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Everything posted by chickenmom

  1. Hell ya! Hormones have kicked in high gear. What exercises?
  2. Thanks. I'll return it and trust the new one will be better. Must have been a bad lot.
  3. Mine feels really flimsy. When I turn it off, the pieces just right right apart. I don't trust it to be water sealant enough.
  4. I bought the Jessica's Strobing Probe. http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp? PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=4725 It takes about 15-20, but when I cum, I feel as though I have let my bladder loose. There is a major amount of liquid there. Complete soaking the sheets, towel, everthing. There has also been a time when I was finished and just sitting there, and a release of the same amount of liquid happened again! I'm still wondering if what is happening is my bladder letting loose or is it my g spot. I make sure I use the restroom and make sure my bladder is empty before I start my playtime. Even after reading these forums, I'm still confused. Any ideas?
  5. Welcome back, Mikayla. Hope you had a great time.
  6. Great idea! I look at this site everyday and have decided that I want one (or two) of everything! It would be nice, however, for my husband to go to my wish list and purchase something for me as a surprise.
  7. A man with honor. They are hard to find. Good for you. I hope the next relationship works for you. I have never known a relationship that was based on infidelity to work. What will keep them from doing again? Nothing. It also hurts the other party and their children in such a way that it's hard overcome.
  8. Thanks for the review. I was going to post the same question. Remember Tim Allen? MORE POWER! That's me. I'll be ordering one right away.
  9. Kirk: I was one of those who never wanted sex. Lord, almight, has it changed! I'm primed and ready to go at ALL times now. In the past, I hated sex; it was boring; I never climaxed; it was a chore; I felt uncomfortable about touching myself, etc., etc., etc. Give your wife time. This site has given me so much courage. I really think you should get her to read this forum. Ask her in a loving and non-judgemental way to view it. It has really given me the ability to open up to things and to not think that it's perverse. There are some things that I will definitely not try, but on the whole, I am not the same person I was just a month ago. Howard, Mikayla, Katprr, and the others are very knowledgeable and very giving with their time and advice. I have found this site to be very comforting as a women. As for the panties, I ordered the butterfly. It arrived. I put in the batteries to test it. The vibrations are not all that strong. I'll probably send it back, because I need some real power for me. Also after looking at it, I'm not sure you can really position it well where it needs to be and have it stay there. I'm probably going to get something with the wire and just have a long shirt.
  10. I wouldn't. Kids and teens don't have the mental capacity to understand and process what's really happening. Exposing children to those types until they are adults puts them at risk for soooo many things. We are their parents, not their friends.
  11. I'll put out my black mourning outfits to wear until you get back. Have a great time.
  12. I just recently had my first O at the age of 37. Read the posts that Howard and Mikayla have written. It'll help so much. Relax, breathe deep and go for the clitoral stimulation. OMG will you have it. I have found that I can only O with a toy, not with the hubby. He understands now and has just adapted them to our sex life now. He doesn't feel badly, because he knows that I'm now enjoying sex and it's not a chore anymore. The best advice I can give is get a bullet, relax, find your "perfect" place on your clit, and O away.
  13. Yeah! You took the plunge!. Congrats. It was worth it wasn't it?
  14. I ordered the wireless butterfly. I'm hoping it works well. The panties didn't look as though you had a lot of control as to where the "action" would be. As far as the whole car thing, I want to do that!! I found a button up the front skirt in the depths of my closet that has become my new favorite thing to wear when going somewhere with the hubby. The first time I unbuttoned while we were driving and put his hand there, he almost wrecked. Since I can't always be with him, I have high hopes for the wireless butterfly.
  15. Valerie: I'm relatively new to this forum also. Thanks to Howard and Mikalya, Katpurr and everyone else, I took their advice and finally had my first orgasm at the age of 37. Now that I've achieved the big O, I want sex all the time. Being as my husband is 44, he is actually asking me for a break now. My how the tables have turned. I'm trying to make up for 37 years as quickly as I can!! In any case, before recently, I would have NEVER even considered touching myself, much less masturbating alone. Now, it's daily. I'm experimenting with myself in several ways that I never thought I would. It's so worth letting you enjoy yourself. Let go and take the plunge. You will be so glad you did.
