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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. So, this girl cheated on her BF, while they were broken up (just for a day or so). She slept with someone else. When they got back together, she confessed to him, and since then, he hasn't wanted to sleep with her. They had had sex before. They now fight about it constantly. He doesn't want to break up with her, but he feels he can't trust her. When he gets to her apartment, he checks her phone, which she allows him to do, so he can feel that he can trust her. 5 mos. after the confession, they get tested for HIV (always a good idea), since he kept telling her that he can't trust her, and he worries about STDs, and all of that. So, the go, and both are negative. Very lucky! After getting tested, she drops the whole "why won't you sleep with me" and guilty comments she makes. However, he can't drop the fact that he can't trust her. He reminds her of her mistake every day, and in every conversation. A YEAR later, they've still haven't had sex, and they fight daily about it, but they say it's getting a little better. They HAD been talking about moving in together, but they've put that on hold. What to do you think the likelihood of this relationship making it? Anyone have similar stories/situations?
  2. Awesome!! Glad y'all enjoyed yourself!!
  3. If you're going to be adding to the toy collection, I would suggest that if you're going to buy many different types of toys, somehow seperating them by materials. Or keep them in their plastic packaging, and in a bigger box. That way, you know what's what.
  4. I guess I'm like Shybear that way. Yes, I have gotten outrageously silly, mouthy, a more flirty. Which, helped when I went to Mardi Gras (and I was single) so I got BEADS!! LOL
  5. Just to let you know, Glenn, my husband actually picked out the FeelDoe, and we have the blue one, which is the slimmer one. I think the one here on TT is the medium. There are 3 different widths to buy. And, BTW, hubby and I love it!!
  6. Welcome & congrats on your first toy purchase! Yes, it can be quite scary to do something like that where you're not use to doing so! Just keep in mind, that the packaging and billing on your order doesn't even hint to the fact that it's a sex toy, so it's very private for you! And, again, thank you to you and your hubby for his service to this country! Looking forward to seeing you post!
  7. I started partying pretty hard for the 2 yrs that I was single after my divorce. I can honestly say, that I never got so bombed that I didn't have most of my faculties. I'm one of those people that remember EVERYTHING. And, I was always in control. However, I never got in the car, behind the wheel. Not even after one drink. Now, I do have a friend that woke up one morning, and called us, whispering, cuz he didn't want to wake the girl up. I guess he was experiencing Coyote Ugly. I guess she was scary! My hubby had to find him by what he was telling him was around this girl's apartment!! LOL At least my hubby found him, the dumbass!!!
  8. Always post whatever you feel comfortable with. And, yes, it makes perfect sense.
  9. I agree with Howard here, the best bet, if you don't know what a toy is made of, is to go with a water-based lube. Usually, the packaging will say if a toy made of silicone, or not. Some newer silicone toys are actually safe to use with silicone lubes, but again, the packaging will say if it's ok. If the toy doesn't say what it's made of, I usually assume that it's not made of silicone. You can also go to the maker of the toy's website, and find out what the item may be made of, off their site.
  10. Great real life article! I'm sure many of us can relate! My bedroom, for the most part, is a no fly zone. I only have a small 2 bedroom house, so making a room like that is impossible at ALL times. However, my 4 yr old knows that OUR room isn't a place for her to play in.
