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Question For The Men


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I had a huge self esteem problem. It is getting a lot better. My SO will tell me how sexy I am and he could tell by looking at me that I dont' believe him. He said to me it is the complete picture. It is not just looks it is how you are as far as confidence, your willingness to please your partner, patience and that was just the beginning of all he was saying. Like one time he said to me hell you are no playboy centerfold and he was no GQ centerfold, but we are sexy because how we can please each other. Just because society puts out this stereo type of how people should look. As you get older I think you start to realize taht looks can fade, but the person on the inside is what matters most.

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Well if his doesn't bother me then I guess mine doesn't bother him.

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It wouldn't bother me if it didn't bother you. That is the thing, isn't it? My hands would wander anywhere and everywhere over my partner's body save for the fact that it has been made clear that some parts of her body are less than comfortable when attention is paid to them. As a result I avoid those areas which, I'm sure, leads her to believe that those areas aren't touchable even though I was told not to touch them in the first place? Be happy with who you are and a partner will be happy right along with you. My partner is getting better all the time and I think that enhances our lovelife.


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Coming from a woman who has a 'c-section pouch' which doesn't seem to EVER get any smaller, my hubby loves me and finds me as sexy now as he did when I had the flat tummy with the navel piercing! I don't think it bothers THEM as much as it bothers US.

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The question was whether us guys find it sexy...No, I don't find it sexy in and of itself like say big tits or nice legs, ass etc. HOWEVER, neither does it take anything away from being sexy.

So, in essence, you are saying that 'sexy' is flat stomach, no pouch, well-proportioned body' - but, a person can be sexy and have a pouch? Is this not a contradiction? Or, are you suggesting that the other assets can overwhelm you and cause you to 'forget' about the pouch?

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So, in essence, you are saying that 'sexy' is flat stomach, no pouch, well-proportioned body' - but, a person can be sexy and have a pouch? Is this not a contradiction? Or, are you suggesting that the other assets can overwhelm you and cause you to 'forget' about the pouch?

It sound slike the later, which is what i assume. I have some pretty big scars and unless i point them out, most ghuys, and people in general, don't care.

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Not many guys responding here hmmm... anyway I have never been a stick model. My H says he loves me just the way I am and that if I stayed this way forever he would be happy forever. I am not at my ideal weight I def need to lose some but he doesn't care. I CARE though! I like to dress a certain way and have trouble feeling comfortable or sexy because of the extra pounds. My brother in law is always harassing my sister in law about her weight. Like Hey you're getting a little chubby. You've gained weight! Why don't you go to the gym... While it's one thing to encourage someone to be healthy it is quite another to make them feel like they aren't good enough unless they are thin!

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are we talking about a muffin top?

Do I think its sexy.... never thought about it till now.... it doesnt really add or take away from the sexines of a woman

that being said, I look at the total package to determin a womans sexyness. How she looks and carries herself, thats before I even talk to her.

I have meet drop dead woman that their attitude and personality made very ugly people. I also Like a woman with with curves and something to hold on too.

I dont know if I answered the question but I think I confussed myself

no not muffin top...im talkin bout that lil pouch below the belly button..ya know..i wanted to know who minded them..it came up the other nite and chat and we awere all wondering. even when i was 100lbs i had the lil pouch...now..i have extra, and it doesnt bother my hubby at all.

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it doesnt bother me i think it sexy. my wife was sexy as hell when she was prego, and she still is.

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it doesnt bother me i think it sexy. my wife was sexy as hell when she was prego, and she still is.

Aww babe! Thank you. U made me feel sexy as u were rolling me down the stairs. LOL J/K

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my hubby read this...and this was his reply...

baby, you need to stop worrying about stupid shit...i didnt marry you for your stomach... "i married you because i love you, and i want to grow old with you. oh and btw, you have a great chest and dam fine legs"

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I also know that when we fall in love with someone they become beautiful in our eyes.

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Which explains why when you break up you look back and go: What was i thinking?!

Yes very true

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Guest eminatic

i am 100 pounds, have the pouch and its driving me CRAZY.

i tried working out to get rid of it. no good, although now my stomach ABOVE my belly button has a 6 pack (and yes i am doing exercises that target the lower abdomen/obliques not just the stomach)

sometimes i get so upset about it i cant let my bf see me for a day or 2. ugh its just not FAIR because it looks like im just fat and lazy when i try SO HARD to get rid of it. makes me want to cry :(

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Guest cockney
my hubby read this...and this was his reply...

baby, you need to stop worrying about stupid shit...i didnt marry you for your stomach... "i married you because i love you, and i want to grow old with you. oh and btw, you have a great chest and dam fine legs"

I have to agree with your Hubby. Most of us guys think all of you gals are sexy. I wish you gals didn't worry about all the perceived imperfections. Too us they aren't imperfections. Gals come in different shapes and sizes, and we love that. Eventually, we decide to spend time with just one of you. By then we've decided "she's all good." Really.

Sure there are a few men who wish your body was this or that etc. Don't hang out with them. Who needs that.

