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A Rave And A Rant


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OK, so you have probably noticed that I have been MIA from the forum. Well, I have been feeling sort of blah lately. I am the most melancholy that I have been in years. It is not like me to be depressed - it really isn't. I am a very upbeat person most times. However, there have been a lot of changes in my life that have made me feel sort of down. I figured I would share - just to get it off my chest - AND to let everyone know that I don't live in a sex bubble unaffected by 'real' life.

First, my RAVE. My littlest guy turns ONE TODAY!!! Yeah baby boy! I had a nice party for him yesterday, lots of family and friends and fun. It was a very, very nice day. He is so cute and time sure is flying...

That brings me to my first rant....why do babies grow up? I know I am done having them, and that is OK. However, each milestone that comes and goes makes me sad. He walks, talks, plays....and it is sad knowing that this is the last time one of MY children will do these things.

My other rant regards something that everyone is going through - THE TANKING ECONOMY (thanks GW). My hubby is working twice as much and traveling every week. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. He needs his job, so he is putting up with tremendous bullshit. Oh well. The publisher that was going to publish my children's book tanked. Yep. Went bankrupt. So now I have to find a literary agent or publisher. Pissed. I do some freelance work here and there and seem to be loosing it all. People are tightening up their purse strings. I can't and don't blame them......but it sucks to worry about money or jobs. My teaching career is still steady, but enrollment is down...way down. Luckily one of my classes is required, so I am secure.

I am just feeling.....blah...yuck...ick...bored....stressed.....

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I'm so sorry to hear that you're going thru all of that. Plus, I bet those storms didn't help much either! *HUGS* It's hard, when you see your babies growing up, and know that, even if you're done having them, that this times go by so fast, and you feel like you may miss something important. Everyone's feeling the crunch too!

We had DH's oldest come down, and, because her plane ticket was almost $1k, we couldn't really afford to do anything with her as far as family outtings and such. His ex is suppose to reimburse us half, and last time did so rather quickly, but she's going on a trip as soon as the DD gets back, so I'm not holding my breath! I have a plan for that if she doesn't come up with the $$ within 6 months though.....

It's really sad, because I want to go and get a job after our DD goes to school, but, with only being able to work"Mother's Hours", I think I'd be paying for the gas to get back & forth with my paycheck from that job! It's very frustrating, to be sure.

So, you are definitely NOT alone with your worries & frustrations!!!

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Enjoy every second with your babies! When we get old and feeble-minded they will start asking about all these things so it's best to take pix now!

Did you hear that loud popping noise in Chicago? That was my head as it exited the other end of my anatomy when I remembered that your babies birthday means that I've almost been here for a year myself! Now there's a birthday I may celebrate!

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While I can't say much about growing up babies, I do know that the economy sucks right now. I got switched to days and lost my differential then i got told i could work OT to make up for it and now I lost that too! People have to work two and three jobs to make ends meat and still most can't make it. I feel for you on that end. Supposedly things are looking up (i don't believe that) and gas prices seem to be going down (we dropped almost 20 cents!) so maybe there's hope. And at the very least hopefully we'll elect someone who has a mind for the economy.

hey if we stopped wasting millions of dollars on teh war in Iraq maybe we could put that money else where?

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OK, so you have probably noticed that I have been MIA from the forum. Well, I have been feeling sort of blah lately. I am the most melancholy that I have been in years. It is not like me to be depressed - it really isn't. I am a very upbeat person most times. However, there have been a lot of changes in my life that have made me feel sort of down. I figured I would share - just to get it off my chest - AND to let everyone know that I don't live in a sex bubble unaffected by 'real' life.

First, my RAVE. My littlest guy turns ONE TODAY!!! Yeah baby boy! I had a nice party for him yesterday, lots of family and friends and fun. It was a very, very nice day. He is so cute and time sure is flying...

That brings me to my first rant....why do babies grow up? I know I am done having them, and that is OK. However, each milestone that comes and goes makes me sad. He walks, talks, plays....and it is sad knowing that this is the last time one of MY children will do these things.

My other rant regards something that everyone is going through - THE TANKING ECONOMY (thanks GW). My hubby is working twice as much and traveling every week. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. He needs his job, so he is putting up with tremendous bullshit. Oh well. The publisher that was going to publish my children's book tanked. Yep. Went bankrupt. So now I have to find a literary agent or publisher. Pissed. I do some freelance work here and there and seem to be loosing it all. People are tightening up their purse strings. I can't and don't blame them......but it sucks to worry about money or jobs. My teaching career is still steady, but enrollment is down...way down. Luckily one of my classes is required, so I am secure.

