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I am newly single and have been without sex for several months now and am not interested in casual sex. I've started using small vibrator to make myself orgasm almost nightly. Is there any harm in that physically? I'm afraid my clitoris is going to become desensitzed!!

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Hi Shygal!

Welcome to the forum. take some time to look around, read the posts, get to know some people. This question has been asked a ton of times because it is a great concern of many women. Let me assure you - it would be next to impossible to desensitize your clitoris by too much masturbation. Statistically, you would have to use your vibe constantly, daily, for years and years for this to happen.

Now, what will happen is you will become more sensitive - and orgasms may be easier to obtain with a toy as opposed to, let's say your finger. I have been using vibes for 15+ years on an almost daily (sometimes more than once a day) basis and I can still orgasm via tongue, finger or toy combos.

No worries, keep on enjoying!

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Welcome and Mikayla is right, they can only help your body learn to orgasm easier, plus they are fun!

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Thanks for replys. I figured as much but I wasn't sure! The hardest part of my divorce is lack of intimacy and affection...if I had to give up my vibe I was gonna CRY!!lol

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Welcome to Too Timid!! I dito what Mikayla said. I have never become desensitized due to masturbation. I own quit a few toys and most always use a strong bullet on my clitoris and have yet to become desensitized. No harm in it, continue to play and enjoy your body.

There is LOADS of information here, look around, post and it is great to have you aboard!!

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Welcome to TT shygal, I agree with all the above comments. Check out the tips and articles, I found them very helpful you may too.

Most of all enjoy!

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Welcome to the forum! One thing about taking care of your own physical needs is that you will not seek out relationships due to desperation! BTW, the only danger is that you will learn more about your body and what you need to get to that peak!

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Thanks for replys. I figured as much but I wasn't sure! The hardest part of my divorce is lack of intimacy and affection...if I had to give up my vibe I was gonna CRY!!lol

Welcome! I hope you enjoy the site, and learn a lot. There are many questions answered here by some really smart people. Mikdayla's right, I've been using toys regularly for about 10 yrs or so, and no desensitizing yet! LOL You'll be fine.

I KWYM about the lack of intimacy with a divorce. I think many of us do. You don't have to do casual if you don't want too either. Just take your time, learn what kind of person YOU are without a relationship. It'll make you stronger, though it's VERY hard to do! Then, when the right person comes along, you'll be ready.

Best wishes~

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I am newly single and have been without sex for several months now and am not interested in casual sex. I've started using small vibrator to make myself orgasm almost nightly. Is there any harm in that physically? I'm afraid my clitoris is going to become desensitzed!!

NO no no! In fact it will be the opposite I feel! It seems to me that the more you do it the more you can, and the orgasms come easier! Don't believe any of those old wives tales. Enjoy yourself! Oh and welcome to the forum, have fun!

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Welcome! I hope you enjoy the site, and learn a lot. There are many questions answered here by some really smart people. Mikdayla's right, I've been using toys regularly for about 10 yrs or so, and no desensitizing yet! LOL You'll be fine.

I KWYM about the lack of intimacy with a divorce. I think many of us do. You don't have to do casual if you don't want too either. Just take your time, learn what kind of person YOU are without a relationship. It'll make you stronger, though it's VERY hard to do! Then, when the right person comes along, you'll be ready.

Best wishes~

TWO THUMBS UP TYGER! I like that last paragraph!

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Wow thanks for all replys. I agree with Tyger...I don't need the diversion of a new man now...although my WANTS are different from my NEEDS!I know I need to get through this right now and it will take a long while I'm sure...focusing on my kid and our new life for now. Thanks again.Off to buy more batteries.......

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