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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. I have a Feeldoe, and it's WONDERFUL! I just use my hands and vaginal muscles. There's this one as well. I know I want to try it!! Double Delight Vibrating Strap-On
  2. I too would like to extend a big ole THANK YOU to you and your hubby for the sacrifices that y'all are making on behalf of this country. As far as comfort level in a crowded house, I'm SURE that your family is expecting to hear something coming from your bedroom, and hopefully won't comment on it, embarassing you. After that much time apart, they'd be foolish NOT to expect you to have sex with your husband! And, I'm pretty sure that someone there would be willing to watch the baby for an overnight for y'all to catch up and enjoy each other as husband & wife. There are always ways to find a place to have sex. Think back to being a teenager, and MAKING the opportunities! In a car, in the woods, waiting until everyone's asleep and go out on the deck with a blanket. Get creative, and have fun. Best wishes!
  3. This topic was started quite a while ago, but worth revisiting. Now, I'm not a guy, but I do know a bit about the male body.... Seriously though... Not every man will be able to do this. The male body isn't designed to be overly flexible. At least, not as flexible to be able to do self-BJs. The more muscular you are, the less likely you will be able to do this. Muscle tends to get in the way when it comes to being overly flexible. Male bodies were designed, for the most part, to carry, lift, and have strength. Especially the upper-body. It's the way male bodies are designed. Of course, there are exceptions to the norm. Can it be done? Sure. This topic starter is proof it can. I would say a really skinny guy, that has been doing stretching for quite a while, could probably do a bit more stretching and maybe get himself there. But it would definitely take some time to get there. Good luck!
  4. It sounds as if you may have a couple of issues going on. You had surgery in April (I'm assuming it was this year?) to make your vagina accessible. Have you been cleared by your surgeon to have sexual intercourse? If so, you may be having some added discomfort just because your still adjusting to having a fully functional vagina. Talk to your GYN and surgeon to see what you can do to help this out anymore. It also sounds as if you are constantly thinking of the discomfort, making yourself tense up. You may be making sex more WORK than fun! Which is very normal! Especially for women. I may get flamed for this, but, I would tell your BF that there should be a YOU night. Where his job is to pleasure you only. No worrying about his, for now. Totally relaxing, getting into what he's doing, taking deep breaths, and just going with the flow, so to speak. I'm not saying this should be a normal thing. Sex is adult play, and it's a win-win situation when you both pleasure each other. But, where you have some underlaying issues, there can be exceptions. Your body may take a bit l onger than most women to get use to the stretching of having a penis inside of you, where you had surgery. I would assume that it will happen, eventually. Patience on your part, as well as your BF's. When he's constantly telling you that you're tensing up, I'm sure that just adds to your stress & makes you tense up even more. I would also suggest that you nicely tell him that if he feels you tensing up, then he needs to just help you relax, instead of telling you to do so. That's like telling someone not to think of a red car. Because someone brought it up, you think of a red car, or several. If he says it, you can jokingly tell him to "shut up or put up". LOL At least that's what I would do. In a fun and teasing way that is. Not rude or critical. I hope you're able to relax and enjoy more and more!
  5. Elizabeth T, and anyone else I may have offended: First, I respect your opinion(s) such as they are. And, yes, you made some good points. I would like to say that insulting a member, no matter who they are, though you did it articulately, is not a way of getting your point across in a positive manner. However, if you notice in our posts, we DO mention the fact that there was actually a lengthy debate of what makes or breaks a virgin (pun intended). I should've found that post, and put a link to it in my original post. I didn't for a few reasons though-to encourage those newer members to search the site and look at old posts, I don't really like to repeat myself over and over again, and going all the way back to find that post is very time consuming. But here are a few that I have found: Scared Virgin At What Age Did U Loose Your Virginity? Sex for the First Time Virgin 1st Time Having sex What To Do? There are several more, but these are good examples. I hope these are a bit more helpful. Speaking for myself, and I hope Mikayla agrees, we really do answer as many posts as honestly as possible. We also want newer members to read past & present posts that they think may pertain to them. And, in so doing, don't want to repeat repeat repeat ourselves and get redundant. If that makes sense? For members that have certain questions, by all means, ask ask ask away! When I have questions, I do a forum search (located at the botton of the forum page) first, to read what's already there. Getting past POVs from members that may not post, and maybe some different ways of saying the same thing that make more sense, KWIM? Don't be surprised if we do link up to previous posts, or direct you to the Sex Education tabs at the top. This is again, so we don't have to repeat what's already been written. I hope all of this makes a bit of sense, and is a bit more explanitory.
