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Everything posted by nosleepnmesa

  1. Glad to hear you dumped that abuser!!!! GREAT JOB THERE!!!! You know that ending that relationship was the best thing for you. Also it may still be affecting you sexual to. I was once in a very abusive relationship which I shared with you a little bit. Now that you have your friend that you have always had a great sexual relationship with, the past relationship could still be playing a little bit of a role. Although you may not be intentionally thinking about while you are trying to have great sex with your friend it still may be linguring in the back of your mind. You said it yourself to that you are getting mad, try to relax some, don't try so hard. You have been threw a traumatic relationship, heck your boyfriend rape you and you wonder why you are having such a hard time getting wet etc... Have you all tried to talk threw it? I honestly believe that the other had relationship is playing a impact here. Here is a question for you though, when you masturbate can you get yourself wet? Just a question. Try talking to him about it. I am sure others here will have much better advice but you have been threw alot lately and it may be affecting you still although it is not right there on your mind. Keep us posted and good luck!!!
  2. Howard and Mikayla you both crack me up!! I think though there would be alot of zigging and zagging as Howard put it but also I could see a debate coming before and after. Since I have seen you both debate over things here before. LOL
  3. I love the new quote hrnychick!!! I am in total agreement here with Mikayla on this one. Your man allows you to put his most prize jewel in your mouth, which he also enjoys completely. I have said it before and I am gonna have to say it again. Your man when he goes down on you and you cum he continues to eat you out without complaining. So I am having a very hard time understanding why women don't swallow, I mean the look on your SO face when you do it is something that is amazing and knowing that you gave him that type of pleasure is even more of a turn on. Well I am sure I will catch a little grief here but that is okay. This is only my opinion, I think that spitting it out is ewwwwwy, I mean I know if my SO after I came then I saw him spit it out I think I would be sick. Pearl necklaces aren't bad and facial aren't bad either but me I rather swallow him.
  4. Two wrongs DON"T make a right. I totally agree with Mikayla's post, I believe the man probaley was already thinking about having a affair before his wife came out and told him that she had slept with someone else. I think this is just plain WRONG and hard on a relationship. If it was a open relationship to start with that is one thing, for the husband to forgive her that would be another thing, but to do what he did is not right.
  5. Congratulations on your 10th and I am sure you will have a wonderful time!!!!
  6. I had to ask my hubby on this question. He said,"Sexy is so much better then hot." A women can be hot but then her attitude and the way she carries herself can make her ugly. I think I have been blessed even after having 5 kids, for some odd ball reason I am still HOT and Sexy, says alot of my friends and of course my hubby, my ass is still tight, my tits are still firm, age must have not taken its toll on me yet. My body is still in the same great shape is was before I had any kids. Maybe it is the Germany in me I don't know, my mother had 13 of us and her body is still the same when she was a teen, just her face got older. I personally have to say SEXY wins, for the same reason my hubby stated.
  7. Sorry Kennym my son isn't feeling well, so I wasn't able to get the review posted but I will have time today to get it posted for you.
  8. Here is a couple links to a few of them. http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...ROD&ProdID=4464 This one is very basic and heck waterproof to. =) http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...ROD&ProdID=3385 this is alot like my first vibe. These both are very easy to clean, just a little antibacterial soap and water. http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...ROD&ProdID=3219 All of these are average size and not very big girthed. Hope these help. Good Luck and keep us posted.
  9. Welcome Tiger!!! Well first off need to ask you a few questions. Are you looking for a dual vibrater(clitoral stimulation along with the vibe)? I know you said quiet, so I am wondering if you wanted a dual or just a basic vibe? Looking for something realistic looking or? I am sure it needs to easily hidden since you stated the boys like to get a little nosey. Have you read the toy reviews section to by chance? J Let me know and I am sure between all of us here on the forum we can find you something.
  10. Hi Kennym, I am just about to write a remove on the Deep Stroke Jack Rabbit. It is WONDERFUL, I own a few vibes and a few g-spot vibrators and I have to tell you that this Deep Stroke is out of this world. The little bunny (clitoral Stimulator is perfect, the ears sit perfectly on the clitoral area) I know that with some women were having problems with the ears and they wouldn't stay just right, these are OMG perfect, and the pearls rotate, and the shaft thrust in and out. This product is AMAZING. I had many multiple orgasims with it and I am still playing with it. I will be writing a review on it tonight, it is now one of my MOST favorite toys. As far as quiet this vibe has alot of power, it is multi-speed, one of buttons controls the speed of the vibration and the other the speed of the rotation. To be honest with this vibe and all of its power really is not that noisy. It is not extremely quiet, I have a sick 3 yr old right now and so he is sleeping in my room with me I moved his bed to my room. I played with this vibe during nap time and he slept right threw it, thank god I had a pillow over my face As far as a g-spot vibe, I am so in love with Jessicas Strobing Probe, that one really isn't that loud either. My hubby loved the strobe lights on it, and I loved that it hit me right on that spot. Hope this helps and the review will be posted later tonight on it.
  11. Well I would have to say Howard and Mikayla, since they are both very educated on sexual issues. I think it would be a hot and heavy day. Along with being extremely fun to watch.
  12. Hiya trickychick, Well since it is a hormone pill yes it can, have side effects like this. When my last son was born 3years ago, they put me on the pill because I was having so many other problems, I then had a hysterectomy. The hormone in the mini-pill is the same hormone that you find in pregnant women. So basically you could have the same side effects as if you were pregnant. I know that when I got pregnant the first few months I wanted nothing to do with sex. Let your body adjust to the medication, it usually takes a few weeks, then if no change talk to your DR. I only know this since that is the same medication they have put my daughter on since her periods are so adnormal but then again she is only 10, I asked alot of questions about it. When I was taking it after my son was born, I was only taking it for about 2months before my hysterectomy. I wanted nothing to do with sex, but then again I also just had a baby. Everybody's system adjust differently to hormone pills. If this doesn't seem to go away after your body adjust talk to your DR about it. Hope this helps!
  13. univ, here you will get honesty, sometimes the truth will hurt. You are young so enjoy it while you have it. Everyone here is friendly and helpful and honest with their opinions and advice. You may not like the adive or opinions at times but think about them and most of the time you will see that it is wonderful. I am not going to critize you or judge you and noone on this forum will, I was just reading all the post and decided to reply to what you had said. Take care and good luck,
  14. nosleepnmesa


