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Headache During Sex


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Question for all of you experts:

The last two nights, my hubby and I have been having a particularly nice time and when things became really intense, I got a monster headache. The first time, I was able to ignore and we finished our fun (after which I took two aleve which lessened it to the point that I could eventually sleep). Last night, we were having a great time, and I was just at the point of orgasm when the headache hit me and it was so awful, we had to stop immediately. It wasn't like a gradual thing--one second I'm fine and having a great time, the next my head hurts so bad I know an orgasm is not happening and I'm in tears because it hurts so bad. Has this happened to anyone else? Our kids are with grandma and grandpa this weekend so I really want to have some (very loud) fun while they are gone! :wub:

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I'm not an expert but I have heard of these...they are called exertion headaches or migraines. I'm not sure about the theory behind them...but probably holding your breath and straining contribute to them. I would try more even breathing, if you can, some deep breathing, and taking 2 Advil BEFORE you have sex. If they just started, you probably are doing something during sex, (like holding your breath) and this is because you are having a great time!!! Don't give up...just try to be aware of what you are doing. BTW, this can happen to men, too.

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Orgasm headaches are not uncommon. There is a hormonal surge and a blood rush when orgasm happens, and it can lead to very, very serious headaches (or, it can take a headache away in some instances). They actually have a term: coital cephalgia.

They can also be caused by 'straining' the neck or head muscles during sex or orgasm. Here is the important part: most times they are harmless, no worries at all. HOWEVER, it can be a sign of something more serious. Go to your OBGYN (or regular doctor) and tell them exactly what is happening. You are getting migraines during or before orgasm. They may want to run a CT or MRI to confirm no issues.

Once you find that these headaches have no other causes, there are medications that can be taken before sex to eliminate the headaches. I had migraine headaches after sex for my whole first pregnancy (actually, not during sex too) and I thought I was ruined for sex. I wasn't.

Go to your doctor - better safe than sorry!

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Oh Iha, I learn something new everyday (and many days FROM you!) LOL ;)

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I've never gotten headaches, but has anybody gotten charlie horses/foot or leg cramps during sex/play ???

omg hurts so bad but i usually can get through it if i breath right and relax! I find it happens when I'm trying too hard to get off, i tense up which causes the cramps! Breathing right is so important!!


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I have had the headache thing lately. Not real bad like a dull headache and was wondering what from as I just started maybe a month or two ago with getting them. Now seeing this explains everything. I dont' feel strange about it anymore. I kept thinking I can't be getting these from sex, but yet it was always soon after that I would get one.

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i can honestly say i don't ever recall a headache before. for me its either an asthma attach, or what looks like hives all over my chest. i still dont know what causes that.

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Yeah, I've had this happen too. Usually right after sex. I can also say that sex has gotten rid of a headache or two as well. I'm a bit prone to migraines and I have found that taking something before sex helps.

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I get these a lot when I get off if I'm on an angle. Mainly when my head is down and my ass is up, either on my back or my knees. I too, try and take something beforehand if I know what positions we'll be doing more.

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I get hives bad, but I also get them any time my blood pressure rises, so that's all that is. I also get back spasms if i arch a certain way, luckily i haven't had one during sex because i know my whole body just locks up and I just ahve to sit and breath until the muscles relax, usually no mor ethan a minute but man that could kill a mood, huh?

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I've never gotten headaches, but has anybody gotten charlie horses/foot or leg cramps during sex/play ???

omg hurts so bad but i usually can get through it if i breath right and relax! I find it happens when I'm trying too hard to get off, i tense up which causes the cramps! Breathing right is so important!!


I've gotten knots in my upper outside leg muscles. We can't help but laugh when I get one; it hurts, but it's funny at the same time. We just pause how we are, give me a minute to stretch out my leg... and then find a different position for the remainder of sex.

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I've never gotten headaches, but has anybody gotten charlie horses/foot or leg cramps during sex/play ???

omg hurts so bad but i usually can get through it if i breath right and relax! I find it happens when I'm trying too hard to get off, i tense up which causes the cramps! Breathing right is so important!!


Yes, sometimes I get the leg cramps during a particularly intense orgasm. Sometimes I can work thru it, other times, I yelp! LOL

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  • 2 weeks later...
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wanted to update you all since you were all very helpful. I've been to the doctor (I've now gotten these headaches after sex an after exercise) and with my history of headaches and this sudden change in headache patterns, I am headed for an MRI tomorrow. In the meantime, until they are certain everything is benign, no fun more me--nothing that will raise my heart rate! <_< <_< So, I definitely will not be posting here for the time being. Time to think pure, virtuous thoughts!

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Thanks Mikayla, I never even heard of that. Does that usually start happening with hormonal changes?

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Mine were set off by hormonal surges during pregnancy (thankfully, I didn't have many during my second). It can be set off by hormonal imbalances and by a blood rush to other parts of the body or to the head during sex and orgasm. I was having wild orgasms during my pregnancy, more than usual, and that with the hormones did me in.

There can also be a cause from straining or bending in an awkward position, but these do not usually happen every time.

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Thanks Mikayla....

By the way, I had wild orgasms during the pregnancies with my girls. it's because your hormone level higher during with female pregnancies; I was also moodier. You may have already known that, but just incase you didn't....

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Once you find that these headaches have no other causes, there are medications that can be taken before sex to eliminate the headaches. I had migraine headaches after sex for my whole first pregnancy (actually, not during sex too) and I thought I was ruined for sex. I wasn't. !

Mikayla - did you find anything other than medicine that helped? Are there certain positions that are less likely to cause the headache? I got the results from my MRI and my headaches are benign. The prescription I got does not seem to be working. I had a monster headache last night afterwards. The medicine helped me get to sleep afterwards but here we are, the morning after, and I feel foggy and nauseous and my head is still killing me. I have to find a way to function with this and I don't really consider giving up sex to be an option!

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Glad to hear that you MRI came out well, that is a relief - and better safe than sorry!

I ended up having migraines after sex and in general, so my doctor put me on a very, very small dose of Topamax (which at the time was not approved for migraine, but it is now). I was on that for 5 years, until I weaned off to have another baby. Luckily, I have not had a problem since.

I know that there are many medications for use right before sex (don't know the names) and some are for continuous use (like Topamax) and many take a little bit of time to build up to work. Also, I know with the Topamax I had to titrate it up to my dose.

As far as positions go, I try (try is the optimal word here) to keep my head elevated as much as possible, which isn't always possible, but hey, ya do what ya have to do.

One other thought, do you drink a lot of water? I find when I don't drink my 6 bottles a day I get really dizzy and I am more susceptible to headache.

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okay, thanks for the input. I'll keep an eye on my water, because I have not been doing so well with that and I'll talk to my doctor about the possibility of other medicines. She gave me Ultram (also known as tramadol) and it is clearly not working. I took it again this morning and no relief in sight.

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Ultram? Um, I am not a doctor, but what I know about Ultram is it is a medicine for chronic pain (back pain for example) why would he or she give you Ultram? Also, if I am correct, one of the side affects of this med is headache? I would definitely talk to her or him about a medicinal change, as I do not think that Ultram is what you need for that purpose.

Are you getting the headaches at other times?

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