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Travel By Air With Toys

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I have read the listings for a while and have finally signed on for this question. How do I go on vacation WITHOUT THE RUGRATS!!!! :D but with our toys and avoid any issues with security at the airport. This is a sailing vacation, so ideally we would only take a small amount of clothes in a duffel-type bag, but I am willing to check bags if that is what it takes. It is his 40th birthday, and I want each day to be a celebration of sun, water and sex. :lol: Any suggestions?

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Welcome Hotmomaof3!!!! I have traveled with my toys numerous times. :) I checked my bags threw sercurity and never had any problems at the airport. They were not carry-on though since they had my toys in them. That actually is a good question, I have never had any problems but as a carry-on I am not to sure, I mean the worst case scernio would be that it goes threw the scanner and the person running it might see what it is, but as far as them saying anything I doubt it, but I personally have traveled with my toys on a plane but have always checked them in to go into the cargo area. Good question. :)

I am sure someone on this board has more then likely had a carry on with a toy, and prolly will be able to help you more.

Have a wonderful trip, everyone deserves a vacation with no kids!!! :P I am still waiting for mine. I hope you have a safe and fun filled trip.

Let us know. We love feed back.

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The best advice - TAKE OUT THE BATTERIES! Anything with a battery seems to set off the sensors and call attention to itself. Take out your batteries and they go right through! I have gone through with 2-3 toys in my carry-on and never had to open my bag! ;)


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The best advice - TAKE OUT THE BATTERIES! Anything with a battery seems to set off the sensors and call attention to itself. Take out your batteries and they go right through! I have gone through with 2-3 toys in my carry-on and never had to open my bag! ;)


You ROCK!! Thanks for that advice. My husband will be sooooo happy to hear that. It would be a shame to waste the cool gifts I am planning for the trip just because I was a chicken about security. I will limit it to a few toys and have a great trip. (Of course, the best gift is being adults only-- natural aphrodesiac, I think!!)


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Me and my wife have done several Carinal cruises,,,She always take one toy,,It is the "Love Boat" so Im sure they have seen them before,,just take out batts,,,I read that security at one airport called in a animal control officer for a snake in a bag,,turned out it was a vibrator turned on and sounded like a rattel snake. Put it in check ags and no one will know. Just hope the air line does not loose it. Hey contact the lines and have them sell them on the ships! That would be a great item to take home,,a "love Boat" vibe with your ships name on it!!! Hell they sell everything else(at 3 times the regular cost).

Ya know, if I find a Puerto Rico sailboat toy I will share with anyone who will listen. That really is a clever marketing ploy. Kind of like getting an ornament on vacation for your Christmas tree, only way funnier and more fun. :D

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Thanks for the hint Mikayla, last time I had to fly out to New York, I took my Lifesaver Vibe with me,

I left the batteries in, and it was in my carry on bag.

Imagine my embarassment when the security people began going through my bag and found my vibe.

Now every time I have to fly somewhere they always pull me to the side and search my bags.

Next time, I will leave the batteries at home LOL

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I have read the listings for a while and have finally signed on for this question. How do I go on vacation WITHOUT THE RUGRATS!!!! :D but with our toys and avoid any issues with security at the airport. This is a sailing vacation, so ideally we would only take a small amount of clothes in a duffel-type bag, but I am willing to check bags if that is what it takes. It is his 40th birthday, and I want each day to be a celebration of sun, water and sex. :lol: Any suggestions?

I have worn the remote control panties on a plane. What I do is take them in my carry on let them inspect. No-one has ever questioned them. I go into the bathroom and put them on while waiting for the plane. I walk out and hand him the remote and then we have fun on the way to our destination. It's kinda cool because I am not good at being quiet while having an orgasim, yet am forced to be silent on the plane. Last time he was holding my hand and softly stroking. He whispered in my ear to squeeze my pussy when he squeezed my hand. About 5 squeezes in.. I was gone! We both loved it.

I figure.. if they ask me.. I will just raise my eyebrows and say it's for recreational purposes and wink.

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I have worn the remote control panties on a plane. What I do is take them in my carry on let them inspect. No-one has ever questioned them. I go into the bathroom and put them on while waiting for the plane. I walk out and hand him the remote and then we have fun on the way to our destination. It's kinda cool because I am not good at being quiet while having an orgasim, yet am forced to be silent on the plane. Last time he was holding my hand and softly stroking. He whispered in my ear to squeeze my pussy when he squeezed my hand. About 5 squeezes in.. I was gone! We both loved it.

I figure.. if they ask me.. I will just raise my eyebrows and say it's for recreational purposes and wink.

Again, great advice. I think after watching and reading about London the last few days, I will just commit to checking my bags with toys. Actually, my husband noted that the lube might be a bigger deal right now. But if things change, perhaps I will try out your idea... definitely more interesting than the in-flight movie. B)

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I like bringing them to my wife in the Philippinnes. When customs looks in my bag, I pull them out and turn them on. "Does your wife, or you have one these" "these are terrific" . Suffice it to say I get through customs real quickly.

