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Ok, So I Went To The Doctor...


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I went to the OB/GYN to see about myself. My period is coming WAAAY too frequently. As a matter of fact, think I'm getting ready to start again and it's been less than 2 weeks. I was sick of the horrid cramps and heaviness so I made a appt.

Ok, we'll skip the dreadful paper work and into the room (which was horrible BTW! Some woman brought her little infants in and they smelled like crap the whole time! YUCK!). Well, I sat on the table for about 10 minutes listening to another patient who found out she had herpes. Then Dr. Parker came waltzing in, with her bad makeup job, to talk to me. Why my mother came, I dunno but whatever. She asked me what was going on. I told her that my period was way too frequent and when I was on, it was a bloody nightmare (lol, get it!?! bloody?!?). I told her that I wanted something done about this. I can't masturbate if I'm constantly bleeding and almost vomitting....I can't do alot of things like that (I didn't say this to her, I'm just saying). After explaining the whole "your body is growing" thing, she told me this was normal for "kids" my age. Ok, hold the bleep up. This is NOT normal because being in complete MISERY for 7 days is out of the norm. My mother jumps in and says "her periods aren't that bad". I had had enough of this by now so I had to correct mom. "Wrong mom, I've told you this before but my periods are very heavy and it's painful". Sorry mom but I had to shut ya down there.

Dr. Parker then proceeds to tell me about my options. I knew what I wanted....the shot to stop my period all to-freakin'-gether. I was about to mention this but my mother jumps in AGAIN and says "she's not looking for birth control or anything like that"....EXCUSE ME!?! As I remembered, this was MY appointment! Dr. Parker said that there isn't ANY waste or anything in your menstrual cycle so you don't have to make a period!! This was great! Get rid of mi.....oh wait, mom has already stated that I don't want anything like birth control, Thanks Mom :D<_< . So Dr. Parker puts me on this pill (I can't remember the stupid name) that supposed to lenghten the time between my periods. Great, now I can sit around and ANTICIPATE my next period.

It all thanks to mom!

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With all due respect, you are 18, a legal adult for OBGYN purposes. You could have had your Mom leave, you could have said you don't want a period (although I am not sure doctors will give that to all patients) or you could have come back another time without her.

You are an adult, and as such you can disagree with your Mom. So, don't blame her Brandyfan, you could have opened your mouth and said something.

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I have to put my 2 cents worth in here, having been through the same thing myself more times than I care to even think of.

No matter what fancy name the doctor put on it, it sounds as though you are suffering from a horemone imbalance, and to correct this imbalance, you will be put on horemone pills, these pills will put everything back in balance, and as a side benefit they also are 99 percent effective in preventing pregnancy.

Unless im mistaken here, that makes them birth control pills, unless they have found a way to manufacter them without making them birth control pills.

but, they are meant to correct the imbalance and they do so very well, don't sweat it.

I don't see why everyone insists on making such a big deal out of BC pills.

they are meant to prevent pregnancy, they also work well for correcting hormonal imbalances.

There is no way to stop your period indefinately, if you get the shot and your bleeding, guess what? it just makes it worse.

I got the shot 2 days after my youngest daughter was born, I bled for 18 months straight, no breaks, no spotting and it was done, were talking heavy bleeding every single day for a year and a half.

The depo shot also kills any and all sex drive you have, and it is very difficult to get it back.

It works great as a birth control, you have no desire, so you dont have sex, and you dont get preggo.

Anyways, you get the pills, your periods go back to normal and all is well.

Just remember to take them every day.

And hey, if you only get 1 period every 3 or 4 months, be grateful, at least your not having one every 2 weeks anymore.

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With all due respect, you are 18, a legal adult for OBGYN purposes. You could have had your Mom leave, you could have said you don't want a period (although I am not sure doctors will give that to all patients) or you could have come back another time without her.

You are an adult, and as such you can disagree with your Mom. So, don't blame her Brandyfan, you could have opened your mouth and said something.

I did open my mouth Mikayla. Do you really think that I, I repeat I, didnt?! lol, Come on, you should know me better than that. Unfortunetly, I'm under my mother's insurance so she was going to be there. Yes, I did speak over my mother....did doc listen? Probably not because she's also my mother's OB/GYN.

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I take my children to their pediatrician's appointments. Since they turned somewhere around 12 years old, the doctor asks me to step out so that they could have a private conversation with my child. I pay their insurance. Do I step out? Of course I do! There is no reason that either you or the doctor couldn't have asked your mom to step out.

I agree with Mikayla here.

