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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Let's not freak out yet. If it continues, by all means, go see a doctor. I've discharged whitish stuff that looks like it's coating my "poo", and it goes away, and I am Hep C free, TYVM. Everyone does it, you just may not have noticed it before. Relax, feel better, and see what happens. If you get too worried, bring a stool sample into your doctor.
  2. Some women, such as myself, need a more direct clitoral stimulation to get off, and higher vibes. I love bullets, and they work, but some work better than others, so I'd give it another try (or SEVERAL more for that matter ), experiment and find one that works for your own personal preferences.
  3. Aside from the obvious, like a case-sensitive password, I don't think there is a verification e-mail. I would also try deleting all your Cookies on the computer. Sometimes, some sites will refuse to load if you have too many Cookies in your cache. Also, when you're signed in, the page kinda looks like you NEED to sign in, but in fact, you are already signed in. So, check to see where it says "Logged in as" up about the middle of the page, left hand side. Good luck!
  4. Great review, but I'm wondering WHERE it sent you over the edge? I'm sure I can guess though..... Cyberskin, means no silicone lubes, but is it waterproof/loud?
  5. I'm sorry your Love Pacifier SUCKED!!! LMAO OK, sorry, I couldn't resist!!!
  6. Try Amazon.com. I've found many hard-to-find items there! Good luck!
  7. Wouldn't that be kinda odd, them glowing? LOL Maybe that's just me. Sorry they didn't work out as well for you as they could've.
  8. It almost looks like a kitchen utensil, like an odd whisk! LOL
  9. Yes, TooTimid has some great prices on some great DVDs. Plus we offer the reviews on a growing number of them, so you just don't get the "blurb" on the back, which can sometimes be a little on the vague side. Atlantic INNOVATIONS is what's on the return label, n omatter what the product is, whether it be a toy or DVD, and billing on your statement, whether it be credit or debit (with a Visa/Mastercard logo on your debit card). They come in manilla bubble envelopes so your DVD won't get all beat up and smashed around. I've never had any problems recieving a DVD! If you're looking for an easy DVD to watch that isn't hard core, check out the reviews, and search for the ones that are directed by women. Women adult film directors usually do a good job finding things that other women would like to watch.
  10. What a great question! People change, as does their tastes. I guess it depends on how your DH would react. If he liked to watch porn before, I'm sure he'd be thrilled. I'd peruse the site, reading the adult DVD reviews and see which one that we've viewed so far may appeal to you. Order it, and surprise him with it one night. Maybe have it as a kinky private Christmas present. Or just bring it up to him that you'd like to see if you can find an adult DVD that appeals to you. Nothing wrong with changing your mind!!
  11. OK, unless you haven't had a bowel movement in 4 mos, which is highly unlikely, then no, it's not sperm you saw be expelled from your body. Different foods digest differently, and can look totally different from when they went in, and can indeed look, um, a little "gloppier" than normal. It all depends on the food you eat, if you're sick (even a cold can sometimes effect your digestion), and what you're drinking. Also, your activity levels and if you have any food allergies. Mike_D is right. Sperm is expelled from the body ASAP naturally. There definitely would be no signs of life from them in a few hours on average, althugh you can't "see" sperm moving without the aide of a microscope. If you saw something moving in it, well, you'd best go see a doctor. A woman's body treats sperm as a possible disease, and attacks the sperm and kills the majority of it quickly. So, relax, you are either getting sick, just digested something differently, or ate/drank something new or something, which could've been undercooked, and caused the odd consistency. Personally, it sounds as if your body is fighting some virus off that's in your digestive tract.
  12. TEN TIMES NORMAL SIZE The 6th grade science teacher, Mrs. Parks, asked her class, "Which human body part increases to ten times its size when stimulated?" No one answered until little Mary stood up and said, "You should not be asking sixth-graders a question like that! I'm going to tell my parents, and they will go and tell the principal, who will then fire you!" Mrs. Parks ignored her and asked the question again, "Which body part increases to 10 times its size when stimulated?" Little Mary's mouth fell open. Then she said to those around her, "Boy, is she going to get in big trouble!" The teacher continued to ignore her and said to the class, "Anybody?" Finally, Billy stood up, looked around nervously, and said, "The body part that increases 10 times its size when stimulated is the pupil of the eye." Mrs. Parks said, "Very good, Billy," then turned to Mary and continued. "As for you, young lady, I have three things to say: One, you have a dirty mind Two, you didn't read your homework. And three, one day you are going to be very, very disappointed."
  13. Howdy fellow Texan and welcome to the forum!! I hope you enjoy the site!
  14. So, does working out make you horny? Why?
  15. Assuming that he's probably close to your physical fitness level, although Howard has some great points, if this man was fully erect, then, chances are, he got the short end of the penile sized stick. Hence why he may have not wanted you to go South of the Border when you tried a few times. He's aware of his, um, shortcomings, and tries to make up for it with oral and hand skills, which can almost be as fulfilling. He may be use to it, but, chances are, he probably feels a little "less than" a full man due to his small penis. I don't know him, so I'm just guessing here. Just like breasts and butts, there are a variety of penis sizes, ranging from really small to OMG!! Unfortunately, there are no guarantees that the man you're interested in will be over 6". I guess what you need to figure out is if this will hurt the relationship or not. I'm sure he's had women leave him for his lack of length. I'm not saying that that's OK, but, just think of it this way, there are several thousands of couples out there that either can't have sex due to physical issues, or whatever, and they're very committed to making their relationships are very fulfilling. So, basically, if it were me, I'd see how things go as far as relationship wise. Yes, you want to be honest with him, however, telling him right off the bat that his penis size isn't really enough for you will probably make him feel like "why should I even bother with her anymore?" Start bringing toys into the relationship, and there are penis extenders that he can place on his cock for you, if he's willing.
