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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. I just hope all of our members are safe, warm, and sound, during all of this crazy weather we seem to be experiencing!! So far, where I am in TX, there hasn't been any bad weather, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
  2. I was never talked to about sex by my mother. In fact, when I started my monthly for the first time, I called her into the bathroom, showed her my undies, and she pointed to where the pads were. She knew I had had sex ed (gender correct) in school, so she thought that's all she had to do. It was her ignorance on the subject that made me feel lacking for years. To this day, discussing sex with her is "wierd". Mostly jokes and stuff. Every once in a blue moon she tries to say something almost serious, but she doesn't know how to bridge the gap, and I don't think either one of us really want too!! I DID catch her one day, with her long-time BF, when I was 15 yrs old, and she was on top. I thought my eyes were gonna burn outta my head!!! It's unfortunate that your mother associates sex with being drunk. Maybe that's the only way she could relax enough to enjoy herself, by drinking. That's very sad. Though, it's great that she's cleaned up her life! If I were in your position, and concerned about my mother in that way, I'd tell her about this site. Give her the addie, or pull it up on her computer. Bookmark it for her. Let HER explore it on her own. If she doesn't a couple weeks later, maybe show her some of the articles, or have fun showing her some of the outrageous toys! Sometimes the first step can be the hardest! Now, if she does tell you that her sex life, or lack thereof, is none of your business, as her DAUGHTER, you should really respect that request of privacy, IMO.
  3. Well, I saw this GK Sex Toy Company item and was SO excited to try this out. First off, of course, I love the tiger stripes!! I love all things tiger! I smelled the vibrator, because it boasts that it has “no smell”. I have an over-active sense of smell, so I was able to smell a slight rubbery smell to it, which ebbed off after a washing. But it didn’t overwhelm my sensitive nose, as many vibes tend to do. The clear rubbery casing around the vibe wasn’t sticky at all, even after washing. I was able to get a good look at the vibe, and was intrigued by the many shapes on the vibe. The head of the vibe is almost circular and flat, which was unique in any vibe I’ve seen before. The tip has a “tickler” on it, that almost looks like a thorn, but definitely not as unpleasant as one. On the shaft, between the head and the clit stimulator, are various sized bumps, that look more like breasts to me, since on the top of each bump is a small nubby. I saw that, and thought “breast”. Hey, the more stimulation, the better, right? Down to the area of the clit stimulator, I also see on the backside, a very flimsy piece of rubber, with nubbies on the inside of that, that I guess should stimulate the anus. The clit stimulator should have it’s own chapter!! Here was a stimulator with a bullet inside it, and this thing also had 3 protrusions coming out of the end that would be touching my clit. I can only liken them to an elephant!! The middle one looks like the trunk, since it’s so long! And the 2 smaller stems, kind of resemble little feet. The controls are fairly easy to use. The vibe has 3 motions of vibes, 3 of pulsations, 1 motion of amplification, and 8 levels of rotations. Whoo-hoo!! I put in the 4 AA batteries (not included), in the easy to remove battery compartment, and turn it on. Ok, well the rotating head was very interesting. I’d never seen anything like that before, and was a bit skeptical, but I’m always willing to try something new! Then came the vibes. I loved the settings, and the strength of the vibes. And I will admit to laughing at the little boogie that the clit stimulator was doing. But all in good fun, I was very excited to try it out! After a lengthy romp with hubby, (to which he was willing to use some toys of my choice), we were both tired. He wanted to watch some TV, and relax, so I decided to go try out my tiger. So, already satisfied, and still sensitive, I get down to business. I teased myself first with the vibes. The only bullet in the vibe was suppose to be strong enough to go down the whole length of the toy, and it did, but it wasn’t that strong at the head. At least, not for my tastes. More teasing, and I turn on the rotations, & slowly insert the head, feeling the caressing of the head, and liking that very much! I turn on the vibes, and start really working the toy in and out. I could feel the rotations, and the little bumps on the shaft very well. The “trunk” of the bullet, wasn’t as firm as I like it, so I had to push the bullet a bit further to have it touch, though the vibing proboscis was really nice. I barely felt the anal stimulator. It was kinda irritatingly tickling me. That, and the stim’s appendages weren’t firm enough for me to feel them really. But the pressure of the bullet, and the caressing of my vaginal walls did it for me, in a whole new way. It didn’t take me long to cum. I was very impressed with that. And fully satisfied as well. I will say that this toy isn’t overly quiet, especially on the rotation feature. But, if you have a stereo going, or someone watching TV in the next room, then you should be fine. This is NOT a waterproof toy! When cleaning it, make sure the controls/battery compartment stays dry, or if it does get wet a bit, has time enough to dry thoroughly. I would say that this toy, as complex as it is, is for a moderate/experienced toy user. But this is something that I will be using again in the near future!! Catch A Tiger By The "O"
  4. I guess it would be for us to actually have the time to do IT!! Between him being away every other week, and the first day or 2 after he gets home from work, he wants to just rest (to which I don't really blame him, doing what he does is very strenuous), our daughter, all the other critters, and NO reliable babysitters to speak of, well, it's hard to find/make time to make love. Or, maybe that I had a reliable BC method other than the one we have now......I gotta look into that. I just KNOW that I do NOT want to have another child.I love our daughter, but I enjoy spending time with her, concentrating on her, and able to do a bit more as a family, without the stress and worry of a baby.