I am just feeling.....blah...yuck...ick...bored....stressed.....

You know I was wondering when his Bday was. I knew it was this month. Happy birthday little one! (I forgot his name, sorry!) You mentioned you were down before and I wondered if maybe this had something to do with it. My baby is also 7 months old today! So I am right behind you! My birthday is coming up as well, 39... ugh don't get me started!

I know what you mean about all those frustrations. Sometimes it seems like nothing goes right and you feel like you are drowning. I wont jack your thread with my shit but you are not alone... Before you know it there will be a light at the end of this tunnel. You'll see!

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I can agree with everyone on here. gas suck. I can't get a job cuz of medical reasons and then if i do i wont make anymore then i do staying at home cuz of gas and daycare. and i am second guessing my relationship so i have been feeling shitty right now too. And I can't wait for my daughter to get to school age so then I have a break and can go do something that i want. like get a job without having to pay for day care....and go back to college...I could just keep going and going and going...but i'm not goign to.

I would like to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your little one though :)

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Happy Birthday to your little guy! Our kids are truly the greatest gifts we have (even though after about 18-20 years you're gonna be ready for them to fly the coop!)

Like everyone has said times really do suck right now and anytime that finances get tight like this it effects every aspect of your life in a negative way....Hopefully it won't last that much longer because I know this sounds like paranoid conspiracy theory in action but I'm betting that as soon as they get their precious hand picked Obama in there (yes, I do believe "they" have had this as a done deal from day 1) that things will "all of a sudden" magically start getting better so that we all sit back and sigh in gratitude at his greatness and blindly let the politcians play their little games without questioning them. It's all mass manipulation and us "little people" have to work like dogs just to weather the storm!

Try to keep focused on the good things....your husband and family....and hope you feel better soon! :)

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Happy birthday to your little guy! Is is unfair how they just grow up on you, but every stage has its joys. Then one day, maybe..... GRANDKIDS!

Sorry that things are in a slump. It can get you down.

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Happy birthday to the baby wait big boy one year old. I'm glad to hear you guys had a great day =]

as far as babies go in general, I don't know much of how it feels. but as a few ladies/gents have written before me, I can sympathize with the yucky economy. Gas prices are NASTY. I remember when I used to put ten bucks in and it filled my tank. depressing it isn't like that anymore huh? Colleges are also not getting any cheaper which seems to be a partial reason people my age are either dropping out or not applying at all for college. it sucks. My friends and I are going into our sophomore year of college and half are leaving because they cannot afford to pay and the school will not give any financial need. So, I'm sure it sucks for you professors big timeee. I hope things get better and some of the smiles come back for ya! :)

P.S. I'd love to read some of your children's pieces sometime! I too dabble in some writing.

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Your babies will grow up quicker and quicker with each passing day. One day you'll wake up and those babies will be in high school or college. The time we have with our children is precious! Enjoy each moment, everything else is just life.

I am really sorry you are experiencing financial difficulties is your life right now. I know it can be very emotionally tiresome. Just do the best you can and remember what's truly important. Your family, your health and your relationship. In time everything else will fall into place. AND REMEMBER, when every-things said and done, no one cares or remembers about things you'll accumulate, how much money you have in the bank, the toys you have, the clothes you'll wear, the cool electronics, the size of your house, etc...... All that matters in life is the love and care you'll give your family; it will come back to you 100 folds. The rest is just life.

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*HUGE HUGS SWEETIE* I hear ya on both of them, children do grow up so fast, I hate it. Why cant they stay little and sweet. When my oldest graduated high school I cried like a baby, just looking back at everything and remembering everything he did. Hell my daughter is going to be 12th this month, and she looks and has developed like she is 16. She use to be this little bundle of joy that cooed and cried and crawled, now she is beautiful of course, developed and mouthy.

I tell ya I can feel ya on the economy bullshit to. So tired of it all. So you are not alone there, I am hoping I heal quick and get threw this next surgery quickly to so I can at least go back to work part time.

I hope all looks up for you hun!!!!

Thinking of you!!!

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Some people are feeling this pinch a lot more than we are Mik! Investments have kept my head above the water so far! Somehow I've flipped all 3 of my houses and am carrying the notes on two of them. And my stocks have gone about as high as I think they are going to so look for a fall in the gas prices.

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Don't take this wrong but if you believe your book is worthwhile, why aren't you publishing it yourself? Well worth it if it is a good book!

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