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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. YAY!! Glad you got the razor, littlemiss!! Now, if there is irritation down there, it can be either mechanical OR chemical. The hair on the scalp isn't the same as an area BEING SHAVED. If you just use conditioner on your pubic hair, to make it softer, that's one thing, but shaving is an invasive thing to do, and it opens up hair follicles, stripping the skin's oils, and, of course, you get knicks. This sounds a lot scarier than it is. But, in cases like this, you have to view ALL of the possibilities. Conditioners, like any personal hygiene product, has chemicals in it. If you have sensitive skin, you may want to look for something with aloe in it, or, a more natural made product. Of course, I do LOVE the Coochie Cream too. Though, it's expensive, but very worth it. Plus, a little goes a long way.
  2. I'm sorry that the suction cup didn't "suck" as much as it should. The box sounds like it gives too broad a spectrum. Any wood surface is really too pourous to create a successful suction. And, that "plastic coating" stuff on some furniture has some slight slight slight texture to it, so, unless it's an absolute smooth surface, like, as mentioned, fiberglass, mirrors, porcelain, things like THAT, the a suction cup usually won't work. I bet, though, with the suction cup base could be used with some sort of harness or something like the inflatable love lounger. With reviews, please be specific as to what you're trying to convey. Since we don't know how you like your vibes, or what you're preferences are. People just can't guess what you've had for toys in the past, so it's best to be as specific as possible. I guess it's safe to say that if the packaging doesn't say if it's waterproof it probably isn't. I have noticed that a lot of dual actions (aka "rabbits") are kinda loud. That was a GREAT description of how you tested that out!! Thanks for the answers.
  3. Question: what KIND of surface were you putting the rabbit on? Glass, fiberglass, wood, plastic, particle board? Most of these toys are really designed with tub play in mind, FYI. So, you would say that this is a medium high vibe, and not an overly strong vibe? I see a cord there, is that to plug into the remote? Where and how many batteries does it take? How big is it? And, what are your vibe preferences? Did this toy meet that and help you achieve the Bunny O?
  4. Tyger

    Was I Wrong

    You were absolutely correct in what you did!!!Things may have gotten heated, but, at the risk of sounding childish, she started it. Seriously, she was rude and obnoxious for 2 days in a row, being sooo rude, that, had *I* been a customer, I would have filed a complaint. Everyone has bad days, but she needs to learn to grow up and seperate her personal life from her professional, or she won't have the latter to count on at all! People don't hire known "bullies", especially for customer service positions. And her doing YOUR work was a power-play, trying to assert that she is All Important, and that YOU can be replaced. As a former manager, trust me, you have nothing to worry about for confronting this problem. And, your boss is probably relieved to have had someone complain so that he could address this issue with some back up & just cause. I'm glad the other employees are treating you better. But remember, they're employees. If they didn't have the courage to speak up for themselves or help you out when Bully was on her tirade, then their really just "fair-weather friends". Yes, it's nice to get along, but they also need to grow up and help ensure that their workplace is where they want to be working. Do the same thing if she goes off again, or if she tries to intimidate you for speaking up. You don't have to make HER happy and make her feel like she has power, because she's getting paid to do a JOB, not be a bully! Best wishes!
  5. My hubby says that it's like there's some sort of invisible target on his nuts, cuz everytime the dogs jump up on him, they hit 'em every time! I would say that, depending on how long ago you saw the doctor, if it's continued to stay for over 2 mos, there's something wrong there. Especially if there's pain, even now. I'd go see your doctor again, and if (s)he's unwilling to delve, um, deeper, then have him/her recommend someone else. Please remember, doctors are suppose to be working for YOU, not the other way around. I hope all goes well, and is more comfortable with you and The Twins soon!
