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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. I think for the men, it's Val Kilmer. That little sexy natural pout just does me in! For women, I think Halle Barry has GREAT lips!!
  2. The first disc, which is a remake of Paul Thomas' film, delves a bit deeper into the story line of a man, not yet a Man, growing up in a sexual & emotional way. Jim, played by Justin Sterling, as a soft-spoken, kind of subdued, very cute, virgin that decides one night to go to a massage parlor, and falls for his masseuse, Barbara, played by the hot Jenna Jameson. Barbara has more than just skilled fingers! Jim becomes obsessed with Barbara. Surprisingly, Jim is into dom/sub, and offers Barbara some money just for him to play with her the first time out of the massage parlor. There is even a Shibari rope harness all over her body he puts on her the first visit. That was very exciting! She visits him a few times. He even gets a surprise when she brings in another female for him to watch her with. Gorgeous, exciting bodies galore await you in this film! Add a twist to the story: one of Jim's co-workers, Amy, has a big lust-crush on him, and he basically brushes her blatant attempts at seduction. Jim follows Barbara home one night, and she gets angry at him, but gets him to go home, promising to follow, which she does, and tells him that he needs to open himself up to the world, and things are worth the risk. He's been hiding away from the world for so long. They end up having actual sex, and he declares his love for her, risking his heart. Afterwards, he doesn't hear from her for a few days, goes to her work, finds out she quit, and then races to her house. Where he discovers that she has a female lover, and that they are moving. Your heart goes out to this poor, heartbroken soul. The extras on this DVD are great too. A lot of individual scenes from other films, that are sure to please. There's even a gag reel, which is funny to see, especially in an adult film format! The other disc is the original The Masseuse film, done back in the 80's or early 90's. This version follows the directness of the adult films most of us are probably use to. I love both film versions, and would recommend this set for adult film watchers. In fact, I may have to go watch this one again right now! http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...ROD&ProdID=4347
  3. Tyger


    Wow!! I looked at those links, and was intrigued to be sure! In fact, I just watched an adult film with a touch of Shibari in it!! Very exciting and educational!
  4. Wow, I can't believe I missed this either! We are SO bad!! Sorry to keep you hanging for so long! I hope things have gotten better while you waited. Where I respect your husband for going off and fighting for our country, how DARE he come home from being away from you for so long, and tell you that you suck in bed?? That must've really hurt your feelings and your sexual pride! I can pretty much guarantee that a man wouldn't have tolerated a woman saying that to him, if the roles were reversed!! Personally, I would've kicked his ass out. Hey, if my husband said that to me, after 2 kids, and then treated me the way he is you, damn straight he'd be out the door! If he's unwilling to try your suggestions, or even Howard's many great suggestions, I would say he's being too selfish and controlling to be bothered with, IMO. I'm sorry, I know this sounds a bit harsh, but some men that treat their wives like that really burn my butt!! Yes, he went away for a long time, TYVM, but he also needs to respect his WIFE for standing by his side loyally, for that long time too, and be appreciative of what YOU have done in his absence as well. Raising 2 kids, almost as a single parent is difficult enough! And the excitement you felt when he came home, only to be slammed with that? Maybe I'm too suspicious by nature, so it makes me wonder why he says this all of a sudden? Did he enjoy himself before? What's so different now? So, then you do as he asked, go look up stuff to see what turns you on, to spice up the bedroom scene a little more, and he REFUSES to even try? But you are to tolerate his porn watching and then "Roll over & spread 'em?" I'd have told him "No, that's not my thing, and you suck." So what he does is OK, and your ideas don't count? No, I don't think so. That's just me, though. I'm a bit passionate in what I feel is right and wrong. Sorry if I offended.
  5. I took 2 semesters of belly dancing!! How fun is that!! I have some VHS's that I should really take up doing again. I LOVE to rollerskate (I'm SUCH a child of the 80's!!). I also like to go for walks, help people with their computers, & help design web pages (help, not create).