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I take my children to their pediatrician's appointments. Since they turned somewhere around 12 years old, the doctor asks me to step out so that they could have a private conversation with my child. I pay their insurance. Do I step out? Of course I do! There is no reason that either you or the doctor couldn't have asked your mom to step out.

I agree with Mikayla here.

Don't try and blame this on me ToyQueen. I did shut my mom up; it's the same thing as her leaving. And to be honest, if your kids are 12 then you should be in there. What could your kids possibly be doing at 12 that you need to step out for?! No, I wasn't happy that my mom jumped in like she did. She didn't have to leave but she shouldn't have cut me off, that's my only problem. I wanted her in there just to be in there, it was my first visit to the OB/GYN and I had no clue if I needed her to hold my hand with those bleeping duck-bills.

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Don't try and blame this on me ToyQueen. I did shut my mom up; it's the same thing as her leaving. And to be honest, if your kids are 12 then you should be in there. What could your kids possibly be doing at 12 that you need to step out for?! No, I wasn't happy that my mom jumped in like she did. She didn't have to leave but she shouldn't have cut me off, that's my only problem. I wanted her in there just to be in there, it was my first visit to the OB/GYN and I had no clue if I needed her to hold my hand with those bleeping duck-bills.

WHOA Brandyfan...no one is "blaming" you - in fact, it was actually YOU who blamed your MOM when you said:

It all thanks to Mom!

So, what we are all trying to make you understand is that it is ultimately YOUR responsibility to make sure your doctor knows what YOU want. I agree with the other posters here, first of all children do need to know that they can see their doctor in private! I see nothing wrong with a 10 year old or older having a discussion with her doctor alone. Also, whether your Mom pays the insurance or not, you still have a right to input on your health and medicines.

Also, while I am back on this topic, no, I do not "know you well enough to know" that you would open your mouth. In fact, I do not 'know' you at all, except what I see here. People can be completely different here than they are 'in real life' so that is not a gauge I wish to go by!

First trip to the OB? Hmmmm. You are 18 right? I went when I got my period, which was 12. When did you get your period?

Just try to remember that people here want to help each other, we are not attacking you - I think you need to step back and realize that sometimes before you post!

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Girls do get pregnant at young ages, like 10 or 11. If the doctor wants a private conversation with a child to ask questions regarding things like sexual activity, I think a parent needs to respect that. I will guarantee that a large number of parents do not know (or believe) that their child is sexually active. I can't tell you the number of young girls I see having babies whose parents had no idea they were pregnant.

I will leave the room anytime the doctor, or my child, asks. They have a right to privacy.

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Knowing that you really respect your mothers opinion I can see why you had her with you. I just hope you find something that helps you and even if it has to be said in front of mom. I don't know what is available now or what they do so you really have to make your own decision on what is best for you but be careful about what may or may not be BC. Good luck!!!

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When I said "It all thanks to Mom!", I was blaming her for cutting me off! I wasn't upset that she was in there and I'm still not!! No, I wasn't to happy about the medication thing but I'm still going to try it and see what happens.

There's nothing wrong with this being my first visit. Yes, I've had phyiscals with my Pediatrician but I've never needed a OB/GYN until now. And if your kids are 10 or 12 whatever having sex then you definently need to sit them down and give them a serious talking to. They aren't even in highschool yet lol!! Now that's what I find to be absolutely rediculous!! At that age, you should be in there, especially at that age. I'm a virgin so this being my first visit is fine. I started my period at age 12. I never had sex, never even masturbated until now (I'm 18 for those of you who don't know) so what would be the point of going to see a OB/GYN?

Also, what I'm posting here is me. I have no reason to "change" over the net. Why should I? Everything I've posted is the true me, like it or hate it.

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When I said "It all thanks to Mom!", I was blaming her for cutting me off! I wasn't upset that she was in there and I'm still not!! No, I wasn't to happy about the medication thing but I'm still going to try it and see what happens.

There's nothing wrong with this being my first visit. Yes, I've had phyiscals with my Pediatrician but I've never needed a OB/GYN until now. And if your kids are 10 or 12 whatever having sex then you definently need to sit them down and give them a serious talking to. They aren't even in highschool yet lol!! Now that's what I find to be absolutely rediculous!! At that age, you should be in there, especially at that age. I'm a virgin so this being my first visit is fine. I started my period at age 12. I never had sex, never even masturbated until now (I'm 18 for those of you who don't know) so what would be the point of going to see a OB/GYN?

Also, what I'm posting here is me. I have no reason to "change" over the net. Why should I? Everything I've posted is the true me, like it or hate it.