  6. ATTENTION SOLDIER!!!! This is Frig-a-Dear General Tyger speaking, and yes, I am talking to YOU! You’d better report for duty and get your military issued mini-vibe Private, and I mean on the DOUBLE! Don’t forget your one AA battery either! It’s not good to be caught out in the trenches (bathtub, public bathroom, bedroom) without your most important military orgasm tool! And it should always be in proper working order! This smooth, all-terrain vibe has one color-CAMO! And you’re gonna LIKE it! Care for your vibe is YOUR responsibility! Make sure that it is firing correctly at ALL times, and is clean. You never know when a surprise inspection will spring up! Operation is easy, just twist, and adjust to your personal preference of firing power. Know your vibe! From really low to medium high is the standard strength for this vibe. Any higher, and the enemy may hear you cumming, and then giving away your position! Always make sure your mini-vibe is safe and secure, whether it be tucked into your backpack, purse, or where ever you choose to store it, the 5.5” mini should be accounted for at all times. Dangerous in the wrong hands, make sure that you train any other of your soldiers to use it accordingly, safely, and successfully. You have your orders, now go, and have a successful mission! *salutes* We want YOU!
  7. There ya go. If it happens again, please let one of us know, and we can give you instructions on how to put pictures in your posts. It sounds as if you may have put the picture link in the wrong area.
  8. I always loving an excuse to go soak in the tub, this bottle came at a great time! I prefer baths to showers anyway, and my favorite all-time smell is vanilla, so this was also a wonderful incentive to hurry up and try this out! I twisted off the flip top cap, and took off the safety covering over the hole, and inhale deeply. I am VERY picky about the smells that I go on my body, especially when it comes to vanilla. I don’t want to smell like a cookie, granny, or sicky-sweet either. This bubble bath smells divine! The vanilla blends with the almond and with a slight touch of rose scent, it’s all very complimentary to each scent, and not over-powering either. I was able to smell the almond the most though. But, no matter, it still was great! Drawing a nice, hot bath, I poured some in, about a capful, and the bubbles sprung forth, and lasted for a while. The scent was feminine, but not overly so (so it's great for couple-soaking), and relaxing as well. But, for me, the bubbles never last long enough, these lasted about 20 minutes though, and it was time to get out & get back to the real world outside the bathroom door. Drying off, the scent was subtly there, and was not at all perfume-y. Plus, this didn’t feel as though I had a film of soap on me, one of my big pet peeves. I will definitely be taking longer baths for a while now since this is a 12 oz bottle! Treat yourself to a bubble bath! Bubble, Bubble, treat yourself!
  9. Love to watch the ladies go at it? Well, with Hot Pink 2, you get a variety of female/female action from different movies. This collection is sure to tempt, tease, and please everyone that loves to watch the ladies have some lovin’ that only other ladies can provide! Because this is a compilation of scenes from other movies, from different years (trends), you do get a variety of film quality, sounds, costumes, and scenery, plus, you also get to watch a variety of ladies do totally exciting, wonderfully hot things to each other too. Ranging from sexy, to sultry, kinky, saucy, naughty & nice, this film is a MUST HAVE for those of us that like to watch women get it on! You get 4 hours worth of fingering, fondling, fucking, flicking, and fun! The scenes range from bathrooms, poolside, to a strip club, and even at an adult toy store! Toys, props, jewelry, orgies, masturbation, glitter & gold, the aura of ultra-feminine is definitely there in this awesome film. There were sooo many to watch, but, in the interest of pleasure, I struggled through it. LOL There are many different stars in this film: Sylvia Saint, Nina Hartley, Asia Carerra….the list goes on & on! I had several scenes that turned ME pink, pink with pleasure that is!! I loved the more romantic scenes. One of my favorites was the one where the girls looked like goddesses, all bejeweled and feminine! I also liked the scene at the adult toy store! Anyway, this DVD really shows you that women know how to please other women! Get Hot! Get Pink!
  10. Maude and Claude, both 91, met at the singles club meeting and discovered that they enjoyed each others company. After several weeks of meeting for coffee, Claude asked Maude out for dinner. They had a lovely evening. They dined at the most romantic restaurant in town. They ended up at his place for an after-dinner drink. Things continued along a natural course and age being no inhibitor, Maude joined Claude for a most enjoyable roll in the hay. As they were basking in the glow of the magic moments they'd shared, each was lost for a time in their own thoughts..... Claude was thinking: If I'd known she was a virgin, I'd have been more gentle. Maude was thinking: If I'd known he could still do it, I'd have taken off my pantyhose.
