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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Well, it started raining yesterday, but didn't freeze over. Tonight, on the other hand, I have icicles building up on the trees and on the roof of my house. And still it rains! We also have a lot of hard wood trees around our house, so the trees will break, not bend. Most of the weak trees were downed by the hurricane over a year ago, so we're pretty safe. We do have a friend's house we can go to if we loose power and it gets too cold. I hope we don't cuz even our steps are slick. We are right in the middle of a Winter AND Ice Storm watch! I love being an over-achiever!! Luckily, we have enough food and water here so we don't have to go anywhere tomorrow! I hope everyone stays warm and dry!
  2. Have you ever heard the saying "It's not the size of the dingy, but the motion of the ocean"? Well, that goes for shape too. Adult toys have different shapes, usually for specific spots to hit, generally the G-Spot for women. Sizes and other features like swirls, bumps, ridges and so on, are for different sensations for the woman's vaginal area, & clit. So long as you listen to your lover and want to please them, your penis should be fine.
  3. There have only been a handful of times, in my entire sex-life span that I have swallowed. One being with my hubby. I don't know, I just don't like the idea of it. I know, I know, but it's just one of those things I don't like to do. I have had to really want to do it. The first time, was because I wanted to try it. It was with my ex husband, and he chewed tobacco, so it didn't taste that great at all. My husband now smokes too, and it's like I could taste it. Maybe that's why I just don't want too. Does it mean I love my man any less? No, absolutely not. I love him and want to please him. He also knows that I haven't swallowed with just any man, and he is proud that he is one of the select very few! We usually start off with oral sex, and sometimes, we switch it up and play orally a bit more in the middle. But we always seem to like to have him cum inside me. That's the way we seem to prefer anyway.
  4. I saw that those 2 dildos are the only ones that you own? May I suggest a Dual strap on type thing. Where you can be really close to each other, and pleasuring each other as well. Such as: One of the dildos goes in you, the other in her. I haven't tried this, but if I ever had a woman-woman experience, I would love to try it!! Double the pleasure
  5. I loved the nighttime erect stone what at the end. Those were beautiful!! I loved her use of filters for the colors too!! I love different types of photography. Thanks for sharing with us.
  6. Tyger


    I would think that this depends on the woman. Just like some men like a woman to shave all her pubic hair off, some like a little strip, others like hair. I've actually never been with an uncut man, so I don't know what my reaction would be, in all honesty. What it all boils down to, really though, is that if a woman likes YOU, she won't really care what your penis looks like, uncut or circumsized.
  7. Well, first let me welcome you to the board! Let me also tell you that you're lucky to be married to a man who WANTS to please you, no matter how long it may take. I'm sure you've read a lot of posts telling of someone having a not so giving partner here. As for your trouble, to me, it sounds like you may be stressing a bit too much to reach an orgasm? Sex between 2 loving adults is meant to be fun, and shouldn't be rushed (unless you're having a Quickie!!). Allow your husband to pleasure you. I'm sure what he does feels good. If you're stressing about "WHEN is the O coming?????" it will take longer to achieve. So "shut your brain up" so to speak. Try relaxing, deep breathing, and just concentrating on the things your husband is doing to you and the sensations. Don't worry about WHEN your orgasm is coming. Try maybe visualizing what he's doing to you, if it's dark, or watching what he's doing to you. Or have him blindfold you, so some of your senses are heightened. If he's doing something to you, that is just driving you CRAZY, tell him so. Concentrating on one area isn't a bad thing at all. Some women orgasm faster than others. Mostly due to not being able to quiet the mind. So, don't rush, relax, keep trying the toys in different positions, @ different pressures/angles/positions and let us know how you're doing.
  8. Tyger


    To Shave, Or Not To Shave...THAT Is The Question!! It's all a matter of personal preference whether one likes to have pubic hair or not. Most men like a bald pussy, but there are some out there that like them hairy too. Just like some men like big breasts, butts, short hair, long hair, tall or short women. It's all what ya like. And there's nothing wrong with any of it.
  9. I have to agree with Mikayla. Sex is adult play, meant to be fun. Sure, be open to new things, as well as your partner should be willing to do the same. But if you try something, and find it embarrassing and not at all pleasurable, then you shouldn't continue to do it. Where's the fun in feeling humiliated if you're not into that sort of thing? Your partner needs to know that this is how you feel. And he should respect that. You tried it, for him, found you didn't like it, now you both need to find a happy medium that you will BOTH find pleasurable. He should be grateful that he found a partner willing to actually try something she was unsure of for him, at the very least. I don't enjoy pain, but every so often, I like to be nipped, spanked, and have my hair pulled during sex, all light to moderately. If it hurts, I stop it. I do like being tied up as well. I do know some women that like a lot of pain, and then some women that don't like to do anything but the basic missionary/doggie/on top positions. So, some women do, and some women don't like S&M.
