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I Never Thought........

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I never thought that I would become the owner of a sex toy and actually use one at my age (over 65). I am a widow but have not had sex for a long time due to my husband's illness. After three years of widowhood, I decided to surf the web and found this site and looked at what they had to offer and ordered a Doc Johnson Blush dildo on Dec. 30. I received it today (Jan. 2) and have used it at least 6 times (but who is counting?) I can't believe that conservative me is doing this! And enjoying it immensley! First husband was good in bed but never taught me anything but to lay on my back and spread my legs, bounce until he climaxed (0 to 3 seconds). Never had an orgasm. Divorced him for a million reasons. Second husband wasn't as endowed as first but loving and wonderful. And taught me many things, but alas I was too timid. But I did have orgasms and he was a good lover. The dildo doesn't take the place of my husband but is a close second. I can't believe that I have used the dildo so many times today. And I' did have two orgasms. But I'm not done for the day yet. This dildo is perfect for me. I plan to get a few more sex toys to pleasure me. I am glad I found tootimis.com and I am not too timid now. If I ever have a live sex partner, believe me I will try many things, with and without sex toys, but the toys will mak sex sexier. Have to go, I tink I am having an orgasm. Got to get Doc out and pleasure myself again. Wow!

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Welcome welcome!! I'm sorry your past husbands were of the "it's all for me" mindset. But, now that you know pleasure, if you find another lover, then you can teach HIM what you like!! Life's too short to deal with selfish lovers. Go for it girlfriend!!!

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I am a firm believer that it is never too late to enhance, change or add to your sex life! Until the day we die we are capable of being sexual beings, and you are proof positive that age is a number and that happiness is up to you! Have fun, post, read, learn and share!!!

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Welcome to the site! I think it is wonderful that you are exploring yourself and your feelings, no matter what your age!! Keep posting, we would love to hear from you again!

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Like my grandmother-in-law said, "The desire is still there. It's just the energy that isn't." Or is it? Btw, Mikayla, love the spanking girl!

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Thank you all for your replies, kind words, etc. I ordered two more items this morning and will patiently (?) wait for them to arrive. In the meantime I am still enjoying "Doc Johnson". I also tried it anally and what a plesant surprise! I enjoyed it. I must be going crazy in my old age(69), right? No, I do not look or act my age and never will act it. I am enjoying life. I am a very social and outgoing person and am very active. I am also discovering sexuality that I never thought I had. All you younger people out there, sexual desire never leaves you. For everyone, don't be shy about trying new things, with or without a partner. I wish I had done so years ago, especially with my husband. But I am turning a new leaf on life. I am enjoying my new found sexuality and desires. Take care.

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I think it's a damned shame that you are just now discovering yourself as a sexual being. (I smell a COUGAR ready to prowl here). I know that attitudes towards sex have changed drastically in the last few decades and hope that others who are/were in your position in life will find your post an inspiration and a WAKE UP CALL!!! There are many people in your age group and above that know nothing of pleasure. Many consider it a wife's duty. THAT TIME IS NO LONGER. And I think you just found out that you are commiting no dirty deed, or whatever it was called, by enjoying your own body or anothers. One of my former lovers used to tell me that she was 18 with ?? years of experience and thta is exactly the way all people should see it in my opinion. You are legal age so enjoy EVERYTHING that you can or want!!!

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BTW, when you do find a real lover I think you are going to put a serious hurt on them. And tht is meant in a good way!!!

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BTW, when you do find a real lover I think you are going to put a serious hurt on them. And tht is meant in a good way!!!

Oh how right you are! I will be more than a tiger and wear my lover out. He will be the one to say "stop, I'm exhauted". I have discovered several new positions and spend a lot of time with my dildo. The info on this site that said lubricate, lubricate lubricate is right on. With me I use my toy so much I have to relubricate. The last few days I have been without panties almost all day. My grown daughter would be shocked if she knew this. Already she thinks I am wild but if she knew I had a dildo, she would faint. I don't know if she is enjoying sex with her husband like this. Well I have to put my panties and jeans on and do laundry. I suppose when I am done, the panties will come off again, the dildo will come out, I will lubricate and have fun fun fun. I think I am becoming a sex maniac (hee hee)

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