  6. How awesome! I love having a variety of lubes on hand as well. Variety is the spice of life, especially your sex life! Thanks for the information!
  7. Welcome **Stormy**! What nice things to say! Thanks for the compliments! I agree with Howard as far as the warranties go and prices. Even with shipping & handling, and if an item may be a couple of dollars more than what you may be able to get at an adult toy store, the one year guarantee really makes up for any extra $$ spent! And, no, I do't get paid for saying that! Welcome welcome! And enjoy, read, and looking forward to your contributions!
  8. No, you're not. There are times that that happens to me & my panites as well. Especially when I eat a lot of fruits & veggies, making my body's secretions more acidic.
  9. Telephone Repairman A Kansas farm wife called the local phone company to report her telephone failed to ring when her friends called and that on the few occasions, when it did ring, her dog always moaned right before the phone rang. The telephone repairman proceeded to the scene, curious to see this psychic dog or senile lady. He climbed a telephone pole, hooked in his test set, and dialed the subscriber's house. The phone didn't ring right away, but then the dog moaned and the telephone began to ring. Climbing down from the pole, the telephone repairman found: 1. The dog was tied to the telephone system's ground wire with a steel chain and collar. 2. The wire connection to the ground rod was loose. 3. The dog was receiving 90 volts of signaling current when the number was called. 4. After a couple of jolts, the dog would start moaning and then urinate. 5. The wet ground would complete the circuit, thus causing the phone to ring. Which demonstrates that some problems CAN be fixed by pissing and moaning.
  10. I'm glad y'all liked it. And, I just wanted to add, these are JUST jokes, not to be taken seriously. Laugh and have fun with 'em! I'm trying to post one a day, since I've had several PMs and joke post responses telling me how much many of you enjoy them. So, I will try to come up with funny jokes for ya.
  11. I'd also like to add that they don't overwhelm you with mail or e-mails after you order either. Before I became a Product Reviewer, I ordered 3 of the freebies offered here, and signed up for the newsletter. It comes about once a month or so. I'm also overly skeptical and wary of anything advertised for "free". But, believe me, as a past retail Goddess, and hater of Spam, there's no "catch". Just a desire to help people's sex lives a bit more!
  12. An elderly man in Louisiana had owned a large farm for several years He had a large pond in the back. It was properly shaped for swimming, so he fixed it up nice picnic tables, horseshoe pits, and some apple and peach trees. One evening the old farmer decided to go down to the pond, as he hadn't been there for a while, and look it over. He grabbed a five-gallon bucket to bring back some fruit. As he neared the pond, he heard voices shouting and laughing with glee. As he came closer, he saw it was a bunch of young women skinny-dipping in his pond. He made the women aware of his presence and they all went to the deep end. One of t he women shouted to him, "We're not coming out until you leave!" The old man frowned, "I didn't come down here to watch you Ladies swim naked or Make you get out of the pond naked." Holding the bucket up he said, "I'm here to feed the alligator." Some old men can still think fast.
  13. Discussing sex with your teenager is hard. Finding out he/she has already had sex is probably one of the most hardest things one can deal with! The teenage girl probably shut down cuz her mother, being upset and shocked most likely, came across as mad, judgemental, and over-protective. Combined with a raging hormonal teenage girl, this probably didn't go over that well. Your friend definitely needs to talk with her daughter, and do so calmly, and as nicely as possible. All done while still maintaining her parental role, and not one of a friend. Talking to her openly and honestly, but not trying to scare or act bossy about it will be hard. But it's not impossible. And, since her daughter has had some experience, it needs to be done NOW. Her going off the deep end, while understandable, won't help gain her daughter's trust. In fact, she should make it a positive thing that her daughter felt comfortable enough to ask her. Now, she needs to get back that comfort level. Best wishes!
