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Another Letter To My Hubby


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I was in the mood to start one of those letters to my hubby. So, I thought I would share.

It's late morning, I'm busy working with the kids when i get a text on my phone. I look and see its from you. i open it and read it "at some point tonight I'm gonna fuck you...I'm gonna order you to your knees and make you beg to suck my cock. You wont know how, you wont know when, just know it's coming...don't reply" Great, thanks babe, now I have to go through the whole day hot and bothered wondering what you have planned.

FINALLY, school is out and I rush home. You are sitting at the computer when I walk in. Before I can say a word you get up and kiss me hard and deep. "go shower, i want that pussy fresh and smooth, understood?" I stand there for a second before I reply "uh OK." I turn to walk away and feel a nice hard smack to my back side. I quickly shower and shave like a good girl. I walk in the bed room to find you standing there. Saying nothing you unwrap my hair from the towel and remove the towel off my body. You slowly start drying me off placing little kisses over my body. My breathing becomes quicker the wetter I get. "lay down on your back". i lay on the bed watching you. You pick up my favorite lavender lotion, and painfully slow begin rubbing lotion on my neck, over my breast, under my breast and finally over my nipples. I whimper and arch up wanting more. "not yet". I bite my lip to keep from begging. Your hands travel down my stomach, the top of my thighs, my feet, and back up the other leg, never touching me where I need it most. My hips automatically push up and you crawl up my body. I let out a moan as you nip me right under my ear. "still wet huh?" "yesss" "Roll over baby". I roll over and try not to cry out as you continue the same treatment to my back. You linger on my lower back knowing how sensitive that area is. You lower down to my back side, and rub it with long deep strokes. "mmmmmmmmm. " I lift my bottom up silently begging for more. SMACK!! I yell out in pleasure. "Like being spanked don't you?" "god yes" SMACK! I moan as I feel the burn start to spread. You let go of my hip and hand me your favorite pair of bra and panties. "Put these on put some pajamas on, and come out when your done." You turn and walk out of the room leaving me comepletly hot and completly confused.

I walk out into the living room to find you watching T.V. "wanna order pizza for dinner?" "shhhure". As your getting ready to go pick up the pizza you hand me one of my books " read the parts i have marked while im gone...no touching yourself either..i will know if you do ,and you will be punished." good god in heaven the man is going to kill me. I read the marked passages and find it hard to believe that I can get wetter then I already am. Of course the man has to pick the most erotic book I own for me to read. I'm still reading when you walk in with dinner, my nipples throb, and my clit ache. I need to come so damn bad. You walk over and take the book from me " did you touch yourself while i was gone?" "no" I reply, but it's barely a whisper. "good, now eat your pizza" I'm so hot I can barely eat, but I manage to get a slice down.

You stand in front of me and hold out your hand. I take it as you pull me to my feet. "Take off your cloths." I do as i told and bite my bottom lip as you watch me. I can feel my pussy start to clench as i watch your cock grow in your pants. I reach for my bra "no...leave it on..i like the way your hard pink nipples are trying to poke out through your bra." I let my hands fall to my side. I gasp as you reach out and pinch a nipple and moan as you pinch the other. You move behind me and let your hands roam over my belly. My head falls back against you as you push your hips forward against my ass. mmmmmmmmmm. Bedroom. now. " saying nothing i walk to the bedroom. There are candles lit, enigma playing from somewhere and various toys scatterd around the room. How in the hell>? i think to myself. You hand me black silky thigh highs and black heels.."Put these on for me" Hands shaking I take the stocking from you and sit on the bed and slowley put on the stocking. Saying nothing you kneel down in front of me and put on my shoes and fasten the straps. I whimper as you slowely trail your fingers up my calfs, my knees, you pause at my thighs. I open my legs to give you acess. "close your legs" confused i do as im told. You stand up and strip off your cloths leaving me eye level with that big hard cock you know i love so much. You reach up and begin to slowly stroke your cock while that little drop of liquid seeps out from your cock. I start to squirm to try and relieve that ache in my pussy. You swipe your thumb over your head and rub it on my bottom lip, mmmmmmmm, instictivly sticking my tongue over my bottom lip. "stand up" I stand and watch you grab for the handcuffs. my head falls back as i moan. I know whats coming...your going to make me beg..your going to make me beg to suck your cock while you make me watch while you stroke yourself..oh god..i think im going to come..

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Wow that was very good.

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  • Review Team

Very nice! And what a bad boy he must be - lucky girl! :P

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Not enough detail for me. But for some reason to much detail tends to annoy my hubby. He said he does not care about what color my bra is in the story..he can picture me in one himself, why write my reactions to things, he knows how i react. ...now, if i were writing it for me, it would be packed with detail, but I wrote it for my hubby so...

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Not enough detail for me. But for some reason to much detail tends to annoy my hubby. He said he does not care about what color my bra is in the story..he can picture me in one himself, why write my reactions to things, he knows how i react. ...now, if i were writing it for me, it would be packed with detail, but I wrote it for my hubby so...

That's what it's about Angel.

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yeah, he was reading it as i was posting...lets just say..i just got dinner in the oven :D

Hehe sweeet!

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  • 1 month later...
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Yeah, I get where you are coming from. I was written for your hubby, so maybe changing it just feels wrong. I think another steamy story is in order for the rest of us!

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Yeah, I get where you are coming from. I was written for your hubby, so maybe changing it just feels wrong. I think another steamy story is in order for the rest of us!

=you never know when inspiration will strike...thre may be one coming on soon ;)

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