  10. Leave it to a man watching porn to "come up with the idea all by himself"!! Well, I hope it works out, whichever way he discovers the joys of adult toys too!
  11. Where I am, we're expecting freezing rain tonight, and thru the rest of the week, although, right now, it's about 73 degrees F outside and humid. Very rare for this time of year. It's usually cold (yes, Texas gets cold). I hope that wherever y'all are, you're safe, warm, and stocked up for the wierd weather!! *MUAH*
  12. So, there are plenty of ideas here, when are we going to have a Contest for The New Year??
  13. How did I miss this one? Well, I hope you were able to tell him how you feel at least? I totally agree with the NO GAME PLAYING thing. I think games have a tendancy to backfire, and people don't see each other for who they truly are. As far as being too available, yes, you can appear that way, especially if he's calling, and you answer it when it doesn't even ring once, hang on every word, and totally fall over yourself when he's around. Some guys like that, but most don't. Being available and appearing desperate are 2 different things. I would, however, be honest with him....to a point. Just tell him that you're very attracted to him, without going into details (those can be saved for later, if you 2 should happen to give it a go). See where it goes from there. Best wishes and good luck!! I hope it works out for you!
  14. My ex husband had an electric penis pump, but it didn't come with all of those goodies!! And they really do work!
  15. Well, Howard was right. Men really are knuckleheads. No offense, but your husband's response was childish and selfish at best. I mean, how can he think something that takes batteries can replace HIM? Or that it would justify screwing someone else? I would carefully choose when and where you broach the subject of adult toys again. I'm assuming that he's about your age, and at that age, men are still pretty immature. Judging by his response only, he may think that if you "screw something else" that it will give him the go-ahead to "screw someone else". Eye for an eye type thing. Maybe, one day, suggest that you want to go to an adult shop to look at sexy lingerie. They usually have a lot of things that leave very very very little to the imagination!! Fantasies can run wild with them! People shopping in an adult store have a tendancy to wind up going to the adult toys section even if it is just out of curiosity. MAYBE if he sees how "unhuman" some of them look, and the sexy women on the front of the boxes CLEARLY enjoying themselves, he MAY change his mind. There are several dual bullets here, and I do have one. And I love it!! There are several on here that have been reviewed too. Go to the top, and in the Product Search Box, type in Dual Bullets. You'll be amazed at what's here!! Good luck!
  16. Howard can always make mr laugh with his candidness!! "Guys are knuckleheads!" Anyway, welcome! Welcome!! My hubby knew from early on in our relationship that I loved adult toys. He's of the "Knucklehead" persuation though, & had a hard time understanding that the toys are an enhancing thing in the bedroom, and not a replacement for him. Especially after I got a vibrator that lit up, and didn't look like a realistic penis. But my husband, after almost 5 yrs of marriage, is getting better at understanding that. I even got him his own Pleasure Pal (fake pussy), that looks pretty real, as far as that goes. I think that's a biggie right there. Men are visual creatures. They're also territorial. They don't want another dick/dick-like thing going into their pussy. Maybe start off with a toy that doesn't look like a real penis, like a clit stimulator, or a basic vibrator (g-spot vibrators also can look non-phallic if you search for them), to get him use to the idea of trying something out. My hubby loves seeing my dildos and vibrators going in and out of me. He loves the lights on some too. And, since he's a mechanic, he loves things that have any sort of motor!! Hopefully, he'll never try to pop the top of my favorite ones to see how they work! Make a show of playing. Like I said, men are visual. Why do you think lingerie is so popular? It sure isn't cuz it's comfortable!! Maybe start out the visual shows with just touching yourself with fingers, exciting yourself for his pleasure as well as yours. Go with Howard's suggestions, going to an adult toy shop, so you can see and sometimes feel what there is out there. Specer's Gifts also has some Doc Johnson products, games, and lotions too. I like getting my toys from here, not only cuz I do reviews, but for the guarantee. No adult store is going to offer you that. Once you purchase something there, that's it. You have a problem? Tough. Here, even if the price goes over what you can get at an adult store with S&H, within a year of purchase, if anything goes wrong, you can exchange it!! How cool is that? Definitely cheaper to exchange it for a new one, than having to buy a whole new item again (favorites happen, and when they die, it's a sad, sad day for all of us). As Howard said, here you have people that have tried the product (in some cases~we're working on trying out every single item!!), reviewed it, and have given an educational description of how the item was used, what it did for them, and what level of sexual toy stage that particular item would be for. I would also recommend looking here on the forum for reviews. The reviews on each product are good, but we are limited to 2000 characters, so have to save a truly detailed review for here. Best of luck to you!!