  11. Tyger

    New Guy

    The person doing the stimulating can either insert a toy, which is a bit more comfortable for them, or their finger, which is not impossible, but can be a bit uncomfortable, depending on how long their fingers are. Going with the finger, insert the finger, then doing the "come hither" motion with it (having the finger pointing up, and almost like scratching, but gentler. The finger should be up, like it wants to point to your tummy, not your butt. The G-spot, generally, is about 3 inches up inside of you. Here's a diagram, to show you about where it is. I will also post the link where I got it. THis is a great article to read and learn about! Mikdayla's article on how to have a G-spot orgasm
  12. Astroglide has a GREAT lube for anal sex, called Astroglide Shooters!! This stuff is sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick!! They even recommend that you have a towel handy to wipe off after. It's one of me and hubby's fav for anal sex! Astroglide Shooters Lubricant
  13. Welcome!! I'm sure writing stuff down here may be a bit difficult. Kuddos to you for taking the first step in trying to help spice up your sex life. Keep in mind, that you are faceless on the internet. Unless you post a pic of yourself, or tell people WHO you are, then, you are fairly anonymous, which makes it a lot easier for some to realize that they can post their innermost thoughts, feelings, desires, and experiences, and not be recognized. Upbringing and general thoughts on HOW sex should be can really hold things back in the bedroom. It almost sounds as if your wife thinks that sex is now something she has to do, since she is married to you, and it's a chore, not something to be pleasurable. Now, her "not being a saint"? I'm not really sure what that means? If she use to be daring and adventurous before? Or just liked to have a lot of sex? Unfortunately, you are not alone in this. I don't wanna sound like a broken record, but definitely check out the helpful articles for all sorts of issues. It sounds as if there may be a few issues here. As far as sex toys go, I can tell you that most of our customers and even the Product Reviewers are parents to children still in the house!! Sex toys have gotten a bad wrap for being "dirty & nasty" because, not too long ago, the only place to get them were seedy sex toy/adult bookstores, that were dark, having peep shows in the back, and selling all sorts of other oddities. Many places now, are trying to lighten the stigma of being a sex toy shop, allowing their customers to walk in a bit more proudly than before. And, with the birth of the internet, sex toy shopping has gotten even easier. You can order what you want, have it delivered to your door, and nobody is none-the-wiser! Again, welcome & happy reading!!
  14. Variety is the vibe…err, spice of life, and this toy has a lot of variety, sure to please almost anyone! I got this toy, and just HAD to test it out. This toy is not waterproof. So, I washed it with the packaging’s suggested warm water and antibacterial soap. Patted dry, and let it fully dry. I got the 4 AA batteries from my dwindling battery supply, and, thanks to a previous review by Mikayla (thank you!!!), was able to easily take of the back, pop out the battery compartment, and insert the batteries correctly. I turned it on and started by turning on the red button. I played with the 5 other buttons in the controller, built right into the toy, which I like. There are 2 buttons for the clit stimulator: the top left button increases the vibes, and bottom left, decreases the vibes. 2 other buttons for the rotating shaft: the top right button increases the rotations, and the bottom right button decreases the rotations. The top button at the top is for random functions on both the shaft and the clit stimulator. There are 2 light strips in the middle of the controller, so you can see how hard this toy is working for you too. Let’s get down to the fun parts of this toy! The shaft has rotating beads in it, and those rotate at different speeds, and in either direction. You can choose either barely moving, for that slow, sensual feel, or really fast, going one way, then the other, for extra strong stimulation. They should’ve named this the Tornado Vibe! There are little, and I do mean little, nubbies up and down the entire shaft as well, but I didn’t feel those much at all. The very tip is smooth and curved up for your g-spot pleasure. This toy has 5.5” of insertable length to it. Enough to feel full, not enough to be uncomfortable. I saved the best part for last! The clit stimulator! The clit stimulator has a separate bullet right in it, for optimum power & pleasure! And, this is a different design. It’s circular head has one big bump in the middle, then pleasure nubbies around that. How much more fun can this toy have? Well, there are blinking lights IN the clit stimulator too, also blinking and changing to how hard the stimulator is buzzing for you. When I started playing with this toy, and hubby saw all of the lights, he practically tore it outta my hand, and asked, “when do you want to use THIS?” I haven’t seen him this excited about a toy in a while! So, when we were able to finally go to bed, we enjoyed each other orally for a while, then, he broke out the new pink toy. He had fun trying all of the different settings. And he loved watching the disco lights going in and out of me. The toy lit up the whole room, and me as well! With lots of fun, and orgasms later, I have found that I like the shaft beads going one way, then the other, and the stimulator on HIGH! I also found, with a lot of dual actions, like this one, for me, if I concentrate on keeping the stimulator on the clit, and jiggling the toy in and out, it REALLY works well! I get the total pleasure of the toy. This toy gives lots of choices for many types of pleasure! Where I didn’t have a g-spot orgasm this time, I will be trying again very soon with it!! Even with all of these settings, this toy is surprisingly quiet, considering. I would recommend an experienced toy user for this toy, where there are so many settings and buttons. New toy users may feel a bit intimidated by all of the options. But, if you’re up for some serious pleasure, you gotta get this one! Bring the Pleasure Disco to your Bedroom
  15. I have a BIG plastic box under my vanity. Plus, I have a small drawer in my vanity, for the small ones that I use the most often.