  6. I opened up my newest box from TooTimid, and out came this purple, pearly pleasurer, called the Hot Stud. I was quite impressed with my newest addition to my growing toy collection!! http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...ROD&ProdID=5048 First off, can we say, “pretty”? The picture on the site doesn’t do this little lovely justice! The color is a nice, pearly, lavander, and the veins and head on this 5” cutie are pronounced enough where you just KNOW that this little darlin’ will definitely give you a thrill! It even has balls for not only added effect, but they serve a pleasuring purpose as well. I noticed that it came with a cute little pink satin bag for The Hot Stud to be discretely stored in. How convenient is that? It even came with DIRECTIONS in 6 languages! My first thought on the company that made this divine vibrator was “Quality”. And the feel of my Hot Stud is firm, yet still a bit soft, silky smooth, and the feel of those veins and head, let’s just say I was getting wet just thinking about it! I put in the 2 AA batteries (not included), which, I did have to do some repositioning as to which way they went since the directions were kind of vague, and there were no indicators on/in my Hot Stud. But, SUCCESS!! One battery up, and one down, and bingo! I turned the knob, slowly, and the vibrations started to purr in my hand! As I turned the knob, I could definitely feel the difference in the intensity of the vibrations!! I was really excited to get to using my little Stud! I thought that not only was this item good for experienced toy users, but for beginners as well. It’s not large or intimidating in size or width at all, very pretty, and the variances in the vibes will sure to satisfy everyone! Off to the bedroom I raced, with the Hot Stud firmly in my grip. As I lay down on the bed, I applied some lube, and started feeling my already wet lips with the vibrator that would definitely do the job right!! I started the vibes off low, and used it on my clit and lips, getting more and more excited. Those veins on it really do a great job giving your clit some extra attention, just what every woman wants! Insertion was easy and smooth, and boy, did it ever feel good! I could really feel the vibes and ribbed sensation of the veins. I turned up the vibes, since I enjoy a bit more pressure and vibrations. I could turn the Hot Stud around, since it’s not curved much at all, and have the balls touch my clit and upper lips, which was oh, so niiiice. When pulling my Stud out, I could comfortably rub it against my swollen clit, and then plunge it back in, and that was what finally set me over the edge! Let’s just say that it’s a good thing that this purple pleaser is waterproof! This item will definitely be at the top of my Toy Box for sure!!!
  7. My husband is: Call Me A Slut On The Couch!!! Which is pretty accurate, since we do a lot of fooling around on the couch.
  8. Well, my daughter is almost 4, and right now, if she sees one (while drying after a cleaning or something), I tell her it's just one of Mommy's toys that she can't touch or play with. Another response is that it's a massager (not necassarily a back massager) since that's what they sometimes say on the package themselves, and you're not lying to them, since, that's what it does:massages. They just don't need to know what PART they massage! I'm not embarrassed by my toys, since I've even brought a few out to show off to my girlfriends. But, I think the embarrassment comes when it's a surprise that you may not want to show to other people, like exes or parents. A private part of your life, that is none of their business! I sure as hell don't want MY mother seeing my collection!!
  9. Well, I like to: Read, listen to music, surf the Web (duh), post here, and on 3 other boards I belong too, write letters, dabble in poetry, decorate, play with my daughter, play with my 3 dogs, 5 cats, and 4 horses, keep a clean house, PHOTOGRAPHY, camping, fishing, shopping (hey, I'm a woman!!), and several crafty-type things like ceramics.
  10. Choose your birth month and day to get the subject of your bulletin post! JAN. - make love to me FEB. - call me a slut MAR. - spank my ass APR. - suck my dick MAY- shut up and kiss me JUN.- I'm a sex freak JUL.- I'm a freak AUG.- I wanna fuck SEPT.- Im so fucking horny OCT.-Cuddle with me NOV.- I want to make out DEC.-Let's fuck harder pick your day of birth -- 1-on the couch 2-in the kitchen 3-in the car 4-in your parents bed 5-in the morning 6-at the movies 7-because i love you and always will. 8-when you're horny 9-in my bed 10-at skool 11-right now 12-becaus i am am drag queen 13-under the stars 14-at a wild party 15- after I brush my teeth 16- on the washing machine 17-on the teachers desk 18- in the shower 19-when im sweaty 20-everyday!!! 21-right here, right now 22-on the kitchen table 23-on the couch 24-while watching porn 25-all night 26-at the library 27-while watching TV 28-while I'm asleep 29-everynite on ma bed all nite long 30-all night 31-whenever u have time (Mine is May 16th)
  11. Well, I will be doing a review in the next few days on a product, that, while masturbating, helped me squirt for the very first time!!! I'm VERY proud of myself!!
