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Everything posted by froggystyle1977

  1. Well my first toy was a basic vibe. It was green smooth and was ok, bought at the local adult bookstore at the time it was a dark dingy icky place that I just wanted to get out of!!!I don't have many toys so I can't say I really have a favorite.
  2. That is such a Bummer its seems that anyone who tries to make tihngs easier on others usually gets the short end of the stick. hopefully someone will remember what you have done and apprieciate it. I may not live where you do but I apprieciate the sacrificies you make everyday!! yours is a hard Job don't let a bunch of jealous idiots get you down!!!
  3. It happens all the time, its ridiculous really. Did you check to see if the parking lot had cameras? some do. You never know they may be able to find whoever it was!! I would be really upset too I can't afford to have someone hit me I would not be able to get it fixed.
  4. I would be willing to write something up. Probably should post a suggestion spot for a few days first that way everyone can put some input?
  5. You have recieved some very good Advice and talking to your doctor may be a very good idea!!! I just wanted to wish you good luck!!
  6. Thurisas is right there are many toys that you can attach to surfaces and then ride them. For someone larger the side of the tub or head board, footboard of a bed. May work well. I am sorry I can't offer much for advice I am reletively new to the world of toys myself. good luck finding something perfect!!!
  7. I am sorry its sounds like someone hurt you very badly, while I don't know your exact situation it happens to the best of us and there is no was to stop it, I myself can't stand liars either and there seems to be more and more of them. It may not seem like it right now or for a long time but this will become a learning experience for you good luck!!
  8. Welcome to the forum, I too was a lurker for a while!!
  9. I second that!!! Hello and thanks for the nice introduction!!! wellcome and have fun!!
  10. Well I don't no about noone biting here LOL some only nibble!! LMAO Its very hard to take that first step, though posting here can be more of a leap!! Welcome and have fun exploring, feel free to ask questions!!!
  11. As of right now reading this post I gotta agree that fist is hilarious!!!!!!!!! I do find penis or boob pasta really funny too!!
  12. Sounds like your very satisfied!! Congrats
  13. It may be best for you to put this in "beginers ask your question here" I am sure it will get more attention as its own post
  14. You may or may not be able to have a g-spot orgasm for some it just isn't possible, it never hurts to keep trying but I don't think anyone here can give you the answers that you seek. I am not sure about the menopause thing but every person is different, so while some may lose sensation others gain much more. You won't know what will happen until you yourself go through it. For some G-spot just doesn't happen, it could be nerve endings, it could be scars from birth, there are many reasons It could also be that you feel you have never really enjoyed or had much sensation during intercourse so you mentally have blocked yourself from the enjoyment. I am sure others may be able to give you much more insight then me, I hope things work out for you Good luck!!
  15. I am thinking that its because of the natural curve inside. A stiff vibe is inflexible so it won't curve to her body while the Jelly flex can stay with the curves.
  16. Kind of hard to give any recommendations here since your question is very vague. I would suggest looking in the forum under Adult DVD reviews or DVD of the month discussions. Then head up to the shopping section (first tab on the top)there are many too choose from. Reviews may help you in making your decision good luck.
  17. I keep trying to picture this, close my eyes and breathe slowly geting a picture LOL LMAO ROFLMAO ok I am done!!
  18. Welcome I am sure you find lots of insight and ideas here Enjoy!!
  19. Welcome to the forum! I know the feeling of not feeling sexy after having kids. concentrating on one thing really helps, and it can be a different thing every day!! My eyes look good today or my hair. Then there are those days when feeling sexy is just impossible. Enjoy reading the education section there are some really great articles in there!!!!
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