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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. You can't throw me, I'm tied to the couch, remember? How come I'm the one tied to the couch?? Not that I'm complaining, but still.
  2. Welcome to the forum! As a person with a really bad back, I hope you're able to get some really good ideas here!! We're real people here, not acrobats!! So, welcome, have fun, and looking forward to seeing your posts![/size]
  3. Great review! Very informative. However, please remember to post a link to the item, as well as a picture of the item for potential orders. It just make it that much easier to see what our members are reading about. I wrote an extensive post on what reviewers should remember when writing one, in the Reviewer section of the forum. Please read that, many have found it very helpful. Plus, if you need any extra help, one of us will be happy to help!
  4. Well, I'm sorry that it's like that there too, but, I'm also glad that it's not just us too. LOL Hope that makes sense?
  5. Welcome to the forum. I hope you like the information and shopping/reviews here too!
  6. From what I've learned, being a good sub, means being comfortable, adventurous, obviously submissive, and, if you feel scared for any reason, clearly stating the Safe Word. If you don't trust your lover for any reason, then the role of sub isn't for you.
  7. I'm glad that one worked so well for y'all!
  8. I was living with my BF at the time, and I was about 20. We had just moved to a smaller apartment, that included all utilities. I had fun putting stuff up, decorating, and making it more homey. Fast-forward about 4 mos later. His brother breaks up with his GF and has no place to stay, so we offer him our couch/floor. He accepts, and moves in one weekend. Well, about 2 nights later, he comes into the living room, rather meekly (which is a riot cuz he was a big guy). He says, apologetically "you know, I know and respect that this is your place, but" oh uh, here it comes.......... "would you please move the picture of your little sister above the toilet? I get a really dirty feeling every time I go pee". I had hung family photos everywhere, since I was so far from them. Unthinking, and because I don't stand up to pee, I had hung a picture of my little sister, who was about 4 in the pic, behind the toilet. I never ever thought about a guy's visual line when he went to the bathroom!!! I ended up taking that down, and as a joike, I put a picture of waterfalls up instead.
  9. I used this again last night, and this thing ROCKS!!
  10. So, is this a regular thing that happens? I've had lovers that, every so often, if we had sex for extended periods of time, they just couldn't cum. They were either too tired, distracted, or maybe some other reason. when I was younger, I also took this personally. I felt as though I did or didn't do something, and that made them unexcited. Now that I'm older I know better. The only way I got blamed, is that my lover told me he was having too much fun with me, and making me cum, and he "just lost it". I think Froggy's right when she says that it may just be that you're taking too long because you're worried about your lover's pleasue~which of course, isn't a bad thing. The body can only take holding back so much, and then it gets too tired to do so. Now, if you can masturbate to completion, then, there's probably nothing to worry about. When one masturbates, most often, it's for that quick release. If you want to cum for her, or have her make you cum first, why not allow her to masturbate you, using hands and mouth? Have lube handy, because, as it was already mentioned, no matter how excited a woman can be, she can dry up. Physically, she can only get SO wet, and then her tank runs dry. Very similar to what you're going thru. Using lube isn't a bad, negative thing. It is a neccessity if you're going at it for extended periods of time. Also, there can be other reasons why she dries up. Lots of oral can be one of them. Saliva dries things out, so really isn't the greatest thing for lubrication. If you use condoms, after a while, the lube on the condoms wears off, and then the rubber can rub painfully, creating friction. Lots of salt in her diet, or other issues can cause her dryness. If this is a common thing, you can't cum while masturbating, and/or there's pain, best see your doctor right away.
  11. I think that these rules are a great start. One of the ones I'll critique is the condoms one. NOT that I'm saying that condoms shouldn't be a definite part of your play, because they should be, however, you and your husband know which ones work for YOU, and since you're 2 and the one you're bringing in is just ONE, I would say that the couple should be responsible for the condoms. If the third person comes in and has condoms that she prefers too, and they work for you, bonus! Saying you are not bi or a "lez" isn't really required. That would come up in conversations. So would the "one-shot" thing. It's good to establish that this is an experimental thing, but after that's established, then any more said is overkill. But, this is only my opinion. I would just say something like "looking for another woman to join in our married curiousity" or something along those lines. That pretty much says what you're looking for. The whole age range, but then having flexibility if "you're hot" sounds a bit shallow, especially where at the bottom you say that y'all have to "click" for it to work out. Granted, you're not looking for a lasting relationship, however, you want to "click". It's a bit confusing, IMO. If you have an age range, stick with it. What are you gonna do? Card them? Age is just a number. But, again, your choice. Setting ground rules, like only wanting to have this as a 3-some, and no sneaking kind of thing is a great idea. VERY upfront and honest. That's always great!! Ok, so that's more than one, but just wanted to say that. I've never had, been in, or advertised for a 3-some, so I may be totally way off base. Good luck!!