  5. I think a color change would be nice. Something "spring" like, maybe green? And a font change, for the forum fonts? Something to spruce it up a bit. I suggested a possible 3-some forum a while ago too? I can't wait to see the results for the latest contest!! although I am disappointed in the few responses, there were some good ones. I'm thinking maybe people were too shy, or unsure how "creative" to get, maybe? Hopefully the next contest will have more participation.
  6. I agree with Mikayla here. I'm sure there are some men that like gay (man on man) porn, but I know my hubby is NOT one of them. You could hear the "AW HELL NAWWWWW" all around the world, if I'd ask him to watch gay porn!! IMO, if a man looks at other men having sex, then they're either curious, bi, or closet gay. And men that are curious, will deny it. But if there's more than one item of proof, then it's time for him to be honest with you, and himself. Good luck, and I hope you're able to find answers.
  7. Well, you sure got some very confusing advice, from a seemingly very immature, self-centered guy. The only thing I can see that he was right on point was, is that "datable" girls are the ones you go around, introducing to friends & family. The "fuckable" gal is the one that LOVES to have sex, ans is very open and honest about it. Or that the guy just doesn't want to have a relationship with, just have a casual fuck now and again. This is not meaning that they, Datable AND Fuckable,can't be one and the same. For instance, I, come across, in real life, as a pretty straight laced kinda gal, with a flare for being open, funny, honest, and blunt. But lots of fun to be around. I have shocked some people having tattoos!! I've been a computer instructor, retail Goddess, and am now a Stay At Home Mother of one. And, I LOVE SEX!!! It's all how you present yourself. My step-sister was "easy". She'd sleep with anyone, anytime, anywhere. She was what your friend would call "Fuckable". She has never really had a full-time, honest to goodness relationship. I asked one of her BFs one time, what it was about her that men found so appealing. And, he was honest with me, he said that she was an easy lay, not a very good one, but easy. And that he had always liked me, but I never came across as "easy". I was, using HIS words now, "a quality woman, that you have a relationship with. You get less BS that way". Again, how you handle yourself, and others will show men how you will allow yourself to be treated. I have had a couple of FWBs (friends with Benifits), and that was on both parts, a Fuckable situation. NEVER have I held back my sexual expertise (or lack of, depending on what they wanted). Yes, I've been cheated on. Does that mean it was due to me being a tiger in bed? No! It was due to the fact that the guy I was with at the time, couldn't/wouldn't keep his dick in his pants. If a man cheats on you because "you were too freaky" in bed, then he is an ass. dont sleep with a guy right away (I would not anyway, but is there a special time period??) * dont give awesome head.. just maybe good. * dont get too kinky * dont want it all the time either. WTF? Is this guy on another planet? Maybe if you're dealing with HIM, these are his rules. He's is extremely pathetic, and a bit of a control freak, IMO. How many men out here just want "Good head"??? I will answer that for them! NONE!! They want AWESOME head!!! Who wants to have just GOOD sex??? AGain, NO ONE!!! We want awesome sex!!! There is no special time period for waiting to have sex. It's all about comfort level, and the connection between you. Sex is adult play. You want sex, when you want it. Not when HE dictates you SHOULD. Dating is hell, let's face it. Too many games. I found that honesty is the best policy. If you like someone, tell them, if you want to have sex with them, tell them. Be honest about what you like in bed. A good lover for you is made, not born. Never give less then your best in anything. And you'll be comfortable in your own skin. Good luck!!
  8. As far as using toys ON another lover, no, never have. I do have a couple of toys that have lasted thru moves, and whatnot, but only a couple, and I use them on me, myself. All of my new toys me and my hubby have used at one time or another. I have gone thru many sex toys, and any either worn out toys, or toys that have just plain died, I throw out. But, never have I shared a toy with anyone, as in using a toy on one person, and then that same toy on another. I don't recommend that, just for hygeine reasons. Unless you're talking about sharing a toy during a sexual episode.....then, well, that is a different story.