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I totally agree when someone loves you it is for the whole package not just one part. My SO is the same way he loves me for me. I have a lot of trouble taking compliments due to past experience and self esteem. My self esteem has gotten a lot better in the last 6 months or so, but I still battle with it. He will tell me I am pretty or sexy and as he puts it I get this look on my face and he knows that I am having trouble believing it. Then we get into discussion about how it is true. As he puts it you don't have to be a centerfold to be sexy. It is how you handle and carry yourself that makes the big picture. I have come to realize how true he really is on this.

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I totally agree when someone loves you it is for the whole package not just one part. My SO is the same way he loves me for me. I have a lot of trouble taking compliments due to past experience and self esteem. My self esteem has gotten a lot better in the last 6 months or so, but I still battle with it. He will tell me I am pretty or sexy and as he puts it I get this look on my face and he knows that I am having trouble believing it. Then we get into discussion about how it is true. As he puts it you don't have to be a centerfold to be sexy. It is how you handle and carry yourself that makes the big picture. I have come to realize how true he really is on this.

Girl that is hardest for me too, accepting compliments. My h will say you look hot, I will say ugh this dress fits weird or some other negative comment... I have to just shut the F up and say thank you!

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I am starting to learn to accept them, but at times I will get a look on my face and he just knows. So then he starts with you are you really are. He is so sweet. He said the other day that he is just gonna keep reminding me until I get to the point that I accept it without any problems.

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Angelkisses I agree with your man on this one! When I look at my wife, all I see is beauty and sexiness!! She has a little pouch, her butts a little bigger then when we met, but she has had our 2 kids!! She is still the sexiest woman in the world to me! I know what's on the inside that makes her sexy no matter what! Plus, my belly sure is bigger than when we met and she likes it! I don't, but she does and it would be stupid for me to think she is less sexy because she doesn't look the same as when we met!!!

Now, I'm not going to say that all women are sexy that has a little pouch or that the little pouch is sexy! I would be lying to all of you if I did! BUT, I will say I have seen plenty of women that were oozing sexy that did have a little pouch and there is nothing wrong with having one!! Most of us(men & women) will develop one as we get older and that seems to be the hardest part to keep in shape! So, if anyone doesn't think that someone is sexy because they have a pouch, then you are going to live a terrible life and have to keep dating girls that are 18 to late 20's and that has never had a baby!!

All you ladies need to understand that fact about as we all age, our bodies will change no matter what we do! Maybe 1 out of a 1000 can keep it in prefect shape(genatics more than excercise and made up stat) and if you aren't one of them, you shouldn't feel bad about it! It will just drive you crazy and make your self-esteem go downhill!! You ladies are all beautiful in your own way!!! No need to compare yourselves to these models/actresses that have personal traners and still have to be airbrushed before their pictures go in the magizines!!! See the beauty in yourself and let your partner see the beauty from all angles, inside and out!! Oh well, off my little soapbox!!haha



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After reading this, no matter WHAT size you are, I mean there are a lot of people who don't have "the pouch" at all. But, I'm 100 pounds and I dance/work out like crazy and I too have one. Many have a pouch, you could have the "fittest" body ever and might still have a wee one. So to me, I feel like it doesn't matter or make anyone less sexy. I think it's all about how your personality comes off. If it bothers you that you're not feeling good about your body/looks, then it'll show. Confidence is key. I actually asked my brothers what they thought and they both agreed that the pouch really doesn't deter whatsoever. they didn't even know what it was until I explained it to them...They both have beautifully curvy gals whom don't have much of a pouch. The older said, even if she did have this pouch thing you asked me about, they'd still be the sexiest.

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i didnt know where to put this...so i put it here....

a few of us ladies were chatting...and we were wondering...do you find that lil tummy pouch on a woman sexy??

I call it a FUPA. Stands for Fluffy Upper Pubic Area and yeah I think it's sexy. I much prefer a woman who is curvy to one of the skin and bones model types. Wide hips and a nice shapely ass just does it for me. Don't get me wrong, I'll look at a super model just like any other guy but if I'm looking for a woman to spend time with it would be one with brains and a sense of humor. A woman that is confident but not bossy. There are a lot of things that make a person desirable or not so desirable but a FUPA doesn't detract on thing in my book.


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I have the c-section pouch (three sections in less than five years.) Right now, I'm overweight due to a couple of years of life getting in the way. But, even before that, there was little chance of getting my stomach flatter - cut muscle is cut muscle.

I recently entered into a relationship (ok, folks - this is your chance for applause hehe.) Anyway - before we slept together (last week!), I was a wreck about my body image. A friend of mine (male) told me exactly what most of you have said, "It's all about the attitude." So, I took a deep breath - and didn't cringe when I was stark naked in the broad daylight of my bedroom. Somehow I pulled it off - probably due to his incredible sexiness. Later he told me that I was the sexiest woman he's ever been with. Actually, I've seen someone from his past - I swear she's half the size I am. God, I must be a good actress! hehe.

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