I understand how you feel Vicky, Ihaven't gone to one of those appointments but there has been many a time where I've been to the doc's and of course good ol mom has HAD to come and put her two sense in. I know and it sucks compltely. but hey, I hope these new pills work, and if not...Go back again without your mom if possible and discuss it and explain exactly what you need to. I hope your period goes away more often and is a lot ligher. because that is no fun =[ I know how you feel also in terms of a heavyyy period. It SUCKS. Mine is so heavy I have to change things very often. Anyway something that does help deal with cramps if it's any consolation is my doc prescribed 800 mg of motrin. I pop one in, and bam! cramps be gone. it helps a lot. Hey, it's worth a try if you still feel pain.

Hang in there!

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I understand how you feel Vicky, Ihaven't gone to one of those appointments but there has been many a time where I've been to the doc's and of course good ol mom has HAD to come and put her two sense in. I know and it sucks compltely. but hey, I hope these new pills work, and if not...Go back again without your mom if possible and discuss it and explain exactly what you need to. I hope your period goes away more often and is a lot ligher. because that is no fun =[ I know how you feel also in terms of a heavyyy period. It SUCKS. Mine is so heavy I have to change things very often. Anyway something that does help deal with cramps if it's any consolation is my doc prescribed 800 mg of motrin. I pop one in, and bam! cramps be gone. it helps a lot. Hey, it's worth a try if you still feel pain.

Hang in there!

Finally, I've got someone who knows where I'm coming from!

Like you, I have to change pads and tampons frequently. I change them about every 20-30 minutes, which is very hard especially if you have a job. Since it's become more frequent, the heaviness lasts for 5 of the 7 days so it makes it 10 times as worse. She perscribed me the 800 mg motrin as well. I've never used it before but it sounds like it works (thanks for the heads up). I usually use like Midol or something....which doesn't really help (and doesn't last that long).

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At that age, you should be in there, especially at that age.

No, and here's why: If you're a parent, and your kids are having sex at 12, they're sure as hell not going to tell you about it, or tell their doctor about it if you are present... but they MAY let their doctor know they are sexually active if you aren't present, and it is vital that somebody knows. Even if patient privacy laws prevent the doctor from letting the parents know about it (I'm not sure they do?), at least the doctor can give the child some information to help keep them safe, or scare them away from unsafe activity. Also, if it turns out that it's illegal... let's say the sexual activity is actually statutory rape... the doctor can most definitely alert the parents and authorities.

None of this could be set in motion if the parent were present and the child simply lied instead.

Trust me, I had my first appointment at 16 and my mother was present, and even at that age I lied like a dog.

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I'm fairly sure that the HIPPA rules don't apply to you when you're under 18 and under the care of a parent of legal guardian. Once you become 18 then the doctor should be asking you whether you're comfortable with anyone in the room with you knowing your medical history but I think they just assume that anyone in the room has been okayed to know it all.


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I was on Depo Provera for a little over a year, and I was one of the women for whom it worked wonders. No periods whatsoever (thus no extrememly painful cramping, which is what I was on it for,) and I didn't have any negative side-effects besides a slight drop in sex drive, which honestly, is something I can definitely afford to have a drop in! However, I like being a hornball constantly, which is one of the reasons I stopped getting the shots. Just wanted to put in my two cents :)

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Finally, I've got someone who knows where I'm coming from!

Like you, I have to change pads and tampons frequently. I change them about every 20-30 minutes, which is very hard especially if you have a job. Since it's become more frequent, the heaviness lasts for 5 of the 7 days so it makes it 10 times as worse. She perscribed me the 800 mg motrin as well. I've never used it before but it sounds like it works (thanks for the heads up). I usually use like Midol or something....which doesn't really help (and doesn't last that long).

YES that's exactly how I am. I change my tampon easily every half hour, and pads? oh sheesh sometimes I can't even bother just cause yeah. it's so heavy. I hear you on that. especially at night, it's even worse. just cause you sleep and stuff. I swear by the 800mg, so try it out. I mean I never even touched a midol before because this has helped. And being a dancer, nothing is worse than having cramps. yuck. If you have any other questions, maybe I can help maybe not lol. But like i said, you arent alone, i swear

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I totally understand going through 7 days of heavy periods w/ constant cramps. I have pcos so I always will have horrible cramps until I either get a hysterectomy or stop having periods. It's TOTALLY normal for a teenager (b/n 13-19) to have irregular periods espically w/ heavy bleeding and cramping. your not alone in that issue. Totally sucks I know. plus once you move out you realize how expensive femine products are. UGH

One thing in this post I need to touch on. I started having sex early. I had both my mother and step mother around during the time I was having sex. I lied flat out whenever any of them were around. granted I was only 16 when I started having sex, but by god I was never going to tell.

