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TADA!!!! After like a year or two of complete radio silence I'M BACK!!!!! I missed this site so much! I learned more here in my 2 years on the site than I ever learned from just blind humping (it may not be educational but DAMN is it a good time!). So lets recap my last two years: I moved to the Albany area, pinged through some god awful roommates before happily settling in an apartment by myself.

In that time i had a guy invite me to move with him, whne i stayed for a weekend, he introduced his OTHER girlfriend. I had my friend introduce me to a guy and fall for him completely for him to break up with me via text for his (legit) crack head ex girlfriend. And then, most recently, i started hooking up and hanging out with my neighbor, I came home to day to find out he moved with out even saying goodbye. What did these 3 fine examples of man kind have in common? All named Mike. So that is definitely a name on my NO list.

Sunday I found and contacted my biological father's family. I wrote them giving them my number and some pictures and then they called me on wednesday. I have honestly never been happier! If only my mom wasn't being such a piece of work about it. But it is what it is.

Now back to your regularly scheduled screaming orgasm!

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Lil Sis you already know how I feel about you being back....it is about DAMN time. As far as your dad and such again just remember what I told you do what is right for you. If they cannot at least say we don't agree with what you are doing but won't condemn you for it than so be it. It helps you to realize who will support you no matter what. You know I am here for ya no matter what time of day....lol.

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Lets see what names I have left on my list?

Is there a "Scott" on there? :P

Some guys out there make me feel embarrassed to be a guy.. the extreme cases (Like your string of "Mikes") makes me think "Really? You are THAT much of a douchebag?". :angry: What ever happened to treat people the way you want to be treated? I guess "The Mike's" weren't taught that growing up. :huh:

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Whoo hoooo it is a regular TT reunion!!!

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Yep! Welcome back! No more Mike's for you!!!

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MY SEX PET IS BACK!!! YAY!!! <Doing the happy dance, naked, waiting for my pet to join in!>

Yeah, men can be asses, but so can women. Don't give up love, there are some awesome ones out there! And congrats on the family thing, just be careful and don't let anyone hurt my pet's feelings!


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been a long time

too long!!!! (words I never thought I'd say!) Thanks guys! Anyone else feel like after leaving the site for a while and then coming back is like coming home? I missed you guys so much! and I know i'm not the best at keeping up on the boards any more but i'm gonna try my loves!

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