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What Are Your Hobbies/interests Other Than Good Sex?


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Just curious after reading about Howards trap shooting. Here are some of my hobbies. I ride horses in competition events (Pony express, Playdays and relay races, not to mention an occasional match race for money :D ), I have a couple of muscle cars (70 & 71 Cuda's) that I am restoring, I have a large collection of paper money and rare documents that I started when I was 9 years old (fractional currency, civil war letters, silver certificates and colonial money), I love to take my 2 boys, 4 & 9 years old 4-wheeling on our land, enjoy watching my 9 year old in Karate class, watching my 4 year old do everthing, and my other great love other than family is drag racing my supercharged 93 Mustang!

Sooo, what do ya'll do when not making out? :D

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Well, I like to:

Read, listen to music, surf the Web (duh), post here, and on 3 other boards I belong too, write letters, dabble in poetry, decorate, play with my daughter, play with my 3 dogs, 5 cats, and 4 horses, keep a clean house, PHOTOGRAPHY, camping, fishing, shopping (hey, I'm a woman!!), and several crafty-type things like ceramics.

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I work out--three times a week for about 2 1/2 hours each day (cardio and strength). I take belly dancing classes twice a week, and am trying my hand (feet?) at line dancing through an instructional DVD. I walk with my husband (he is disabled, but still enjoys walking) and dogs--speaking of which, I love Belgian Malinois; they are THE BEST!!! We have two.

I am about to get my Associate's Degree in Business (never got to go to college when I graduated high school; long story) so that keeps me busy, too.

Aside from that, I love to cook, and am working on typing up all my recipes. I also enjoy sewing, cross stitching, reading (mostly mysteries and some sci-fi), and watching movies with my husband. My one hobby I wish I could get over--video games. I am a PC game junkie!

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I took 2 semesters of belly dancing!! How fun is that!! I have some VHS's that I should really take up doing again.

I LOVE to rollerskate (I'm SUCH a child of the 80's!!). :rolleyes:

I also like to go for walks, help people with their computers, & help design web pages (help, not create).

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I like to read, go on line, hang out with hubby and kids of course..... I also like to sew and do other crafty things..I am alway re aranging and re decorating the house..drives hubby nuts and the kids joke about it too..lol. I love to shop and yard sale are my absolute fav! I like to do stuff out side, skate( 80s child too..lol)go camping and swimming. I like to take my boxer for walks and teach my dubble yellow headed amazon new things..he is a crazy bird! I like to cook, bake, and just loving being goofy! Im a big kid with a lot of different intrests, I say you are never too old to be young!

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I'm a big reader. I love to write: poetry, short stories, long stories, grocery lists, you know anything. :) I have a great dane named Jazzy that I love to play with. She's a boston dane. I love to crochet. I spend most of my time with my fiancee and his kids. I'm over there most nights playing, watching tv, chasing them with a baseball bat (j/k). In fact, his boy (7yrs) has a cubscout meeting tonight that we're going to. Can't think of anything else right now. That's pretty much me. :)

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Restoring old photographs. After a 10-12 hour day at a high stress job, I find that restoring photographs helps me relax (ok, not nearly as much as a couple of rounds in the bedroom!), and it's great to see how happy it make people.

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I too love horseback riding, reading (anything and everything), spending time here on the forum, WRITING -my biggest passion aside from my family is writing. I am working on 2 books at the moment, art, scrapbooking, poetry (writing, reading and analyzing), I used to be a jogger but have hurt my knee so I am out of commission, and my biggest hobby or passion is my son. He is a moldable piece of clay, and my number one responsibility is HIM!


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I like to read I'm what you would call a bookworm because I always have my nose in a book. I like writing mostly letters because verbaly I'm not good at getting my point across with out stumbling all over my words I like bike riding haven't done that in about four years since I move back to NY (lived in NJ for 5 years) I love spending time with my 3 YO daughter :wub: she lights up anybody's day even mine sometimes as much as she gets on my nerves That will always be my "Fat Baby" :P I like listening to music and watching music videos I'm a Hip Hop Junkie I grew up in the 80's so the music isn't the same some of it as far as lyricly but as far as the realness of true Hip Hop it's not the same I like R&B I also like Reggae some new and mostly old and when I have the time I like to go to the roller skating ring and get my skate on. Since my first pair of skates @ 10 years old skating in my grandmothers back yard growing up in Brooklyn I like it I just took my GED in June passed everything except for the math and once I get my daughter settled in school I'm going back to finish my GED and go to college to learn audio to become a World famous DJ I have been making mix tapes since I was 13 and with each passing year I got better and better my second passion is cooking I lkie to cook been cooking since I was 14 now you can't keeep me in the kitchen unless I want to be in there cooking for my daughter and myself one thing being with her father taught me is how to enhance my skills in the kitchen he's a cook also but we're on opposite sides of the coin.

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