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Bought A New Pc Yesterday.


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I bought a new system yesterday that I'm not sure of yet. FAST, hell yes. VISTA, ????????????? This whole post is more about my ISP. I signed up for the Dial-up since my old VAIO only had a 56k winmodem. When I reviewed all the papers and the disk from them it showed nothing for Vista so I called in to the support line to see if I needed to set things up differently or if a new disk was needed. The lady that I spoke to informed me that I have had DSL connection all along. WTF? Although she was LHAO all the way through the conversation and setup procedure I got to thinking about why I was given a DSL when I REQUESTED A DIAL-UP CONNECTION. Anyone had this happen? I don't think I've been charged for this at the higher rate but why give me something I didn't order?

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I'm still debating whether it's a problem. I do like the XP on my laptop and one of my other desktops and my former posting maching was with ME, I'm more pissed abotu the missed out on DSL for the last 8-9months!

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I'm still debating whether it's a problem. I do like the XP on my laptop and one of my other desktops and my former posting maching was with ME, I'm more pissed abotu the missed out on DSL for the last 8-9months!

Yeah that's definitely a reason to be angry, 9 months?! yowzah

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I'd love to help, but I'm not used to dealing with computer problems...

I have a Mac.

Seriously though, who was the provider? Let us know, so we know to beware... enjoy the DSL on the new rig... scary fast if you're used to dial-up.

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Let me see if I can illuminate a bit of light on your problem.

the basics: as most folks know, DSL goes through your phone lines, just like dial up.

little known facts : more and more service providers are switching basic dial up to DSL because lets face it, most of us computer folks want to be able to use our machines to get to our favorite websites sometime this century.

DSL is faster and more stable than standard dial up connections, there is less of a wait time and less disconnections.

Not to mention that you can use the same local acsess number rather than god only knows what to connect, this in turn also saves you money, less long distance calls to connect.

Now, it is very possible that your company could have made the switch to DSL, and just didn't bother to tell you and the other customers.

Why? it could be because between the paper statements, postage, rate increases, and hassles of trying to woo back lost customers, it could have just been more cost effiiciant to leave things as they were.

DSL does not really cost that much more than dial up, a lot of times it is only a dollar or two more, so the company could have just left things the way they were, happy customers means happy company.

Now as to why you never noticed it before?

machines that are well used *like mine* tend to slow down with age and use,

when you get a new machine and a new OS like Vista, they tend to run quicker, so you would notice the change in page load speeds, download times, and just the basic runnings vs. your old machine.

As for the Vista....

Well, my new laptop came with it installed, I am not real happy with it, I prefer XP myself.

if your new machine has a CD or DVD burner in it, wich most do nowdays, your system will have a "backup recovery system" installed, you simply need to burn it onto a few blank CDs and store it in a safe place.

If this info is not unknown to you then I apologize for posting,

just trying to shed some light on the situation.

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Thanks WW! I never shun more information than I had. Since I've only had this system a few days the jury is still out on whether I will roll it back to XP or stick with this OS. I've not tried to download anything yet to see if I have the true high-speed DSL or just the basic flavor. I know on my former puter I bypassed a lot of downloads bc of the time it takes to download them. Videos weren't an option either. This PC seems to be almost as fast as the first one I ever built myself. Which, BTW, was made with top of the line parts which were obsolete by the time I had it up and running. But it was still one of the fastest I have ever seen.

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you probably have just the "basic flavor DSL" as you put it.

Downloads really are not that bad, they manage to move along fairly quickley, not as fast as a broadband connection, but,

much faster than regular dial up.

Oh, and before the jury decides on what OS to run...

If you plan on buying any software for your new machine, even in the very distant future, check the packages,

a lot of new software nowdays requires Vista to operate properly.

I mainly use my machine for writing my book, since office and word processing programs are sold seperatly, I have to buy them, I have to have Vista to run them.

Anyways, like I said earlier, if you already knew this stuff, I apologize for telling you what you already know,

Sometimes it is hard to tell just by one or two posts.