  16. You can't force love, and it sounds like you've done a fair amount of soul searching to see if you could even grow to love this guy, which, unfortunately for him, doesn't sound like you're able to do. Giving him false hope that there MAY be a slight possibility for more will destroy the friendship. He will feel used and led on, which isn't fair. Be gently honest with him, let him know you really DID try to see if you could love him, because having a lover that's also a great friend is important. However, those feelings can't be forced, and you want to be honest with him so that he can find someone that will give him the happiness he deserves. Unfortunately, that's not you. Something like that is hard to hear, but, after some healing, he'll either respect you for your honest, or be petty and not want anything to do with you. Don't keep him at a teasingly arm's length for help in school, that's not fair either. He may be good at what you need help with, but, there are tutors for that too. If he moves in for some more physical contact, politely tell him "No, I'm sorry, but I just can't". That's honest, respectful, and, although it'll probably bruise his ego temporarily, he can't say that you led him on after that.
  17. Never Argue with a Woman One morning, the husband returns the boat to their lakeside cottage after several hours of fishing and decides to take a nap. Although not familiar with the lake, the wife decides to take the boat out. She motors out a short distance, anchors, puts her feet up, and begins to read her book. The peace and solitude are magnificent. Along comes a Fish and Game Warden in his boat. He pulls up alongside the woman and says, "Good morning, Ma'am. What are you doing?" "Reading a book," she replies, (thinking, "Isn't that obvious?") You're in a Restricted Fishing Area," he informs her. "I'm sorry, officer, but I'm not fishing. I'm reading." Yes, but I see you have all the equipment. For all I know you could start at any moment. I'll have to take you in and write you up." "If you do that, I'll have to charge you with sexual assault,"says the woman. "But I haven't even touched you," says the Game Warden. "That's true, but you have all the equipment. For all I know you could start at any moment." "Have a nice day ma'am," and he left. MORAL: Never argue with a woman who reads. It's likely she can also think.
  18. As far as broaching the subject with him, why not just come out and say it? "I want to learn other positions that are more comfortable for both of us, not just with me on top." That says nothing about his tummy or his willingness to please you. Bring that up, tell him that, although you appreciate his efforts, you'd like to switch it up a bit more, adding even MORE pleasure to the bedroom! Is he overly sensitive about his weight? Is his tummy due to a medical condition that he can't help, or is it because he's unhealthy? If it's because he doesn't watch what he eats, drinks a lot of beer, or doesn't exercise, there are ways to let him know that you're worried about his health, and want him around for a long, long time, and so, loosing the weight would be benificial. Either with exercise, diet, and if it's an extreme case, weight loss surgery (which is very hard to maintain, and is no "quick fix", but something to be embarked on after long consideration). Best wishes!
  19. Welcome welcome!! I hope you enjoy this site! Just keep in mind that we can't "see" you in person, so you are fairly anonymous here, meaning we only know you by what we read. So feel free to ask questions, for we don't think people asking questions that may sound silly to you, as silly. The only foolish question is the unasked question! Welcome again!
  20. No plastic thingies, just the rope sliding up & down itself. I have no clue what knot's names are, but it's like an adjustable loop knot, if that makes sense?
  21. Sounds like a very interesting spin on some shows like "Real World" and such! *click* added to my Wish List!!
  22. Of COURSE there are ways to say pretty much anything, and it can be offensive. However, I agree with Thurisas, I think it's stupid to ruin a normal Christmas tradition because some a$$h*ole may say "Ho Ho Ho" in a sexual manner. I mean, c'mon people!
  23. Maybe a masturbator sleeve, like the one shaped like a woman bending over? Please keep in mind, that the freebies offered here are usually items that are sold for $20 or less, due to high costs and such. So, I'm not thinking items like the Aneros products will be offered.
  24. My hubby & I really aren’t into bondage. I mean, we’ve dabbled here and there with easy bondage (ropes tied to the headboard kinda thing), but haven’t bought anything to aide us in this fun activity! So, we were pretty excited to get this set. Looking at the description on the box, it looks like a 3 pc set, 2 separate rope restraints, blindfold, and a bonus of 2 free samples of lubes, plus, the picture here on the site has them appearing seperate. Taking the items out of the box and unwrapping everything, I realized that the ropes themselves are attached near the top, where the wrists go, so the ankle and wrist restraints reduce movement even that much more! The knots slide easily over the rope, sliding down into position, and sliding back up to loosen. I grab those and the blindfold and tackle my hubby. After a half-hearted attempt to fight me off (cuz, let’s be honest, ME successfully tie down my ex rodeo star? C’mon!!), I was able to get his wrists and ankles in the ropes. He said they were very comfortable and pretty soft. I also slipped the larger blindfold over his face, and he couldn’t see a thing. This was a big step for him, since he’s a “man’s man” and doesn’t come across as the Bend To My Will type of guy! But, as we found out, much to our pleasure, that he enjoyed it immensely! He didn’t fight it, and when I asked him if he wanted me to set him free yet, he said no, that he was actually enjoying himself and was rather comfortable in the ropes. I was able to torture and dominate him for about 45 minutes with oral action, fingers, sounds, and talking, before we had to take the restraints off to finish our fun! The ropes slid off easily & quickly, thankfully! Easy & comfortable to use, not to mention FUN, freebies, inexpensive, and a blindfold, well, that just about covers a beginner’s wish list for a trial-run at bondage set! Get busy getting tied up.
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