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To Quick To Ride?


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:( I almost always have sex on my first date with a guy. I don't plan it that way, i just get overwhelmed with a sexy man. And i find if i give him oral sex he will not drop me, wants to go out with me constantly. I shouldn't complain about this, but after a month, three at most, i become disenchanted with him and dump the guy. Is this a bad way to find the perfect guy for me? It's very exciting to fall in love with a guy, but i'm into the same pattern, a new boyfriend almost every month. Sould i do something different or just hope i find mr right?

I live at home with my mom who never married, and mom does something similar, perhaps why i do. But i usually have good reason to unload my latest. like i'de not want to marry such.

Any helpful comments? :unsure:

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try keeping your legs closed until you've actually gotten to know the guy and are convinced you'll be with him for a while, but if you dont mind having been with so many men i guess you wouldnt need to. but at least this way you wont have jumped into the relationship and if you save the sex until after you've bonded, it'll give you somethin to look forward to and make the relationship last longer :)

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I'd refrain from having sex on the 1st date, maybe even the 2nd. Why...because for a guy, sex on the first date means 2 things. #1: this person is easy and why commit if you can get it everyday. #2: she most likely isn't looking for a lasting relationship (as your trying to do), so just get the sex while it lasts. It's almost like a one-night-stand.

I know that sounds aweful, but it's true for the most part.

Listen to Steph. Sex doesn't make a relationship, but it's really great to have it in there. Refrain from it initially and see whether the guy is also looking for a relationship or passes from girl to girl.

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  • 1 month later...
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Ok this is coming from a woman who was in that same place maybe 3 years back. But the difference was I wasn't lookin for a lasting relationship. Then I messed around and feel in love with one of the guys I was sleeping with. They always came back for the sex and I think it was only like 3 of them that I was rotating through. but I feel il love with one of the and one night after we did the do. He mad dinner for me and we sipped on a little Mad Dog. I looked at him and was overcome with this feeling that I couldnt explain. Before I could think I asked him why he kept coming back to me. I asked him if he had feeling for me. He looked at me in my eyes and I swear there was like two mintues of dead quite and he got up and left my house :blink: I thought what have I just done. Cus the sex was great I really didn't wanna loose it. But I had no choice. He was just there to have sex. no feeling were supposed to get tangled into it. I pulled myself through it. I even stopped having sex for a year and ahalf. Then I ran into one of my childhood boyfriends. We had never had sex although I wanted to, the oppurtunity never came up. But we satarted dating and unstead of having sex the first night I stopped myself. He seen that I wanted to but the fact that I didn't he told me later really turned him on. I rememer him telling me he thought oohhh I love a challenge. Well any way we dated for like 6 month before we ever had sex. Although he did go down on me before that. But we are still together now we have a beautiful 18month old little girl and we're getting married. So my advice is wean yourself off sex with other people before you start looking for Mr. Right because if you keep up all this sleeping around Mr. Right is going to have to think twice before making you Mrs. Right. Trust me I know my man and I had many fights about my sleeping around before hime and even though I have only had 7 partners including him his pride was hurt that anyone had me before him let only 6. So really think about what you want in a man and then think aboput what he would want in a woman. I believe you will do whats suites you best but you asked for my advice. :rolleyes:



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  • 2 weeks later...
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;) Hi Quick Ride, thanks for your letter. I only have a few toys, three vibrators, one good one that really gets me wet and horny in a pleasurable way, and one my latest boyfriend bought me to use when we have sex, which i enjoy with him. I have a couple dildos, a huge black one my dates like to tease me with (i'm caucasion, only ocasionly have dated blacks), the othere don't get used much. I want to get a GOOD pussy pump, have tried it and love it with a guy to diddle me then. :rolleyes:
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Hi hot pant :D

I guess yoy are really hot in your mind as well as between the lregs. I was tracking your posts in the forum. I think you should follow your instinct and enjoy your life to fullest. I wish, i had a free lifestyle like U. One bit of advice, follow ur instict temperd with a bit of discretion as it will help you in enjoying life for a quite a long time. :ph34r:

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Hi hot pant :D

I guess yoy are really hot in your mind as well as between the lregs. I was tracking your posts in the forum. I think you should follow your instinct and enjoy your life to fullest. I wish, i had a free lifestyle like U. One bit of advice, follow ur instict temperd with a bit of discretion as it will help you in enjoying life for a quite a long time. :ph34r:


:) Thanks Big Tit Lover (I'm only a 34 C, and my nipples are average :( ), how nice of you to to be so supportive of me. :) I do enjoy my life, i have a very plesant job, many good friends, and i enjoy most of my sex life too. Lately i have been thinking i really want to have childern in the very near future, but that seems so hard to reach. I would want to be married to a good man first.