  9. Congrats to your family!! Unfortunately, people who get hooked on drugs, don't even realize the pain they cause others. Its a hard sad fact. I'm glad your sister was brave enough to take on a baby that will have health issues (withdrawal and such). Kuddos to her!! Great brag! YAY!!! Great news is always welcomed by me!!
  10. Cybering can be very exciting. You have to use your imagination a lot. And, let's face it, the biggest sexual organ you have is your brain!!
  11. The few times that I did participate in anal sex, I had the same troubles. Plus, I have a gastric ulcer, so that, on top of anal sex, well, I almost feel like I am gonna explode!! I don't participate in anal sex anymore (bad experience with a past lover). But from what I do remember from having anal sex the few times that I did: Your body will adjust to it, if you keep trying. Learning to relax is one of the most important thing. Using LOTSA lube is too. This also may make your bowels a bit more slick.... I would suggest either making sure you eat lightly that day, if you know you're going to have anal sex, make sure you have a bowel movement that day too. Some people actually give themselves an enema before havingng anal sex, to get that cleaner feeling. You get a bit more gassy/more bowel movements, because, you alway have "matter" up there, and when you have anal sex, where do you think that goes? Yup, UP!! Your body is not use to having something go UP that way. Also remember NEVER put something in your vagina that's been up your rectum, unless it's been washed VERY VERY well before you put it in your vagina. If not, this can cause bacterial infections. Not fun! As far as positions, your rectum curves with your spine, towards your middle, so, doggy style, where not impossible, can be uncomfortable. Especially if your man has a curve to his penis. If he does, you're working against the natural contours of your body. Do whatever is most comfortable for you. So long as you enjoy it, keep at it. And good luck!!
  12. I have a Wish List on the TooTimid site. *hint hint ROB~for reviewing purposes!* I edit it every so often, and try to weed down what looks similar and by reviews that may have been done on it.
  13. Where I am, and my cable company at least (cuz I know schedules and such vary), HBO has on Thursday nights, a couple of different sex shows. One being "Real Sex", where they have different shows here and there about different sex styles or lifestyles. It's quite interesting.
  14. OMG!! I just counted the items on my wish list, and I have 17 on it!!!!
  15. Or, how about posing the question "would you feel cheated on if you found out "Ashley" slept with someone else?" Do you think "Ashley" thinks you're a couple? Do you think she'd react badly if she found out that you slept with the other girl? I mean this comment in the nicest way possible: PEOPLE!!!! You have to be honest when dealing with other people!!! If you're not looking for anything steady/commited, then you tell them that!!! If you're looking for a relationship with someone, then stay true to that someone. If you just wanna date, tell them:I'm just looking to date, no strings. If you have said this to "Ashley", and she knows that you're not serious, and keeping options open, then, no it's not cheating. But if you're being exclusive, not seeing anyone else, and niether is she, then I would say, most likely, she would think of it as cheating, and I believe, since you've asked this question, you think it too. A month isn't a long time to wait before sleeping with someone! I mean, you've said she got out of a fairly long-term relationship. She may not be ready, or know if she wants to go that step. For most women, once you sleep with someone, that's a big Next Level. Even as friends, the relationship changes once you do the naked mambo. She may not be ready to take that step, but the only way to know, is to ask. The dating game can be a total BITCH!! But it's only a "game" if you play. Honesty, and direct-ness are the way to go. Less confusing for everyone, and both parties know where you stand.
  16. LOL Edge! I've been looking around the site, trying to get an idea. I have such a big list!! It's hard to choose just ONE!!! I haven't really found a specific one on here, YET, I would LOVE to have something like a hands-free dual action clit stimulator. I've tried a butterfly harness type thingie before, and was unimpressed. But I LOVE my clit stimulator that goes on my bullet. So, I will seek it out some more!! I know my hubby would hate hate hate it, but I would LOVE to try one of the male dolls that I saw on that HBO show, I think it's called Real Sex. It's a male doll, that feels real, and is very anatomically correct.
  17. I'm thinking you mean fully shaving your pubic hair? So that you're completely bare? I've never tried any of those things. What I use is a deep moisturizing conditioner (yes, for your hair on your head), like TRESemme' (oo-lala), all over my legs and pubic area. I do one section at a time, after a nice deep soak in hot water. Then, I shave one small section at a time, rinsing my Venus Divine Razor (it vibrates even!! ) often. The razor refills are a bit pricey (about $12 for 4 razor refills), but they're worth it! I do get a little knick here and there, but that's really to be expected. It's usually from where there may be an ingrown hair, or where I wasn't really paying attention. I love that razor, it does a nice job and I get a smooth shave. And, with the conditioner, I get soft, sexy legs and pubic area too. I've been shaving *down there* since I was 20, so, I think that I've "toughened up" that area a bit, that area being use to getting shaved. If you have sensitive skin, I would recommend waiting on putting any moisturizing lotion on afterwards. I do have sensitive skin on my legs, and if I do that, it makes them sting. So, I wait until my body has cooled off (no more open pores), and possible knicks have healed up so that the lotion won't get in them and make me go OWIE!! Good luck!