If it's that big of a deal w/ your mother around I second Mikayla, just make another appointment, don't tell your mother untill afterwards.... or just be the bigger person and tell her that upset you and you want your dr's apt's to be about you, and have a grown up conversation w/ her and ask her to respect your wishes.

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Sillyputtyfan, I am a virgin (and I do pay for my own tampons and stuff lol. I go to Costco and buy my stuff in bulk for cheap.). What some of you guys don't realize is that I have nothing to lie about. My mother knows I'm a virgin and she knows I masturbate. There are no secrets between my mom and I. I have no problem with my mom being by my side because she knows I've never slept with anybody. The only thing that made me upset was the fact that I didn't get to say everything without my mom cutting me off. But as long as she did shut up, I was good (which she did).

People, I will be a virgin for a long long LONG time. Sex is the last thing on my mind. I have my whole life ahead of me and sleeping with someone isn't on my to-do list. It won't be until I'm married and that's WAAAY far off.

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Sillyputtyfan, I am a virgin (and I do pay for my own tampons and stuff lol. I go to Costco and buy my stuff in bulk for cheap.). What some of you guys don't realize is that I have nothing to lie about. My mother knows I'm a virgin and she knows I masturbate. There are no secrets between my mom and I. I have no problem with my mom being by my side because she knows I've never slept with anybody. The only thing that made me upset was the fact that I didn't get to say everything without my mom cutting me off. But as long as she did shut up, I was good (which she did).

People, I will be a virgin for a long long LONG time. Sex is the last thing on my mind. I have my whole life ahead of me and sleeping with someone isn't on my to-do list. It won't be until I'm married and that's WAAAY far off.


I have read several of your posts. I read the post on the forums. I understand your a virgin. That doesn't mean you don't ever lie, or hide things from your mother. There are things about me my mother will never know. it's just part of our relationship. I'm sure your mother doesn't know everyting about you, or that you don't want her to know every teeny little detail about you. I was trying to be supportive and considerate of your feelings.

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This isn't necessarily to Brandy but more to the people who have commented/asked about the Depo shot. My girlfriend has been on the shot for almost a year now. Mood swings, weight gain, and 30 days of straight menstruation are not fun for anyone in the relationship. Her periods only have maybe 2 weeks between them and then last for a month. I would love to ask her to stop getting it but I'm not ready for a vasectomy quite yet. lol

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About Depo- I was on it for 3 years wieght gain (or lack of losing) periods every three months (turned out to be a couple miscarriages) and finally a tubal pregnancy. Depo is not highly recommened anymore. there are way too many side effects. you never know how your body will react. they do have a new pill now that you take for three months (if that helps)

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I don't have any input on the pill/shot issue ....but I just wanted to throw in my 2 cents & defend Mikayla & Toy Queen....when I read your initial post Brandyfan, I got the impression that you were pissed-off that your mother was there "interfering" with YOUR appointment...seems like they read it that way too & were just trying to help :huh: ...no need to jump on them.

I got my period at age 11 & I took my own butt to the doc when I was 16 and thought I might have sex soon....it was a smart decision. My mom & I had then and still do have a great relationship, but I just wanted to do it on my own....and I don't tell her EVERYTHING even now, many years later...GOD, if she ever saw what was in that big "overnight bag" in my closet I'd DIE :lol::lol: (she lives downstairs & is up here frequently)

Hope the medication works out for you.

Oh...I think the pill Froggy is talking about is called "Seasonale" or something like that.....my gyno told me you can take any BC pills and take the packets back-to-back for 3 month intervals and it'll have the same effect (periods only 4 times per year) ...for less money (the Seasonale's are pricey)

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I know exactly what you are talking about. I finally went to the doctor when I was 15 and started the pill to control my period. I have something that causes irregular bleeding, sever cramps, random periods and a few other things. Sorry, I cannot remember what it is called. The pill has worked wonders for me. There are a few different types of pills one of them being seasonal which you can take for 3 months straight and the new one called Lybrel. The lybrel you can take the entire year and not have a period. I worked in a pharmacy for a years so I know a little about the pill. They is also the patch that you change once a month. I also know a few woman that have had many problems with the shot. What ever you choose just make sure that you do the research and understand that not every medication works the same for everyone. I hope this helps.


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