Marring a girlfriend (in some states i think like San Francisco) and adopting (could they fertilize one of my eggs with an egg from her?) goes thru my mind too, but that is an uncertain path for a girl.

Further away now that i am unattached.

Kisses, Kate. :)

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  • 8 months later...
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hi there i am in the same situation .i want to find someone to share my life with and all my dreams .when my kids father left i didn't get with anyone for 4 yrs then i met my recent ex boyfriend and we were together for almost 2 yrs i fell deeply in love w/ him but we broke up for he felt i deserved better well for 2 months i stayed away from him and kind of found myself playing the field so people would say at one pioint i was seeing 4 men at a time .well recently my ex has popped back in the picture and we have been sleeping together from time to time he says that its are secret well my feelings for him has not changed but i play along as it is just sex . he has lately been cumming quick why not sure .its upsetting him .anyhow i see it in the way he acts that it means more then just sex .he so badly wants to please me but cant and its tearing him apart .honey u'll know when mr rt comes along u'll feel it and see it i feel even though i love my ex that he may not be the one the way i feel i will know is he will want to take the time to get to know me and even if i want sex he will refrain himself or find other ways of making me feel special without having sex whether he gives me a back rub or just sits and holds me and kisses me but yet holds himself back from having sex with me . im going on 34 and i know how u r feeling i'm still learning myself and believe each of these men are preparing me 4 that one special man who will sweep me off my feet u r not alone hang tough w/me we'll found him one day .


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Lately i have been thinking i really want to have childern in the very near future, but that seems so hard to reach. I would want to be married to a good man first.

Marring a girlfriend (in some states i think like San Francisco) and adopting (could they fertilize one of my eggs with an egg from her?) goes thru my mind too, but that is an uncertain path for a girl.

Further away now that i am unattached.

Kisses, Kate. :)

Um. Wow. I was gonna stay out of this one, but - okay. Kids? You can't even commit to one man for more than three months and you're ready to plan the next twenty years around a kid? All right, that's a bit harsh, and I'm sorry, but honey you need to really sit down and examine this one. I realize your biological clock may be ticking, but you're not even at a point where you should be talking about children.

As for the other issue - it would probably help if you found a guy that might be interested in more than a fuck buddy and got to know them first before hopping into the sack. I know sex is a helluva lot of fun, and toys just don't quite compare to the real thing, but your current path isn't bringing you the results you want, so maybe it's time to adjust your approach. If what you're doing isn't working, it's not going to magically start working just because you want it to.

And, ah, sorry that wasn't worded better.

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If a guy won't hang around without a blowjob or getting laid, he's not the type of guy that's going to stick around for kids. Instead of pouncing on him right away, save it up for the night and have fun on your own when you get home (without him). Make him earn your trust and respect by being responsible without the sex, and then let things progress from there. Best of luck in finding your guy (or gal) :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
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I've been where you are. You want to know what my husband (of 7 years and 4 kids now) had said to me "I'm really glad we didn't have sex the first night we met, i'ts the difference between girlfriend and wife material". It really does make most men think of you differently. i'm not saying that it is fair but if you want long term commitment, take your time to get it right the first time. Silly as it sounds.... but why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?? would you want to marry someone just because the sex was good or would you prefer to marry someone who was a good person? How will you ever get the chance for the latter if you don't get to know someone first? sex does not make a good relationship~ a good relationship makes for great sex.

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Before my husband and I met I was very very sexually active. I always did that same thing I would always have sex with them because..well that is what i thought they wanted and then they wouldn't leave me. However when I met him we were actually the best of friends for awhile and then even when we did start going out I never wanted to have sex with him and couldn't bring myself to even when he tried to. (of course he was a virgin at the time) I at first thought that maybe i wasn't attracted to him in that way and that we should just be friends. So I tried that and I went back to the same ole thing. Turned out that I was miserable that way and I missed being with him so much. So we tried going out again and well 12 years later we are on our 6th year of marriage. I hope you find time to slow down and really meet someone for who he is and not for the sexual aspect. If its the right one then the sex will come when its right and it will feel right too....

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