  17. Tyger


    OK, well, first, since you've talked about sex extensively, I am assuming he's been tested and cleared of STDs (very important now-a-days). I'm also assuming you have a birth control method in place, or one you will be using....like the Pill, condoms, something. As far as the first time, and subsequent times following, you will need to relax, cuz honey, he IS very well endowed!! Relaxation, remembering to breathe, and lotsa lube!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lube isn't for those with medical problems, or cuz you're not excited, it's to help ease insertion. I would say, even if your dripping wet excited, use lube. Remember, that area on a woman is meant to stretch, to accomodate a baby's head to pass thru it!! So, you are physically able to do it. So long as he's patient, and gentle, it be a great experience. Good luck to you!
  18. Well, first, congrats on being able to get your toy without your mother opening it up!! Anyway, from the level of frustration in your post, I am thinking that you're probably trying a bit too hard to achieve an orgasm. Orgasms aren't guaranteed by just the purchase of an adult toy, unfortunately. This may be a bit too much toy for you for your first toy, too. There's a lot of stimulation there! I know you're also worried about privacy from your mother walking in. Orgasms can't be rushed. I haven't tried this item, but have read the reviews. Did you try pushing down on it, pressing it harder onto you? Does it give you any pleasure at all? Relax, keep trying. It may just sneak up on you one time!! All of these are suggestions. I hope they help a little bit at least!!
  19. Oh what a tangled web we weave when we practice to decieve..... I am also not here to judge, I'm just giving my opinion. I mean no disrespect. Ok, well, I have had my own step-sister do this very thing to me. Twice even. She slept with 2 of my BFs in high school, and our relationship has never ever been the same. Not to mention there is no trust anymore. Both times, my BFs were the ones that admitted that they'd slept with her, and that she had gone after them. I respected that they were honest with me, since they both told me tactfully, but those relationships were shot down too. The problem lies not with your boyfriend, as your topic title suggests, but yourself. That no sex with a relation of your SO is important for the sibling's relationships. Girl/boyfriends come and go, blood is blood. Not only have you slapped your BF in the face, but have shown that, when it comes to him, you just don't care if you hurt him or not. If you haven't taught your BF how to please you, then that's your fault. You're the one that cheated, and with the worst possible person to cheat with! His older brother may be a bit more experienced, and a bit more gifted in the penis size department, but trust all of us when we say SIZE ISN'T EVERYTHING. Good lovers are made, not born. Teach and be taught. I know this sounds harsh, but I've been there, and know what pain your BF is about to go thru.
  20. Ok, first, please forgive me if I play both sides of the fence here. To start with, you knew about these dogs, and that if she was going to move in with you, they would be coming too. She probably feels that you hate the animals, even if you haven't said it. What you may need to try to do, is make some effort into actually getting to know the critters. Pet them a bit, talk to them, show them some affection. You also must've known about how they were in her apartment, as far as peeing goes. Small dogs can be a great source of company, but they have small bladders and need to be walked more often than bigger dogs, they can't be tied out all the time, especially in cold weather, or they have to be kennelled. She may not like that option, but if I were you, I would insist that she replace that carpet and start kennelling the dogs whenever they are left alone in that room. They can even be kennelled in the same room you are in. It'll take them a few tries, but if she is firm, and doesn't give in, the whining should stop. This is not to say they should be kennelled all of the time. Just because you don't like them, they are a part of her, as much as pets can be. They will need exercise. But she is in your house, and she needs to respect your property as well. But you knew about how she felt about these animals, and still you had her move in with you with her dogs. You shouldn't be shocked at any of this happening. I've had to get rid of urine smell as well, and let me suggest, that if the floor under the carpeting is either bare plywood, or particle board, that the whole floor be painted with some sort of paint (water-resistant) after the rug is removed. This will kill the smell totally, so whatever may have seeped into the wood underneath, it will be killed off. Plus, the water-resistant paint will ensure that if there is more urine, or any other liquid spilt on the rug, it will stay in the rug, and not seep into the flooring again. It really works. Or, instead of laying new carpetting down, have her replace the carpet with a linoleum floor, with maybe some scatter rugs (that are easily cleaned or replacable) to break it up a bit. They are going to follow her around everywhere, she is their human. They definitely own her. And they know it. Also, they've bonded with her. She is their ticket to food, affection, and being spoiled rotten. There is a line of where pets and partners need to know about. The pets have a time and a place. If they are distructive, or harmful, or dangerous, then they need to be given away, no matter how much we love them. Pets need to learn their place in the household. But there also needs to be a bit of compromise, when it comes to 2 people trying to combine 2 households together. You need to try to be a bit more accepting of them, yet sticking to your rules of like "no dogs in our bed". I see that as reasonable. Maybe her dogs are the only source of affection she's been able to count on, and if so, they're going to be a big source of comfort for her. She needs to be a bit more respectful of your house, and property. Like kennelling or taking her dogs out more often. I CAN tell you that if you give her an ultimatum of "it's either me, or those dogs!!", you will loose, just by forcing her to choose, especially so fresh into the whole moving in together deal. She loves them, and I have found, in my experience too, that women tend to love their pets in almost a maternal sort of way. So when a childless woman says her pets are like her own children, she's not kidding. She just needs to learn that they are pets, and they also need discipline and structure, just like human children, to be happy and healthy. I hope this makes sense. Best wishes!!