  16. Tyger

    New Guy

    I've had a small variety of lovers. Some short with large cocks, some tall with small cocks, and everything in between. It depends on the person, really. Their genetic makeup, not how tall they are. It's like having blue eyes, large noses, or red hair; it's all genetic really. I HAVE noticed that people with Italian decent seem to have a bit more um, packaging. Maybe that's my luck though LOL. Say hello to my BIG friend!! Anyway, yes, it can be done. If he's thick, all the better. If not, well, as Howard suggested, keep doing your Kegels. They tighten and tone up the vaginal muscles. Where you haven't been sexually active for a while, you may have tightened back up some anyway. If this man is aware of his smallness, and, he is a caring lover, he probably will go above and beyond a normal guy, as far as oral, and other foreplay. Best wishes!
  17. Most of us have cell phones nowadays, right? We have them for emergencies, catching up with friends, keeping track of family and our significant others, even for our primary phone lines. We use them for a variety of things, and we all love our cells! Some of us but some bling on them, we get special carrying cases for them, and who doesn’t LOVE having the latest song’s chorus play when our phone rings? So, how many of you have thought of your cell phones as a sexual instrument? I’m not talking about sticking your cell somewhere, and putting the setting on vibrate……although that’s not such a bad thing…..No, I’m talking about using your trusty techo-friend to enhance your sex life! Calling your SO is great. Let them know you’re thinking of them. But the typical “Hi, where you at?” doesn’t strike me as the most sexy thing to do. Nice to hear from you, but how personal is that really? Using your cells can be extremely fun for phone sex! After all, the key word in that phrase is PHONE, right? Calling your partner, talking to them in a sexy voice, or telling them what you’re thinking of doing to them the next time you see them in person can be a wonderful daily boost to the recipient. And who’s not going to get an ego boost knowing that you’ve turned your SO on? There will be an extra swish to your walk, or strut in your step for sure! Just like leaving a sexy message on someone’s answering machine, Voice Mail can have the same effects too. Even sending them a voice clip of your special song, or a song that your lover knows turns you on. Let me suggest something that your lover knows, since sometimes, songs are a bit harder to discern thru a voice mail message.. I would suggest having a few ideas handy, just in case a sexy phone call may not be possible. Texting can be extremely fun, and a bit more private way of teasing your lover. There will be times, like business meetings, that they won’t have the time to talk on the phone, yet text messaging allows them to know that you’re thinking of them. Feel as naughty as you want, texting dirty, or just hinting around. It’s private, and quick too. Either way, I’ll bet your lover will know what you’re trying to say! And, let’s not forget the growing trend of camera phones! Taking sexy pics of yourself, or other things, can be another teasing way of letting your lover that you can’t wait to see them. Like, maybe laying out a nice piece of lingerie, as well as some lotion, and maybe some fuzzy handcuffs on the bed, taking a picture of that, and then sending them to your lover will definitely get ideas flowing! Or, a bubble bath, with some candles glowing around, write the words ME on one side of the tub, and YOU on the other, in lipstick will show him what you’re wanting to do when next you meet. And you can excite yourself with your phone too. Adding a nice picture of something that reminds you of your lover when they call (available on a lot of phones), or a sexy ring-tone only for your lover, will remind you of them, and bring a sexy smile to your face when they call. Any mobile-to-mobile device can be fun to use. However, try to keep in mind that if you or your lover has a company phone, either as your primary or just for business, I would suggest NOT using them as a way of flirting with your lover. Many businesses monitor their employee calls, the same way that they do company e-mails, and, how mortifying would it be to get called into the office, with copies of your lover in, well a compromising position? Or, even worse, your boss going to your house intent on some extra curricular activities, after intercepting a sexily little invitation, not meant for him! Keeping a relationship exciting can be hard to do at times. We get caught up in the everyday life, and forget that sometimes it’s the littlest gestures that really make a difference. Taking a few minutes out of the daily grind, and using the time you would’ve spent calling your lover anyway, and adding a little bit of Sexy to it, will do you both wonders! Now, if you’ll excuse me, I must text my hubby! He has a great ass, and I feel the need to text him so!