  14. Tyger

    The V Game

    Drum Vagina Roll Vagina Ali Baba and the Prince of Vaginas The Wizard of Vagina Old Vagina Vagina, Spirit of the Cimmeron Ice Vagina Flushed Vagina The Little Vagina The Land Before Vagina Dirty Vagina Vagina Wars Dances with Vaginas The X-Vaginas The Fantasic Vaginas
  15. I agree with Silver. Sometimes people get so focused on HAVING an orgasm, that the pressure is too much for the brain to allow you to relax. Try taking deep, long breaths. Exhaling deeply. It really does help. Also, if you're a worry-er, make sure things are done around the house, enough for you to relax. Play some music, soft lights, romance yourself. Whatever makes you relax. Maybe even when your half asleep. When I use my clit stimulator, I breathe deep, and have fun. I make sure the pets are settled in, the daughter is asleep, and I don't have anything to stress about (that I can DO anything about). If the clit stimulator isn't doing it enough for me, I jerk the vibe up and down, kinda like a flicking tongue. It works!! Other times, just putting the vibe (on it's highest settings, since I need a STRONG vibe to get off with) on my clit, and finding JUST the right spot.
  16. I agree totoally with what the other 2 posters have said. I can also sympathize with you AND your wife. After I became pregnant, I had several health issues pop up, making sex painful or impossible, and then, after our daughter was born, I went into FULL TIME MOMMY MODE, and still slip into that at times. I breatsfed our daughter for a full year (to the day). I would never ever change the privelage it was to breastfeed our daughter. However, my breast sensitivity went from VERY high to "Don't touch 'em!!". Now, I agree with Mikayla here, it can't be a one way street. And, there are always 2 sides to every story. I would highly suggest having a nice conversation, in a non-accusationary way, away from the bedroom one night, addressing your concerns, desires, and fantasies. It really can't be a one-way street here. She has to be willing to try and please you. Of course, there may or may not be things that she absolutely hates to do, and, if that's the case, after trying them a couple of different ways, then you should honor the fact that that may be something that she just doesn't want to do. It sounds like you're willing to try almost anything to please her, and she's just digging in her heels. Thurasis had a great point: if you're constantly pestering her for sex, or something to try, applying pressure to her to do something to do or try, she may feel overwhelmed, and to avoid disappointing you in the bedroom, she just won't do it. Sex is suppose to be FUN, not a chore. I would suggest letting up, after your talk, just let things flow for a while. She may come around, and want to do other things with you. If not, I would highly suggest getting into marriage counselling. I know that sounds cliche', but, if one person is making all of the effort, and the other person just doesn't seem to even want to try, then you may need a neutral party to address each person's issues. It may be as simple as that. She may not want to try and talk with you alone, for fear things may be turned around sexually, and then her guilt and pressure may start all over again. Either way, I wish you the best of luck.
  17. Very good review, and funny too! I love humor!
  18. Welcome to the forum. Have fun, ask questions, and read some posts and articles. After a long-term relationship, getting out there and dating again can be hard, but not impossible. You have to put yourself out there, go to a club, bar, go out with friends, do whatever it takes to get out an have some fun.
  19. From what I can remember, since it's been a loooooooooooooooong time since I lost my virginity, I would compare the pain to something minor like getting your ears pierced, but not with all of that aftercare! It's quick, and over with in a jiffy.
  20. There’s no place like home…*click click* Top Cat comes out with a new glass toy line, and one of these beauties is the Ruby. Made of solid glass, this toy has a ring handle at the base, and 4 rounded bumps going up the entire shaft. In between the bumps, are red nubbies, for added pleasure! The tip is narrower, and has red swirled in it. This toy kinda reminds me of an extra-long, pretty, bottle cork. It's pretty hefty & sturdy too since it is solid glass. Anyway, I was SO excited to get another glass toy, and couldn’t wait to try it out! Glass is so easy to use and take care of, not to mention the different ways you can play with glass toys. “Different ways?” you ask? Why, yes! Glass can be warmed up with water, or chilled in the fridge. Some even choose to freeze their glass toys, for that extra shocking, yet pleasurable experience. Using lubes? Not to worry! Glass toys can be used with either silicone or water-based lubes, with no worries. Allergic to certain materials, like latex? Not an issue for glass toys. All these reasons, & more, are why I love glass toys, and recommend them to everyone wanting to either start or add to their toy box. For me, just the thought of a new glass toy is enough to get me all wet, and, with hubby giving me some extra long foreplay, no lubes needed for me the night I tried this toy out! Ruby was a little cold at first (room temp), but that was adding to my pleasure. Hubby had a finger in the ring, and gripped the rest of it, slowly inserting each hump. He liked that, since glass can sometimes also be hard to hang onto when wet. This toy gave me my much-desired full feeling, and added pleasure with humps and bumbs galore! Yes, I even felt the little red nubbies as well. It definitely did the trick for me, cuz I was cumming hard in very little time as my hubby thrusted it in and out of me.! Because of it’s larger diameter (1.5"), I would recommend this toy for an intermediate to pro toy user. If you like toys with some shape to it, this one is a must-have! This one is definitely a keeper for me! Go for Glass