  21. My deepest condolences on the death of your vibrator. A loss that great will stay with you a long time. But know that your vibrator died doing what it loved best!
  22. I'm sorry that he took your suggestion badly. You were nicer than I would be. If something hurts, I stop it, whether my hubby is ready to cum or not. Sorry, but sex is suppose to be fun, not painful (unless you're into that). A good lover is willing to hear suggestions, as well as make them. Not pound away to their heart's content, and to hell with what their partner wants. So, you lucked out that he's since disappeared. You deserve better, and now you can find it.
  23. During one of her daily classes a teacher trying to teach good manners, asked her students the following question: "Michael, if you were on a date having dinner with a nice young lady, how would you tell her that you have to go to the bathroom?" Michael said, "Just a minute I have to go pee." The teacher responded by saying, "That would be rude and impolite. What about you Peter, how would you say it?" Peter said, "I am sorry, but I really need to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back." "That's better, but it's still not very nice to say the word bathroom at the dinner table. And you, little Johnny, can you use your brain for once and show us your good manners?" "I would say: Darling, may I please be excused for a moment? I have to shake hands with a very dear friend of mine, whom I hope you'll get to meet after dinner." The teacher fainted.
  24. First, welcome to the forum! We're glad to have new members!! How cruel nature is to make a man's sex drive at it's peak at around the age of 18, and a woman's in her early 40's!! But there ya have it. Your husband sounds like he has "Performance Anxiety". He's afraid of failing, so he wants to hurry up, and get it over with so that he won't be embarrassed that his little soldier isn't marching as fast or long as it use too. If he's had a problem with fear of failing all this time, there's not going to be a quick fix. And if he's stressed from work, well, all of these build and build and build. It sounds like you're doing everything YOU can to help ease his fears. He is his own problem. It's like the saying "If you can't love yourself, how can you expect someone else to love you?" He may need to talk to a counselor, or his doctor to express his concerns. If he can't address his issues, then there is no helping him. And he has to want to help himself. Medications may manage symtoms, but they also help build up confidence, and in doing so, they may help him perform better. Then, he may not need them. You may want to talk to your GYN too, and discuss your hormonal fluxes. He/she may have some suggestions to balance you out too. As far as your sexual frustration, you didn't mention if you had any adult toys? Where he has such a low-self-esteem issue, this may be a delicate topic for him if you're wanting to start a collection of them. If you have some, great, he knows that you use them, and they're a great way of easing your frustrations. If not, when broaching the subject, I would strongly suggest that you tell him that adult toys are for ENHANCING a sexual relationship, and in NO WAY are you getting one (or several) to REPLACE him. He may be scared at your aggressiveness, especially where he is fearful of failure. Maybe try romancing him one night. A night of slow seduction? Including back massages, soft lights, slow music? And if sex doesn't happen, so what? He may just need some nights where he feels that you're there for him, and a nice cuddle on the couch may be what he needs. Good luck to you, and I hope that helps.
  25. One of the keys to online roleplaying is really getting into character, and typing how you would actually speak. It's actually lots of fun! Well, you could play the Nun teacher, and smack his hand with a ruler if he does something bad. Or you could be the sex ed teacher, and very seductively tell him different sexual organs and what to do with them.....
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