  12. Now, Howard, exfoliation is VERY important...... Sorry, I just couldn't help myself at all. It was bigger than me.
  13. Guess I should respond since I started it, huh? Well, it was a few years ago, and I got this butterfly toy, that was suppose to stimulate me like I'd never been stimulated before. Um, yeah, ok, suuuuuure!!! I can still see the box I bought this $70 item in too. It was black, with a blonde stradling a chair, with the gold butterfly strapped to her cooch. And she looked like she was enjoying herself (of course). I strapped this little gold butterfly on (using the 2 long elasticky bands, one for each leg, on, turned it on, and was like....... and then
  14. Well, sounds kind of like a fatal attraction. It's good that you recognize that he would probably drag you back to a life that you've worked so hard these past 18 mos to leave. That's a major step right there!! If he wants to do something for your daughter (he donated some DNA there too, so he has certain rights just by birh), by buying her clothes, let him. Sounds like he owes her a lot more than that!! If you feel that he may cause your hormones to go all over the place, then may I suggest that you meet him in a public place, like have him meet you at a restaurant (not fancy or romantic in nature, like Denny's, or even McDonald's). Some place that doesn't mean anything to either of you. Does he know you have a GF? Make it known, at least that you're in a committed relationship. DON'T go anywhere else with him, if you want to continue the life that you are leading now, in a positive path. Plus, is the sex SO good that you're willing to go back into the bad stuff you were in before, and probably loose your kids over it? Keep thinking about your girls, and chances are, that will give you the strength you will need. Great sex is wonderful to have, but if it leaves you feeling worthless, drags you down, or is the only way you can connect with someone, then, it's best left in the past, lessons learnt, and life moves on, for you and you girls. Good luck!
  15. OK, I read thru the first 4 posts, and skimmed the rest *bad Tyger, bad Tyger*, but here's my take on it, forgive me if I repeat anything that someone else has probably said. First, if, after 12 yrs of being together, you are just NOW finding your voice in the bedroom,how fair is it of you to "resent" your husband for not being able to please you, when all along, he thought he was with your faking orgasms? He can't just magically give you the orgasms you want, crave, and deserve all of a sudden *POOF* when he thought he was doing just fine in the past, right? Try and remember the key thing, sex is suppose to be fun! Whether a fling, or an expression of love between people. Harder done than said is the "relaxing" part. Don't worry about jiggling, how do you look, am I doing this right, what's he thinking, did I pay the phone bill? Just go with the flow. And don't don't don't go into the bedroom worried about getting your *O* on. Enjoy whatever sensations that feel good. Gently steer him in the right direction as to where/what you want him to do to you. It may take a few times for him to grasp what you're trying to tell him. But try hard not to let frustration do the steering/talking. It may come out wrong, and hurt his feelings & fragile male ego. Experience new things in & out of the bedroom, sexual and non-sexual. Everyone's tastes change over time, as we mature, so do our bodies. For instance, I use to LOVE having my breasts touched, fondled, sucked. Until I had our daughter. I breast-fed for a whole year (something that I will NEVER EVER regret). My breasts still look pretty good, but I just don't like them being touched or sucked on now. "Leave them alone, they're mine!!" Kind of thing I guess. My hubby is a breast man, so I try and tolerate it as much as I can, then try and gently steer him elsewhere. I'm glad to read that you're going to counselling, and working thru some issues you have. Self-discovery is a wonderful thing. Good luck to you and have some fun!
  16. Would you want to know how many lovers your partner had? Yes, I usually do ask them how many. There have only been 2 that I haven't asked, one being Junior. Funny thing is, is that me and my hubby have had the same amount of lovers (9). Would you volunteer this information or only provide if asked? Yes I would/have, but only when asked. I don't just go "bragging" how many (or lack of) men I have been with. Is there such a number that you would consider too high for a certain age group? Well, if we're talking under the age of 18, hell yes. But, as for my age group, probably nothing would shock me really. Maybe over 100? If your partner exceeded this number would your feelings for that person change? Meaning, would you look at them differently. Well, I'd insist on other STD testing before anything happened. Since, the majority of the regulars on the board probably remember, I DO have an STD, and if, Gods forbid, anything happened between hubby and I, I legally HAVE to disclose what I have anyway.
