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I've been a fan of this forum for quite some time. I thought I registered once but I guess I didn't.

So I'm 23, lesbian (in my first relationship with a woman), and eager to experience all that sex has to offer. I am not new to sex just new to sex with someone I truly trust and feel completely comfortable with. My girlfriend is the best she supports everything I want to try and does what I want her to when we have sex.

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Welcome. You'll find understanding helpful people all around hear. When ever you need, just ask.

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  • Review Team

Welcome and congratulations for finding a great relationship! It rocks when you find someone who you can really trust and supports you. I look forward to reading your posts.

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WELCOME!!! ...and have fun!

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Welcome! I am very sure you will have a great time searching around and posting here!

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Welcome! Congrats on your self-discovery and your new relationship. I hope you enjoy all of the info, jokes, experiences, and advice here! Glad to have you aboard the board!! ;)

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