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How Comfortable Are You Discussing Sex Irl?


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IRL=In Real Life, for those of you who may not know. Acronyms can be a PITA sometimes, I know!! LOL

But anyway, when not online, how comfortable are you about talking about sex with, say, your friends? Or your lover?

I'm pretty comfortable talking about sex, and even what I do here at TooTimid, pretty open about it all. Of course, I don't give ALL the gory details of my sex life, but I try to have fun with it.

Now, with my hubby, I'm open and honest about sex too. I know I shock him at HOW open I can be. ;) But, if I can't feel comfortable discussing SEX with the MAN I MARRIED, then WHO in the hell can I discuss it with???

How about y'all?

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I have been pretty "boxed up" most of my adult life, prior to that I guess I was more open. I am a very open person, I'll tell anyone anything about me, I have no secrets, however, I do get intimidated being the one to bring things up sometimes. But I guess I would say I am more open then most people. I just hope I don't embarrass those I am talking to. :?

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I am comfortable discussing it with my business partner - I am with her 12 hrs a day!- and my sisiter-almost 300 miles away--

in both instansces, I will talk about querky things that happen, but not about tips or techniques. For that I come here!!

I am also very confortable talking to hubby about what he likes, not so much about what I like--I am working on that part!

However, not with my mom and never EVER with my dad! I think both my sister and business partner would b shocked if I shared with them everything that I did or how hubby and I got together in the first place- and mom would have a heart attack

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I am VERY comfortable talking about sex with my husband, we have always been open and honest--and you should see some of the letters we used to write when we were apart due to the military (in the days before e-mail and IM)! I am probably more open to talk about sex than my girlfriends are--they hardly ever mention it, even though I feel as if I leave room for the topic, but I don't want to force a discussion on them. The other night one of my friends finally started discussing a problem she was having with her husband, who, like mine, is also disabled. I felt I was able to give her some advice from experience, but this happened at night, sitting outside her house in my car when I was dropping her off after she had gone to belly dance class with me. It did strike me as odd that she has never mentioned sex issues before, but we are usually together in the daylight going to the gym or shopping. It was as if she felt more comfortable talking about it when it was too dark to see faces/reactions, etc.

I also feel comfortable talking about sex with my children, although not in too great of details. But they know I've always been approachable. We got them going the other night--I was telling them that there is an envelope in a box in my closet with photos in it that when we die they might want to just toss the entire envelope without looking at them. We were laughing and joking about that. I've also had serious sex talks with my youngest son when his marriage was falling apart.

With my parents, neither one told me much about sex growing up. As adults, I've been able to joke about sex a lot with my mother, and with my father we talked about the temporary (due to medication) impotentcy problem he had that drove my mom to another man, with my step-mother assuring me that my father was just fine, now. I remember that so well!

So, IRL, I am quite comfortable talking about sex, just find that many of my friends, even though I may have known them for years and years, are not.

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I am very, very open about sex with everyone - my friends, family, hubby. I talk IRL like I do here on TooTImid - you can ask Howard that and he will attest to it.

I think that sex is so natural and that being shy about it actually causes an inward and awkward view of one's sensuality and sexuality - and who would want that?

The interesting thing is, my parents NEVER talked about sex. I have no idea how I got this way, but I see myself as being much more open than most people. I love to read (bibliophile) and learn about things - and what is more fun to research than sex!

So yes, I am very, very open here and everywhere - and sometimes my friends can not BELIEVE how I talk!

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Online and IRL, I talk about sex, I talk about sex with my friends, Husband of course, online friends, in fact with my own childrenand my family. I am not shy about talking about it in anyway shape or form. My children come to me and ask questions about it without the fear of me freaking out.

Heck I even talk to my dad about it. In fact, my father has called and ask me how things were going and I have stated to him well the mail man came, and of course he laughs. He says oh A new box. :lol: I talk sex with my in-laws to. I can't tell you how many times my brother-in-law has called me and asked hey what do you think your sister would like, I want to try something new. Of course I don't know what she would like so I just give him ideas and well she liked it.

I am very open minded and very upfront and straight forward with my answers to sexual questions. I do sometimes though have a hard time looking for the right word.

Sex is a healthy habit for adults and you know I will admit it is a wonderful stress relieve. You can laugh while having sex, giggle and of course reach the ulimate oragsm.

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well for me i pretty comfortable with some of my friends most of them try to act if sex is not important and i know that they can be just as wild as i can. as for my husband we are both very open with each other my family no not open at all they are not on the same level as i am and thats fine with me as long as i can be honest with my husband and myself everything is PEACHY, GREAT OUTSTANDING :lol:

good topic

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I'm pretty open about sex. Of course I'd never embarass anyone, lady in public ... you know the rest.

But generally, it's a subject I enjoy talking about.

With my man........ extremely open and graphic. Love to talk about fantasies, plan scenarios to surprise him with, write him dirty emails,

send him porn, talk dirty to him on the phone, etc.

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I'm very comfortable talking about it with my girlfriends.....always have been....but up until now I always felt kinda funny talking about it with the men I've been involved with....including 2 husbands. The man I'm currently involved with is different....it's awesome, I feel like I can tell him anything...and be as dirty & adventurous as I wanna be...he's pretty much my ideal sexual partner.

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