  11. Upon meeting me, people have a VERY hard time believing I have a physically small mouth (go figure LOL). And, when I do swallow, before my man cums, he usually gives a hint of it somehow, and I exhale and try to relax as best I can. That, and I pull back a bit, so he's not totally in my mouth when he cums. This helps me out.
  12. Tyger

    We Did It!

    Yay you!!! I'm so glad that you got over your fears and were able to have a great and fun time!! Thanks for the feedback, it's always nice to hear that we really do help!
  13. I just saw that they added this as the Freebie for the end of January, so I thought I'd bump this up.
  14. I'd kiss the mark......but.......ugnnnnn.....ugnnnnn......I'm tied up at the moment.
  15. Just read what my little Catwoman is sayin'! LOL
  16. I don't believe any of our reviewers, or anyone else for that matter, has tried the Liberator shapes (yet). As far as whips go, please check the Sex Toy Review section for some items that we've tried and either liked, didn't like, or LOVED. In the forum itself, at the bottom of the page, you can do a Keyword Search, for a more specific search, or you can also go to the Toy Reviews tab at the top. Those are organized by date.
  17. It's a JOKE, let's not over analize it. Of course it wasn't meant to be perverted if it was a kid's cake, but it's still funny!
  18. First off, welcome to the board. I hope you're able to find a lot of useful information here. Second, I totally understand where you're coming from. I agree with iha and Thur on this. You have to let him know that you've had bad experiences. However, you also need to let yourself know that, whoever did the bad things to you is NOT the man you're with NOW. If you trust him enough to have sex with, and to open up too, this is yet another obstacle that you CAN overcome, with time, and effort. It took me YEARS to get over what happened to me. And, every so often, I get a flashback. BUT, I've told my lovers to NEVER hold my head so that I can't move. THAT'S my trigger. Once I tell them that if they do that, my first instinct may be to bite down hard to escape, it's never been a problem (for some unfathomable reason LOL). But, I was willing to try it, and, to my happy shock, I was a HIT!! Please keep in mind that the bad men that did whatever they did to you is NOT your current lover. Don't punish him for their misdeeds. Best wishes.
  19. It depends on my mood. Sometimes I want to be rammed real hard, others slow, and steady. I have some medical issues and a well-endowed hubby that sometimes makes just RAM ME hard (no pun intended there), so it's usually slow and steady. It also depends on my mood what position I want to be penetrated on. Sorry, I know this isn't overly helpful!
  20. Thanks!! Froggy's been adding to hers, so, I thought it was time to update mine too.
  21. Well, I'm not into the classic movies, no offense to anyone that posted them. Although, a couple movies that I really like probably will be classified as classics very soon! LOL I love movies with a good plot and lots of music. I STILL find Dirty Dancing very sexy. Not because of the steamy sex, which really doesn't show a lot of, but the sexual heat that's given off of the dancers. Oh, and Patric Swayze is pretty damn hot too!! LOL I also like Titanic (the one that everyone knows now) with Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio. The quick and intense romance really gets me. It always makes me cry too. I saw the original one, and that was OK, but I also liked the history and scale of the newer one. Save The Last Dance is pretty good. I love the underlaying sexual heat, the obstacles of a biracial relationship, and the struggles the couple endures to be together. I'm so cheezy, I know.
  22. But I also purr and knead (and bite too).......he he he. But I do so like to be tied up too. Maybe a collar....
  23. Wow, sounds like a great item! I woud think that this stuff would last a while, especially in a balm, since there'd be no spilles or accidents, and a little dab would do ya!
  24. Sounds like the perfect gift for those that may be going to Vegas or Atlantic City on a honeymoon or romantic getaway! What a blast!
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