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Hi everyone,

Hope I'm doing this right, have never participated in a forum before. My wife and I are just beginning to get back to enjoying sex after a 3 month break (she had major surgery and other health issues). Anyway, she asked my to cut her pubic hair. It's very straight, almost long enough to braid and gets caught up in the toilet paper when she "wipes". Of course I was glad to oblige, and when I was done I sponged her off to get rid of the hair and then began nibble and kiss her clit. She loved it! Oral was something we never really did during the past 20 yrs of marriage, she cant stomach to go down on me, and I thought she didn't like it when I did her (boy was I wrong). Anyway, she asked me if we had any other toys, as she need to have her pussy filled, but couldn't take the pain in her legs if I tried to enter her. Sadly I told her no toys yet, but I would order some. I did, they arrived, and will be using them very soon I hope. The only thing we had been using was an old electric vibrator with a flat rubber head that she would use on her vulva and clit to bring her to orgasm. Bought a Synergy system and expect she will absolutely love it. Hope I didn't ramble too much, if I did I'm sorry.

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Hi there. Feel free to be shy, but I think the more you read, you'll find there are some great people out here. I was shy myself, I'm totaly blind, so you can only imagine that I can't just order something. I've had some help withthings, and now i review products. I hope your wife feels better, and you and she can enjoy sex quite a bit more. You might want to see if she'd use an oral flavored lob, such as the good head loob. It's flavored so maybe that will entice her into pleasuring you. I should tak, I don't care for the taste myself but soon Ihope to remedy that. Have a wonderful time on here, and don't hesitate to ask or put in something.

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Welcome to the forum I understand your hesitation. I am quite reserved in public, however this forum will give you another outlet to learn, and ask what you may never be able to otherwise. I hope your wifes health continues to improve. Have fun!

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Welcome to TooTimid! It is perfectly okay to be shy, and around here you can say as much or as little as you'd like. I'm glad you're wife is feeling better, and I hope things just continue to improve for you.

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Welcome and enjoy.

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You're not rambling silly. Awesome that you're learning new things. Have fun and make sure to read Mikayla's articles in the sex education section.


Thanks for the reassurance. I am devouring almost all of Mikayla's articles. My wife is very naieve (sp?) Has never spread her lips to get a good look at her vagina, etc. I found a super good web site with flash video about erotic massage that has some excellent video from a sex educator/orgasm coach especially designed for the inexperienced. So with the help of that web site, and this site/forum I/ll teach her how to masturbate and enjoy her body. Wish me luck.


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Welcome to the forum. Hope to see you posting more as you feel comfortable.

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WElcome to the forum!! It's not a rambling intro, it's a very informative one. I hope your wife is recouping quickly!

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