent, I just use the box it came in. It also came with a free sample of lube. Not sticky, no oder, worked great! I would really recommend this towards women who are just starting out with suction experiments. It's very gentle, very controlled and despite the intimidating look of it, it's very pleasing.
  10. Best Condoms Ever Personally, I would have to say these are the best condoms EVER if you want to feel like there isn't anything being worn. They fit very tightly to the penis and are extremely thin creating an almost "naked" feeling. Just great for any type of penetration and even blow jobs. These lubed wonders DID wonders for our sex sessions. Condoms unlike these were always too thick for my Boyfriend to feel anything and would loose feeling. He claims the only downfall was he couldn't feel how wet I was, otherwise it didn't feel like had anything on. The tightness of these condoms let me feel the pulsating of his penis and the hardness in every thrust. I was impressed, I will say that. They held up to plenty of rough sessions, so these bad boys can take a.. pounding. They easily slipped off after the session was over. I would definitely point anyone who wants to get back that natural feeling in their sex without sacrificing safety, these are the ones for you. First timers will definitely enjoy using these if they are afraid that the condom will take the pleasure away.
  11. I had my son cut, and his dad is cut too. I do wish I wouldn't have, sometimes. It does take away a bit of length and is natural. His Dad wishes he (dad) wasn't cut. I used to hate uncut guys, but now I find it kind of sexy. -shrugs-
  12. Rarely ever can I have an orgasm without clitoral stimulation. Even then I think somehow something is rubbing against it so it helps it along. I also have vaginal/clitoral. I don't even think I've had a g-spot orgasm? hmm. We've been working at it, and I thought I was coming REALLY close.. then.. right before.. it .. went away! I had an orgasm.. but it was like.. all hyped up and then was barely anything. I'll have to do more research, Mikayla. I've read so much, everything begins to blur together. The bf says he found my gspot, and it did feel a bit different, but I'm not sure anymore. Ugh! So frustrating. I'm so glad I'm not the only one, though!
  13. I've just about had it with my body. For years I've tried everything under the sun to try and have multipal orgasms, but it just isn't working. If I wait at least 5 hours then maybe, if I'm worked up enough I can come again, but if I want a decent orgasms it seems almost once a day is the key. How boring? Here's what goes on.. I have an orgasm, whether it be the best or alright just to get off.. a couple seconds after I orgasm, the feeling becomes way too intense, almost like I'm being tickled. I've tried no clitoral stimulation with just vaginal entry. Nothing, there's been a few times where it feels like I think I can but then it just goes away. I know the most response will be "relax" .. I have relaxed, this has been a span over.. well, since I was about 17 and actually started to enjoy this kind of stuff. I've tried baths, massages, trying to get into a "sexual trance" or whatever you wanna call it, just being in the moment, really. Even when I've been on pain killers for various issues.. how much more relaxed can you be with muscle relaxers? lol I just hate how I feel singled out by this, I want to keep going so bad so many times and just have sex all night, but I just can't and it's so frustrating. Does this happen to anyone else? How can I finally get past this?
  14. I'm a switch, with exceptions. I submit to guy, being forced play, of course. But I'm a total Dom when it comes to other women.
  15. Absurd. Another reason why my kid is either in the cart or on a harness.
  16. I get these a lot when I get off if I'm on an angle. Mainly when my head is down and my ass is up, either on my back or my knees. I too, try and take something beforehand if I know what positions we'll be doing more.
  17. Time to be punished.. Stars: 5/5 This whip is a great addition to some fun. It's extremely lightweight, easy to clean with a rinse under the water and also easy to store. The whip comes in 3 wonderful colors, Black, Purple and Red. I personally like the black once, since of course, black goes with everything! So easy to use that you might find yourself having too much fun. There is no need for big arm movements, at the flick of a wrist your partner with feel the slight snap of the thin rubber strips. It's not loud at all, just perfect actually. It feels awesome when it's being used to tease, tickle and taunt. The best thing about this whip is you can be as soft or as hard as you want and it never delivers anything but exactly what you want. I would recommend this to anyone who feels they deserve a little spanking. Newbies or experts alike will enjoy this great little addition.
  18. Shave that coochy! Stars: 5/5 After reading all the reviews for Coochy Shave Creme, I just HAD to try it out for myself. I have such a terrible time with razor burn and harsh stubble that it made me not even want to shave. The day I had received the blue 16oz bottle I stuck it in the shower. I waited a couple days since I had already shaved, after that I was in the shower, all ready and started to apply the Coochy Shave Creme. The scent was very pleasing, along with the fact I could just feel immediately how smooth it was making my skin as I was applying it. Shaving was a breeze, even with a cheapo disposable razor. No nicks, no cuts (shocking hey?) no having to go back a second time and re-shave any area. This product is also perfect for it's name, the bikini area and everything in between was so smooth my b/f didn't want to stop.. well.. you know! =) Over the next couple of days I noticed that my skin was so much smoother and held moister so much better. The stubble didn't come in as harsh as it usually did and my extremely dry skin wasn't .. as dry! This product says it can be used as a conditioner also, I haven't tried that, but will be telling the bf to be the guinea pig! If it works half as good as it does for shaving, this product need to win a grammy!
  19. Diamond Ball Gag - Get Naughty! Stars: 4/5 I was pretty excited when I finally received the Diamond Ball gag. This thing is so darn nifty. It comes with a collar type extension to hold it onto your face with a pink "bouncy ball type material" ball that will fit into any size mouth. The harness has 7 holes to adjust to fit just right. Once in place, the ball is easy to adjust to in the mouth. It's not too hard so you are drooling all over the place, but has enough density to keep you reminded that you have been naughty! I had much fun with this product and found it so easy to clean and very easy to store away anywhere. The leather harness is very durable and can take a good romp without coming undone. I wouldn't recommend biting down too hard, seeing as how I stated before this is a bouncy ball type of material and will probably puncture, leading to a disappointing experience. This product would be great for beginners, trying out the domination/submission scene. It is not intimidating at all and eye pleasing for any female.
  20. Good Head Oral Delight Gel Stars: 5/5 This stuff is SO FREAKING NUMMY! If you have a sweet tooth, this product could be dangerous.. or rather an expensive good time! I received 3 flavors with this order. Juicy Passion Fruit, Mystical Mint and Wild Cherry. All three flavors are very realistic and hard to stop "testing". -hehe- Before I tried it on my b/f, I tasted all three to see if I was going to like them. They were all great flavoring, although the Mint tasted a bit like toothpaste, so I passed it onto the b/f and told him he could try that one on me. -ha!- -NOTE- When I refer to the Good Head Gel being applied to myself, (the female) I am being very careful as to where it goes. I do NOT recommend this stuff to be used within any close vicinity to the vaginal opening seeing as how it will cause infections. If you would like to experience this product and you are a female, I would suggest the vaginal lips, clit, or on the nipples for a great sensation. Once applied, you'll notice a slight warming sensation, or cooling with the Mint. The gel isn't too -gel like-, rather than a thin layer of something yummy. I applied a couple thin layers to my b/f as he did to me. We licked it off each other and kept going back for more! I really didn't notice any stick residue, but if it makes you feel better a slight wash off in the sink or with a damp cloth would take any residual gel off the area. Anyone who wants to give their tongue an extra workout should try out this product, it's worth it!
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