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This guy I've recently started dating suggested when I see him next that we do a massage. Of course I love that idea, I mean I'm an athlete and my body always aches, a good rub down by a sexy man might do me some good. But he wants to make it a little more erotic and sexual [which I'm game for] but brings me to my question...

how do you ladies if you've done it before, get comfortable enough to just take it off and get that rub down youve always wanted.

It's a little nerve wrecking, if he doesnt like my body or what he sees.

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With us he worked up to it. We actually had done this the first night we were together. We had talked for about a month, then went out on a date. It was about 5 days after our first date that we got together again and spent the night together. He knew I was very nervous due to my lack of experience and sheltered past. He started with just a massage and slowly hinted how he needed to remove items so he could do it right and before I knew it I was naked and LOVING the massage. He covered every inch of me.

The main thing is to just relax and enjoy it. If he cares about you it is more than skin deep. I am no model type at all, but I know he loves me for who I am not what I am. He reminds me constantly how sexy he thinks I am.

Obviously he is interested in you. Try not to over analyze that can be your worst enemy. I know it from personal experience.

You just relax, take it one step at a time and do just what feels right to you. I have also given him the massages also. We enjoy doing this for each other. Most times after we have been together and are laying there relaxing one of us will give the other a massage. I got one last week that was AMAZING. Not only that it normally leads to more fun. Just a win-win situation. I hope this helps some.

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When it comes to getting naked with a guy, it can be really easy for me to feel a tinge of shyness from time to time because there's nothing to hide imperfections with. That's when I make myself consciously assume that if he's making the moves, he must have already imagined how I look and already come to terms with it. I then feel confident and my body appreciated. Besides, supposed "imperfections" are really just character, and every shape offers different things. So, relax and enjoy! ;)

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First of all, I recommend candlelight. It sets a mood. Second, do you expect this sexy guy to look perfect without his clothes? Do you care? He will not be looking for imperfections, trust me.

BTW, glad to hear you're feeling up to this. Hope it all goes well for you.

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This guy I've recently started dating suggested when I see him next that we do a massage. Of course I love that idea, I mean I'm an athlete and my body always aches, a good rub down by a sexy man might do me some good. But he wants to make it a little more erotic and sexual [which I'm game for] but brings me to my question...

how do you ladies if you've done it before, get comfortable enough to just take it off and get that rub down youve always wanted.

It's a little nerve wrecking, if he doesnt like my body or what he sees.

Missy, he decided long ago that he likes your body. He wants to feel your skin so bad that he actually asked you to do this. You should have no worries about how you look or how your body will feel to him. Spend your time thinking about what you want him to do and what hot spots to focus on. Unless you just ran a 10K & haven't showered in days, he will love how you feel, smell, and taste.

All that leaves is sound. If he is driving you crazy & teasing you mercilessly, you must absolutely, positively, leave no shadow of a doubt in his mind that he is making you feel fabulous. So give him lots of "Mmmm yes keep doing that" or "please stroke me there, it drive me nuts" or "kiss & bite me a bit harder right there." Be vocal for 3 reasons. First, he'll need the direction on what make you feel great. Second, nothing turns a man on more than positive, verbal feedback. Third, as athlete, you are probably quite assertive. Why not carry that into the bedroom?

So don't be shy or embarrassed or self-conscious. He will feel like the luckiest man alive. Go ahead and give him a finale full of "OMG you're making me..........." and just scream whatever it is you scream when you reach that happy place.

Have a great time.

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Thanks everyone for your advice!

I'm not sure if the massage is gonna happen this week or next, but if it does I'll be sure to let you know how it went with plenty of details.

Relaxation and communication is key and I'm gonna definitely use the advice you all gave me and we'll see what happens :]

-lil miss

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What DADT said! :P

I wouldn't worry about it for a second, if I were you.

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I am not a huge fan of my body image. But... I LOVE massages!

I hate getting disrobed in front of anyone.... even my SO. But..... I do eventually warm up to it.

Usually, we start out with just a back massage, through a shirt.... eventually, he'll slide it up a bit to focus on my lower back, will unclasp my bra, and eventually take off my shirt as he works his way up.... that way, if he doesn't like what he sees, I won't know other than he stopped removing clothing! XD

(He's told me many times that he loves how I look, but after my last relationship, I have trouble warming up to any nudity.)

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I must DITTO on DadT with this one! I saw those pix too! WOW you are a hottie, TinyD!

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I must DITTO on DadT with this one! I saw those pix too! WOW you are a hottie, TinyD!

agreed...you have nothing to be worried about sweetie. If you are not comfortable getting nekkid in front of him, then don't .

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DADT said it all.

You are a hot, gorgeous package any young man would love to get his hands on. Have fun sweetie, let us know how it goes.

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"Happy Endings" massage is one of my favorites!!

You could always start by being covered by a sheet and have him, or you, work under the sheet with no visuals. This could add a little

mystery, thus, more excitement. If you get comfortable enough uncover any part or all of the body. If not, wait for the next time.

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Darlin, you are simply divine, and I wouldn't worry about anything. Just lay down, and put yourself in his hands. Most likely, he'll ask you what your comfortable with, as far as clothes go.

I've taken my top off, kept the bra on, laid down, and let him unhook the bra to get a real good rubbin'. Sometimes things happened, other times, no.

Just relax and enjoy!

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