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What would you say to a person who has everything but still isn't happy?

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I hope your packing :D

I'm certainly trying to! All my stuff that was in the garage has been found, repacked, and put in my trunk already. Now it's time to get everything else. Sadly, I'm working four days this week and can't go home during them. Tomorrow I'm off but won't make much of a dent since I'm having to spend it running around tying up loose ends before Sunday. So, that means Saturday will be absurdly busy with me frantically throwing things into boxes. I want to get it done quickly so I can go out with my friends and family on my last night in town.

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Guest eminatic
I do not think that relationships that do not include sex are truthfully successful!

and there it is right there. which validates my original statement that i cannot have a relationship because i cannot have sex. yeah, i know i can have "love between friends" and all that bs but i will never be able to have a relationship.

why get married if not for sex? LOTS of other reasons. once again sex =/= love. but apparently to all males it does.

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In all statistical probability, if one person feels or believes one way, there is another person with the same or similar outlook. Not trying to say, "There's one out there for you, sweetie; just keep looking," but with 6 billion people in the world, someone somewhere shares YOUR priority on sex. It's a mathematical certainty.

Here's my opinion: YES, sex can greatly attribute to the rise and fall of many, many relationships. Sex (or lack of) causing the fall usually stems from an imbalance in the two individual's needs, wants, and drives. Now, if you were to happen upon a man whose sex drive matches yours completely (even if it means NOT having one), what then would be the problem? After all, as I explained already, the man is bound to exist. Will you come across him? Maybe, maybe not. But being adamently single simply because you "cannot have a relationship because [you] cannot have sex" flabbergasts me since it doesn't seem as if that's a dating death sentence. Not in my eyes, anyway. Maybe you see it as a hopeless cause? Anyhow, I, for one, am single because A) it's easier and B ) I'm extraordinarily picky. To me, those appear good reasons to say, "I'll never be in a relationship." Why? 'Cause I'm too lazy and don't do too well with any kind of maintenance. So, chin up. Don't be so hard on yourself. Breathe. I'm not trying to force you down an aisle--and especially not with lube in hand! ;):D


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Okay, so I found the beginning of the conversation. After reading the explanation of your plight, I must say that I am now able to sympathize more (not that you're asking for sympathy). Nevertheless, I still stand by "mathematical certainty." You can't have sex. Trust me, plenty of guys out there are unable to have sex too. I work in EMS. Some of the things I've seen and heard about...It just usually isn't a, "Hi. Nice to meet you. I have no dick" type of conversation topic, you know? Guys seem a bit sensitive when discussing their penis. And don't discount the guys with a micropenis. After all, I'm sure a few of them are thinking, "Who would want sex with an inch long penis? Penetration would be near impossible, so what's the point?"

That may have come off as offensive. Sorry.

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and there it is right there. which validates my original statement that i cannot have a relationship because i cannot have sex. yeah, i know i can have "love between friends" and all that bs but i will never be able to have a relationship.

why get married if not for sex? LOTS of other reasons. once again sex =/= love. but apparently to all males it does.

First, you CAN have sex. You can have marriage. You can have a relationship. Your defeatest attitude doesn't help, Em. There are options for you Em. There are doctors, there are procedures, there is psychotherapy. You can have sex some day - I am very confident about that.

Second, yes, it is true, I don't believe that relationships, particuarly marriages, that do not involve sex are very successful. Reason? More than likely, the friendship will not be enough to sustain the relationship for both persons. Realistically speaking, there are going to be more men who want sex in a relationship than ones who don't.

THird, I never said why get married if NOT for sex. I said, sex is a healthy part of marriage. Sure, you should have other things in common, more to talk about, have a good friendship and be attracted to one another to be married. However, WHY? Why get married when you could be friends? Why put that added stress on a relationship?

Sure love does not equal sex, and sex does not equal love. However, it is really hard to have a successful marital or long-term 'relationship' that does not include intimacy, and that means sex. Sure you can have oral sex, blowjobs, kissing, touching, even masturbation. However, at what point will that fail to be enough? At one point won't someone want MORE?

Em, do you WISH you could have sex? Do you wish you could find a man and have a traditional relationship? If you say 'yes' - then what is different then men who want the same thing? What is different about women who do?

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What would you say to a person who has everything but still isn't happy?

I would say re evaluate, what really matters... :)

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Guest eminatic
First, you CAN have sex. You can have marriage. You can have a relationship. Your defeatest attitude doesn't help, Em. There are options for you Em. There are doctors, there are procedures, there is psychotherapy. You can have sex some day - I am very confident about that.

Em, do you WISH you could have sex? Do you wish you could find a man and have a traditional relationship? If you say 'yes' - then what is different then men who want the same thing? What is different about women who do?

i have been to SO MANY doctors for YEARS and none can find anything wrong. its hard to have hope after trying so long and being told "its probably just in your head"

i do wish i could have sex, but not because i LIKE sex, only because i know that if i can't have sex, i can't have a relationship.

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What would you say to a person who has everything but still isn't happy?

What's everything in one persons eyes isn't anything though another persons eyes. Perception is all relative.

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What's everything in one persons eyes isn't anything though another persons eyes. Perception is all relative.

Very true, and good point. Hmmm....

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I sure hope I can snap out of this and get happy soon...

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At some point tomorrow I'll be leaving to go on a vacation...... Hope the board can live without me for a little while :P

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Took my grandsons swimming today. It was a good day.

:) that is so nice to hear! :)

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I sure hope I can snap out of this and get happy soon...

Me too. :kiss:

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Going to Missouri to pick up my eldest son this morning....whoo hoo....but no internet in Misery...boo hiss.......be back soon, try not to miss me too much!


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I feel a new story coming on... stay tuned! ;)

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I hate it when we are not on the same page. Oh well.

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My husband read the story I just posted and we had to sneak into the bedroom for a quickie! :wub:

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How come some guys are just sleazy shallow douchebags???

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I am not!!!!!!!! :P


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