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  • 3 months later...
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Just an update for y'all...

My husband put the bullet vibe--with battery separate-- in his carryon next to his iPod and no one said a word. Very good for fun in-flight, since we were in a row by ourselves.

The vacation was FABULOUS! I recommend Puerto Rico for anyone who wants to escape with or without kids. We kayaked to a small island next to a big one and felt like we could have been shipwrecked. Many sailor/pirate fantasies fulfilled.

Thanks for your advice, guys! :D:D:D:D

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Taking the batteries out is a great idea!

If you are taking a carry-on bag, just remember, nothing liquid or even gelatinous is allowed on planes anymore, including personal lubricant, even lip gloss! They WILL make you throw it away.

If you have luggage, I would recommend checking it in, but that can be such a hassle!

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Thanks for the hint Mikayla, last time I had to fly out to New York, I took my Lifesaver Vibe with me,

I left the batteries in, and it was in my carry on bag.

Imagine my embarassment when the security people began going through my bag and found my vibe.

Now every time I have to fly somewhere they always pull me to the side and search my bags.

Next time, I will leave the batteries at home LOL

No way!! You landed on a list for that?!?! Times is crazy, for sure...

This was a great thread. My husband and I NEED NEED NEED a break with only ourselves. We never really went on any vacations before we had kids because we never had any money. Now we're okay financially, but nobody to watch the kids, LOL. I was actually curious about toys and security because there's no way we're traveling without.

And remote control underwear! Sign me up...Yum!

Oh, and I do believe they've relaxed some of the restrictions, no?

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  • 2 weeks later...
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If you pack the toys in your checked luggage, you should be okay. If you want to have a little fun in flight, you had bring along your SO, or use something like Ben Wah balls, which you already inserted before going through the check. But use the plastic kind, and not the original steel balls, as the later will se off the metal detectors, and cause a personal inspection. Airport security is actually very concerned on what comes and goes packed in places we normally would not inspect, because that is where drug smugglers and smugglers of diamonds and other gens hide them. You don't want to get on one of those lists of people!

My best advise is to take the flight with a SO, and if you can, join the mile high club. Don't hold your breath on that, though, because the bathrooms are made for stick people, and the seats are getting smaller and smaller so they can cram more sardines- er - people into those planes.


Well, I have to say that all I really needed was him to show the vibe to me-- that was sexy enough. (Despite my love of toys, I have been shockingly low tech recently-- who knew!?!) We picked our seats and sat in one of the few two-seats-only rows. Plus, I snagged a blanket as soon as we got on the plane. Actually, I surprised him too-- did you know that Victoria's Secret carries a very few crotchless panties now? No batteries or potential for being added to the security list, so it worked perfectly. We didn't try the bathroom in the plane because I think the man in front of us went about 15 times in 4 hours and once he banged on the door!! (That cooled my enthusiasm.) I think the flight attendant had a clue what was happening during our "snuggle session" of fondling, but he just smiled and asked if we wanted another blanket :P But, I AM embarrassed to admit that I did consider pulling him into the family bathroom in our airport and bolting the door and having my way with him before we even went through security. But-- the mom in me couldn't let me block the family bathroom in case someone actually needed it. :( I probably could have done it on the way home-- 10 days away will blunt that whole mom thing a bit-- but by then I was really cold and Kennedy airport has very gross family bathrooms. :o

I am going to have to get some BenWa balls. That would be another ingenius way to get him started before we even land at the airport. We might miss the plane with application alone. I will remember the plastic only advice-- thank you for thinking ahead. That's why I love you guys. Where else could I ask the question how to travel with my sex toys?

I thought about it, and the place for our trip wasn't the big thing here (though it was NICE). It was being alone without rugrats. It was not being overloaded with being touched and asked questions and doing stuff so that I could really relax and concentrate on him and me and breathing and sleeping and having orgasms. (Note to self and others-- important to ask the crew on sailboat charter if they are at least a little hard of hearing~~ could be a bit of a cold blanket if not. Thank God, we had someone who said "if you need us, knock hard on the door, because we can't hear you! :lol: YEAH!! ) Actually, the crew was great and I think we could have practiced bondage on the deck if we wanted... as long as I didn't wear my shoes on board.


Also, I did find out that you can store lubricant in smaller bottles to go into your little ziploc. The amount is up to ?3oz?, so you could get a little bottle of astroglide for your bag. No one actually looked very closely at my stuff, just that it was in a bag. I must look harmless... HEHHHEHHHEH! Hope the tip helps someone to enjoy a lovely flight. ;)

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Sounds like you had a great trip!! Thanks for sharing with us. The things I could thing of, with no rugrats WOW and just myself and my hubby and not having to worry about anything. Talk about fun!!! :lol: I am so glad to hear you had such a great time.

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