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Everything posted by Shariana

  1. I procrastinate WAY too much. T-50 days.
  2. LOVE the dance analogy there! But yes, PERFECT description! Exactly how I feel about the whole deal too! ^.^
  3. One word. Space. Imagine total weightlessness..... THAT could make for some interesting play..... Go to one of those space training centers? Awesome. <3
  4. Just because you avoid the question does NOT mean that it will go away. (My father needs to get his priorities straight. Mom's getting fed up, and fast.)
  5. I am now..... TPBM loves waking up late!
  6. My SO made it VERY clear that he had good credit when we started dating.... in the same way I made it crystal that I have $40k in student loans and that figure is still growing. His reaction: "well, you win some you lose some." I should be making enough in my first year after college to pay it off completely, if I live at home with family and no expenses or am living off my SO's paycheck (at that point, probably my husband's) entirely.
  7. My SO and I were having a particularly heated night where we work over the summer. It was past midnight, so all campers and counselors were SUPPOSED to be in bed..... I sleep WAY far away from everyone, so I figured I could be a little loud..... all of a sudden, I hear a knock on my bedroom door. A counselor had gotten a spider bite and it was crazy swollen. He looked at me all wide eyed..... I had hair tossled and was in just a bathrobe.... I know he knew, but he was really cool about it.... took no time for my SO and I to get back in the mood..... lol
  8. My ex was kinda sketched about me being on this site.... my SO now LOVES it! He hasn't been on, mostly because when he's home, he's talking to me.... but I will get him on here soon! =D He loves that I get new ideas and suggestions here and that we will never get lost in a routine....
  9. Very rainy last night and this morning.... but the spring frogs are peeping away! ^.^ It's starting to warm up! Thank GOODNESS!
  10. A soldier is a soldier is a soldier. No matter the age, sex, branch, or location. That is absolutely ridiculous. Life is hard for everyone who is involved in the military, directly or indirectly. *hugs* I hope you are able to find some resolution and more support!
  11. Better mood now. I can hear the spring peeper frogs.... 55 days.
  12. HA! Nice! I'll have to send this one to my SO, he'd appreciate it! lol
  13. I hate how everyone is last minute. AND STOP FUCKING BOTHERING ME ABOUT A LICENSE! I'm good to go ANY FUCKING TIME YOU WANT! YOU NEED TO JUST TELL ME WHEN! Geez. I'm NOT having a good day, and I just woke up 5 mintues ago.
  14. I saw bugs flying around today.... Spring is here! It's raining. I have a massive headache. And my pain killers are in the kitchen. I'm not moving. >.<
  15. School. We were talking about the ends of the shaft of the bone.... my teacher wouldn't stop saying shaft, rigid, and bone (he says it almost like boner)..... the night before, I had a HOT cam session with my SO. I couldn't think straight to begin with! My so told me that I popped across his mind at work and he got an instand hardon..... luckly, he wears an apron at the store he works at..... o.o'
  16. I know that feeling! It's the sound the ambulance siren makes for me..... total adrenaline! I LOVE the smell of fresh cut grass, freshly cut wood (sawdust.... *dies*), the forest after it rains, burning wood (particularly pine), and gun powder.... The word "integrity" does it too.... And whenever my SO talks in a whisper...... I melt. LOVE it.
  17. Hm..... To get a sex swing..... or not..... maybe when my SO gets a place of his own in the states.... it'll be great gift for a private house warming party.....
  18. Well.... I'm incredibly impressed.... two of my SO's friends (I've NEVER met them before) wrote to me out of the blue telling me what a great guy he is.... one guy, one girl. The girl he knows from work, the guy has known him since they were little..... Both say he's true blue. I love that his friends are doing that... keying me in.... and, I shouldn't wonder, getting the scoop on me to make sure I'm not taking advantage of him.... I can't wait to meet these people next year, they truly are great friends to my SO.
  19. True TPBM loves cheese.... (I could really go for some cheese..... o.o)
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