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I think I need a hug I just don't know what to do! It seems like if I have a special someone I can be happy! But when im single im down in the dumps. I dont know what to do anymore! Its not that I want anything right away I mean I just love saying I got someone special even if its nothing that serious.

I guess I don't know what to do I'm just bummed! I wish I had someone special! :( Any thoughts on anything that dont cost to much? I mean I've tried going on vacation that didn't work it only made it worse it cause I just became more miserable I don't know what to do guys please help!

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It is hard to feel alone in this old world, Blue. I would suggest getting together with friends and just hanging out. That special someone WILL come along sometime! In the meantime, *HUG*!

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See thats the problem I've tried just hanging out and trying to goof off with friends and It just don't work! I feel like a wussy saying this but im almost ready to cry! :(

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Sounds like it's time to get busy! When I am really down and lonely, nothing helps but getting really busy gets my mind off of it and then in the process, I sometimes get my head on straight too. Can you take on an extra project at work or volunteer with an organization in your community? Join a club? that would have the bonus of meeting new people too!

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Being lonely and being alone are two different things. Try to get more comfortable with just yourself. Another person will not complete you, you will be complete in yourself and then can give more to a relationship. Most people feel lonely at some time in their life. Some of my loneliest times were when I was married. Like Cherie says, try to keep busy. That will keep your mind off of feeling lonely.

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Pinky's right, try to learn to be happy by yourself. I know it's so hard to go through this....but we're here to lend you support and encouragement.

Do you have any hobbies? If not - now might be a good time to investigate one.

BIG HUG!! I'll be thinking of you...

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Hi blue. I know what your saying and where you coming from. The world just seems a little brighter when you have someone to share it with right? Well, Pinky is right, you need to find something to fill your time. THe first thing you need to learn is how to be happy one your own, because there are going to be times (like now) when your single and unhappy. FInd that special someTHING that makes you smile no matter what, sports, read, art, music etc. Good luck hun, if you need anything I'm here, and so are everyone else.

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Thanks you guys/gals you are all so very unsrstanding and I'd like to thank each and everyone of you!

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I can honestly say I can relate to how you feel I used to think that I needed someone to make me happy but even when I had that someone I was not complete I had to find myself first before I could be happy and well it was a nice change knowing that I could be happy with or without someone. :D

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I can honestly say I can relate to how you feel I used to think that I needed someone to make me happy but even when I had that someone I was not complete I had to find myself first before I could be happy and well it was a nice change knowing that I could be happy with or without someone. :D

Now only if I could get to feeling like that! I can't stand being alone!

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It is a process, Blue. Take it one day at a time. It's a good time to find things that you like, and to learn about yourself. It makes it even better when you do find someone to be with. *hugs*

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I agree with pretty much every thing thats been said.... *HUG*

When you least expect it, it will happen

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you're never alone here....

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It's a long and, sadly, lonely road. I've been single for 5 years (yeah I'm 22 and that may not seem like a long time but that's my entire adult life basicly) and I think I'm only just begining to see that the sun is shining just for me in my own corner of the world. I also realized that my friends are a big thing for me. I'm not talking about the friends that I go out and get drunk and party with, but the friends that I can talk to about anything and everything. Those I admitedly only have 2 of, and i'm a pretty open person. But it isn't quantity but quality. Maybe being alone isn't the actually problem but only a factor? How's work/school? Family? Health? These may be the things that are really getting you down and your focusing on the unfixable (let's face it if we just could make ourselves not lonely we would). I'm also going to go out on a limb here, and please know that I recommend it to anyone who has any downer feelings, consider talking to a professional, if nothing else a face-to-face with an unbiased third party can really make you feel worlds better, even if you only go once. I love my therapist, she's like my own little diary who only cares about me (and her other patients and her life but well I don't have to worry about any of that do i?). If you want to see someone who is truly alone in the world rent Reign Over Me with Adam Sandler, you'll cry but it might help too.

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This is all really good advice...one thing that helped me feel better about myself when I am alone was to get really into some hobby...preferably a social hobby. Go to a game night at a gaming store if that is something that might interest you...start learning to dance..this was a big one for me..I got very good and MOS flocked to me for a dance partner. THAT was an awesome feeling. ANd once you get really into something and have enthusialsm for it, people WANT to be near you. Other people really area attracted to someone who has passion and enthusiasm for SOMETHING. Join a meetup group on a subject that truly interests you and ask a lot of questions. All this has helped boost my self esteem which makes me feel more independent and whole when I am alone.

Remember, this too shall pass. ;)

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