  18. WADR, Where I admire your devotion/loyalty to this man, you seem to be making excuses to his behavior. I hope you are also ADDRESSING them in your life. Yes, you save money when it comes to rooming with someone. And, you are absolutely correct. Staying with him for that, isn't a good reason to stay together. Him comparing his love for you as "different than his male friends, but his feelings vary, depending on if you've cried lately" would really give me a lot of apprehension as his true feelings. Maybe he is young, and doesn't know how to express his feelings. But, going by how you've said what he tells you, I'm not sure that's the case. Love never faulters. I'm sure you've heard that before. THere are varying degrees of it (love your friends, love your parents, love your pets, ect.) I'm not trying to add to your stress or anything. But, staying with someone that doesn't that doesn't truly LOVE you, as in, IN LOVE with you, is not only a waste of time and energy, but unfair to the both of you. You can't grow as adults if you stay with someone out of convenience and habit. Basically, it comes down to the simple question: Is he IN LOVE with you, or not? If he's IN LOVE with you, that's an easy question to answer. There won't be any "well, I do know" or "well I'm not really sure" or "buts" about it. Good luck & best wishes in whatever you choose to do.
  19. I've had some lovers that want to be sucked on after they cum, and others practically shove me off (not really, but close to it), saying that they are TOO sensitive, and that it's uncomfortable to have me suck on them afterwards. I guess it depends on the guy, and what they like. Just like with us women. So, experiment, ask, and try try again! Have fun!
  20. Tyger

    G Spot

    For a woman to have 8 orgams in one night, by herself is amazing!! And in a GOOD way!! I wanna be like you!!! *HUGS* Personally, I don't believe that a woman can have premature ejaculation. You're having all the regular "O" feelings? Then, you're just able to get yourself off easily. Don't worry about it, and consider yourself lucky! Enjoy it.
  21. Mike was going to be married to Karen, So his father sat him down for a little chat. He said, "Mike, let me tell you something. On my wedding night in our honeymoon suite I took off my pants, handed them to your mother and said 'Here - try these on.' She did and said, 'These are too big, I can't wear them.' I replied, 'Exactly, I wear the pants in this family and I always will.' Ever since that night we never had any problems." "Hmmm," said Mike. He thought that might be a good thing to try. On his honeymoon, Mike took off his pants and said to Karen, "Here - try these on." She tried them on and said, "These are too large. They don't fit me." Mike said, "Exactly. I wear the pants in this family and I always will. I don't want you to ever forget that." Then Karen took off her pants and handed them to Mike. She said, "Here-you try on mine." He did and said, "I can't get into your pants." Karen said, "Exactly. And if you don't change your smart ass attitude, you never will." And they lived happily ever after.
  22. Howard, piercing any part of the body is going to cause some sort of pain. Especially in a sensitive area such as the clit. I've seen it done with a girl that has an extremely high tolerance for pain, with a reputable piercer, and yes, there was pain. I've had my navel and tongue done. There's pain. More pain with the navel than the tongue though, cuz on your tongue, your pain nerves are mostly around the edges. The navel hurt though. Not terribly, and once it was over, I was left with just a throbbing kind of feeling. Sensitive to the touch too. Not like a tattoo, where the pain is extended. My ex husband had the forskin scar at the top of his penis done, right below the head. Again, there was pain. Which, in retrospect, and all honesty, I now am glad that one hurt. Petty? Yes. But I am human and allowed. *insert evil laughter here* Piercing has to be experiences to truly know how it feels. It's how prepared you are for it. As WELL as the piercer. Someone who knows what they are doing can make the experience much more pleasant. And, having new in the package, sharp, sterile needles are also of the upmost importance. But, keep in mind, it's a larger gauge needle than a regular injection needle, and, yes, it does hurt. You are right, that a piercer needs to know what they are doing, because permanent damage can occur. Some piercers won't even do genital piercings such as the clit, just for that reason. Everyone is different, though the basics are usually the same, as far as nerves go. But, it is a chance to take if you get pierced. I love seeing clit jewelry on a woman. Whether it's pierced or clipped. On men and thier penises, not really so much. However, on the right man, nipple rings are cool too.
  23. I just LOVE a man that can heat up the dance floor!!
  24. Please check out the Adult DVD review forum more. There is an ever growing amount of DVD's being reviewed here. Some good, some not so good. This forum is fairly new, but there are still some great reviews here. The good thing about DVDs, is that you can skip chapters, either to the ones you want to see, or the ones that you find you don't like. Good luck in your search.
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