  16. I concur 2000 percent! I have finally achieved that elusive orgasm that I have never had thanks to everyone's suggestions and giving me encouragement to experiment and step outside of my comfort zone. I just ordered another round of toys for a trip to the beachouse in a few weeks. My husband keeps asking where was this person 16 years ago! He is even asking me a break! Not happening. I have a lot of years to make up for!!!
  17. If you have a boardwalk type of entertainment area, that would work well. There's restaurants, places to just sit and watch the world go by, even games if you want. It's open, has a lot of variety, and it would give you a chance to stroll holding hands if you felt that comfortable with him. Good luck!
  18. I used to never give blowjobs unless it was a special occasion, ie birthday, etc. The hubby is now getting them on a regular basis. I swallow, not because I like it, but because it's just easier. It also makes the hubby happy.
  19. I actually bought these several weeks ago. I've never tried any type of bondage, but the hubby and I have a week planned at a beachhouse in a few weeks. I'm waiting for then to give it a go.
  20. I think you're psychic. I drink a ton of cokes. I only drink coffee or hot tea on hangover or really cold days. Cokes, however, I always have one in my hand. I'll give it a try.
  21. Now that I'm actually climaxing, I am getting headaches. I believe I'm relaxing, and I am having multiple orgasm, but I still have a tremendous headache. I've taken ibuprofen before and after. Even when I wake up in the morning, I still have the headache. Any ideas on what I can do to stop the headaches? Needless to say, I won't give up now. Even the pain is worth the pleasure.
  22. As one who just discovered the joys of having an orgasm, I can relate to her problem. Try having her visit this site and reading the posts herself. It gave me the courage to let my body respond and to try different things. This site is extremely informative. Also, she has to be able to trust you completely. She may be feeling embarassed about what she looks like, sounds like, etc. Be reassuring and take your cues from her. As for the relaxing, have her try the breathing. Howard really does know what he's talking about when he discusses it.
  23. The bullet part of the toy died!! Five days and I've already killed it. I am sooo getting another one of those. It just wasn't the same without it. My poor husband is begging for a night off at this point. In the past there was never enough sex for him. Now it's too much. Men. You can never please them.
  24. Okay. Here goes. We bought two toys. One was similar to the vibrating cock ring for men with clitorus stimulation. It really didn't do much for us. Everything just got in the way, so we dispensed with that. It'll probably never get used again. The other is a vibrator with a rotating head and rotating beads on the shaft. It also has a bullet. The controls have variable speeds for both items. Seeing as how I had never orgamsed before, I didn't anticipate much. WOW! I was wrong. The girth on the vibrator was average, but the rotating head did the trick. I think I discovered that my g-spot is higher than most. When the rotating head did it's number up there and the bullet hit my clitorus, I literally kicked my husband off the bed. It was hysterical! For the second round, he made sure to hold my legs. Flying through the air was not his cup of tea. The hubby really enjoyed playing with the controls and teasing me with sensations. I thought I would feel rally embarassed or uncomfortable, but after the big O, I could care less. I just know that I like it.
  25. I'm relatively new to this forum myself, but I have found so much great advice from everyone. So here goes mine. I have been married 16 years and have 3 of my own children and a nephew living with us. I definitely know about lack of interest. However, recently I have found myself wanting to be with my husband more. I think I've finally hit my prime. So, I'm taking every advantage to seduce my husband. I have found my cell phone and cell phone camera to be an indispensible part of our day. When I'm thinking about him, I'll text him. I'll tell him the things I want to do to him, or vice versa. I've also taken several strategic pictures and sent them to him. For him, the anticipation of the next message has been sending him over the edge for wanting me. It has made me feel so good, and him as well knowing that I want him. Take the time to hold hands when you are together. That simple act means so much. Kiss him passionately when he comes in the door, out of the blue. When you are watching TV, lay in his lap. When you are eating, sit beside each other with your legs touching. We let everything else get in the way of us for so many years. These simple things have rekindled our romance. I feel like we are newlyweds. We've also discovered the joy of toys. Good luck.
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