    Awww I feel for you Whiskey. Heck I was up all last night since my little ones dog was really sick, vomiting all night. Then of course he was up crying since he was worried. We went to bed finally at about 2am when my 3yr old woke up at 4:30am saying he didn't feel good. Then the teens had to get up at 530am for school then my daughter at 630. I got them all off to school when my little ones school teacher called and I had to go pick him up, he was sitting in class and all of a sudden he started gettting huge welts on him. I thought they looked like hives, but then they started getting bigger and forming heads (blisters) took him to Urgent Care and it is a bacteria infection they gave him antibotics and something for the iching and inflammation. It has been a long day here. Oh ya then had to take the dog to the vet, we all know that is not a cheap bill, she is going to be fine thank goodness she better be after a 1500.00 vet bill. Hope all is well.
  15. Telecom69, that question is not fair I like both!!!!Hmmmmm eating me and vibrating me does that count as an answer? This question is hard but since I have to choose, my hubby eating me out over my vibrator. I really love both at the same time though.
  16. HI, I wrote the review on the Erotic Butterfly and the straps will adjust to any size women. Heck the straps on this perticular product I could get around my wait in one of the thigh straps. I am not a medium build women. I am sure this product you would have no problem with and it is easy to adjust without any problem. Hope this helps!!! The Erotic Butterfly is my favorite strap on toy, I love it!!!!
  17. nosleepnmesa

    Can't Do It

    WOW!! I have to let you know that I think you will do wonderful at writing look at all the wonderful information and writing you have already done here on the forum. Good Luck to you!!!!!
  18. I am right there with all the other post here. Girth is better then length! I rather have the full feeling then to have my cervix beat on all the time.
  19. Welcome otis!!! Don't worry about it or stress over it. Heck I have a toy that the penis is only about 3inches and a girth of .5. It is perfect for those G-spot Orgasims. Let me tell you a little more I was with a guy who was about 3.5inches long and had a about 1.5in girth, he was wonderful in bed. How you get over it, I am not sure but don't stress over it at all. You are not cursed or anything else, the reason you are having a hard time getting an erection is. you said it yourself you are stressing about it. You know sometimes size DOESN'T matter, love, touchy and foreplay, Bondagejunkie is correct the first few inches of a womens pussy are the most sensitive heck our g-spot is only a couple inches in. Good Luck and Keep us posted.
  20. Yes my first time anally hurt, but I also wasn't relaxed and we weren't using lube. I love anal now and no it doesn't hurt at all. I make sure I am relaxed and we use LOTS of lube.
  21. Welcome Univ to Tootimid!!!! Well this of course is my opinion on the situtation. I think you need to know what turns you on, in order to decrease your sex drive. I have to say that this is the first I have heard of someone trying to decrease there sex drive. If you know what turns you on then try to keep your mind off that subject or person, I think would be a start. Also maybe add more activity in your life to keep your mind busy? I am really not sure if there is anything out there to decrease your sex drive but in this day in age I am sure there may be. Have you talked to your DR? These are the only things that I can think of off the top of my head. I am sure that others here on the forum will prolly be a little more helpful. Good Luck!
  22. Hrnychick I have to say maybe I am a very lucky women. When I met my hubby, I was completely honest with him, he knew the whole story, feelings etc... You have a good point, it is EXTREMELY HARD not for me to visit him. In fact one time I couldn't go due the a neighbor being a theif, so my hubby had to work that weekend to make up for the lost time. I cried my eyes out like a little baby. Hubby and I are going to have another talk, I have to say you all are right in alot of ways, you know they say the Truth hurts which is what I told Mikalya. I have to say that..................................I am thinking about what everyone has said and hubby and I are up for a new talk, just to touch bass again on the subject and make sure everything is still fine, but I am sure if it wasn't then he would say so.
  23. Hi Shena, Okay let me answer these one at a time. My husband and I talk about anal alot since I love having big Os from it. Do we plan it? sometimes and sometimes not, we could be in a hot and heavy session and it just happens. I perfer having anal without a condom, I like the feel of my husband cock without a condom. For your next question it is both of us really, when things get hot and heavy sometimes my hubby will say baby I want your ass and I will out a vibe in my pussy, since I love DP. At other times it is me that says it. I think it all depends really but we are equal on that one. I honestly can't say who says it more then the other and sometimes it just happens neither of us say it. I am always for anal since I love the DP, but anal has never been a appetizer, it has been the main course and the desert all at once though. Things always finish with the internal cum. Yes I can feel his throbbing cock in my ass and yes I love when he feels it up, and yes again it does enhance my pleasure. Hope I covered all your questions.
  24. First off WELCOME!! I went looking for you here on the shopping area of the site and I found these. I don't know for sure how well the work since I have not use them personal. Is this something that maybe you were looking for? Hope this helps some and Welcome again! http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...ROD&ProdID=3639 http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...ROD&ProdID=3216
  25. Thanks Mikayla, Like Hrnychick I don't check the from page very often at all. I went to sex education looking for the article. Now my friend can read it. I have to say EXTREMELY well written and loads of information for others. Another wonderful article! Kathy
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