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Proper Burial

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Well the time has come I wore out my poor go to toy. It is the Japanese "Strawberry Shake" dual Vibe....affectionately known as Pinky. My SO told me I need to stop playing so rough with my toys....lol. Pinky has brought me such wonderful times. I thought it only fitting to give him a proper burial.

He served and protected my pussy. Kept her calm and content. Delievered many orgasms and floods....lol. I find it only fitting to give him the respect that he deserves. So please help me in saying good bye to a wonderful toy.

Thankfully his replacement will be here soon as I am so lost without him.

Sorry I just couldn't help it. It has been a joke amongst some of us the last few days about my poor toy so I thought I would put it up here. :P

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Poor, poor Pinky ... he will be missed. I would say he as gone to a better place, but that probably isn't true for dead sex toys, is it? Hmmm?

Anyway, my you (FINALLY) rest in peace!


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My condolences on your loss. :P I hope that the new one is just as good as the first one!

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Thank you for all of your wonderful thoughts. Yes Man it is a good thing he did not die alone. He died doing what he loved....lol. The replacement just needs to get here soon that is all I can say. I am sad to see my favorite toy go but hey a girl has to do what a girl has to do.....so I will be glad to welcome my new Pinky into my family of toys.

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That thing looks amazing! I can understand why you wore it out and why you are replacing it! :)

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The courage you've shown in retiring your favorite toy ( :( , sniff, sniff) has inspired me to have the courage myself to retire my first and once favorite toy, The Princess by Sue Johanson. I haven't used it in quite some time; but given all the good times we've shared :P , I just couldn't bring myself to throw it away (lol.). But it's time.

Thank you for the inspiration and fortitude to do what I must... "Parting is such sweet sorrow..." (ROTFLOL) :P


Tig, I am glad that I was able to help you in this difficult time. I know that it will be difficult, but I am sure there is something that will be able to comfort you in this time. :P

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Aaah Shortstuff, I feel your pain.... I'm worried that my trusty fave will be following in Pinky's footsteps before too long and though I have scoured the countryside (and the world wide web) I have yet to find his clone. The empty spot they leave behind can never truly be filled by another replacement, but brave souls that we are we will never give up the search for the next "wonder" toy! Keep your head up (better yet keep your parner's head up!) and never stop having fun! :D

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Goodbye, dear friend. (taps playing in the background)

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