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I pulled a few downloads after my post just to see. Rather than the 2kbp I now get 14-16kbps. Much better. I did a 12MB download in less than 15min. On the dial-up it would've taken well over 1 hour. Since you already have Vista I wonder if you may have come across any compatibility apps that would make older programs accessible here? My collection of software is well in the 5 digit range. The same with hardware though I know Vista has made these obsolete. I think my bonepile of just printers is around 25+/-! But my software is much higher in number. If nothing else there are still abotu 20 or so different puter's laying around. Every OS known is pretty much accessible with just a simple exchange of puter and an email!

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Well hell.

I think I should be coming to you for puter advice LOL

My "bone pile" consists of a couple of keyboards, a few mice, ribbons, some assorted USB cables, and a few power supplies, of wich I have no clue what they go to, I have 2 printers, and 2 routers wich are about to get trashed because they are not worth the powder to blow them up with.

as for compatability, it all depends on the programs you are tying to run.

I know my buddy down at the local shop probably has what your looking for, and if he doesn't, I'm sure he knows how to get his hands on it.

As for vista,

it is "meh" it has its moments where it is good, I like the fact that things are streamlined.

I do not like the fact that I have to buy word processing software, and the fact that the control panel is hidden away in some dark corner of the main menu and you have to spend 20 minutes finding the darn thing just to remove a program that is worthless.

Anyways, gratz on the new machine.

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Thanks for the grats WW! I am sure that in any corner of this world you will find some idiot like me that woud love to dig through your graveyard! I would love to know about your friend at the puter shop, as I often run into things that the "Idiots guide to screwing up your computer" cannot begin to cover. I've even got high dollar software that runs back to the 5 1/4" days. Peachtree Accounting is one of the more prolific in this area. IDK if you remember this one or not. I believe it was abotu $500 for the starter pack and I have the pro version. If you ever feel that you need assistance in any are feel free to contact me. If I can't help you I may know of others who can. Before all is said and done I will have enough research and educational links to fill everyone's day. (As I stated I would never turn down more knowledge). And thanks for all that you have brought to my table!!!!!!!!!

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I got a new PC for x-mas and have vista on it. Its not so bad took me a bit to get used to it!!

suposedly everything that works with XP will work with Vista I haven't had any issues yet.

As far as your phone company upgrading you to DSL without your knowledge I would be upset

too since DSL is so much better!! When we moved back in august I had to switch companies

and it costs much more here!! I find its well worth it!! Have fun with your new PC!!

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I've had issues with the Vista all week now and just now got it half-assed under control. Lost the use of my wireless mouse but not the keyboard. Also had issue with IE7 that cut my access for a few days. What a hemmrhoid!!!! At least it hasn;t gotten like XP, YET!

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I've had issues with the Vista all week now and just now got it half-assed under control. Lost the use of my wireless mouse but not the keyboard. Also had issue with IE7 that cut my access for a few days. What a hemmrhoid!!!! At least it hasn;t gotten like XP, YET!

I went from windows 98 to vista...its not so bad. but I think if the internet company switched you w/o asking and charged you for it that is illegal I believe. Here our company has you subscribe and pay in fuill what you want. DSL is WAY WAY more expensive...like 55.00 more.


Sorry I'm not much help but see if there is a local school instructor or a community college that cannot help you to make sure that you arent being ripped off.

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I don't think I need anyone to tell me that I've been charged for DSL but requested dial-up. That is apparent after my talk woth support. Even if I went after them for it it would only lose my connection for good in this area. It is the ONLY provider in this area at present!

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  • 1 year later...
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Well hell.

I have 2 printers, and 2 routers wich are about to get trashed because they are not worth the powder to blow them up with.

As for vista,

I do not like the fact that I have to buy word processing software, and the fact that the control panel is hidden away in some dark corner of the main menu and you have to spend 20 minutes finding the darn thing just to remove a program that is worthless.

Two points I would like to make. First off WW......I have extra powder I would donate in a minute.

Second My new 'puter I bought last August has Vista and I REALLY HATE VISTA!! My new pc also came with Norton anti-virus whch totally sucks as well. This is my third desktop. Had I known before I took it out of the store what I was getting into I NEVER would have bought this model. I guess I'd really like to just punch out the salesman I got this from. Snot nosed kid. I will NEVER buy another pc at Best Buy. Screw 'em!!

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