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I was looking forward to testing this amazingly cute and innovative toy as soon as I laid eyes on it. Even the name is cute! This toy is practically a dual action, and appears to be hands free. Pink, silicone (so water-based lube only!), soft nubbies, and a G-Spot stimulator, this toy appears to have it all. It even includes batteries!

As soon as I got it out of the package, I was a bit perplexed. No on/off switch, and the battery compartment is well hidden. You actually roll down then take off the silicone sleeve on the clitoral stimulator end and take off the battery compartment cap on the side of the toy. The batteries are already installed, you just need to take out the plastic strip that keeps the toy from turning on during shipping. Once I did that, I found out how the toy works. All you do is spread the clit stimulator away from the G Spot end and it turns on; once they’re back together it turns off. So I slipped the sleeve back over the clit stimulator and washed the toy - which was a bit interesting with the toy turning on every time I spread it open.

I gave this toy an honest, three-strikes try. And sorry to say, it struck out three time in the big O department. The vibrations just aren’t strong enough to get me off. But I love strong vibrations. The toy did feel good, excited me, and started to stimulate my G Spot, but kept coming up short with a big finale. I must say that my favorite test was with my man, he was able to make it move just the right way to make it more pleasurable. By myself, I found it needed more pressure than the toy was probably designed for. I felt like if I continued to use it in such that manner, the hinge may just break.

This is a good toy for a girl timid about insertion who wants something that doesn’t go deep or who doesn’t need strong vibrations. I would love to hear how this toy does with someone who has easy G Spot orgasms, as I got halfway there, but no homerun.

Try the SnugglePuss

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Great review....sorry the toy didn't work.

I thought it was ironic and funny that to "turn it on" you had to "spread it open!" Isn't that how we all work???? :D

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  • 2 years later...


I tried something similar to this a while ago, with failing results, but have heard rave reviews on similar items, so I wanted to try again. I’ve had good luck with Vibratex products before, so I thought the SnugglePuss would be a good one to try. It looks like a very odd aquatic creature, but it says nothing about being waterproof. Similar to the RockChick, which is what I’d used before, this little Puss was different in many ways:

It’s made of elastomer, which is another term for rubber, so kindly remember to use water-based lubes with it. SnugglePuss has little nubbies all over it, for added stimulation, which Tyger LOVEs da nubbies! One end is smaller, and that’s the end that rests on your clit. The bulbous other end is for that full-feeling, & claims to be for the g-spot. It’s also smaller than the one I tried before, AND it has a joint in the middle of it, making it a bit more flexible. It also had the vibes INSIDE the toy, rather than the small bullet of the last one I tried, so that impressed me.

It gives you instructions on how to change the (watch sized) batteries for later use, since it comes with the 3 it needs. However, you do need to take the strip out of the battery compartment to get it to work. After I slid the sleeve of the slender part off, removed the slip, & as I slid the sleeve back onto the pink Puss, I found out that it vibrates, rather strongly, when the hinged part is pulled up a bit. So, that’s interesting. Yes, very strong vibes, which impressed this finicky puss. So, grabbing my lube, I lay down to use the Puss on my, well, puss! LOL I also rubbed it all over everywhere else I knew would make me purr. After a bit, I inserted the bulbous part, and rested the smaller part against my clit. I did try adjusting it a few times, but, for me, and how I’M built I suppose, it just wasn’t comfortable.

The pluses for this Puss is that it does Snuggle your Puss rather well, and would probably work for those that have had good luck with other rocker-type toys. And I was very, very impressed with the strength of the vibes. But, for me, it just didn’t work, it went more pfffft than bang!


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Thanks for the great reviews. Cute toy name, but good to know it's not worth the snuggle.

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  • 1 year later...
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Not so snuggly

When I first received this I was interested in its design. I removed it from the box and checked it out. In locating the instructions I found out how to activate the batteries that are already installed. It comes with the 3 LR44 batteries needed to make it work. I have to say this is not an easy task. You have to roll down the rubber sheath from the middle of the toy until you expose the battery compartment, and then you remove the plastic piece between the batteries so that they will be able to work. Getting the rubber piece back into place was an adventure and took some doing. While doing this, the toy was continually turning on. It is shaped like a C and as you move the two ends apart it automatically turns on, so this kept happening while getting the rubber piece back on.

I now have the rubber piece in place and give the toy a nice bath in warm water and anti-bacterial soap. I will say be VERY careful as this is not waterproof and I feel that water can get into the toy very easily. I then decided I would wait for my SO to help me with this one. During our play time he reaches for it and positions it. The wider bulbous end of the "C" is inserted vaginally and the other flanged end of the "C" is laid over the clitoral area. Mind you he has decided that this part (the flange) looks like a batman mask...lol.

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