  18. Laughing (with, not at) together, and having fun is the easiest way to relax and have mind-blowing orgasms!!! Glad you had fun!!
  19. I think going to one would be a blast!! I'm not into BDSM really. But I do like blindfolds and light bondage. But just to go see one, for the experience, would be cool, IMO. It never hurts to learn about something new.
  20. Tyger


    I agree with Edge. A specialist is the one to really talk with with concerns such as this. Not that I'm knocking GP's in ANY way! I am assuming that, since you are trying to start a family, that you're both either in your 20's or 30's? Otherwise healthy? If your husband had a physical, and was TRUTHFUL in it, that still doesn't mean everything is A-OK with his orgasm potential. MOST Men have a tendancy to just go thru the motions of a physical exam, answering questions as direct and blunt as possible, without much thought, and don't ask questions (Kinda like asking for directions ), from my experience at least. I don't know many people that enjoy going to the doctor. And if you bring up concerns, then there may actually be problems. Stress, lack of exercise, diet, being sick, all can factor in, with the orgasm-less sex. Even the pressure that goes with trying to get pregnant. Especially if that is the MAIN reason you're having sex. I would suggest relaxing, and just having fun while making love. If y'all get pregnant, GREAT!! Practice makes perfect!!! It may be a bit expensive, but seeing a urologist will ease any concerns, you may have. He needs to be completely honest with the doctor, about everything. If the doctor doesn't know there are concerns, (s)he can't address them or help. Good luck!
  21. How did I miss this post!! Anyway, it may just be personal preference. I love more clit stimulation in toys, and the firmer/harder the vibes, the more I like it. But I do like penetration too. Now, you desire to try a dual penetration toy on your GF. OK, well, I would strongly suggest that you get one that has penetration and clitoral stimulation (as opposed to the vaginal/anal penetrators). Have her shop with you. Maybe go to an adult toy store, or better yet, on TooTimid (of course I prefer here), where she can see the item, the look of it, what it can do. The dual action vibes are a bit more pricey, which is why I suggest a double effort for the purchase of one. She may be a bit more excited to shop for one with you, and maybe even on her own. And, on here, as you probably are aware, there are reviews from REAL people, so you can see and read how the item looks and was performed for that person. Shopping together can be just as fun as the toy itself! Have fun with it, together! Best wishes.
  22. The right thing to say... Jack wakes up with a huge hangover after attending his company's Christmas Party. Jack is not normally a drinker, but the drinks didn't taste like alcohol at all. He didn't even remember how he got home from the party. As bad as he was feeling, he wondered if he did something wrong. Jack had to force himself to open his eyes, and the first thing he sees is a couple of aspirins next to a glass of water on the side table. And, next to them, a single red rose! ! Jack sits up and sees his clothing in front of him, all clean and pressed. He looks around the room and sees that it is in perfect order, spotlessly clean. So is the rest of the house. He takes the aspirins, cringes when he sees a huge black eye staring back at him in the bathroom mirror. Then he notices a note hanging on the corner of the mirror written in red with little hearts on it and a kiss mark from his wife in lipstick: "Honey, breakfast is on the stove, I left early to get groceries to make you your favorite dinner tonight. I love you, darling! Love, Jillian" He stumbles to the kitchen and sure enough, there is hot breakfast, steaming hot coffee and the morning newspaper. His son is also at the table, eating. Jack asks, "Son... what happened last night?" "Well, you came home after 3 A.M., drunk and out of your mind. You fell over the coffee table and broke it, and then you puked in the hallway, and got that black eye when you ran into the door. Confused, he asked his son, "So, why is everything in such perfect order and so clean? I have a rose, and breakfast is on the table waiting for me?" His son replies, "Oh THAT!... Mom dragged you to the bedroom, and when she tried to take your pants off, you screamed, "Leave me alone, I'm married!" Broken Coffee Table $239.99 Hot Breakfast $4.20 Two Aspirins $.38 Saying the right thing, at the right time PRICELESS *Howard: I bet you are thinking "If only some of my clients knew how to say The Right Thing"!
  23. Well, what would YOU want to get if money was no object? I really need to think about this one, but I was curious to see what others want. Let your imagination FLY!!
  24. I didn't count the actual 21st birthday when I did the anniversary tallying. I loved the "statuatory senility" comment!! That is too funny!!! I KWYM though. I don't look forward to birthdays (of mine) as much as I use to either. Have a great UN-Birthday Day today!! (got that from the Mad Hatter, BTW)
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