  12. So, what, in your opinion, do you think is the sexiest movie out there that is NOT porn? And why?
  13. See, can of worms.......LOL Personally, again, I don't see anything wrong with interracial relationships. I am one of the few where I live, and in the circle of people I am surrounded by. Even my mother confesses to being of the mind that, even if I had had a child with a black man, or Hispanic man, she would've loved the baby, but also felt "sorry for it". To me, color and race is only skin deep. It's WHO you are inside that counts the absolute most. But, I know that racism on all sides exsists, and those that say it doesn't, aren't realistic.
  14. Ah, the bliss of being ignorant in the ways of being physically and emotionally damaged/abused. In a way, I envy that. First, this post not only insults someone who also professes to be a professional due to his "training" (ahem...it's education). It also insults those that actually DO have physical and psychological issues that are as real to them as your own eye/hair color, or your own height. You may choose to disagree, which is your right to do so. But saying that people can get over it because it's a learned behavior, well, it's rather demeaning. True, it will most definitely affect you if you've been abused, or suffered some sort of physical issue. Some people find it nearly, if not absolutely, impossible to overcome. This does not make them failures, lousy lovers, or poor learners. I have a couple of friends that have been able to truly bust thru some horrific things that have happened to them. They're some of the bravest people I know. It's when people choose to HIDE behind their issues that there's a problem. They refuse to grow, learn, and live, due to the bad things that happened to them. THAT is what's truly sad. I WAS raped when I was 6 yrs old. Though I have no physical scars, and I've become a very sexual woman, and I DO enjoy sex, I STILL have issues with some things that I KNOW I shouldn't. Does it make sense? Probably not to anyone that hasn't been there, but, when you've been traumatized, sometimes "making sense" doesn't exsist. Yes, it really does help to find a lover that is patient, willing to listen, and willing to teach, without making you feel inept, and immature. I totally agree with this. But, at the same time, you have to be emotionally & mentally willing and ABLE to do what you want/feel/are expected to do. It's also a long road to find that particular lover in most cases. Learning to have an orgasm comes (no pun intended there) harder for some than others. And, most of us have read a majority of those who have had problems on this very board. No matter what the problem, let's not brush off those that have more trouble than others just because something may be eaiser for you than them.
  15. That checklist sounds like great advise. Of course everyone has the right to be happy. I don't think that the point of that checklist is "do everything for your partner and shut the F up". It's more along the lines of trying your best and everything that you can as one person in a 2 person relationship. If these steps aren't ever explored, then you can't truly say you tried everything. Becoming aware and trying to fix one's shortcomings is not only a great thing to do for a relationship, but for yourself as well. It usually makes for a better person. Besides, you can't fix other people, but you CAN fix yourself! It's meant to be a guide, not a standard. Most people fall into roles. Some of which you may not particularly like. What many people need to realize, is, that, if you're tired of your normal "role" in a relationship, you can't, in all fairness, get pissed off because all of a sudden you need a change. Talking with your partner, letting them know WHY you're upset, and what you NOW want, and how you think this can come about, is all important in making your current relationship better. Only you will know how to confront and converse with your partner. If they absolutely refuse to listen, or try to make things better, then it's time to rethink it all. Only YOU can make things so that you'll be happy. Best Wishes!
  16. There are a couple of these thru the US. Some portray 9/11, soldiers, and other various historical occurances that have made America strong. Thanks for sharing yet another tribute!!
  17. LMAO, I love your SN Laundry Goddess, and your explanation for it as well. I don't know HOW in the hell I missed this lengthy welcome. Guess I was having a Dummy Moment. I have several variences of my "Moments", so it could be one of many LOL. Anyway, thanks for the info, the insight into your life, and WELCOME!!
  18. It's getting hot in here..... OK, I could do the no touching.....but would that be no touching of others, myself, or all of the above? Anticipation can be some of the best forplay!!!
  19. Just because a toy is powerful does NOT mean it has to be loud, but, usually, that IS the case. Toy company's focus on more BANG for your buck. If they tried real hard, the probably could make those gears and bullets quieter, but then the padding would make the toys a lot wider and bulkier. I would suggest that, when you get a new toy, turn it on full power, put it under your blankets, and leave the room, shutting the door. Walk by it, see if you can hear it. If you can't hear it, then, chances are, your roommate can't either. Or if you can BARELY hear it, chances are she may not be as in tuned to that as you think. And if she is, so what? If her bed is on the same wall as yours, try moving your bed to the opposite wall. That may help a bit more. Even if you have the music/tv down low, it should be enough to mute the vibes sounds enough. Unless, of course, she has her ear to the wall!! LOL
  20. I also wanted to add IHA to my list, since he's intellectually stimulating, among other things! LOL
  21. Please remember to post a picture with your review as well. The review was great, but, it was kinda hard figuring out exactly what kind of toy this was, bullet, vibrator, some sort of stimulator. Great vibes are always a plus, as well as knowing how quiet/loud a specific item is too. Thanks for the info!
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