  17. Well, I have a 3 1/2 little girl that I would like to keep this age forever, but, I do know that that's not reality. My mother never had The Talk with me. I found out from friends mostly, plus when I took sex ed at school. Thankfully, the way I was raised, I did things a bit "smarter" than some of my peers. Each child is different. Where your kids are still kind of (emotionally) young, maybe start off a talk with HOW and WHY their bodies are changing. Use everyday words that are the actual terms for them, and give them examples of slang for those parts. So that they will be prepared for what is actually being said at the time. Tell them what terms are appropriate for "every day talk" from children. Also tell them, that at this age, anyone touching them on their parts that isn't suppose to (like the doctor, or parents when checking for injury or sicknesses) is inappropriate, and that there are NO secrets that parents should not hear! Maybe wait until they show signs of interest in the opposite sex (I think Billy is cute), and then have a age appropriate sex talk with them. Only you will know when your children are emotionally and mentally ready for that kind of talk. It's a find line between allowing them to embrace their gender and sexuality, or trying to keep them children until it's too late. Good luck!!
  18. Awesome first time toys!!! I hope that both of you like them!! Good luck and happy playing!!!
  19. OK, well, I agree with lots of the statements, and disagree *respectfully* with others. First, is there a REASON, other than she may think it's "gross" that she won't give you a BJ, like, was she forced to do it in the past, and just can't get past that? If so, there's not much aside patience, understanding, and maybe counselling, that would get her thru it. Each person is different as to what they like and dislike, and we must respect each other's differences. It makes life intersting to be sure. Is she uncomfortable with the whole idea, or the actual BJ itself? Is she extremely self-conscious? To be on Howard and Mikayla's defense team, not a lot of background was given in the whole reasons as to WHY she doesn't like to do so. Your arguments are strong, and FOR your wife, which is extremely admirable for a husband to do. I know more husbands, or men in general, that would badmouth the lack of BJ's, whine, bitch, and moan, and tease their SO's about it all. So, I commend your loyalty for your wife! I think Two said it very well that maybe it's just not her forte, and that if there are several aspects of the marriage that are good, and this is just one of few of it that aren't, then, hey, we have to respect that. And leaving someone just because they won't perform oral sex is a bit weak, especially if you've tolerated it all this time. Now, if she'd done it BEFORE or early on in the marriage, then, well, a little less talk and a lot more action would be needed there. I will agree with Howard and Mikayla, especially with the insufficient info given, that if she's just refusing to give you a BJ "just because", then she IS being selfish. If you're willing to give to her, and pleasure her in the ways SHE likes, she should reciprocate. You both need to remember, most importantly, that sex is fun, and between and man & wife, also an expression of love and trust between them. GIVE & TAKE. Not just give, give, give. Have fun, help her relax, and she should know that she should WANT to help you feel good too. It's not all about her pleasure. But BOTH of yours. Kuddos on the newest adventure in toy purchasing (I've read most of your posts), and I hope that she is going to continue to do more adventurous sexual encounters with you! Maybe you could get a male masturbator or something, at first, to get her use to the idea. Maybe she'll want to give you a BJ seeing the toy give you one, and your pleasure. Lots of women get off on the whole "power" they have over their partner's excitement. As far as the whole "she didn't like the look of the shaved Private Ryan". Well, if she's fairly timid, and not "wordly" in the ways of sex, then, yes, it CAN look a bit silly the first time, seeing your man shaved if you're not use to it. Kinda like seeing an extreme hair style change in your wife. It can take time to adjust to it. I would suggest, keeping it trimmed at least, just for your comfort. I hope you continued happiness, ON BOTH of you. I hope that you are able to overcome this obstacle, if, in fact, that is what it is.
  20. OMG Whiskeywoman!!! I would've died!! Bet their Daddy was kinda questioning "why" y'all are ex's!! *sorry*
  21. I've always enjoyed ball playing!!!
  22. Tease me, but be sure to please me!!! Actually, I have been tied, spread eagle before. And one time, was on a metal tube framed bed, which I broke during orgasm!!
  23. I must agree, this article is definitely worth the time to read. And it's so well written!! If I had to use one word for it, I guess it would be Inspirational, or would it be Educational? I guess 2 words then!!
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