  21. Awesome review! Thanks for the honesty.
  22. It does make sense. But, when you look back, do you want to remember giving your "virginity" up to a toy, or a real live man, that, if you choose the right one, would make it as pleasant as possible. A man that truly cares for you and your pleasure will really try hard to make it as comfortable as possible. It doesn't hurt that bad, honest. Just a tad. And, it does go away rather quickly. If you do it, since you can feel and control the pain a bit more, you may be a bit more hesitant, and you may not fully tear it down, tear it a little, and that may hurt more than the full "popping". I hope that makes sense.
  23. I hope everyone has a safe and happy 4th!
  24. Well, first off, hello and welcome. Quite the intro, very helpful, open, and honest! We like that. It's very helpful, and, I'm sure, very therapudic for you as well. I'm so thrilled for you, being able to go into a sex toy shop, look, and actually buy something! That's a HUGE step in spicing up your sex life! As far as your cheating and thinking you're a "bad person". If you continually beat yourself up about it, it's going to affect you in most of your everyday life. It happened. The question is: now what are you going to do? I agree with Val here, if your husband really is your best friend, why did you cheat on him, AND with his cousin? It's something only YOU can answer really. If you are feeling bad about the affair, then I would suggest that IF you absolutely HAVE to speak with his cousin, keep in family-friendly. No more phone sex, or sexual talk whatsoever. I mean, I don't want to sound rude, but if you feel so bad about the affair, why have phone sex with someone else? Do you think that if your husband had phone sex with someone else that you'd feel betrayed? If your husband is your best friend, why can't you talk to him about your sex life? I mean, that's a major part of a relationship. However, being open and honest also has to be tempered with Non-accusationary statements. Instead of saying things like, "You never do this anymore" or "How come you have to", or "you make me feel".....say things like "I was wondering why we don't do this anymore", "I've noticed things like", and also, acknowledging your part in the problem is a big thing too. I mean, if you blame him for all this stuff, and how "he" made you feel, he's going to feel attacked, and it won't be overly constructive of a discussion. Do you think that the timeline between your affair and your hubby's ED is close? Do you think that he may know? Telling him is probably the best course of action. But, be prepared for hurt, shame, and probably a lot of anger. Do you think you CAN stop seeing other people and having sex with other people that are not your husband? Do you want too? You need to really look at that. Not only to be fair to him, but to yourself as well. What I didn't see in your whole post is that you LOVE your husband. That's a question, again, that only YOU can answer. And, you may actually have to sit back, and take a few days to answer that. If you want to make it work, you have to show a sincere effort, remorse, and apologize. When he reacts, only then can you figure out whether or not this marriage can be saved. I mean, if he wants out because you cheated, then, there's really not much you're going to be able to do. 7.5 yrs is a long time to be together. Kids are involved. I'm not going to sit here and tell you that you HAVE to stay for the kids. Or stay with him out of guilt. That's not the way to live. People do outgrow each other. It happens. That is nobody's fault. But, if you don't communicate with each other, openly and honestly, then, how can you grow as a couple? People drift apart that way. Do you think that's happened? Do you want to fix it? Or do you think that it's hopeless? Anyway, I hope you enjoy the forums, shop the site, and have fun reading. I wish you the best of luck.
  25. Well, Rabbit toys ARE great, and there are several on the site here. Many have reviews with them by our Review Team, explaining how they worked for them. Rabbit toys can be a bit expensive. But, for the pleasure they bring, as well as the power and action a lot of them have, they are definitely worth investing in, IMO However, you are a virgin, and, a Rabbit has a part that goes into your vagina, which most would tear your hymen. AKA "pop your cherry", rendering you NOT a virgin. There was a lengthy debate on here a while ago, as to whether or not tearing the hymen with a toy, and not a man's penis, would truly mean you're not a virgin anymore. Personally, once the hymen is torn, it's gone for good, IMhO. So, you are not a virgin. If that doesn't bother you, by all means, go and find a rabbit toy! They really are great! I haven't personally used the Ultimate Pearl Beaded Rabbit, but it is a bit smaller in diameter than "regular" ones, so it would be good. However, there will be some pain from your hymen tearing at first, and there may be a little blood from it. It may be uncomfortable the first couple of times anything is inserted up inside of you, and will take getting use too, but it will happen.
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