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Odd Insertion At It's Best!


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Who would have thought that a palm tree and pineapple could make me cum oh so crazy like a coconut. Thats right! This palm tree of pleasure rattled my palm froms. Any sex goddess needs one of these pleasure sticks. This is no beginner toy!

I couldn't wait to not only tease myself into ecstasy but because this toy is hands free, I made sure my boyfriend got plenty teased. I started off by setting the mood, putting on my favorite surf mix of Dick Dale tunes. Now the fun part. I pushed my boyfriend into a chair and tied him up. No touching for him tonight. After he was front and center for the show, I found a place I wanted to stick the palm tree. The closet door, perfect! I lubed up the shaft which is flexible but still very firm. The palm tree shaft has ridges to add some texture (similar to a ribbed condom) and the shape curves into a G to hit that oh yes, G-spot. Attached at the base you also get a pineapple that a vibrating bullet sits in. The bullet is about as simple as it gets with a one touch button, on or off. The leaves from pineapple are spread open like a flower and stimulate a wide are of your clit. Back to the show now. With a lubed up base I slid myself down on it slowly. The suction cup base lets you ride this G spot dildo for a tropical treat anywhere you like. However, because of its G shape, it doesn't necessarily go everywhere and you can't start off fast with this one. My helpless boyfriend watched as I moaned while using the doorknob to control my thrusts. I could see his face getting more and more frustrated with every thrust, his eyes begging to share in my pleasure. I started to climax as the pineapple hit my clit in just the right spot and the palm tree slid in and out of me, all the while staying in perfect place on the door. After my roaring orgasm I finally decided it was time to play with my well teased man who had gotten quite a show that evening.

Never in my life have I ever had such a toy as bizarre as the Tropical G from Eden. Of all the things I've inserted into myself, a palm tree or pineapple was not on the the top of my list. With its bright green base and translucent honey yellow pineapple you won't be losing this one in the dark. The look and the feel of this one will definitely have you asking, what the hell were those toy designers smoking. But hands down, I had a stellar orgasm and would recommend adding this fruit cock-tail to your arsenal.

Some other notes: Because its waterproof it was a super easy cleanup. The only thing I had trouble with was getting the bullet unlodged from the pineapple afterwards. The suction held it in place well. But rocking it side to side eventually loosened the pressure and the bullet came loose with a suction cup noise echoing afterwards! Also, it comes with three AG13 batteries already in the bullet, along with three spares included. Just make sure that if you need to change the batteries the plus side goes up which is the side with text on it. This was also not a noisy toy depending on what you attach it to. The density of the object dictates how noisy it becomes.

An added bonus, you also get a mini romance novel excerpt! I included below what was on the back of the box:

Your mouth waters as he breaks through the stubborn skin of a ripe pineapple. Sugary juice streams over the blade as it descends. He slices off a piece and picks it up with his thick fingers. He moves closer and touches the tip of the fruit to your lips, making your mouth, perhaps your whole body, water with desire. You open your lips trustingly, anticipating the first bite, but he pulls the golden fruits flesh away letting a droplet of nectar drip down your chin and across your cleavage. He'll find his own refreshment there after he satisfies you.

Taste the Forbidden Fruit.....

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If I saw this, before reading you review, I'd would have passed right by it, thinking, Yea right......

But now.........I love the tropics! I need one of those.

Thanks for the great review!

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It does look odd, but as long as it does what it promises, well, that's what counts. I'm still a beginner with toys and I confess it does look a bit scary. Thanks for the great review, though. It's a relief to know that appearance does not always correlate with maximum pleasure. I love that you tied hubby up!

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I was wondering who Meg had chosen as her victim...er....I mean tester for this item! I too would've passed it right by thinking "yeah, RIGHT!!!" Glad to read that the proof is in the pineapple!!! LOL

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While I have to agree with eminatic that this toy looks scary painful, I also have to admit that your review was yummy in more ways than one, Ginger! ;) Glad you had such a great time!

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The Tropical G - was not a good toy for me!

I too had seen this toy and thought - ewww, no. Then I read Ginger J's review and thought, "well, I'll be damned, I never would have thunk it." Then I got the toy. Not as scared as I would have been otherwise, I was eager to try and try (and try, and try) I did. While i have lots of cute sayings to go with this toy (mostly Spongebob related) I am not gonna use them, cause this toy, in MY opinion, is not worth it. I find it fascinating that two people could have two totally different experiences with a toy, but that is the glory of the review team.


This toy is cute - in an odd sort of way. It is very colorful and just looks oddly "fun."

It is waterproof - love waterproof toys, makes for easy clean up and for bath time fun.

It has a suction cup - this is great for solo play and for giving a little 'show' to your partner.

It has a removeable bullet. If all else fails, keep the bullet.

It came with the batteries PLUS an extra set - saves money on the batteries.


This toy smells to holy heaven! I have it sitting here as I type and it still reaks even after a few thorough washings.

The bullet goes in the pineapple part - so the shaft doesn't vibrate

It is a little odd to look at - therefore, it is not as easy for some (me) to be aroused by a palm tree and a pineapple.

I found the palm tree bark to be a bit 'irritating' and I found the top of the tree to hurt my insides

I found that the pineapple clitoral stimulator was oddly positioned for MY body, and didn't reach my clit at all.

I did not find that this toy stimulated my G-spot (nor any other spot)

This about sums it up:

With my hubby away, I wanted to play - but this little tree, didn't do it for me.

It hurt going in - add more lube, still no better,

I added some more, just got wetter and wetter.

I couldn't get the clit action - nor my insides touched,

Quite personally, I found the bark a little rough.

After a good college try - this toy was thrown to the floor,

As I turned to my faithful JImmy Jane vibe once more.

Sorry, just didn't get into this vibe at all. However, I am glad Ginger J enjoyed it. Perhaps more people will have the positive experience as opposed to the negative. Just goes to show, you never know unless you try!

Tropical G

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Hmmmmmmm, I kinda want to try this one, and I'm also a little scared of it..lol. Love the 2 conflicting reviews, they really show that each toy will have it's lovers and it's haters. I might just get brave enough to give it a try myself and see on which end of the spectrum I fall. B)

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Mik - you are right. The toy did have a very strong smell. I actually washed it several times. Finally I've found that Lavendar hand soap helps out with toys that have severe plastic smell. This is not a perfect g-spot toy. I had a blast with this one for the most part because it was hands free and a great way for me to tease my boyfriend with a show.

Sometimes a variety of things that can make or break a situation, i.e. mood. While I can understand your quams with the looks, I liked the feel. It is a bit tricky for insertion, but once in I had no probs with it. This is not an everyday toy. We all have toys that are our favorites and those we bring out for the right occasion.

Its completely amazing to me as well that you can have such different experiences with each toy. I guess thats the point though right? The readers see what they can relate to with each review.

Sorry it wasn't a winner for ya, but at least a good laugh right ;)

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Wow! What great reviews with totally different sides. Just goes to show you, dear readers, that what may work for one person may totally bomb for another. It really helps to know what you like before exploring with, er, odder toys!

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This about sums it up:

With my hubby away, I wanted to play - but this little tree, didn't do it for me.

It hurt going in - add more lube, still no better,

I added some more, just got wetter and wetter.

I couldn't get the clit action - nor my insides touched,

Quite personally, I found the bark a little rough.

After a good college try - this toy was thrown to the floor,

As I turned to my faithful JImmy Jane vibe once more.

Nice poem :) That thing looks like something my old boyfriend used to smoke from...

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